246 research outputs found

    Motivational determinants of physical education grades and the intention to practice sport in the future

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    Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is amongst motivational frameworks the most popular and contemporary approach to human motivation, being applied in the last decades in several domains, including sport, exercise and physical education (PE). Additionally, Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) has presented evidence of how contextual factors may influence student's behavior in this particular context. The main purpose of this study was to analyze the motivational climate created by the teacher in the classroom, students' satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs (BPN), and how their behavioral regulation could explain PE grades and intention to practice sports in the future.Funding: This project was supported by the National Funds through FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UID/ DTP/04045/2013) – and the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER) allocated by European Union through the COMPETE 2020 Programme (POCI-01-0145FEDER-006969) – Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enjoyment as a Predictor of Exercise Habit, Intention to Continue Exercising, and Exercise Frequency: The Intensity Traits Discrepancy Moderation Role

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    Given the need to explore the factors that can account for a better understanding of the intention-behavior gap in exercise practice in health club settings, and considering the emergence of hedonic assumptions related to exercise adherence, this cross-sectional study aimed to test the moderation effect of the intensity traits agreement/disagreement in three relevant outcomes of exercise enjoyment: exercise habit, intention to continue exercising, and exercise frequency. A sample consisted of 273 exercisers (male = 127; Mage = 36.21; SD = 11.29) enrolled in nine health clubs who voluntarily fulfilled a battery of questionnaires. All analyses were performed using SPSS v. 23.0/PROCESS v. 3.5. The results of the study presented a moderation effect of exercise intensity traits agreement on three relevant enjoyment outcomes: exercise habit, intention to continue exercising, and exercise frequency. No relevant results emerged from intensity traits disagreement. The results suggest that assessing and tailoring exercise prescription and supervision in order to customize exercise intensity may influence future exercise participation

    Did You Enjoy It? The Role of Intensity-Trait Preference/Tolerance in Basic Psychological Needs and Exercise Enjoyment

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    Promoting exercise regimens that aim at enhancing the quality of individuals’ subjective exercise experience can be challenging. Given the recent theoretical contributions regarding the possible interaction of exercise intensity-traits and several motivational variables, as well as their potential value for exercise adherence, the objective of this study was to examine the mediation role of basic psychological needs in the relationship between preference for and tolerance of exercise intensity and enjoyment. This cross-sectional study comprised a total of 160 exercisers (Mage = 34.12, SD = 9.23, 73 males) enrolled in several health clubs. All analyses were performed using SPSS v. 23.0/PROCESS v. 3.4. The results indicate that intensity-traits presented positive associations with enjoyment, and negative associations with all of needs frustration variables. A mediation role of needs frustration emerged in the intensity traits and enjoyment associations that was analyzed according to relatable theoretical considerationsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gangrena gaseosa: revisión de cuatro casos

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    Desde el mes de enero de 1988 hasta diciembre de 1993, hemos atendido en el Servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología 6.853 pacientes, de ellos 263 presentaron infecciones post-quirúrgicas, post-traumáticas o expontáneas. Del total de infecciones cuatro se manifestaron como un cuadro clínico de gangrena gaseosa. El origen fue post-traumático en tres casos y por arma de fuego en uno, localizándose la enfermedad en todos los pacientes en las extremidades inferiores. Para establecer el diagnóstico además de las manifestaciones clínicas se ha valorado el resultado bacterológico y anatomo-patológico de las muestras analizadas. El tratamiento consistió en Cirugía precoz, antibioticoterapia y oxigenoterapia hiperbárica cuando era necesario. La evolución ha sido buena en dos casos y desfavorable en el resto de los enfermos.From January 1988 to December 1993, we have seen in our institution 6853 patients, 263 of them presented post-surgical, post-traumatic or spontaneus infections. Of the total of infections, four of them were manifested as clinical cases of gaseous gangrene. The origin was post-traumatic in three cases, and gun shot in one case, localizing the disease in all patients in inferior extremities. For diagnosis clinical manifestations and the bacteriological and patologic results were evaluated. The treatment consisted of early surgery, antibiotical therapy and hiperbaric oxigenotherapy when it was necessary. The outcome was satisfactory in two cases and non favorable in the other two patients

    Could tDCS Be a Potential Performance-Enhancing Tool for Acute Neurocognitive Modulation in eSports? A Perspective Review

