136 research outputs found

    Communication apprehension and students’ educational choices: An exploratory analysis of Spanish secondary education students

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    Purpose - The literature evidences the effects of communication apprehension (CA), defined as the level of fear and anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication, on educational efforts and suggests that (via the perceived desirability of certain professions) it could affect vocational choices. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the link between CA and the vocational choice of secondary education students. Design/methodology/approach - Data were obtained from two sources: a self-administered questionnaire to measure the students’ CA levels and their academic preferences, and the vocational counsellors’ advice for these students. Findings - The results confirm the existence of a link between CA and both students’ vocational choices and counsellors’ advice. In general terms, apprehensive students tend to choose vocational education, whereas students with lower levels of CA prefer university for further education. Focusing on the latter, more apprehensive students tend to choose science degrees, which are perceived as requiring lower levels of communication skills. Research limitations/implications – Apprehensive students could be avoiding a path, with all the implications for their professional future, because it is perceived as frightening due to the apparent communication level required. As the literature notes, the links between CA and communication self-efficacy enables the development of educational interventions, resulting in a reduction of CA. Limitations include the use of a convenience sample in only one country. Originality/value - The scarce early literature has paid attention to occupational and educational choices in higher and further education, but there is no research focusing on the link between CA and preuniversity academic decisions

    Procesos de limitación demográfica

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    Este capítulo ofrece una revisión de los factores que afectan a la regeneración natural de la vegetación, considerando la serie de etapas demográficas que determinan la dinámica de una población. Son muy escasos los estudios disponibles que analizan toda la serie de eventos concatenados entre la producción de flores y frutos y el establecimiento exitoso de una planta adulta reproductiva. También son escasos los trabajos que permiten establecer los efectos aplazados que tienen las interacciones con animales a lo largo del ciclo de regeneración. La aproximación que proponemos cuantifica las pérdidas de propágulos en cada etapa demográfica e identifica “cuellos de botella” del reclutamiento que pueden colapsar la regeneración natural de una especie. Revisamos una serie de casos de estudio que ilustran diversos procesos de limitación demográfica. El uso de técnicas explícitamente demográficas es fundamental para comprender la evolución de las especies forestales Mediterráneas y para diseñar actuaciones de preservación de sus poblaciones y de su extraordinaria diversidad.We review the main factors influencing recruitment limitation in Mediterranean woody species by considering the sequential stages that determine the demographic cycle. Very few studies examine the whole set of demographic stages, from flower production to the successful establishment of adult reproductive plants, and their influence on recruitment. There are also few studies exploring the delayed effects of animal interactions throughout the regeneration cycle, but the information on stage-specific effects is more detailed. We propose an approach that quantifies the propagule losses at each sequential demographic stage and identifies demographic bottlenecks that might collapse population growth. We review a series of case studies illustrating different limitation processes. The use of explicit demographic techniques is central to understand the evolution of Mediterranean woody species and to design sound, ecologically-based, conservation plans to preserve their extraordinary diversity

    Optimización de un Pilar A Superior de automóvil en diferentes materiales en base a la normativa FMVSS216 de ensayo de techo

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    El siguiente proyecto tiene como objeto el estudio comparativo-teórico del comportamiento frente a vuelco de un Pilar A Superior de automóvil fabricado con diferentes tipos de materiales. Para este estudio se han utilizado herramientas de modelización y simulación numéricas basadas en el Método de los Elementos Finitos: - Patran para el diseño de la geometría y el preproceso. - Ábaqus para el cálculo y el postproceso. La optimización del Pilar A Superior se hace en base a la norma americana FMVSS216. Esta normativa establece un criterio de ensayo de techo de automóvil, de modo que su superación implica que un vehículo tenga una resistencia mínima frente a vuelco. Según esta normativa se aplica una fuerza sobre una esquina del automóvil, donde se une el techo con el pilar A, por medio de una placa rígida inclinada 25ºrespecto a la longitudinal y 5º respecto al frente. El vehículo debe presentar unareacción al aplastamiento determinada para diferentes niveles de desplazamiento. Los componentes del automóvil responsables de proporcionar la rigidez requerida son principalmente el Pilar A Superior, pero también el techo y el parabrisas en menor medida. En el presente proyecto se plantea la optimización del Pilar A Superior de un automóvil, aplicando diferentes espesores (0,8 mm, 1,4 mm y 2 mm) en aceros con diferentes grados de resistencia, que van desde un acero convencional (S355JR), hasta aceros de alta (DOCOL 1000DP) y ultra alta resistencia (DOCOL 1400M). El objetivo consiste en lograr pesos más reducidos al aplicar aceros de alta resistencia con espesores óptimos, logrando cumplir la normativa como con el diseño original. También se planteará el diseño del Pilar A Superior en diferentes aleaciones de aluminio (EN AW 5083, EN AW 6082T4 y EN AW 6082T6), comprobándose el ahorro en peso obtenido, pero siempre con el objetivo de cumplir la normativa. La metodología aplicada en el desarrollo de este proyecto es el Método de los Elementos Finitos, con integración explícita de la ecuación de equilibrio dinámica

