421 research outputs found

    Hidratació i rendiment: pautes per a una elusió efectiva de la deshidratació per exercici

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    El rendiment de les capacitats físiques i mentals durant la pràctica esportiva o la competició, es troba disminuït sota condicions de deshidratació. La pèrdua de pes es deu a la pèrdua d’aigua (suor i respiració) i quan aquesta és important, afecta de manera decisiva els sistemes nerviós, cardiovascular, termoregulador, endocrí i/o metabòlic, i pot provocar fins i tot la mort. Per eludir aquests efectes negatius de la deshidratació així com la disminució del rendiment, l’atleta haurà de beure prou quantitat de líquid abans, durant, i després de la competició o la pràctica d’exercici. Idealment, la beguda serà una solució composta d’aigua, electròlits i carbohidrats, en quantitat adequada per garantir, d’una banda, un rendiment òptim durant la competició i, d’una altra, reposar eficaçment i completament les pèrdues hídriques, electrolítiques i energètiques. La composició i el volum de la beguda tindrà en compte els factors extrínsecs (temperatura, humitat, altitud, vent, etc.) que envolten la competició, els factors intrínsecs de l’atleta (nivell de deshidratació, problemes gastrointestinals, tipus de competició) i les pròpies característiques de la beguda (gust, temperatura, composició). En termes generals, els atletes no acostumen a beure, durant la pràctica esportiva, el volum necessari per reemplaçar la pèrdua de fluids i electròlits, cosa que fa que calgui establir pautes perquè ho facin. En aquest treball es presenten aquestes pautes i la base fisiològica que les sosté

    Hidratación y rendimiento: pautas para una elusión efectiva de la deshidratación por ejercicio

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    El rendimiento de las capacidades físicas y mental durante la práctica deportiva o la competición, está mermado bajo condiciones de deshidratación. La pérdida de peso se debe a la pérdida agua (sudor y respiración) y cuando ésta es importante, afecta de manera decisiva a los sistemas nervioso, cardiovascular, termorregulador, endocrino y/o metabólico, pudiendo provocar incluso la muerte. Para eludir estos efectos negativos de la deshidratación así como la disminución del rendimiento, el atleta deberá beber suficiente cantidad de líquido antes, durante y después de la competición o la práctica de ejercicio. Idealmente, la bebida será una solución compuesta de agua, electrolitos y carbohidratos en cantidad adecuada para garantizar, por un lado, un óptimo rendimiento durante la competición y, por otro, reponer eficaz y completamente las pérdidas hídricas, electrolíticas y energéticas. La composición y el volumen de la bebida tendrá en cuenta los factores extrínsecos (temperatura, humedad, altitud, viento, etc.) que rodean la competición, los factores intrínsecos del atleta (nivel de deshidratación, problemas gastrointestinales, tipo de competición) y las propias características de la bebida (sabor, temperatura, composición). En términos generales, los atletas no suelen beber, durante la práctica deportiva, el volumen necesario para reemplazar la pérdida de fluidos y electrolitos, lo que hace necesario establecer pautas para que lo hagan. En el presente trabajo se presentan esas pautas y la base fisiológica que las sustentan

    Trastorno Alimentario del Sueño inducido por el hipnótico Zolpidem

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    Computer-Based Cognitive Training Improves Brain Functional Connectivity in the Attentional Networks: A Study With Primary School-Aged Children

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    We have shown that a computer-based program that trains schoolchildren in cognitive tasks that mainly tap working memory (WM), implemented by teachers and integrated into school routine, improved cognitive and academic skills compared with an active control group. Concretely, improvements were observed in inhibition skills, non-verbal IQ, mathematics and reading skills. Here, we focus on a subsample from the overarching study who volunteered to be scanned using a resting state fMRI protocol before and 6-month after training. This sample reproduced the aforementioned behavioral effects, and brain functional connectivity changes were observed within the attentional networks (ATN), linked to improvements in inhibitory control. Findings showed stronger relationships between inhibitory control scores and functional connectivity in a right middle frontal gyrus (MFG) cluster in trained children compared to children from the control group. Seed-based analyses revealed that connectivity between the r-MFG and homolateral parietal and superior temporal areas were more strongly related to inhibitory control in trained children compared to the control group. These findings highlight the relevance of computer-based cognitive training, integrated in real-life school environments, in boosting cognitive/academic performance and brain functional connectivity

    Comparative study of debris and smear layer removal with EDTA and Er,Cr:YSGG laser

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    Background: To evaluate in vitro , the ability in removing debris and Smear Layer of 17% EDTA and Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Material and Methods: 58 unirradicular teeth were instrumented with MTwo® and divided into 3 groups according to irrigation protocol: 17%EDTA, laser and a combination of 17%EDTA and laser. All samples were analyzed in the apical and middle third with Scanning Electron Microscope. The Chi-cuadrado and McNemar tests were used to determine the statistical analysis and data processing and analysis was performed with the statistical package StatGraphics Centurion XVI. Results: Debris analysis showed statistical significant differences when compared EDTA vs laser and EDTA vs EDTA+laser in the middle third. The Smear Layer removal showed statistical significant differences in the middle third when compared EDTA vs laser and EDTA vs EDTA+laser. Conclusions: Laser showed a greater cleaning capacity than EDTA in the middle third; the cleanliness was even better when combined laser with EDTA, so the effect is accumulative

    Construction of a recycled plastic filament winder for 3D printing.

