2,020 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la visualización por endoscopia en la identificación de lesiones gástricas premalignas en una población colombiana con prueba de referencia histopatológica

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    ResumenObjetivosevaluar el rendimiento de la visualización directa por endoscopia en la identificación de lesiones gástricas premalignas, utilizando como prueba de referencia el examen histopatológico de muestras obtenidas por biopsia.Emplazamientoliga de Lucha Contra el Cáncer, de Bucaramanga, Colombia.Diseñoestudio de evaluación de tecnologías diagnósticas con muestreo transversal.Mediciones principalesse calculó la sensibilidad, la especificidad, el valor predictivo positivo, el valor predictivo negativo, el likelihood ratio positivo, el likelihood ratio negativo, el índice kappa y la prevalencia.Resultadosse estudió a 155 pacientes con una media de edad de 45,43±14,15 años y una relación varón:mujer aproximada de 2:1. La visualización por endoscopia tuvo una sensibilidad del 87,84%, una especificidad del 55,56%, un valor predictivo positivo del 64,36%, un valor predictivo negativo del 83,33%, un likelihood ratio positivo de 1,98, un likelihood ratio negativo de 0,22 y un índice kappa de 0,4272, en la identificación de lesiones preneoplásicas del estómago en una población con una prevalencia de la enfermedad del 47,74%.Conclusionesla visualización mediante endoscopia de la mucosa gastrointestinal permite una rápida y moderada identificación de lesiones preneoplásicas tempranas, lo que da la posibilidad de su diagnóstico histopatológico precoz.AbstractAimTo evaluate the performance of endoscopic visualization in the identification of premalignant gastric lesions, with histopathological examination of biopsy samples as a reference test, in Bucaramanga, Colombia.LocationLeague for the Fight Against Cancer, Bucaramanga, Colombia.DesignDiagnostic technology evaluation with cross-sectional sampling.MeasurementsWe calculate the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, likelihood ratio (+), likelihood ratio (−), kappa index and the prevalence rate kappa.ResultsA total of 155 patients were studied, with a mean age of 45.43 (14.15) years and an approximate male:female ratio of 2:1. The endoscopic visualization had a sensitivity of 87.84%, a specificity of 55.56%, a positive predictive value of 64.36%, a negative predictive value of 83.33%, a likelihood ratio+of 1.98, a likelihood ratio−de 0.22 and a kappa index of 0.4272, in the identification of preneoplastic lesions of the stomach in a population with a disease prevalence of 47.74%.ConclusionsThe endoscopic visualization of the gastrointestinal mucosa, allows a moderate and fast identification of early preneoplastic lesions, providing an opportunity of its early histopathological diagnosis

    Valores de LDL-colesterol estimados pela equação de Friedewald são afetados pelo controle do diabetes