    Evaluation of COX-2, EGFR, and p53 as biomarkers of non-dysplastic oral leukoplakias

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    [Abstract] Objective. Identify candidate SEBs (surrogate endpoint biomarkers) for premalignant trends in head and neck mucosa. Study design. Study, by qPCR (quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction), the expression of COX-2, EGFR and p53 in 24 biopsies of non-dysplastic oral leukoplakia and contra-lateral normal-appearing mucosa. Results. COX-2 was up-regulated in leukoplakia (79.2%); whereas EGFR and p53 were up-regulated (p > 0.05) in oral contra-lateral normal-appearing mucosa (60% and 46% respectively). Also, p53 expression was correlated with tobacco smoke habits and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient showed a positive linear correlation between p53 and EGFR mRNA expression levels. Conclusions. COX-2 would serve as SEB of oral leukoplakia. The results suggest that p53 appears to be one of the molecular targets of tobacco-related carcinogens in leukoplakia and that the co-expression of p53 and EGFR may play a role in this kind of oral pre-cancerous lesion. More detailed studies of EGFR and p53 should be continued in the future

    Origin of renal cell carcinomas

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    [Abstract] Cancer is a heritable disorder of somatic cells: environment and heredity are both important in the carcinogenic process. The primal force is the “two hits” of Knudson’s hypothesis, which has proved true for many tumours, including renal cell carcinoma. Knudson et al. [1, 2] recognised that familial forms of cancer might hold the key to the identification of important regulatory elements known as tumour-suppressor genes. Their observations (i.e., that retinoblastoma tend to be multifocal in familial cases and unifocal in sporadic presentation) led them to propose a two-hit theory of carcinogenesis. Furthermore, Knudson postulated that patients with the familial form of the cancer would be born with one mutant allele and that all cells in that organ or tissue would be at risk, accounting for early onset and the multifocal nature of the disease. In contrast, sporadic tumours would develop only if a mutation occurred in both alleles within the same cell, and, as each event would be expected to occur with low frequency, most tumours would develop late in life and in a unifocal manner [3, 4]. The kidney is affected in a variety of inherited cancer syndromes. For most of them, both the oncogene/tumour-suppressor gene involved and the respective germline mutations have been identified. Each of the inherited syndromes predisposes to distinct types of renal carcinoma. Families with hereditary predisposition to cancer continue to provide a unique opportunity for the identification and characterisation of genes involved in carcinogenesis. A surprising number of genetic syndromes predispose to the development of renal cell carcinoma, and genes associated with five of these syndromes have been already identified: VHL, MET, FH, BHD and HRPT2. Few cancers have as many different types of genetic predisposition as renal cancer, although to date only a small proportion of renal cell cancers can be explained by genetic predisposition

    Design process and preliminary psychometric study of a video game to detect cognitive impairment in senior adults

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    Introduction Assessment of episodic memory has been traditionally used to evaluate potential cognitive impairments in senior adults. Typically, episodic memory evaluation is based on personal interviews and pen-and-paper tests. This article presents the design, development and a preliminary validation of a novel digital game to assess episodic memory intended to overcome the limitations of traditional methods, such as the cost of its administration, its intrusive character, the lack of early detection capabilities, the lack of ecological validity, the learning effect and the existence of confounding factors. Materials and Methods Our proposal is based on the gamification of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) and it has been designed to comply with the psychometric characteristics of reliability and validity. Two qualitative focus groups and a first pilot experiment were carried out to validate the proposal. Results A more ecological, non-intrusive and better administrable tool to perform cognitive assessment was developed. Initial evidence from the focus groups and pilot experiment confirmed the developed game’s usability and offered promising results insofar its psychometric validity is concerned. Moreover, the potential of this game for the cognitive classification of senior adults was confirmed, and administration time is dramatically reduced with respect to pen-and-paper tests. Limitations Additional research is needed to improve the resolution of the game for the identification of specific cognitive impairments, as well as to achieve a complete validation of the psychometric properties of the digital game. Conclusion Initial evidence show that serious games can be used as an instrument to assess the cognitive status of senior adults, and even to predict the onset of mild cognitive impairments or Alzheimer’s diseaseThe present work has been funded by the government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia, Spain) to cover the travel expenses to participants’ homes during the pilot experiment (Ref.: 2016/236)S

