297 research outputs found

    Derivatives usage by non-financial firms in emerging markets: the Peruvian case

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    Financial derivatives markets have reached a remarkable development in recent years but this pattern has not attained the same strength in developing countries. In consequence an important question arises: what is the development degree of financial derivatives markets in emerging countries and which variables influence the use of derivatives in the top companies? To analyze this topic Peru has been chosen as a reference and the Non-Financial Firms as well. In order to enhance objectivity an empirical study has been conducted through a structured survey directed to chief financial managers of companies classified among the TOP 1000 in the country. This information was collected in order to explain the effect of the determinants that influence the development of financial derivatives in Peru. The results show that the use of derivatives in Peru is low and the relevant factors affecting its development are the degree of training in derivatives and the market regulation. This outcome suggests that there should be patterns of behaviour for market agents and government entities to promote the use of derivatives as well as provide information for future research that might contribute to establish the most adequate mechanisms for market-development purposes.Los mercados de derivados financieros han alcanzado un desarrollo significativo en años recientes pero este patrón no ha logrado la misma fuerza en los países en desarrollo. En consecuencia una pregunta importante surge: ¿cuál es el grado de desarrollo de los mercados de derivados financieros en los países emergentes y qué variables influyen en el uso de derivados en compañías importantes? Para analizar este tema se ha tomado como referencia al Perú así como a las firmas no financieras. Para optimizar la objetividad se ha realizado un estudio empírico a través de una encuesta estructurada dirigida a los gerentes financieros de compañías incluidas dentro de las TOP 1000 del país. Esta información se recogió para explicar el efecto de los determinantes que influencian el desarrollo de los derivados financieros en el Perú. Los resultados muestran que la aplicación de estos derivados en el país es baja y que los factores relevantes que afectan su desarrollo son el grado de entrenamiento en derivados y la regulación del mercado. Este resultado sugiere que deberían existir patrones de conducta entre los agentes de mercado y las entidades gubernamentales para promover el uso de derivados así como proveer información para investigaciones futuras que contribuyan a establecer los mecanismos adecuados con el propósito del desarrollo del mercad

    Effect of the synthesis method on the performance of Ni-CeO2-ZrO2 catalysts for the hydrogenolysis of glycerol with endogenous hydrogen

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    In this work, we investigated the influence of the synthesis method of Ni-based CeZr catalysts on their physicochemical and catalytic properties in the hydrogenolysis (HDO) of glycerol with H2 in-situ produced by the aqueous-phase reforming (APR). Conventional impregnation method involved surface nickel deposition (NiCeZr-IM). The one-pot methods, which involved nickel embedment into CeZr lattice, included sol-gel (NiCeZr-SC) and coprecipitation (NiCeZr-CA and ultrasound-assisted NiCeZR-CS) methods. Differences in textural, structural, morphological, redox, and surface properties, together with and catalytic performance in the glycerol APR-HDO, were investigated systematically. As well, spent catalysts were deeply characterized. There were notable differences among textural properties, which significantly affected their activity in glycerol conversion. The structural characterization confirmed the successful integration of Ni into the CeZr lattice, especially for the catalysts synthesized using one-pot methods. One-pot synthesized catalysts showed stronger Ni-CeZr interaction, which affect the reducibility. The catalysts prepared by coprecipitation contained the highest metal-to-acid ratio, making them very active for C-O bond hydrogenation. Post-reaction characterization discloses a leaching of the nickel, in greater amount for both coprecipitated catalysts. This study revealed the potential of Ni-based catalysts derived from subsurface insertion of nickel into the CeZr matrix for the hydrogenolysis of glycerol without external hydrogen.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, PID2019-106692RB-I0

    Propuesta de mejora en el área de gestión logística y en seguridad y salud ocupacional para reducir costos operativos en la empresa Grupo Forestal del Perú de la ciudad de Trujillo 2021

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general implementar un sistema de gestión logística y seguridad ocupacional para reducir costos operativos en la empresa Grupo Forestal del Perú S.A.C. Se realizó un diagnostico general de la situación de las áreas estudiadas, mediante el diagrama de Ishikawa, ya que estas dos áreas son las que históricamente les trae inconvenientes con los clientes y sus trabajadores. Al haber identificado los problemas de cada área, se procedió a calcular el impacto económico que sufre la empresa, y posteriormente se desarrolló una propuesta de mejora para cada área explicando detalladamente las herramientas de Kardex, Clasificación ABC, Codificación de los productos que ofrece la empresa y finalmente la explicación de las leyes de seguridad ocupacional. Finalmente se realizó una evaluación económica la empresa, para comprobar la viabilidad de la propuesta y que este sea sostenible en el tiempo, ya que se tuvo como resultado que el VAN es de S/. 160,394.57, el TIR de 86.45%, el B/C de 1.37 y el PRI de 1.86 años; a lo que finalmente concluimos que la propuesta de mejora es viable y rentable para la empresa, ya que cuantitativamente se demuestra que es sostenible en el tiempo.The present objective of the work is to implement a logistics and occupational safety management system to reduce operating costs in the company “Grupo Forestal del Perú SAC”. A general diagnosis of the situation of the studied areas was made, using the Ishikawa diagram, since these two areas are the ones that historically have had problems with clients and their workers. Having identified the problems in each area, we proceeded to calculate the economic impact suffered by the company, and then developed an improvement proposal for each area, explaining in detail the Kardex tools, ABC Classification, Coding of the products offered by the company and finally the explanation of occupational safety laws. Finally, an economic evaluation of the company was carried out, to verify the viability of the proposal and that it is sustainable over time, since it was obtained as a result that the NPV is S /. 160,394.57, the IRR is 86.45%, the B/C 1.37 and the PRI 1.86 years; to which we finally conclude that the improvement proposal is viable and profitable for the company, since quantitatively it is shown that it is sustainable over time

