24 research outputs found

    Intelligent Traffic Light Management using Multi-Behavioral Agents

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    [EN] One of the biggest challenges in modern societies is to solve vehicular traffic problems. In this scenario, our proposal is to use a Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) composed of three types of agent: traffic light management agents, traffic jam detection agents, and agents that control the traffic lights at an intersection. This third type of agent is able to change its behaviour between what we have called a selfish mode (the agent will try to influence the other neighbour agents of its type to achieve its goal) or an altruistic mode (the agent will take into consideration the other neighbour selfish agents indications). To validate our solution, we have developed a MAS emulator which communicates with the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) traffic simulator using the Traci tool to realize the experiments in a realistic environment. The obtained results show that our proposal is able to improve other existing solutions such as conventional traffic light management systems (static or dynamic) in terms of reduction of vehicle trip duration.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness grants TIN2016-80622-P, TIN2014-61627-EXP and TEC2013-45183-R, and by the University of Alcala through CCG2016/EXP-048.Cruz-Piris, L.; Rivera, D.; Marsa-Maestre, I.; De La Hoz, E.; Fernandez, S. (2018). Intelligent Traffic Light Management using Multi-Behavioral Agents. En XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería telemática (JITEL 2017). Libro de actas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 110-117. https://doi.org/10.4995/JITEL2017.2017.6494OCS11011

    A novel method for automatic detection and classification of movement patterns in short duration playing activities

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    Autonomous devices able to evaluate diverse situations without external help have become especially relevant in recent years because they can be used as an important source of relevant information about the activities performed by people (daily habits, sports performance, and health-related activities). Specifically, the use of this kind of device in childhood games might help in the early detection of developmental problems in children. In this paper, we propose a method for the detection and classification of movements performed with an object, based on an acceleration signal. This method can automatically generate patterns associated with a given movement using a set of reference signals, analyze sequences of acceleration trends, and classify the sequences according to the previously established patterns. This method has been implemented, and a series of experiments has been carried out using the data from a sensor-embedded toy. For the validation of the obtained results, we have, in parallel, developed two other classification systems based on popular techniques, i.e., a similarity search based on Euclidean distances and machine-learning techniques, specifically a support vector machine model. When comparing the results of each method, we show that our proposed method achieves a higher number of successes and higher accuracy in the detection and classification of isolated movement signals as well as in sequences of movements

    Applying an unified access control for IoT-based Intelligent Agent Systems

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    IEEE 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), 19/10/2015-21/10/2015, Roma, ItaliaThe rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has allowed the design and development of new services interconnecting heterogeneous devices. However, the complexity of these new systems hasn"t been followed by the increase of intelligence and reasoning of the devices connected. On the other hand, intelligent agent systems have developed precisely these characteristics so the combination of both paradigms by modelling intelligent agents in IoT devices is a very promising approach that will enable a more powerful and smart IoT. The interconnection of agents through a Internet-based network implies addressing critical issues that affect all network communications, such as security, privacy and access control, specially given the sensitivity of the information exchanged by agents. In this paper, we propose the application of User-Managed Access (UMA) to provide an unified access control schema for an heterogeneous hybrid architecture of IoT devices and intelligent agents.Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Intelligent Traffic Light Management using Multi-Behavioral Agents

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    XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática, 27/09/2017-29/09/2017, Valencia, EspañaOne of the biggest challenges in modern societies is to solve vehicular traffic problems. In this scenario, our proposal is to use a Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) composed of three types of agent: traffic light management agents, traffic jam detection agents, and agents that control the traffic lights at an intersection. This third type of agent is able to change its behaviour between what we have called a selfish mode (the agent will try to influence the other neighbour agents of its type to achieve its goal) or an altruistic mode (the agent will take into consideration the other neighbour selfish agents indications). To validate our solution, we have developed a MAS emulator which communicates with the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) traffic simulator using the Traci tool to realize the experiments in a realistic environment. The obtained results show that our proposal is able to improve other existing solutions such as conventional traffic light management systems (static or dynamic) in terms of reduction of vehicle trip duration

    Access Control Mechanism for IoT Environments Based on Modelling Communication Procedures as Resources

