317 research outputs found

    The water supply system of the most iconic fortress of the Order of Calatrava at the Command of Martos (Jaén, Spain): The Castle of the Rock

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    [EN] This article deals with the analysis of the conserved remains of the water storage system of the Castle the Rock or the High Fortress of Martos (La Peña or Fortaleza Alta de Martos), which constituted the castle and main headquarters of the Master of the Order of Calatrava at the Commander of Martos between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. The elements that compose it make a unique hydraulic complex that still allows to be recognized and documented. Due to its importance and meaning, this castle is one that better shows the constructive techniques and the polyorcetic typologies developed and updated by this Order in its Commands in Castile-La Manche and Andalusia. The hydraulic system to supply water to this rocky fortress is a reflect of these technology, and it is unique in its design and layout.Este trabajo ha sido realizado como parte de la investigación doctoral de Fernando Ortega Camacho y en el marco del Proyecto I+D+i “Las atalayas que defendieron el reino de nazarí de Granada. Análisis y documentación científica (Nazalaya)” (Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, HAR2016-79689-P, 2017-2020), convocatoria de 2016, cofinanciado con fondos FEDER; así como en el proyecto I+D+i en el marco del Programa Operativo Feder Andalucía 2014- 2020, de la Convocatoria de la Universidad de Málaga para proyectos retos y frontera, convocatoria de 2018, titulado “Documentación gráfica de los castillos y alcazabas medievales conservados en Andalucía. Puesta al día del conocimiento y difusión de este legado patrimonial” (UMA18-FEDERJA-257).Ortega Camacho, F.; García-Pulido, L. (2020). El sistema de abastecimiento de agua de la fortaleza más icónica de la Orden de Calatrava en la Encomienda de Martos (Jaén): El Castillo de La Peña. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1295-1302. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11538OCS1295130

    Polimorfismo de microsatelites en individuos de razas de bovino criollo colombiano

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    Se evaluó el polimorfismo de tres sistemas microsatelitales (BMS 527, BMS 4440 y BMS 2113) en 5 razas de ganado bovino criollo colombianas: ROM (Romosinuano), BON (Blanco Orejinegro), CAS (Casanareño), SM (San Martinero)  CCC (Costeño con cuernos) y dos razas foráneas: Cebú y Holstein. Se encontraron 38 alelos en 105 individuos estudiados y se reportan alelos únicos para BON, ROM,  CCC y CAS. La heterocigosidad esperada total incluidas las dos razas foráneas  fue de 0.7228, mientras que la observada osciló entre 0.3511 y 0.7787. Se evidenció desequilibrio de Hardy- Weinberg para algunas razas en dos sistemas microsatélitales, resultado probable de efectos de selección a los cuales las razas criollas y foráneas han estado sujetas. El análisis de diversas distancias genéticas  mostró  que la raza más distante fue la Cebú en relación a las colombianas y a Holstein y un cluster consistente que agrupa las razas HOL-ROM-CAS. Los análisis de mezcla sugieren que las razas criollas colombianas tienen mayor aporte genético de la raza Holstein (entre un 76 y un 88%) que de Cebú (entre un 8 y un 22 %). Finalmente, se sugiere que el sistema BMS2113, podría  ser de utilidad para realizar  análisis de paternidad en razas criollas colombianas

    Classification of Various Marijuana Varieties by Raman Microscopy and Chemometrics

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    Fernando Ortega Ojeda desarrolló el procedimiento de tratamiento estadístico de datos y supervisó los cálculos multivariantes en The Unscrambler y SIMCA. The Raman analysis of marijuana is challenging because of the sample's easy photo-degradation caused by the laser intensity. In this study, optimization of collection parameters and laser focusing on marijuana trichome heads allowed collecting Raman spectra without damaging the samples. The Raman spectra of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and cannabinol (CBN) standard cannabinoids were compared with Raman spectra of five different types of marijuana: four Sativa varieties (Amnesia Haze, Amnesia Hy-Pro, Original Amnesia, and Y Griega) and one Indica variety (Black Domina). The results verified the presence of several common spectral bands that are useful for marijuana characterization. Results were corroborated by the quantum chemical simulated Raman spectra of their acid-form (tetrahydrocannabinol acid (THCA), cannabidiol acid (CBDA)) and decarboxylated cannabinoids (THC, CBD, and CBN). A chemometrics-assisted method based on Raman microscopy and OPLS-DA offered good classification among the different marijuana varieties allowing identification of the most significant spectral bands.Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Policiales (IUICP), Universidad de Alcalá (UAH)