    New insights into molecular mechanisms of sunitinib-associated side effects

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    Review[Abstract] The introduction of targeted therapy represents a major advance in the treatment of tumor progression. Targeted agents are a novel therapeutic approach developed to disrupt different cellular signaling pathways. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib specifically blocks multiple tyrosine kinase receptors that are involved in the progression of many tumors. Sunitinib is the current standard of care in first-line treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma, and it is approved in imatinib-intolerant and imatinib-refractory gastrointestinal stromal tumors. However, it is increasingly evident that sunitinib may display collateral effects on other proteins beyond its main target receptors, eliciting undesirable and unexpected adverse events. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying these undesirable sunitinib-associated side effects will help physicians to maximize efficacy of sunitinib and minimize adverse events. Here, we focus on new insights into molecular mechanisms that may mediate sunitinib-associated adverse events

    La Prueba Material o Tangible sujeta a acreditación conforme al Art. 325 del Código Procesal Civil y Mercantil

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    Evolución histórica del derecho probatorio – Teoría general de la prueba—Clasificación de los medios probatorios – Generalidades sobre la prueba material o tangible y la prueba sujeta a acreditación

    Fructose transporter Glut5 expression in clear renal cell carcinoma

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    [Abstract] Renal cell carcinomas (RCC) can be subclassified for general purposes into clear cell, papillary cell, chromophobe cell carcinomas and oncocytomas. Other tumours such as collecting duct, medullary, mucinous tubular and spindle cell and associated with Xp 11.2 translocations/TFE 3 gene fusion, are much less common. There is also a residual group of unclassified cases. Previous studies have shown that RCC has high glycolytic rates, and expresses GLUT transporters, but no distinction has been made among the different subtypes of renal cell tumours and their grades of malignancy. In clear renal cell carcinoma (cRCC) glycogen levels increase, glycolysis is activated and gluconeogenesis is reduced. The clear cell subtype of RCC is characterized histologically by a distinctive pale, glassy cytoplasm and this appearance of cRCC is due to abnormalities in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and this abnormality results in glycogen and sterol storage. Several isoforms of glucose carriers (GLUTs) have been identified. We show here in a panel of 80 cRCC samples a significant correlation between isoform 5 (GLUT5) and many pathological parameters such as grade of differentiation, pelvis invasion and breaking capsule. GLUT5 expression also appears to associate more strongly with the clear cell RCC subtype. These data suggest a role for the GLUT5 isoform in fructose uptake that takes place in cRCC cells and which subsequently leads to the malignant RCC progression

    Glucose transporter expression and the potential role of fructose in renal cell carcinoma: a correlation with pathological parameters

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    [Abstract] All mammalian cells contain one or more members of the facilitative glucose transporter (GLUT) gene family. Glucose transporter membrane proteins (GLUT) regulate the movement of glucose between the extracellular and intracellular compartments, maintaining a constant supply of glucose available for metabolism. Tumor cells are highly energy-dependent, therefore GLUT overexpression is often observed. In fact, overexpression of GLUT1 has been correlated with hypoxia markers in several tumor types, including renal cell carcinoma (RCC). We retrospectively analyzed 80 paraffin-embedded RCC samples. The pattern of GLUT1-5 expression in RCC specimens was evaluated using tissue-array technology and correlated with histological tumor characteristics. Pathological parameters included tumor location, renal pelvis, vein and lymph vessel invasion, capsule breakage, histological subtype, Furhman grade, hilar invasion and tumor stage at diagnosis. The expression of five facilitative glucose transporters, GLUT1 (erythrocyte type), GLUT2 (liver type), GLUT3 (brain type), GLUT4 (muscle/fat type) and GLUT5 (small intestinal type), was semi-quantitatively analyzed. In non-parametric, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests, a significant positive correlation was consistently found between moderately differentiated RCC tissues and the expression of GLUT5 (p=0.024). Patients who had pelvic invasion and capsule breakage at diagnosis also showed increased GLUT5 expression levels (p=0.039 and p=0.019, respectively). Moreover, GLUT5 showed statistical significance in those samples identified as being of clear cell histological type (p=0.001). A high expression of GLUT5 in human RCC was observed. GLUT5 appears to be correlated with grade II differentiation, locoregional invasion and aggressiveness, and may play a role in RCC development