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    Internet growth has generated new types of services where the use of sensors and actuators is especially remarkable. These services compose what is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). One of the biggest current challenges is obtaining a safe and easy access control scheme for the data managed in these services. We propose integrating IoT devices in an access control system designed for Web-based services by modelling certain IoT communication elements as resources. This would allow us to obtain a unified access control scheme between heterogeneous devices (IoT devices, Internet-based services, etc.). To achieve this, we have analysed the most relevant communication protocols for these kinds of environments and then we have proposed a methodology which allows the modelling of communication actions as resources. Then, we can protect these resources using access control mechanisms. The validation of our proposal has been carried out by selecting a communication protocol based on message exchange, specifically Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT). As an access control scheme, we have selected User-Managed Access (UMA), an existing Open Authorization (OAuth) 2.0 profile originally developed for the protection of Internet services. We have performed tests focused on validating the proposed solution in terms of the correctness of the access control system. Finally, we have evaluated the energy consumption overhead when using our proposal.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadUniversidad de Alcal

    Optimized Sensor Network and Multi-Agent Decision Support for Smart Traffic Light Management

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    One of the biggest challenges in modern societies is to solve vehicular traffic problems. Sensor networks in traffic environments have contributed to improving the decision-making process of Intelligent Transportation Systems. However, one of the limiting factors for the effectiveness of these systems is in the deployment of sensors to provide accurate information about the traffic. Our proposal is using the centrality measurement of a graph as a base to locate the best locations for sensor installation in a traffic network. After integrating these sensors in a simulation scenario, we define a Multi-Agent Systems composed of three types of agents: traffic light management agents, traffic jam detection agents, and agents that control the traffic lights at an intersection. The ultimate goal of these Multi-Agent Systems is to improve the trip duration for vehicles in the network. To validate our solution, we have developed the needed elements for modelling the sensors and agents in the simulation environment. We have carried out experiments using the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) traffic simulator and the Travel and Activity PAtterns Simulation (TAPAS) Cologne traffic scenario. The obtained results show that our proposal allows to reduce the sensor network while still obtaining relevant information to have a global view of the environment. Finally, regarding the Multi-Agent Systems, we have carried out experiments that show that our proposal is able to improve other existing solutions such as conventional traffic light management systems (static or dynamic) in terms of reduction of vehicle trip duration and reduction of the message exchange overhead in the sensor network

    Privacy in Smart Spaces: Protecting information in workplaces

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    The workplaces organization has evolved during the last decades from individual private offices to open spaces, which offer a higher flexibility degree when there are important changes in firms’ necessities. In these open spaces, the optimization of environmental conditions are an essential factor to achieve employees’ adequate comfort levels to develop their tasks. The rise of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies has cheapened and extended the processes automation in tasks such as air conditioning, lighting control, etc. New challenges have arisen from this new scenario, where factors such as privacy and access control for personal information are crucial. In this work, we show the application of an access control system which is able to operate with different communications protocols to a use case based on a smart office. We have developed a prototype of the devices which would control the sensors and actuators in the system, and we have carried out a series of experiments to measure the delay added to communication when using the access control techniques. The results demonstrate the validity and feasibility of the system

    Estudio y desarrollo de una aplicación web para la generación y tratamiento de datos del simulador MATSim

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado se centra en crear una aplicación web que facilite el sistema de entrada, salida, e interpretación de los datos necesarios para trabajar con el simulador MATSim. Tras una búsqueda previa, se ha elegido el sistema de información geográfica de libre distribución OpenStreetMap para obtener los datos fuente a partir de los cuales podamos crear los escenarios de simulación. Interactuaremos con él, de forma visual, utilizando la librería JavaScript OpenLayers. Se ha optado por mostrar las animaciones de los resultados obtenidos mediante el elemento CANVAS de HTML5, lo que proporciona un alto grado de compatibilidad con cualquier sistema que utilice un navegador web moderno. La aplicación ha sido implementada utilizando funciones JavaScript en la parte del cliente, y Servlet y funciones Java en la parte del servidorThis Bachelor’s Degree Final Project is focused on the creation of a web application to simplify the system of input, output and the interpretation of data necessary in order to work with the MATSim simulator After a previous search, the free geographic information system OpenStreetMap has been selected to obtain the source data, from which we would be able to create simulation scenarios. We will interact with the system, in a visual way, by using the JavaScript OpenLayers library. It has been chosen to show the animations of the results obtained by the HTML5 CANVAS element, which provides a high degree of compatibility with any system using a modern web browser. The application has been implemented using JavaScript functions at the client-side and both Servlet and Java functions at the server-side.Grado en Ingeniería Telemátic

    Estudio y desarrollo de una aplicación web para la generación y tratamiento de datos del simulador MATSim