    Els vertebrats de la Formació Argiles de Morella (Aptià inferior, Cretaci Inferior)

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    La Formació Argiles de Morella és una de les formacions del Cretaci Inferior peninsular que més registre fòssil de vertebrats està aportant. La seva condició de medis deposicionals, generalment continentals, però també de vegades transicionals amb influències mareals, fa que les restes de la fauna de vertebrats que s’ha localitzat als diversos nivells d’aquesta Formació, siguin principalment d’origen terrestre però també d’origen marí. Així entre la fauna terrestre destaquen per damunt de tot les restes de diversos grups de dinosaures mentre que, de la fauna marina, podríem destacar sobretot materials fòssils que pertanyen al grup dels plesiosaures. No obstant la varietat faunística recuperada és més ampla, amb peixos, amfibis, tortugues, escamosos, cocodrils i pterosaures. Tots junts generen un conjunt de vertebrats que representen una gran part dels tàxons que s’han descrit fins ara en la biota terrestre de l’Aptià inferior, no sols de la Península Ibèrica, sinó de la resta del continent europeu. The vertebrates from Argiles de Morella Formation (Early aptian, Early Cretaceous) One of the most relevant Iberian Lower Cretaceous Formations is the Argiles de Morella Formation. Most of the vertebrate fauna recorded from the distinct beds of this Formation are related with continental environments, but some remains are close related with marine environments. Among the continental fauna highlights the remains of a great variety of dinosaurian groups, whereas plesiosaurian are the most common among marine fauna. Nevertheless, a great variety of other vertebrates such as fishes, amphib·ians, turtles, lizards, crocodiles and pterosaurs have been recorded in beds of this Formation too. This assemblage of vertebrate remains represents one of the most complete records of early Aptian terrestrial biota from Europ

    Análisis de las estructuras emergentes del castillo de La Peña, cabeza de la encomienda calatrava de Martos (Jaén)

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    This paper is devoted to the analysis of the preserved remains of the castillo de La Peña or fortaleza Alta de Martos (Jaén), an important archaeological site with substantial standing structures. It was the main castle and headquarters of the master of the Military Order of Calatrava at the Command of Martos. Until its abandonment in the sixteenth century, this stronghold was an important Christian spot in the border territory contrary to the Nasrid kingdom of Granada between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. Besides the critical review of the existing documentation on this outstanding example of defensive medieval architecture, the fieldwork and the updated complete survey of the standing structures on the site has played a fundamental role in this analysis. The results of this research constitute an important advance in the knowledge of this Listed Building and contribute new hitherto unpublished information. The data obtained are the basis for the scientific restoration on this site.En este artículo se aborda el análisis de los restos conservados del castillo de La Peña o fortaleza Alta de Martos (Jaén), importante yacimiento arqueológico que presenta estructuras emergentes de envergadura. Constituyó el castillo y sede principal del maestre de la Orden de Calatrava en la encomienda de Martos, territorio fronterizo con el reino nazarí de Granada entre los siglos XIII y XV, hasta que esta fortaleza fue abandonada en el siglo XVI. Además de la revisión crítica de la documentación existente sobre este singular ejemplo de arquitectura defensiva medieval, para realizar este análisis ha resultado fundamental el trabajo de campo y la elaboración de la planimetría completa y actualizada de las estructuras conservadas. Los resultados alcanzados en esta investigación arqueológica suponen un avance importante en el conocimiento de este Bien Patrimonial, y aportan nuevos datos que por ahora eran desconocidos o no se habían planteado. La documentación generada constituye la base para las intervenciones de restauración científica en este yacimiento

    Modulating charge carrier density and mobility in doped graphene by covalent functionalization