    Artificial intelligence (AI) applied to public management

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    The implementation of systems based on artificial intelligence (AI) has passed the barrier of the academic field and due to its potentialities has been developing in other fields such as public management so there is an urgent need to have an updated overview in this regard. This article aims to address the analysis of AI by highlighting its transcendence in the field of management, public administration and government, highlighting the significant opportunities, impact assessment and the potential posed by AI. The present review provides a panoramic and significative overview about AI and its impact on the field of management and public administration, about its achievements, as well as sensitive controversies. Finally, the critical opportunities and challenges of AI application in the public sector are shown

    Absceso hepático por colecistitis xantogranulomatosa y ademiomatosis vesicular: reporte de un caso.

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    La colecistitis xantogranulomatosa (CXG) y la Adenomiomatosis (AV) son infrecuentes, con escasos reportes en nuestro medio. La diferenciación preoperatoria e intraoperatoria es difícil, porque presenta características radiológicas y macroscópicas, similares al cáncer. Frecuentemente se presenta como una colecistitis aguda. Y el diagnóstico se establece por la presencia de fibrosis, histiocitos espumosos, y de los senos de Rokitansky-Aschoff, respectivamente. Presentamos el caso de una mujer que acudió por dolor abdominal, náuseas y vómitos. La tomografía reveló una colección hepática subcapsular. Se interviene quirúrgicamente y se evidencia absceso hepático bloqueado por epiplón, con múltiples adherencias; y vesícula de paredes engrosadas perforada en bacinete. Paciente recibe antibióticoterapia, cursa con buena evolución, y la histopatología concluye una CXG y AV. La CXG y la AV son enfermedades raras, asociadas a colelitiasis. En nuestro caso, su asociación, y su complicación con absceso hepático, hacen que sea particularmente excepcional. Requiriendo ambas, cirugía e histopatología para confirmarlas

    Abdomen agudo por ascitis quilosa secundaria a pancreatitis aguda: reporte de un caso

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    La ascitis quilosa (AQ) es una entidad rara, y puede manifestarse como una reacción peritoneal llamada peritonitis quilosa aguda (PQA). Presentamos el caso de un varón de 26 años, con cuadro abdominal agudo, por lo que es intervenido quirúrgicamente, encontrándose líquido lechoso turbio, en cavidad abdominal, realizándose una apendicectomía profiláctica, aspiración y lavado de cavidad, con colocación de drenajes. El análisis de líquido mostró aumento de triglicéridos y amilasa, gram y cultivos negativos; y la tomografía reveló una pancreatitis aguda (Baltazar C), todo ello confirmando el diagnóstico de AQ secundaria a pancreatitis. Paciente cursa con una evolución favorable con hidratación, analgésicos y dieta vía oral a tolerancia. En la literatura se han descrito muy pocos casos de PQA, y su asociación con pancreatitis aguda es bastante inusual. Pudiendo simular un cuadro abdominal agudo quirúrgico, cuyo tratamiento consiste en la exploración quirúrgica con drenaje peritoneal, pudiendo o no, requerir apoyo nutricional

    Accidentes biológicos en estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia

