264 research outputs found

    Papel de la gluconeogénesis intestinal en la homeostasis energética y en la homeostasis de la glucosa

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    33 p.La función intestinal de la gluconeogénesis es un campo de investigación reciente y en continuo desarrollo. Clásicamente, la gluconeogénesis se establecía solo en hígado y riñones, pese a que actualmente se le ha llegado a atribuir al intestino hasta una tercera parte del aporte endógeno de glucosa total del organismo, bajo determinadas circunstancias. En esta revisión bibliográfica de artículos originales y su análisis crítico se pretende dar una visión amplia del conocimiento científico acumulado hasta hoy sobre el papel de esta función en la homeostasis energética y de la glucosa.Intestinal gluconeogenesis is a recent field for investigation, in continuous development. Classically, gluconeogenesis has been attributed only to liver and kidneys, despite the current tendency to ascribe even a third part of the organism’s endogenous glucose production to the intestines, under certain circumstances. With this bibliographical review of original articles and their critical analysis, we intend to give a wide vision of the scientific knowledge accumulated up to now about the role of this function in the energy and glucose homeostasis.Grado en Medicin

    Propagation loss measurement due to miscellaneous phenomenon at 5.6 ghz band

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    In this work, the propagation loss due to di®raction and insertion losses for indoor scenario at 5.6 GHz band are measured using directive antenna and a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). It is shown that the insertion loss of a metallic door with porthole window varies from several dB due to the propagation loss via the porthole glass up to 50 dB due to the di®raction by the porthole boards when the line between the transmitting antenna and receiving one is outside the porthole glass. It is shown that the insertion loss of a 12 cm brick wall is 4.8 dB for vertical polarization while it is 6.3 dB for horizontal polarization. Also it is shown the di®raction loss due single or double concrete columns depends on the distance between the transmitting and receiving antennas

    Short range propagation model for a very wideband directive channel at 5.5ghz band

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    In this work, the propagation loss of three short range directive channels at 5.5 GHz is measured using di®erent directive antennas and a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). Results are given for a channel bandwidth of 300MHz which will be the future channel bandwidth of IEEE 802.11 ac system. It has been noted that the multipath induced fading tends to have Normal Distribution at low distance between the transmitting and the reception antennas. At higher distances, it tends to have Normal distribution plus Rayleigh one. Channel Impulse response (CIR) is also measured indicating that the main contribution is due to the direct ray and the one re°ected from the °oor. The human being obstruction causes an extra propagation loss of 2 to 10 dB depending on its distance from the transmitting antenna

    Simulación numérica de la presencia de una grieta cercana a la soldadura de una unión tubular en T

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    This work presents a numerical simulation using MEF submodelingscheme to study overall response of a tubular welded T supported at itsprincipal ends and subjected to a load at its free end. This welded jointhas a semi-elliptical crack at the toe of the weld in the saddle region.The response of the welded joint has been evaluated according to themeasurement displacement line of the applied load at the free end, thestrain field around the weld and the crack opening displacement. Tovalidate the obtained results, these were compared with experimentaldata available in the literature.Este trabajo presenta una simulación numérica haciendo uso de unesquema de submodelación MEF para el estudio de la respuesta globalde una unión cilíndrica soldada en T soportada en sus extremos principales,y sometida a una carga en su extremo libre. Dicha unión poseeuna grieta semielíptica al pie de la soldadura. La respuesta de la uniónsoldada ha sido evaluada de acuerdo a la medición de desplazamientode línea de aplicación de la carga en el extremo libre, campo de deformacionesen torno a la unión soldada y desplazamiento de apertura dela grieta, comparando los resultados obtenidos con datos experimentalesdisponibles en la literatura como método de validación

    El esquí adaptado a personas con discapacidad física. Un análisis en la estación de esquí de Formigal.

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    El deporte y el juego han formado parte de la vida de los seres humanos desde su existencia y son parte tanto del ocio como de la vida profesional de muchas personas. Estudiar su aplicación a personas con discapacidad supone dar una visión más amplia de todos aquellos beneficios físicos y psicosociales que supone su práctica, así como fomenta la obligatoriedad de la progresiva adaptación de materiales y equipamientos. El esquí adaptado es un ejemplo de ello, por lo que he centrado mi investigación en este, en todos los materiales utilizados para los diferentes tipos de discapacidades y en un acercamiento tanto con los usuarios como con profesionales para analizar lo que supone esta actividad para ellos, además de tratar de transmitir lo que debería cambiarse de forma que se reduzcan diferencias entre personas con y sin discapacidad y su estigmatización

    Automated Readability Assessment for Spanish e-Government Information

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    This paper automatically evaluates the readability of Spanish e-government websites. Specifically, the websites collected explain e-government administrative procedures. The evaluation is carried out through the analysis of different linguistic characteristics that are presumably associated with a better understanding of these resources. To this end, texts from websites outside the government websites have been collected. These texts clarify the procedures published on the Spanish Government"s websites. These websites constitute the part of the corpus considered as the set of easy documents. The rest of the corpus has been completed with counterpart documents from government websites. The text of the documents has been processed, and the difficulty is evaluated through different classic readability metrics. At a later stage, automatic learning methods are used to apply algorithms to predict the difficulty of the text. The results of the study show that government web pages show high values for comprehension difficulty. This work proposes a new Spanish-language corpus of official e-government websites. In addition, a large number of combined linguistic attributes are applied, which improve the identification of the level of comprehensibility of a text with respect to classic metrics.Work supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, (CSO2017-86747-R)

    The Importance of Firm Size and Development Strategies for CSR Formalisation

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    [EN] Despite the relevance of firm size in the analysis of corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement, there is still much to know about the specific impact of firm size on CSR formalisation. Moreover, in order to better understand such a relation, the interaction effects of development strategies on which companies may base its growth, namely diversification and internationalisation, will be also taken into account. Specifically, this work contributes to shed light on these issues by combining theories related to external and internal drivers of CSR. Using a sample of Spanish listed firms, the results show that firm size affects positively CSR formalisation, and that this effect is stronger in the case of adopting a diversification strategy, while no evidence was found for the moderating effect of internationalisation strategy

    Las Ayudas de Estado en el Fútbol Profesional: las distintas intervenciones de la Comisión Europea. Una especial referencia al caso del Athletic Club de Bilbao

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    Análisis doctrinal de los requisitos que deben concurrir para que una medida sea calificada como ayuda de Estado a ojos de la normativa europea de defensa de la Competencia. La influencia que este tipo de ayudas puede tener en un mercado tan competitivo como es el fútbol profesional. Breve comentario de las intervenciones realizadas por la Comisión Europea en esta materia durante los últimos años. Comentario especial sobre la supuesta entrega de ayudas de Estado al Athletic Club de Bilbao.<br /