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    [EN] Covalent B-functionalization of B-doped graphene has been performed for the first time. The electronic properties and Hall effect of functionalized N- and B-doped graphene can be tuned by tailoring the electron-donating/-withdrawing properties of the organic addend.The authors appreciate support from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain (projects CTQ2015-69153-CO2-1, CTQ2016-79189-R and MAT2015-69669-P) and the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (project SBPLY/17/180501/000254). L. M. A. thanks MINECO (CTQ2016-79189-R) for a doctoral FPI grant.Arellano, LM.; Yue, S.; Atienzar Corvillo, PE.; Gómez-Escalonilla, MJ.; Ortega Higueruelo, FJ.; Fierro, JLG.; García Gómez, H.... (2019). Modulating charge carrier density and mobility in doped graphene by covalent functionalization. Chemical Communications. 55(67):9999-10002. https://doi.org/10.1039/c9cc04571fS9999100025567Wang, X., Sun, G., Routh, P., Kim, D.-H., Huang, W., & Chen, P. (2014). Heteroatom-doped graphene materials: syntheses, properties and applications. Chem. Soc. Rev., 43(20), 7067-7098. doi:10.1039/c4cs00141aLavorato, C., Primo, A., Molinari, R., & Garcia, H. (2013). N-Doped Graphene Derived from Biomass as a Visible-Light Photocatalyst for Hydrogen Generation from Water/Methanol Mixtures. Chemistry - A European Journal, 20(1), 187-194. doi:10.1002/chem.201303689Latorre-Sánchez, M., Primo, A., & García, H. (2013). P-Doped Graphene Obtained by Pyrolysis of Modified Alginate as a Photocatalyst for Hydrogen Generation from Water-Methanol Mixtures. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 52(45), 11813-11816. doi:10.1002/anie.201304505Duan, J., Chen, S., Jaroniec, M., & Qiao, S. Z. (2015). Heteroatom-Doped Graphene-Based Materials for Energy-Relevant Electrocatalytic Processes. ACS Catalysis, 5(9), 5207-5234. doi:10.1021/acscatal.5b00991Putri, L. K., Ong, W.-J., Chang, W. S., & Chai, S.-P. (2015). Heteroatom doped graphene in photocatalysis: A review. Applied Surface Science, 358, 2-14. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.08.177Niu, L., Li, Z., Hong, W., Sun, J., Wang, Z., Ma, L., … Yang, S. (2013). Pyrolytic synthesis of boron-doped graphene and its application as electrode material for supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta, 108, 666-673. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2013.07.025Sahoo, M., Sreena, K. P., Vinayan, B. P., & Ramaprabhu, S. (2015). Green synthesis of boron doped graphene and its application as high performance anode material in Li ion battery. Materials Research Bulletin, 61, 383-390. doi:10.1016/j.materresbull.2014.10.049Khai, T. V., Na, H. G., Kwak, D. S., Kwon, Y. J., Ham, H., Shim, K. B., & Kim, H. W. (2012). Comparison study of structural and optical properties of boron-doped and undoped graphene oxide films. Chemical Engineering Journal, 211-212, 369-377. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2012.09.081Osumi, S., Saito, S., Dou, C., Matsuo, K., Kume, K., Yoshikawa, H., … Yamaguchi, S. (2016). Boron-doped nanographene: Lewis acidity, redox properties, and battery electrode performance. Chemical Science, 7(1), 219-227. doi:10.1039/c5sc02246kXu, Q., Jiang, X., Zhu, W., Chen, C., Hu, G., & Li, Q. (2016). Synthesis, preliminary biological evaluation and 3D-QSAR study of novel 1,5-disubstituted-2(1H)-pyridone derivatives as potential anti-lung cancer agents. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 9(5), 721-735. doi:10.1016/j.arabjc.2015.08.001Pimenta, M. A., Dresselhaus, G., Dresselhaus, M. S., Cançado, L. G., Jorio, A., & Saito, R. (2007). Studying disorder in graphite-based systems by Raman spectroscopy. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 9(11), 1276-1290. doi:10.1039/b613962kVoggu, R., Rout, C. S., Franklin, A. D., Fisher, T. S., & Rao, C. N. R. (2008). Extraordinary Sensitivity of the Electronic Structure and Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes to Molecular Charge-Transfer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112(34), 13053-13056. doi:10.1021/jp805136eBiswal, M., Zhang, X., Schilter, D., Lee, T. K., Hwang, D. Y., Saxena, M., … Ruoff, R. S. (2017). Sodide and Organic Halides Effect Covalent Functionalization of Single-Layer and Bilayer Graphene. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(11), 4202-4210. doi:10.1021/jacs.7b00932Vizuete, M., Gómez-Escalonilla, M. J., Fierro, J. L. G., Ohkubo, K., Fukuzumi, S., Yudasaka, M., … Langa, F. (2014). Photoinduced electron transfer in a carbon nanohorn–C60 conjugate. Chemical Science, 5(5), 2072. doi:10.1039/c3sc53342eAllongue, P., Delamar, M., Desbat, B., Fagebaume, O., Hitmi, R., Pinson, J., & Savéant, J.-M. (1997). Covalent Modification of Carbon Surfaces by Aryl Radicals Generated from the Electrochemical Reduction of Diazonium Salts. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119(1), 201-207. doi:10.1021/ja963354sBarrejón, M., Gómez-Escalonilla, M. J., Fierro, J. L. G., Prieto, P., Carrillo, J. R., Rodríguez, A. M., … Langa, F. (2016). Modulation of the exfoliated graphene work function through cycloaddition of nitrile imines. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(42), 29582-29590. doi:10.1039/c6cp05285aBarrejón, M., Primo, A., Gómez-Escalonilla, M. J., Fierro, J. L. G., García, H., & Langa, F. (2015). Covalent functionalization of N-doped graphene by N-alkylation. Chemical Communications, 51(95), 16916-16919. doi:10.1039/c5cc06285cSu, C.-Y., Xu, Y., Zhang, W., Zhao, J., Tang, X., Tsai, C.-H., & Li, L.-J. (2009). Electrical and Spectroscopic Characterizations of Ultra-Large Reduced Graphene Oxide Monolayers. Chemistry of Materials, 21(23), 5674-5680. doi:10.1021/cm902182

