15 research outputs found

    Evaluation of gridded rain‐gauge‐based precipitation datasets: impact of station density, spatial resolution, altitude gradient and climate

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    Gridded precipitation datasets have been developed for data assimilation and evaluation tasks of weather and climate models and for climate analyses. Gridded data uncertainty evaluation is crucial to understand the limitations and feasibility. The development of high‐resolution daily gridded precipitation datasets is desirable, but several factors need to be considered, namely rain gauge station availability, their spatial distribution, and orographic and climate characteristics of a study area. Quality assessment of gridded datasets can present difficulties when the influence of these factors is not thoroughly analysed. The main objective of this study was a detailed validation of precipitation grids based on four factors, that is, station density used for grid construction, grid spatial resolution, station altitude, and climate type. To this end, 18 grids were built using six spatial resolutions (0.01°, 0.025°, 0.05°, 0.1°, 0.2° and 0.4°) and three station densities (25, 50 and 75% of all available stations). Results indicate larger differences among the grids as a function of analysed factors. Station density was found to be the main factor, whereas grid spatial resolution had minor importance. However, the latter factor becomes more relevant in areas with strong altitude gradients and when a high station density is available. In addition, weak and moderate precipitation is overestimated on daily grids, whereas heavy precipitation cells are less frequent, reducing data variability. On the contrary, monthly and annual aggregates present less deviation from the observed distribution than daily comparisons. These findings question the applicability of the daily grid datasets for validation studies and climate analysis on a grid cell level.Funding came from projects LE240P18 (Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León) and CGL2016‐78702‐C2‐1‐R, PID2019‐108470RB‐C22, CGL2016‐80609‐R and PID2019‐108470RB‐C21 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad)

    The contribution of rain gauges in the calibration of the IMERG product: results from the first validation over Spain

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    After 5 years in orbit, the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission has produced enough qualitycontrolled data to allow the first validation of their precipitation estimates over Spain. High-quality gauge data from the meteorological network of the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) are used here to validate Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) level 3 estimates of surface precipitation. While aggregated values compare notably well, some differences are found in specific locations. The research investigates the sources of these discrepancies, which are found to be primarily related to the underestimation of orographic precipitation in the IMERG satellite products, as well as to the number of available gauges in the GPCC gauges used for calibrating IMERG. It is shown that IMERG provides suboptimal performance in poorly instrumented areas but that the estimate improves greatly when at least one rain gauge is available for the calibration process. A main, generally applicable conclusion from this research is that the IMERG satellite-derived estimates of precipitation are more useful (r2 > 0.80) for hydrology than interpolated fields of rain gauge measurements when at least one gauge is available for calibrating the satellite product. If no rain gauges were used, the results are still useful but with decreased mean performance (r2 ~ 0.65). Such figures, however, are greatly improved if no coastal areas are included in the comparison. Removing them is a minor issue in terms of hydrologic impacts, as most rivers in Spain have their sources far from the coast.Funding from projects CGL2013- 48367-P, CGL2016-78702-C2-1-R, CGL2016-80609-R (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad), UNCM08-1E-086 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), and Development of Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Application Technique 1365002970/KMA2018-00721 (Korea Meteorological Administration) is gratefully acknowledged

    Teaching reading fluency in Spanish. A narrative review

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    La presente revisión, narrativa y no sistemática, recorre un conjunto de investigaciones que han mostrado la importancia de la enseñanza de la fluidez lectora entendida como habilidad multicomponencial. Leer fluidamente supone que el lector lea con precisión, velocidad y recuperando los aspectos prosódicos del lenguaje oral. A su vez, dichos aspectos se integran en diferentes niveles del lenguaje escrito: palabras, oraciones y textos. Esta habilidad se constituye en una vía privilegiada para la comprensión de textos, objetivo último de la lectura. Se analizan específicamente trabajos que presentan el diseño o intervenciones destinadas a mejorar dicha habilidad en sujetos hablantes nativos del español. Por un lado, se describen aquellos trabajos que se han enfocado en mejorar la precisión y la velocidad lectoras. Por otro, las indagaciones más recientes que incorporan la prosodia como elemento ineludible en la mejora de la lectura y la comprensión. Finalmente, se analizan las implicaciones prácticas de la revisión, tanto para contextos educativos como clínicos.This is a narrative and non-systematic review covering a number of investigations that have shown the importance of teaching reading fluency understood as a multi-component skill. Reading fluently supposes that the reader reads with accuracy, speed and a good use of prosodic feaures. In turn, these three components: speed, accuracy and prosody are integrated into different levels of written language: words, sentences and texts. This ability constitutes a privileged way to achieve test comprehension, the ultimate goal of reading. Papers that present the design or interventions to improve reading fluency in native Spanish-speaking children are analyzed. On the one hand, those articles that have focused on improving reading accuracy and speed are described. On the other, the most recent investigations that incorporate prosody as an inescapable element for improving reading and comprehension. Finally, the practical implications of the review for both educational and clinical contexts are discussed.Facultad de Psicologí