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    RESUMEN Introducción: Los accidentes biológicos representan un riesgo ocupacional significativo para los trabajadores de la salud, y para  los estudiantes de medicina. Objetivos: Establecer la prevalencia de accidentes biológicos y los factores y comportamientos asociados en la población de estudiantes de medicina. Materiales y métodos: Se encuestaron los estudiantes de medicina del área clínica de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. El instrumento de encuesta preguntaba sobre utilización de elementos de protección, caracterización y comportamientos asociados al último accidente biológico sufrido. La información obtenida fue analizada mediante porcentajes y promedios. Para evaluar los factores asociados al accidente se calcularon Razones de Prevalencia y sus IC 95%.Resultados: Se encuestaron 330 estudiantes. El uso rutinario de guantes se reportó en un 99,3%, de doble guante en 13,9%, tapabocas en 77,4% y de gafas en 30,7%. La prevalencia de accidentes biológicos fue de 18%, la cual aumentaba de acuerdo al año de estudio. El accidente no fue reportado en 48% de los casos. Se encontró una asociación positiva entre el sufrimiento de al menos un accidente biológico durante lo cursado de la carrera y el uso completo de medidas de protección en tercer y cuarto año, RP=2,92 (IC 95% 0,95 – 8,93); y negativa para quinto y sexto año, RP=0,84 (IC 95% 0,50-1,41, p=0,0479).Conclusiones: Los accidentes biológicos son frecuentes en nuestros estudiantes de medicina. Se debe insistir desde los primeros semestres en la importancia del uso de elementos de protección, el reporte del accidente y los protocolos postexposición.Salud UIS 2010; 42:     Palabras clave: Lesiones por pinchazo de aguja, patógenos transmitidos por la sangre, exposición profesional, salud laboral, estudiantes de medicina, educación médica, prevalencia   ABSTRACT Introduction: Biological accidents represent a significant occupational risk to healthcare workers including medical students. Objectives: To establish the prevalence of biological accidents, and its associated factors and behaviors among medical students.Materials and methods: Medical students in clinical clerkships from Universidad Industrial de Santander were surveyed. The survey instrument asked about the use of protective elements, the characteristics and behaviors associated to the last biological accident suffered by the student. Gathered data were analyzed as percentages and means. To evaluate associated factors, Prevalence Ratios and its CI 95% were calculated.Results: Three hundred thirty students were surveyed. Routine use of gloves was reported by 99.3%, double gloving by 13.9%, disposable masks by 77.4% and protective eyewear by 30.7%. Prevalence of biological accidents was 18.0%, which increased with seniority. Accidents were not reported to the occupational health office in 48% of cases. A positive association was found between suffering at least one accident during the career and the complete use of protective elements in third and fourth year students, PR=2.92 (CI 95% 0.95-8.93); while for fifth and sixth year students it was negative, PR=0.84 (CI 95% 0.50-1.41, p=0.0479).Conclusions: Biological accidents are frequent among our medical students. The importance of using protective elements must be emphasized during the first years of training. Medical students must be educated about the key role of reporting accidents and about post-exposure protocols. Salud UIS 2010; 42:   Keywords: Needlestick injuries, blood-borne pathogens, occupational exposure, occupational health, medical students, medical education, prevalenc

    Cutaneous leishmaniotic ulcers with Corynebacterium diphtheriae

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    Em um estudo prospectivo para avaliar a influência da infecção bacteriana secundária na evolução da leishmaniose cutânea, em Corte de Pedra (Bahia), obteve-se o isolamento de Corynebacterium diphtheriae em 7(8,3%) de 84 pacientes portadores de úlceras, avaliados. Devido ao pequeno número de pacientes com a presença da bactéria na úlcera, não foi possível concluir se Corynebacterium diphtheriae comporta-se apenas como colonizante, nem sobre a sua influência no processo de cicatrização da úlcera leishmaniótica.In a prospective study to evaluate the influence of secondary bacterial infection on the evaluation of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in Corte de Pedra (Bahia), we isolated Corynebacterium diphtheriae in 7 (8.3%) out of 84 patients with ulcers studied. Due to the small number of patients with the presence of the bacteria in the ulcer, we could not conclude whether Corynebacterium diphtheriae behaves only as a colonizer nor its influence on the healing of the leishmaniotic ulcer

    Evaluation of the secondary bacterial infection's influence on the evolution of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Corte de Pedra, Bahia

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    Foram avaliados 84 pacientes leishmanióticos com o objetivo de verificar a prevalência de infecção bacteriana secundária das úlceras cutâneas e de estudar sua relação com a cicatrização das lesões. A infecção secundária foi diagnosticada mediante cultura bacteriana aeróbica de amostra de tecido da lesão. Todos os pacientes receberam tratamento antimonial durante 20 dias e fizeram lavagem da úlcera com água e sabão comum. A casuística foi composta principalmente de adolescentes e de adultos dedicados à lavoura, apresentando lesão única. Em 47,6%, as úlceras estudadas estavam localizadas nas pernas e nos pés. Verificou-se infecção secundária em 45/83 (54,2%), sendo mais freqüente nas lesões localizadas abaixo dos joelhos. O Staphylococcus aureus predominou (88,9%). A reepitelização completa das úlceras, avaliada em 79 pacientes um mês após o fim do tratamento, não foi influenciada pela infecção secundária.In order to study the prevalence of secondary bacterial infection in ulcerated lesions and its relationship to the healing process, 84 leishmaniotic patients were evaluated. Diagnosis of the secondary infection was made by bacterial aerobic culture of peripheral tissue specimen of the ulcer. All patients received antimonial therapy during 20 days and washed their ulcers with common soap. Cases were composed mainly of adolescent and adult farmer patients with single lesions. The evaluated ulcers were encountered on legs and feet in 47.6%. Secondary bacterial infection was found in 45/83 (54.2%), and was more frequent in lesions located below the knee. Staphylococcus aureus predominated (89%). The ulcers' healing process, evaluated in 79 patients one month after finishing treatment, was not influenced by the secondary bacterial infection