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    Competitive sports involve physical and cognitive skills. In traditional sports, there is a greater dependence on the development and performance of both motor and cognitive skills, unlike electronic sports (eSports), which depend much more on neurocognitive skills for success. However, little is known about neurocognitive functions and effective strategies designed to develop and optimize neurocognitive performance in eSports athletes. One such strategy is transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), characterized as a weak electric current applied on the scalp to induce prolonged changes in cortical excitability. Therefore, our objective is to propose anodal (a)-tDCS as a performance-enhancing tool for neurocognitive functions in eSports. In this manuscript, we discussed the neurocognitive processes that underlie exceptionally skilled performances in eSports and how tDCS could be used for acute modulation of these processes in eSports. Based on the results from tDCS studies in healthy people, professional athletes, and video game players, it seems that tDCS is applied over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) as a potential performance-enhancing tool for neurocognition in eSports.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trainer‐exerciser relationship: The congruency effect on exerciser psychological needs using response surface analysis

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    Perceptions of fitness trainers' need-supportive and need-thwarting behaviors have been shown to impact exercisers' psychological need satisfaction and frustration. Currently, it is unknown whether an agreement or disagreement between exercisers' and fitness trainers' reported perceptions of these behaviors leads to the satisfaction and/or frustration of psychological needs. Based on self-determination theory, the present study examined the effect of congruency between fitness trainers' and exercisers' perceptions of need-supportive and need-thwarting interpersonal behaviors on basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration. A sample of 130 fitness trainers (43 females; Mage = 31.58 ± 7.65) and a total of 640 gym exercisers (350 females; Mage = 34.23 ± 11.59) participated in this study. Findings suggested that the majority of fitness trainers tended to over-report their use of need-supportive behavior and under-report their need-thwarting behaviors. Results showed that when there was congruency between fitness trainers' reported use and exercisers' perception of interpersonal behaviors, basic needs satisfaction tended to increase. This effect was greater for exercisers that rated their respective fitness trainer high on relatedness support. Fitness trainers should be self-aware of their interpersonal behaviors when engaging with exercisers and interventions based on self-determination theory could serve as a promising avenue to improve the quality of exercisers' experience.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Did You Enjoy It? The Role of Intensity-Trait Preference/Tolerance in Basic Psychological Needs and Exercise Enjoyment

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    Promoting exercise regimens that aim at enhancing the quality of individuals’ subjective exercise experience can be challenging. Given the recent theoretical contributions regarding the possible interaction of exercise intensity-traits and several motivational variables, as well as their potential value for exercise adherence, the objective of this study was to examine the mediation role of basic psychological needs in the relationship between preference for and tolerance of exercise intensity and enjoyment. This cross-sectional study comprised a total of 160 exercisers (Mage = 34.12, SD = 9.23, 73 males) enrolled in several health clubs. All analyses were performed using SPSS v. 23.0/PROCESS v. 3.4. The results indicate that intensity-traits presented positive associations with enjoyment, and negative associations with all of needs frustration variables. A mediation role of needs frustration emerged in the intensity-traits and enjoyment associations that was analyzed according to relatable theoretical considerations

    Prótesis modular de cadera Poropalcar : resultados clínicos en 106 pacientes con 3 años de evolución

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    Los resultados tras reemplazamiento total de cadera con prótesis de superficie porometal «poropros», para fijación biológica, han sido evaluados en 106 pacientes después de tres años de evolución. La valoración clínica se ha realizado según el sistema de Harris modificado, obteniendo un 91,5% de buenos resultados y un 8,5% de resultados regulares incluyendo todos los enfermos de cualquier edad y patología. El estudio realizado a partir de parámetros clínicos y radiográficos permite apreciar una buena fijación primaria de la prótesis y una excelente estabilidad de la misma, tanto para el componente femoral como cotiloideo.In a series of 106 patients who undewent porocoated total hip arthroplasty, the results were evaluated after three years follow-up. Harris'score was used for clinical assesment, obtaining 91,5% of good results and 8,5% of fair results, including all the cases whichever aetiology and age. Clinical and radiographic studies showed a good primary fixation and excellent stability in both the acetabular and the femoral stem components

    The preference for and tolerance of exercise intensity: an exploratory analysis of intensity discrepancy in health clubs settings

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    Health clubs are considered one of the most relevant contexts of exercise. However, they suffer from high dropout rates and struggle to keep exercisers enrolled in the long run. Considering the exercise intensity-affect relation, the main objective of this exploratory study was to test the relation of the discrepancy between the intensity traits and current exercise training intensity, and possible differences in subjective vitality, habit, and weekly exercise frequency. A total of 485 participants (female = 274) aged between 18 and 63 years (M = 39.9) enrolled in several activities participated in this study. Descriptive, correlational, and group comparison analyses were developed for study hypothesis testing. Results tend to support that different levels of agreement between the intensity traits and current training intensity have differentiated outcomes. Particularly, having both intensity traits in agreement with current training intensity depicted the most relevant scores for vitality, habit, and exercise frequency. Both traits in disagreement presented the worst scores.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio