5,969 research outputs found

    Proverbs in Present-Day Media: An Analysis of Television Fictions and Internet Memes and Their Contribution to the Spread of Proverbs

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    The present paper explores two media of rather recent appearance, or at least recent popularization, in the public sphere and their importance and usefulness in the diffusion of proverbs, mostly from a cross-linguistic point of view. Thus, with English being the present-day lingua franca of not only academia, but also the entertainment industry, it con-tributes to the spread of different types of phrasemes that may eventually gain a considerable degree of acknowledgement among different linguistic communities, with the focus in this case being on proverbs. Television fictions and Internet memes are presented here as two rather efficient vehicles for the maintenance and transmission of proverbial knowledge among different languages, therefore proving that proverbs are of as cur-rent use as they have ever been

    Addendum to G. B. Bryan\u27s “The Proverbial Sherlock Holmes”: Expanding the Paremiological Catalog in the Holmesian Canon

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    The purpose of this paper is to reassess the use of proverbs in the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, taking as a starting point the article previously published by G. B. Bryan on this same topic in Proverbium in 1996. In it, Bryan came to the conclusion that proverbs did not abound in the series. For this reason, the collection of stories and the four novels published have been surveyed for their use of paremias in order to establish their frequency of appearance and how they are used by the author. Once a rather extensive catalog of sentences susceptible to being considered as proverbs had been gathered, they were individually checked against dictionaries to establish whether they could be labeled as such. After a detailed examination of the materials obtained, this paper contradicts the thesis presented by Bryan and demonstrates that Conan Doyle uses proverbs in his detective stories quite often, most frequently through the character of Holmes

    Proverbs in Present-Day Media: An Analysis of Television Fictions and Internet Memes and Their Contribution to the Spread of Proverbs

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    The present paper explores two media of rather recent appearance, or at least recent popularization, in the public sphere and their importance and usefulness in the diffusion of proverbs, mostly from a cross-linguistic point of view. Thus, with English being the present-day lingua franca of not only academia, but also the entertainment industry, it con-tributes to the spread of different types of phrasemes that may eventually gain a considerable degree of acknowledgement among different linguistic communities, with the focus in this case being on proverbs. Television fictions and Internet memes are presented here as two rather efficient vehicles for the maintenance and transmission of proverbial knowledge among different languages, therefore proving that proverbs are of as cur-rent use as they have ever been

    Reformas e integración vertical del sector eléctrico en Reino Unido

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    La industria Eléctrica en Gran Bretaña ha presentado grandes cambios desde 1881 cuando Joseph Chamberlain promovió una ley prohibiendo toda libre competencia y confinándola a unos pocos contratos permitiendo el privilegio de algunos individuos. Desde este entonces el Estado ha procurado maximizar la eficiencia del sector y la prestación del servicio más aún durante los últimos 20 años; además de beneficiarse en el proceso dando total apertura a la participación privada de las compañías relacionadas con todo el sector. Eso sí, controlando y regulando las condiciones de negocio y el mercado con el fin de introducir la libre competencia y garantizar la eficiencia de las compañías prestadoras de este servicio. Esto nos invita a preguntarnos ¿Qué reformas se han realizado en el sector eléctrico del Reino Unido relacionadas con la desintegración vertical? ¿Cuáles son los efectos que han tenido dichas reformas en el sector eléctrico sobre la integración o desintegración vertical? ¿Cuáles han sido los efectos de las reformas sobre la eficiencia asignativa, es decir, el efecto en los precios del servicio? Estos son los interrogantes que se tratarán de responder en el desarrollo de este artículo.The Electrical industry in Great Britain has presented great changes. Back from 1881 when Joseph Chamberlain promoted a law prohibiting all free competition and confining it to few contracts with the purpose of eliminating the privilege of some individuals. Since that time, the State has tried during the last 20 years to maximize the efficiency of the sector and the benefit of the service to benefit in the process. With that being said, giving total opening to the companies related to the sector, but controlling and regulating the conditions of business and the market with the purpose of introducing the free competition and guaranteeing the efficiency of the lending companies of this service. This leads us to ask is this: ¿What reforms have been made in the electrical sector of the United Kingdom related to the vertical disintegration? ¿Which are the effects that have had these reforms in the electrical sector on integration or vertical disintegration? ¿Which have been the effects of the reforms on the asignative efficiency, that is to say, the effect in the prices of the service? These are the questions that will be addressed in the development of this writing

    The Level of NMDA Receptor in the Membrane Modulates Amyloid-β Association and Perforation

