6,098 research outputs found

    Diavideos: a Diabetes Health Video Portal

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    Diavideos1 is a web platform that collects trustworthy diabetes health videos from YouTube and offers them in a easy way. YouTube is a big repository of health videos, but good content is sometimes mixed with misleading and harmful videos such as promoting anorexia [1].Diavideos is a web portal that provides easy access to a repository of trustworthy diabetes videos. This poster describes Diavideos and explains the crawling method used to retrieve these videos from trusted channels

    Controllability properties for some semilinear parabolic PDE with a quadratic gradient term

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    We study several controllability properties for some semilinear parabolic PDE with a quadratic gradient term. For internal distributed controls, it is shown that the system is approximately and null controllable. The proof relies on the Cole-Hopf transformation. The same approach is used to deal with initial controls

    Abelian complex structures on 6-dimensional compact nilmanifolds

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    summary:We classify the 66-dimensional compact nilmanifolds that admit abelian complex structures, and for any such complex structure JJ we describe the space of symplectic forms which are compatible with JJ

    Lista de los peces de la provincia de Jujuy

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    Fil: Fernández, Luis A.. Fundación Miguel Lillo. Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Nadalin, Diego Oscar. División Zoología Vertebrados. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: López, Hugo Luis. División Zoología Vertebrados. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Teaching Style in Physical Education and Changes of Daily Physical Activity after One Academic Year in Adolescents: GEOS Study

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    Increased Moderate-Vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and reduced sedentary time (ST) are key factors for a healthy lifestyle during childhood and adolescence. Studies have suggested that schools may be effective resources to promote healthy habits (Sallis, McKenzie et al. 2012). Therefore, in PE, is important to assess how teachers use strategies and provide students tools to engage in PA with the purpose of reduce the risk of sedentary behavior and contribute to promotion MVPA habits for a healthy lifestyle (Lonsdale, C. et al., 2013). Many factors may be involved in the successful PE class to promote healthy out-school behaviors, as teaching styles (TS), learning styles, learning time, motivation and so on (Mosston, M. 1966). Regarding TS, there is a lack of knowledge about influence of the teaching style (TS) in the promotion of daily MVPA. It was our aim to observe the differences of total daily PA dimensions between two groups of adolescents who were taught during a whole academic year using reproducing (RK) or producing knowledge (PK) TSs.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Delimited Massively Parallel Algorithm based on Rules Elimination for Application of Active Rules in Transition P Systems

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    In the field of Transition P systems implementation, it has been determined that it is very important to determine in advance how long takes evolution rules application in membranes. Moreover, to have time estimations of rules application in membranes makes possible to take important decisions related to hardware/software architectures design. The work presented here introduces an algorithm for applying active evolution rules in Transition P systems, which is based on active rules elimination. The algorithm complies the requisites of being nondeterministic, massively parallel, and what is more important, it is time delimited because it is only dependant on the number of membrane evolution rules

    Asistencia rural en los siglos XVII y XVIII : los tipos de «conducción» de los profesionales sanitarios en Aragón

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    El sistema que se utilizaba durante el siglo XVII y XVIII en las zonas rurales de Aragón para garantizar la continua presencia y asistencia de sanitarios era la contratación de éstos por parte de los municipios, lo que normalmente se conocía con el nombre de «conducta médica» o «conducción». En este trabajo se estudia la legislación que sobre este tema existía, los tipos de contratación y procedimiento empleado, así como los sueldos y obligaciones de los sanitarios «conducidos». Para terminar se plantean los problemas que este sistema originó y se enumeran algunas de las fuentes para su conocimiento