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    Background: Friedewald equation (FE) is widely used to estimate the LDL-c without the use of ultra-centrifugation. However, the equation has limitations in some clinical settings. Objective: Our goal was to investigate the potential importance of differences between FE and direct measurement of LDL-c in patients with diabetes. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study among 466 patients with stable coronary disease. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-c and LDL-c were collected, and FE was calculated. Accuracy was calculated as the percentage of estimates within 30% (P30) of measured LDL. Bias was calculated as the mean difference between measured and estimated LDL-c. Agreement between methods was evaluated using Bland-Altman plots. Results: Bias was 3.7 (p=0.005) and 1.1 mg/dl (p=0.248), and accuracy was 86% and 93% in diabetic and non-diabetic patients, respectively. Among patients with diabetes, bias was 5 mg/dl (p=0.016) and 1.93 mg/dl (p=0.179), and accuracy was 83% and 88% in subjects with Hemoglobin A1C above 8 mg/dl versus below cutoff point, respectively. Bias was similar in patients without diabetes compared to patients with diabetes and HbA1C < 8 (1.1 and 1.93 mg/dl). Conclusion: FE is inaccurate among overall individuals with diabetes. However, when stratifying patients with diabetes into good and poor disease control, the first group behaves as if it does not have diabetes, with a good correlation between calculated and measured LDL-c. It is important to know when is it reasonable to use FE because an inaccurate estimation of LDL-c levels could result in undertreatment of dyslipidemia and predispose these patients to acute events.Fundamento: A equação de Friedewald (EF) é amplamente utilizada para estimar o LDL-c sem utilizar ultracentrifugação. Entretanto, a equação tem limitações em determinados cenários clínicos. Objetivo: O nosso objetivo era investigar a possível importância das diferenças entre a EF e a medição direta de LDL-c em pacientes com diabetes. Métodos: Realizamos um estudo transversal entre 466 pacientes com doença coronária estável. Colesterol total, triglicérides, HDL-c e LDL-c foram coletados, e a EF foi calculada. A acurácia foi calculada como percentagem de estimativas dentro de 30% (P30) do LDL medido. O viés foi calculado como a diferença média entre o LDL-c medido e o estimado. A concordância entre os métodos foi avaliada utilizando gráficos de Bland-Altman. Resultados: O viés foi de 3,7 (p=0,005) e 1,1 mg/dl (p=0,248), e a acurácia foi de 86% e 93% em pacientes diabéticos e não-diabéticos, respectivamente. Entre os pacientes com diabetes, o viés foi de 5 mg/dl (p=0,016) e 1,93 mg/dl (p=0,179), e a acurácia foi de 83% e 88% em indivíduos com hemoglobina A1c superior a 8 mg/dl versus abaixo do ponto de corte, respectivamente. O viés foi similar em pacientes sem diabetes comparados com pacientes com diabetes e HbA1C < 8 (1,1 e 1,93 mg/dl). Conclusão: A EF é imprecisa entre indivíduos gerais com diabetes. Porém, ao estratificar pacientes com diabetes em bom e mau controle da doença, o primeiro grupo se comporta como se não tivesse diabetes, com uma boa correlação entre o LDL-c calculado e o mensurado. É importante saber quando é razoável usar a EF, porque uma estimativa imprecisa dos níveis de LDL-c pode resultar no subtratamento da dislipidemia e predispor estes pacientes a eventos agudos

    A Roadmap until 2030 and first action plan for the Peruvian agri-food sector, focusing on Andean native crops : results from the 3rd and 4th Futures Workshops of the Pecolo Project

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    PECOLO, or Native crops for sustainable and innovative food futures in Peru and Colombia, was a collaborative project involving the University of Turku, Finland (UTU), Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Peru (UNALM) and Universidad el Bosque, Colombia (UEB). From UTU, Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) coordinated the project. In addition, the Functional Foods Forum and Department of Biochemistry of the University of Turku were also participating in the project. One of the key focus areas of the PECOLO project was the development of innovation environments around native Andean crops. Futures research and foresight methodologies were used as novel tools for developing innovation environments in cooperation with academic, public and private sector organizations and NGOs. This is the second of two publications concerning Peru that have been produced based on the results of the PECOLO project’s four-stage futures process. The first, A Scenario for the Desirable Future of the Peruvian Agri-Food Sector 2030, Focusing on Andean Native Crops: Results from the 1st and 2nd Futures Workshops of the PECOLO Project , describes the methods and results of the first two steps of the futures process. The outcome was a futures table describing a set of three alternative futures for the Peruvian agri-food sector that reconsider the potential of Andean crops, as well as a scenario narrative for the most desirable future. This second publication covers the work that took place during the project’s third and fourth futures workshops. The third workshop established a vision for 2030 based on the desirable scenario of the second workshop, and a roadmap for the Peruvian agri-food sector with a special focus on Andean native crops. The fourth and final workshop elaborated concrete actions that can and should be taken by stakeholders in the first implementation period, from 2020–2022, in order to begin to move toward these common goals. The PECOLO project was funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland between 2017–2019 under the HEI-ICI Programme (Higher Education Institutions – Institutional Capacity-building Instrument)

    A Scenario for the desirable future of the Peruvian agrifood sector 2030, focusing on Andean native crops : results from the 1st and 2nd futures workshops of the PECOLO project