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado se centra en crear una aplicación web que facilite el sistema de entrada, salida, e interpretación de los datos necesarios para trabajar con el simulador MATSim. Tras una búsqueda previa, se ha elegido el sistema de información geográfica de libre distribución OpenStreetMap para obtener los datos fuente a partir de los cuales podamos crear los escenarios de simulación. Interactuaremos con él, de forma visual, utilizando la librería JavaScript OpenLayers. Se ha optado por mostrar las animaciones de los resultados obtenidos mediante el elemento CANVAS de HTML5, lo que proporciona un alto grado de compatibilidad con cualquier sistema que utilice un navegador web moderno. La aplicación ha sido implementada utilizando funciones JavaScript en la parte del cliente, y Servlet y funciones Java en la parte del servidorThis Bachelor’s Degree Final Project is focused on the creation of a web application to simplify the system of input, output and the interpretation of data necessary in order to work with the MATSim simulator After a previous search, the free geographic information system OpenStreetMap has been selected to obtain the source data, from which we would be able to create simulation scenarios. We will interact with the system, in a visual way, by using the JavaScript OpenLayers library. It has been chosen to show the animations of the results obtained by the HTML5 CANVAS element, which provides a high degree of compatibility with any system using a modern web browser. The application has been implemented using JavaScript functions at the client-side and both Servlet and Java functions at the server-side.Grado en Ingeniería Telemátic

    Contribución a las estrategias de optimización multiobjetivo para la coordinación de vehículos en intersecciones urbanas

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    Esta tesis aborda el problema de la coordinación de vehículos a su paso por cruces de carreteras o intersecciones en un entorno urbano. El estudio de este problema comienza por el análisis de las posibles fuentes de información existentes para el caso particular de un escenario de tráfico urbano, teniendo en cuenta las tecnologías para su recolección. En este ámbito se realiza la primera de las contribuciones, proponiendo una metodología basada en la centralidad de la red de carretera para obtener las mejores ubicaciones para la instalación de sensores. Los dispositivos instalados en esas posiciones proporcionarán la información más relevante del escenario de tráfico. Tras conocer las fuentes de datos disponibles, la hipótesis central de esta tesis es que es posible mejorar los procesos de optimización utilizados para la gestión actual de las intersecciones. Este problema se aborda comenzando por definir un modelo capaz de etiquetar de forma unívoca todos los elementos que componen una intersección. El modelo será la base de las propuestas de optimización posteriores. En relación con la coordinación de vehículos, en esta tesis se estudian dos posibles escenarios, dependiendo de si la coordinación de vehículos se realizada a través de elementos externos como los semáforos o si, por el contrario, esta coordinación se produce en un escenario de vehículos autónomos, donde cada uno de ellos es capaz de pasar por la intersección, en condiciones seguras y sin detenerse. En el primer caso, la propuesta realizada consiste en el desarrollo de un sistema multiagente, desplegado sobre un escenario simulado generado con tráfico real, capaz de gestionar las fases de los semáforos. Los agentes controladores de cada intersección tienen la capacidad de variar su comportamiento en base a los indicadores de tráfico que reciben. En el segundo de los casos, la investigación estudia el comportamiento de los vehículos en el interior de las intersecciones y los posibles métodos para la generación de patrones de llegada de vehículos. La obtención de estos patrones permite el cruce en condiciones seguras, sin que los vehículos deban detenerse, y cumpliendo las preferencias del sistema. Para lograr este objetivo se comenzó por diseñar un proceso de optimización basado en un algoritmo genético con caminos fijos entre los puntos de entrada y salida de la intersección, centrado en conseguir el mayor rendimiento posible para el caso en que todos los flujos de entrada fueran iguales. Posteriormente esta solución es extendida, permitiendo cualquier origen y destino posible dentro de la intersección, y generalizando el objetivo de la optimización para lograr los flujos de entrada deseados, sin la restricción de que sean iguales. Debido al aumento exponencial de la complejidad del problema en esta última solución, se propone un algoritmo genético de longitud variable de cromosomas, adaptado a este problema. Para validar las propuestas realizadas se han utilizado simuladores y escenarios de tráficos realistas, que permitan probar de forma intensiva cada una de ellas. Además del uso de simuladores comerciales, ha sido necesario implementar un simulador de intersecciones propio, el cual fuera capaz de reproducir sus particularidades. En cada caso, los resultados obtenidos utilizando las propuestas realizadas han sido comparados frente a otras soluciones ampliamente utilizados. Los buenos resultados obtenidos con los métodos propuestos en esta tesis permiten confirmar las hipótesis planteadas al inicio de la investigación