    Caspase 3 Activity and Lipoperoxidative Status in Raw Semen Predict the Outcome of Cryopreservation of Stallion Spermatozoa

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    [EN] Stallion-to-stallion variability in the quality of cryopreserved ejaculates postthaw affects the commercial acceptability of frozen semen and thus is a major constraint for the equine industry. In recent years, the molecular mechanisms associated with sperm damage during cryopreservation have become better understood. Identification of the freezability of the ejaculates before the freezing process is initiated will have a major impact on the equine industry. We studied three markers of oxidative stress in sperm, including 8-iso-PGF2alpha, 8-OH guanosine, and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE); the presence of active caspase 3; and their changes after sperm cryopreservation. Although 4- HNE levels increased after cryopreservation (from 7% to 33%, P < 0.001), 8OH-guanosine and 8-ISO-PGF2alpha levels decreased after cryopreservation (from 130 to 35 arbitrary fluorescence units, P < 0.01, and from 1280 to 1233, P < 0.01, respectively). Postthaw sperm quality was classified as poor, average, or good using the 25th and 75th percentiles of all assays of sperm quality studied (motility, velocity, membrane functionality, and thiol content) as thresholds. Using these values, a sperm postthaw quality index was proposed. Receiver operating characteristic curves and the Youden J statistic were used to investigate the value of the measured parameters in fresh sperm as predictors of potential freezability. Using these techniques, we identified markers of bad freezers (percentages of caspase 3-positive dead sperm [area under the curve (AUC)= 0.820, P < 0.05] and percentages of caspase 3- and 4-HNEpositive sperm [AUC = 0.872, P < 0.05]) and good freezers (percentages of caspase 3-negative live sperm [AUC = 0.815, P < 0.05], percentages of live sperm with high thiol content [AUC = 0.907, P < 0.01], and percentages of 8-ISO-PGF2alphapositive sperm [AUC = 0.900, P < 0.01]. Moreover, we described for the first time the presence of 8-ISO-PGF2alpha in stallion spermatozoa and revealed the importance of considering different markers of oxidative stress.S