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    The Andean region is exceptionally rich in biodiversity, harbouring an important centre of domestication of global food crops, such as potato, quinoa, corn, peanut and tomato. Such biodiversity provides a great potential to discover or, reintroduce, nutritionally rich local varieties and utilize them to develop innovative food applications. Utilization of native plant crops provide promising solutions to address the wider sustainability goals, such as rediscovering crops more resilient to the changing climate and providing local source of nutritious food. Diversification of the local diets with local grains enables better nutrition and can also contribute to food security in areas where food production is threatened by climate change. ‘Native crops for sustainable and innovative food futures in Peru and Colombia (PECOLO)’ is a collabo-ration project between University of Turku, Finland (UTU), Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Peru (UNALM) and Universidad el Bosque, Colombia (UEB). From UTU, Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) of University of Turku coordinates the project. In addition, Functional Foods Forum and Department of Biochemistry of University of Turku participate in the project. The PECOLO project has a special focus on the development of innovation environments around Andean native crops. Futures research and foresight methodologies are used as novel tools for developing innovation environments in cooperation with academic, public and private sector organizations and NGOs. In addition to the development of innovation environments, the project has capacity-building and mobility components in specialized topics in food science such as nutrition and functional foods, and in sustainability issues along the food value chain, such as environmental impacts of food production, sustainable diets and food waste and loss. This publication is the first of the two publications for Peru that will be published as an outcome of the PECOLO project’s four step futures process around Andean native crops. The publication covers the methods and the results of the 1st workshop, which focused on horizon scanning of the current state of the agri-food sector, as well as the methods and the results of the 2nd workshop, which focused on development of scenarios for the Peruvian agri-food sector with a special focus on Andean native crops. The second PECOLO publication (published later in 2019) will present the roadmaps and action plans for the agri-food sector stakeholders in Peru and Colombia

    Toxicidad de Cry1Ac en el complejo de barrenadores del tallo de la caña de azúcar, Diatraea spp. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

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    En caña de azúcar las plagas más importantes a nivel americano están representadas por el complejo de barrenadores del tallo Diatraea spp. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) siendo en Colombia las de mayor distribución D. saccharalis, D. indigenella, D. busckella y D. tabernella. Actualmente se ha observado una disminución de la efectividad de algunos controladores biológicos sobre algunas de las especies; haciendo necesarios evaluar manejos complementarios, entre ellos el uso de insecticidas biológicos a base de Bacillus thuringiensis. Se planteó como objetivo desarrollar un protocolo de bioensayo empleando tejido fresco, ya que no se dispone de una dieta artificial para las especies diferentes a D. saccharalis. La toxicidad de la proteína Cry1Ac (protoxina purificada) fue evaluada en alta dosis (24.136 ng/cm2) adicionando 60 μl sobre discos de maíz (Ø1.54 cm). Para cada especie se emplearon 128 larvas neonatas por tratamiento, dejadas en observación durante siete días a T°: 25ºC ± 1; HR: 65% ± 10. La mortalidad fue superior al 90% en el tratamiento con proteína para todas las especies, mientras que en el control no superó el 8%. La proteína causó en todas las especies inhibición de peso superior al 90% con un peso promedio de 0.1 a 0.3 mg y retraso en el desarrollo predominando el instar L1, con respecto al control, donde prevalecieron los instares L2 y L3 y un peso promedio de 5 a 8 mg. Estos resultados evidencian la validez del protocolo para determinar la mortalidad e inhibición de crecimiento por efecto del consumo de la proteína Cry1Ac en cada una de las especies de Diatraea evaluadas. Además, este protocolo podría ser utilizados para evaluar otras sustancias entomopatógenas para el control de estos insectos plaga

    Bone marrow mononuclear cells autotransplant in experimental corneal ulcer in dogs

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    As células mononucleares (CM) da medula óssea (MO) despertam grande interesse nas pesquisas sobre regeneração tecidual. O limbo é a fonte de células-tronco (CT) para repor ceratócitos lesados e uma disfunção destas é denominada deficiência límbica. Essa condição é desenvolvida por diversas afecções, sendo que a queimadura por base é a mais comum. A fim de confirmar a presença das CM da MO transplantadas, a ocorrência de quimiotaxia destas e comparar histopatologicamente os grupos tratado e controle, utilizou-se um modelo experimental de úlcera de córnea associado ao autotransplante de CM. Para tanto, 16 cães machos ou fêmeas, sem raça definida, foram submetidos à úlcera experimental de córnea com papel filtro embebido em hidróxido de sódio (NaOH). Após as lesões, os animais foram submetidos a transplante subconjuntival de CM da MO, previamente marcadas com nanocristais. A avaliação pós-operatória foi realizada por imunofluorescência no sexto dia após o transplante e por histopatologia passados 15 dias do procedimento, quando foi possível notar que as CM fixaram-se na região lesionada, não sofreram quimiotaxia e, apesar de diminuírem a inflamação, não auxiliaram o processo de cicatrização corneana a curto prazo. Assim, sugerem-se estudos adicionais no transplante de CM da MO na cicatrização da córnea. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTBone marrow (BM) mononuclear cells (MC) are a great subject in tissual regeneration. The main stem cell source to the eye is the limbus. Theses cells replace injured corneal cells, however, if the limbal stem cells are not functional, a limbal deficiency with concomitant conjunctivalization takes place. This pathological condition can be caused for several reasons, in which alkali burns are the most common. To conduct a research about transplanted BM MC presence, the cells homing and to histopathologically compare the treated and sham group, an experimental corneal ulcer model associated with MC autotransplant was used. Sixteen, male or female, stray dogs suffered experimental corneal ulceration with sodium hydroxide soaked filter discs. After the lesions, animals were submitted to subconjunctival autotransplant of previously marked BM MC. The evaluation was made by immunofluorescence on the sixth day after lesions creation and histopathology was conducted 15 days after the same procedure, when it was possible to observe that the MC grafted in the injured area, the cells did not execute the homing process and, despite the inflammatory decrease, they did not help the corneal epithelial healing process in a short term evaluation. Thus, future studies about MC transplantations in corneal ulcers are indicated