    Colorectal Cancer in Elderly Patients with Surgical Indication: State of the Art, Current Management, Role of Frailty and Benefits of a Geriatric Liaison

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    Six out of every 10 new colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnoses are in people over 65 years of age. Current standardized surgical approaches have proved to be tolerable on the elderly population, although post-operative complications are more frequent than in the younger CRC population. Frailty is common in elderly CRC patients with surgical indication, and it appears to be also associated with an increase of post-operative complications. Fast-track pathways have been developed to assure and adequate post-operative recovery, but comprehensive geriatric assessments (CGA) are still rare among the preoperative evaluation of elderly CRC patients. This review provides a thorough study of the effects that a CGA assessment and a geriatric intervention have in the prognosis of CRC elderly patients with surgical indication

    Do we know how to improve text comprehension?: the experience in Argentina

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    El presente trabajo realiza una revisión de artículos que ponen a prueba programas de intervención para la mejora de la comprensión lectora en Argentina. La comprensión es un proceso psicológico y lingüístico complejo y su aprendizaje supone distintos desafíos a lo largo de la escolaridad. En este trabajo se describen siete investigaciones cuasiexperimentales que evaluaron la eficacia de programas de intervención destinados a estudiantes de escuela primaria y secundaria. Para el análisis de estos trabajos se consideraron: la población destinataria, las características de la intervención, las áreas o habilidades de la comprensión lectora que se trabajan y los principales resultados de las investigaciones. Los resultados presentados por las diferentes investigaciones sugieren que el trabajo explícito y sistemático sobre las distintas habilidades implicadas en la comprensión lectora a partir de programas de intervención promueven su mejora.This work reviews articles that test intervention programs for the improvement of reading comprehension in Argentina. Comprehension is a complex psychological and linguistic process and its learning involves different challenges throughout schooling. This work describes seven quasi-experimental studies that evaluated the effectiveness of intervention programs for primary and secondary school students. For the analysis of these studies, the following were considered: target population, characteristics of the intervention, areas or skills of reading comprehension that are involved, and main results of the research. The results presented by the different investigations suggest that explicit and systematic work on different skills involved in reading comprehension through intervention programs promotes its improvement.Facultad de Psicologí

    Characterization of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in Europe

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    The recognition and safeguarding of agricultural heritage in Europe are new concepts that are gaining attention due to the contribution they make to sustainability. Of the 57 Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) that exist in the world today, only six have been designated in Europe. Through a qualitative analysis of the proposal documents submitted by these six European GIAHS to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) during the designation process, this study provides a comparative characterization of these sites supported by expert assessment. During the first phase, 24 specific sub-criteria were observed based on the five main criteria that a site has to meet in order to demonstrate its global relevance as an agricultural heritage of humanity. The relevance of the resulting sub-criteria was then assessed by a Delphi panel of experts and the validated ones were applied in an assessment of the six European sites. The European GIAHS sites are characterized by the high value of their cultural landscapes’ evolution, modeled by traditional and adaptive agriculture knowledge and practices that are promoted and maintained thanks to organized and committed social organizations. The results of structuring of sub-criteria can facilitate the application of other possible European GIAHS sites

    Expresión del GLUT-4 en mŭsculo esquelético y tejido adiposo de ratas deficientes en ácidos grasos ω-3

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    info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedComm. XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Espaňola de Diabetes - Sevilla (Spain), 16-02-200