    Combining FTIR-ATR and OPLS-DA methods for magic mushrooms discrimination

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    Magic mushrooms are naturally occurring fungi that are considered hallucinogenic drugs because they contain psilocybin and psilocin. These substances are controlled in almost every country in the world, so the use, possession, cultivation, and sale of magic mushrooms are prohibited in whole or in part. Despite this, the abuse of magic mushrooms continues and can put at risk the life of the consumer and society in general if the consumer behaves in an unsafe manner. The number of mushroom species is very high, making it difficult to correctly identify them based only on physical and morphological characteristics. Therefore, there is a need to develop non-destructive mushrooms analysis methods that have less response time and higher discrimination ability. The present work used Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR-ATR) Spectroscopy to study 64 mushroom samples from different genera including hallucinogenic, edible, and toxic species. In addition, this study used Orthogonal Partial Least Squares - Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA), using SIMCA chemometric software to analyse the obtained infrared (IR) spectra. The main molecular vibrations of the components of the fungus were successfully identified by IR spectroscopy. Although the specific bands corresponding to psilocybin or psilocin could not be assigned in the spectra, the regression method was able to discriminate the various species. Hallucinogenic mushrooms were well separated from other species, allowing the method to be used as an initial screening technique to determine whether or not the seized mushrooms are of forensic interest

    Diferencias de género en percepciones sobre violencia sexual, igualdad y agresiones sexuales facilitadas por drogas en ocio nocturno

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    La violencia sexual, incluyendo las agresiones sexuales facilitadas por drogas, es un serio problema cada vez más común en los contextos de ocio nocturno. Este trabajo estudia las actitudes y percepciones de la juventud española en torno a la violencia sexual en dicho ámbito. Los participantes se reclutaron mediante muestreo en bola de nieve. Se realizó un análisisbivariado para identificar posibles factores sociodemográficos y de ocio nocturno relacionados con género. La significación estadística de las diferencias entre estas variables se evaluó mediante las pruebas de chicuadrado y exacta de Fisher. Las mujeres percibieron un menor nivel de seguridad personal, así como la existencia de percepciones sociales que penalizan en mayor medida el consumo de drogas femenino que elmasculino, y que culpabilizan a las mujeres por la violencia que sufren. Además, ellos mostraron mayor disposición a mantener relaciones sexuales con personas incapaces de otorgar su consentimiento debido a los efectos de las drogas. Los hombres creen en mayor medida que las agresiones sexuales ocurren debido al uso de alcohol u otras drogas por parte delas víctimas. En el contexto de ocio nocturno, las mujeres son propensas a percibir la existencia de una falta de apoyo social hacia ellas, así como un sentimiento de impunidad social hacia los agresores. Además, existen numerosas concepciones erróneas en torno a las agresiones sexuales facilitadas por drogas. La mayoría cree que las agresiones ocurren tras la administración encubierta de sustancias a la víctima por parte de un agresor desconocido. Además, se subestimó la participación del alcohol.Nuestros hallazgos son útiles para diseñar esfuerzos preventivos bien dirigidos, desmitificar el fenómeno de las agresiones sexuales facilitadas por drogas y mejorar el apoyo social a las víctimas.Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social - Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. IUICP - Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Policiale

    Comparison between computed tomography and silicone-casting methods to determine gunshot cavities in ballistic soap

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    Current methods used in terminal ballistics to determine the volume of temporary cavities created by projectiles in soft tissue simulants (such as ballistic soap) usually involve silicone-casting to obtain the cavity moulds. However, these methods have important drawbacks including their little sensitivity and precision, besides the fact that they are destructive. Imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) might not only overcome those limitations but also offer useful tools for digitally reporting the scientific results. This work accomplished the 3D digital reconstruction of the cavities created by different projectiles in ballistic soap blocks. This way, the total volume of the cavities, the projectile penetration depths, and other measurements were determined, rendering better capabilities when compared to the current silicone method. All these features were achieved through the CT analysis and 3D Slicer imaging software. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the method can preserve the evidence by digitally obtaining, signing, and storing the infographic videos displaying the 3D-reconstructed cavities