    Construção de gaiola para abelhas Apis mellifera iberiensis em laboratório

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    &nbsp;Diversos estudos têm sido desenvolvidos para obtenção de um ambiente laboratorial adequado, que permita a elaboração de experimentos in vitro com abelhas Apis mellifera, de forma a reproduzir o seu ambiente natural e avaliar diferentes variáveis que interferem no seu ciclo de vida. No entanto, desenvolver uma metodologia padronizada adequada ainda é um grande obstáculo a ser superado. Diversos materiais e métodos são utilizados para fins de pesquisa, mas ainda apresentam algumas limitações. Assim, este trabalho teve como principal objetivo propor uma metodologia de elaboração de gaiolas e alimentadores com material reciclável, possíveis de ser autoclavados a 130ºC por 30 minutos sendo a pressão de acordo com o protocolo do laboratório) e reutilizados. O material utilizado para a confecção das gaiolas foi o copo plástico transparente de 300 ml, com perfurações nas laterais (12 furos) e na parte superior (4 furos) para permitir a ventilação dentro da estufa. Para a alimentação foi utilizado 14suplementos foram distribuídas da seguinte forma 8 com suplementos energéticos e 4 com suplementos proteicos e um a gaiola com mel e outra somente com água potável. Como objetivo de simular o ambiente da colônia foi introduzida uma tira de cera laminada no centro da gaiola, para permitir a agregação das abelhas e acesso aos alimentadores. Para o manejo de retirada das abelhas mortas foi confeccionada uma abertura na tampa inferior da gaiola, com um dispositivo que permitiu a abertura e o fechamento do mesmo. Essas modificações auxiliam na condução de estudos in vitro de forma prática e segura para os operadores, sem causar fatores de estresse nas abelhas e reproduzir mais fielmente o ambiente natural das colônias. Este estudo utilizou 14 gaiolas com 50 abelhas que alcançaram 22 dias de longevidade com isso demostrou otimizar os trabalhos realizados em laboratório, neste caso direcionado ao estudo das abelhas Apis mellifera, mas que poderá, em fases posteriores, ser devidamente adaptado a outros insetos sociais

    Development of a bioassay method to test activity of cry insecticidal proteins against Diatraea spp. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) sugarcane stem borers

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    The genus Diatraea (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) includes stem borers representing the most critical sugarcane pests in the Americas. Colombia's most widely distributed and damaging Diatraea species include Diatraea saccharalis, D. indigenella, D. busckella, and D. tabernella. The reduced efficacy of biological tools commonly used in controlling several species highlights the importance of evaluating alternative management strategies, such as transgenic plants expressing insecticidal proteins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The selection of optimal Bt insecticidal proteins for Diatraea control depends on bioassays with purified Bt proteins. Because there is no described artificial diet for borer species other than D. saccharalis and availability of most purified Bt toxins is restricted, this study aimed at developing a bioassay method using fresh corn tissue and providing proof of concept by testing susceptibility to the Cry1Ac insecticidal protein from Bt. Toxicity was evaluated with a single Cry1Ac dose applied directly to corn discs. Stem borer mortality after seven days was higher than 90% for all four tested Diatraea species, while control mortality was below 8%. In addition, we observed that Cry1Ac caused more than 90% weight inhibition in all survivors and delayed development. These results validate the use of this method to determine mortality and growth inhibition due to the consumption of the Cry1Ac protein in each of the Diatraea species. Furthermore, this method could be used to assess other entomopathogenic substances to control these insect pests