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    Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects mostly the elderly. The main histopathological markers are the senile plaques formed by amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) aggregates that can perforate the plasma membrane of cells, increasing the intracellular calcium levels and releasing synaptic vesicles that finally lead to a delayed synaptic failure. Several membrane proteins and lipids interact with Aβ affecting its toxicity in neurons. Here, we focus on NMDA receptors (NMDARs) as proteins that could be modulating the association and neurotoxic perforation induced by Aβ on the plasma membrane. In fact, our results showed that decreasing NMDARs, using enzymatic or siRNA approaches, increased the association of Aβ to the neurons. Furthermore, overexpression of NMDARs also resulted in an enhanced association between NMDA and Aβ. Functionally, the reduction in membrane NMDARs augmented the process of membrane perforation. On the other hand, overexpressing NMDARs had a protective effect because Aβ was now unable to cause membrane perforation, suggesting a complex relationship between Aβ and NMDARs. Because previous studies have recognized that Aβ oligomers are able to increase membrane permeability and produce amyloid pores, the present study supports the conclusion that NMDARs play a critical protective role on Aβ actions in hippocampal neurons. These results could explain the lack of correlation between brain Aβ burden and clinically observed dementia

    Contribución a la metodología de evaluación del impacto visual en explotaciones mineras de superficie

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    El presente trabajo abre un nuevo enfoque a la hora de proceder a la evaluación del impacto visual, de aplicabilidad sobre todo en la minería de superficie Aprovechándose del desarrollo de la informática, el autor introduce un método basado en el estudio de los campos visuales de los observadores, sobre un modelo DTM. Mediante el análisis del cambio sufrido en los parámetros principales que caracterizan el paisaje (topografía, color, textura), logra determinar y valorar la modificación introducida por la labor minera. Para ello obtiene las proyecciones de los campos visuales y sobre ellas analiza las interrelaciones entre las características de cada punto del terreno. Comparando la situación anterior y posterior a la introducción de la labor minera, logra cuantificar la modificación sufrida por el paisaje, tanto desde puntos concretos como globalmente. Como paso final aplica el método a un caso práctico, en el cual comprueba que los resultados siguen los dictámenes de la lógica

    Berry phase in homogeneous K\"ahler manifolds with linear Hamiltonians

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    We study the total (dynamical plus geometrical (Berry)) phase of cyclic quantum motion for coherent states over homogeneous K\"ahler manifolds X=G/H, which can be considered as the phase spaces of classical systems and which are, in particular cases, coadjoint orbits of some Lie groups G. When the Hamiltonian is linear in the generators of a Lie group, both phases can be calculated exactly in terms of {\em classical} objects. In particular, the geometric phase is given by the symplectic area enclosed by the (purely classical) motion in the space of coherent states.Comment: LaTeX fil

    Managerialism and fiction, or the fiction of managerialism: From Ayn Rand to novels for executives

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    The aim of management books is to propagate new theories in the field among company executives. Such publications are one of the pillars of managerialism. Perhaps the oddest manifestation of the phenomenon is novels focussing on senior executives heroically battling for business excellence through the application of a managerial technique. In this paper, we put this curious, rarely-explored literary genre under the spotlight. We not only analyse the salient features of such literature and its main ingredients but also highlight the major stylistic influence of Ayn Rand's works. The novels of this influential neo-Liberal writer foreshadowed the new narrative form.Los libros sobre management tienen como objetivo propagar nuevas teorías de gestión entre los directivos y ejecutivos de las empresas, y representa uno de los pilares del gerencialismo. Una de sus manifestaciones más peculiares es la ficción, esto es, novelas que se centran en historias de profesionales de corporaciones en las que estos tratan de alcanzar la excelencia en los negocios mediante una técnica gerencial. Este artículo se centra en este género literario peculiar y poco explorado. Se analizan sus características y se describen sus elementos más significativos, además de destacar la importante influencia estilística de las novelas de la escritora neoliberal Ayn Rand, auténtica precursora de este tipo de narrativ

    Debt and sacrifice: the role of scapegoats in the economic crises

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    Despite the process of secularization and modernization, in contemporary societies, the role of sacrifice is still relevant. One of the spaces where sacrifice actually performs a critical role is the realm of modern economy, particularly in the event of a financial crisis. Such crises represent situations defined by an outrageous symbolic violence in which social and economic relations experience drastic transformations, and their victims end up suffering personal bankruptcy, indebt-edness, lower standards of living or poverty. Crises show the flagrant domination present in social relations: this is proven in the way crises evolve, when more and more social groups marred by a growing vulnerability are sacrificed to appease financial markets. Inspired by the theoretical framework of the French anthropologist René Girard, our intention is to explore how the hegemonic nar-rative about the crisis has been developed, highlighting its sacrificial aspects.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, grant number PGC2018-097200-B-I00