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    The work presented here exposes the development and design of a new machine: the recycled plastic filament winder understood as an innovative DIY tool that enables and provides new solutions for the recycling and reuse of plastic, creating customized filaments that can be used in 3D printing, for instance. It is a cost-effective and sustainable solution that helps reduce waste and environmental pollution. The construction of this machine makes possible to create 3D printing filament from discarded plastic. It can be understood as one more option among the existing solutions that, in a profitable and sustainable way, contribute to reduce waste and environmental pollution. Thus, the construction of this winder joins the set of machines that allow to extend the useful life of plastic materials, trying to prevent them from ending up in landfills or seas and oceans; in short, to reduce the amount of plastic waste that every year pollute the ecosystem and the environment. The winder works by taking plastic from disposed containers such as bottles, caps, jerry cans, etc. These containers need to be previously shredded into small plastic shavings or flakes, which are then fed into an extruder machine, where they are melted and, through the winder, this molten mass of plastic is transformed into a thread or filament that can be used in 3D printing. In addition, this winder design also gives users the opportunity to create customized filament since the color, texture and thickness of the filament can be controlled.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Reparación de las fracturas de huesos largos en traumatismos craneoencefálicos: estudio experimental en la rata

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    Los pacientes con traumatismo craneoencefálico presentan una respuesta osteogénica alterada. Para estudiar si existe o no un callo de fractura más voluminoso o más prematuro en las fracturas de hueso largo se ha buscado un modelo experimental en rata Wistar con y sin lesión encefálica. El estudio no demuestra diferencias significativas. Se discute la importancia de factores terapéuticos más que el hecho del traumatismo creaneoencefálico.Osteogenic response deviates significantly in patients with traumatic brain injury. In this study, we analyze if there is an increased volume or earlier callus formation in long bones fractures in Wistar rats with and without brain injury. The results show no significant difference. The importance of some therapeutical aspects other than head injury are discussed

    La paleodieta de cinco especies de mamíferos herbívoros rancholabreanos de valsequillo (Puebla, México)

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    Through the use of the 13C/12C and 18O/16O isotopic relationships found at enamel and osteodentine, here it is inferred the diet and preferred habitat in which five extinct herbivore species from the Late Pleistocene of Valsequillo, Puebla, México. The horses, mammoths, and sloths showed a diet mainly based in C4, meanwhile the capybaraand gomphotheres were mixed C3/C4 feeders. The vegetation in which those animals lived was open with some trees, similar to the one proposed in other studies based in some macromammals species found in the locality.Usando las relaciones isotópicas de 13C/12C y 18O/16O presentes en el esmalte y la osteodentina, se infirió la dieta y el ambiente en el cual vivieron cinco especies extintas de herbívoros procedentes del Pleistoceno Tardío de Valsequillo, Puebla, México. Los caballos, los mamutes y el perezoso mostraban una dieta basada exclusivamente en plantas C4, mientras que el carpincho y los gonfoterios exhibían una dieta mixta C3/C4. El tipo de vegetación en el cual estos animales habitaron fue abierto con poca cobertura arbórea, misma que ha sido propuesta en otros estudios usando la presencia de algunas especies de micromamíferos encontradosen la zona

    Assessment of the Evolution of a Landslide Using Digital Photogrammetry and LiDAR Techniques in the Alpujarras Region (Granada, Southeastern Spain)

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    In this work a detailed analysis of the temporal evolution of the Almegíjar landslide is presented. It is a rock slide located in the Alpujarras region (Granada, Spain) that has developed over the last 30 years. Six datasets and photogrammetric flights corresponding to the years 1956, 1984, 1992, 2001, 2008, and 2010 were surveyed. The more recent flight of 2010 combined an aerial digital camera and a LiDAR sensor and was oriented by means of in-flight data and tie points. This 2010 flight allowed for the generation of a reliable and high-precision Digital Terrain Model (DTM). The other flights were oriented using second-order ground control points transferred from the 2010 flight, and the corresponding DTMs were prepared by automatic matching and subsequent editing from the stereoscopic models. After comparing the DTMs of different dates, it has been observed that the landslide was triggered after 1984 and since then has evolved in an irregular pattern with periods of variable activity. On average, the ground surface dropped more than 8 m in depleted zones and rose nearly 4 m in the accumulation zones, with a velocity catalogued as very slow (about 15–30 cm/year) over a time span corresponding to a degree VIII of diachroneity. The total volume of the mobilized mass of this large contemporary slide was about 300 × 103 m3.This research was funded by the projects P06-RNM-02125 and RNM-06862 (ISTEGEO) funded by the Andalusian Research Plan, projects CGL2008-04854 and TIN2009-09939 funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and Research Groups TEP-213, and RNM 221 of the Andalusian Research Plan