415 research outputs found

    Apresenta??o inicial de pacientes investigados e diagnosticados com neoplasia de bexiga em hospitais gerais

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    O c?ncer de bexiga ? a doen?a maligna mais comum envolvendo o sistema urin?rio e carcinoma urotelial (c?lula transit?ria) ? o tipo histol?gico predominante. O espectro de c?ncer de bexiga inclui doen?a n?o invasiva muscular (superficial), invasiva e metast?tica, cada uma com seu pr?prio comportamento cl?nico, biologia, progn?stico e tratamento. Diante da sua import?ncia e do elevado n?mero de pacientes com c?ncer de bexiga em est?gio inicial, esta pesquisa objetivou reconhecer a apresenta??o inicial desses pacientes a fim de contribuir para futuras pesquisas que auxiliem no diagn?stico e no tratamento precoces desses pacientes, al?m de confirmar a conson?ncia dos dados dos pacientes do local de estudo com a literatura. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, observacional, do tipo transversal descritivo, realizado utilizando dados do Instituto de Patologia de Passo Fundo (IPPF). A amostra n?o probabil?stica, selecionada por conveni?ncia, foi composta por pacientes submetidos ? investiga??o com confirma??o anatomopatol?gica de neoplasias nos hospitais de Passo Fundo, RS, no per?odo de 01 de janeiro de 2007 at? 31 de dezembro de 2017. Foram inclu?dos 200 pacientes por meio do acesso ao sistema de informa??es do Instituto de Patologia de Passo Fundo (IPPF). Como resultados, predominou-se o sexo masculino na amostra, onde a categoria com maior n?mero de pacientes foi dos 70 aos 79 anos, e uma m?dia de idade de 70,24 anos. Analisando por sexo, a m?dia de idade foi de 70,70 anos nos homens, enquanto nas mulheres foi de 69,10 anos. O tipo histol?gico com maior preval?ncia (58,5%) foi o Carcinoma de C?lulas Transicionais (Papil?fero), seguido do Carcinoma de C?lulas Transicionais (n?o-papil?fero) com 35,5%. A maioria dos pacientes (53%) n?o apresentou neoplasia m?sculo-invasiva e (53,5%) possui um alto risco de a neoplasia se tornar m?sculo-invasiva. Concluiu-se que o perfil epidemiol?gico dos pacientes diagnosticados e investigados com neoplasia de bexiga em Hospitais Gerais de Passo Fundo est? de acordo com a literatura aqui referida, apresentando-se na maioria dos casos como Carcinoma de C?lulas de Transi??o do tipo Papil?fero, n?o m?sculo-invasivo e de baixo risco. Evidenciou-se que a maioria dos pacientes com neoplasia de bexiga possui uma apresenta??o inicial da doen?a com est?gios iniciais e n?o invasivos

    effects on the physical activity routine of families with children

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    Objective: To identify how Brazilian families with children aged under 13 years face the period of social isolation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, especially regarding the time spent on physical activity (PA), intellectual activity, games, outdoor activities and screen. Methods: An anonymous online survey was launched on March 24, 2020 in Brazil to assess how families with children aged up to 12 years are adjusting their daily routines to this situation. In the survey, each family reported the daily time each child spent in sedentary activity (sum of intellectual activities, play time on screen, playing without PA) and PA (sum of playing with PA and PA). Results: The main findings based on data from 816 children indicate that most parents consider there was a reduction in the time that children spend practicing PA; increase in screen play time and family activities, differences between sex were found regarding screen play time (boys>girls) and in playing without PA (girls>boys), and there was an age effect for all categories analyzed, with a tendency to increase the total time of sedentary lifestyle and complementary reducing the time of PA over age. Conclusions: The household routines of families during the period of social isolation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic confirm the general reduction tendency in PA time during childhood.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/

    Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on preschool children and preschools in Portugal.

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    Problem Statement:The COVID-19 pandemic led to significant changes in the life routines of preschool children, both during lockdown and post-lockdown periods. Approach:An online survey completed by parents, in-loco assessment scales filled in by a researcherand semi-structured interviews with preschool teacherswere used to investigate the effects of the adjustments, which occurred in preschool children?s lives, in the lockdown and post lockdown periods.Purpose:To characterize the levels of physical activity that Portuguese children had during the lockdown period and to understand what changed in their school routines in the post-lockdown period, regarding the organization of school spaces and routines.Results:Parents reported that children aged 3 to 5spent most of their time during lockdownundertaking sedentary activities (72% of their daily activities). In the post-lockdown period,results indicate that in June there was an increase in the number of preschools with a poor quality of environment compared to the pre-pandemic period (October/November).Taking into account the measures implemented in preschools to prevent the COVID-19 transmission,teachers were of the opinion that limiting the number of children sharing material was the worst measure imposed, since it hampered children?s socialization. Conversely, increasing the use of the outdoor space was deemed positive because it improved children?s happiness and action possibilities outside.Conclusions: TheCOVID-19pandemic has had a clear impact on Portuguese children?s overall levels of physical activity during lockdown. In some schools, the implementation of health guidelines has also led to further negative effects on children?s play opportunities. However, many schools seem to be successful in finding strategies to ensure a healthy balance between promoting children?s physical activity and ensuring risk control.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo Rodriguesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influences of family and household characteristics on children's level of physical activity during social distancing due to Covid-19 in Brazil

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    Objective: To evaluate if the variables child?s sex, age, presence of siblings, parents working remotely, and external space affect the level of physical activity (PA) of Brazilian children during social distancing imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: An online questionnaire was applied by the LimeSurvey software from March to April 2020. Children were divided into four age groups, and the questionnaire comprised questions on family and household characteristics, domestic and children?s routines in the period of Brazilian social distancing. Based on the answers concerning children?s activities, the following variable was created: percentage of physical activity (%PA) in one-day period. Analysis of variance and regression analysis were performed to investigate the effect of demographic and parental activities on %PA. Results: The %PA decreases with increasing age, but increases with the availability of external space at home. No significant or interaction effects were observed for other variables. Age and external space at home are predictors of %PA. Conclusions: Household and personal characteristics of Brazilian children influence the level of physical activity performed by them during social distancing. Preventive measures can be adopted in the face of another similar period.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/

    Factors behind job preferences of Peruvian medical, nursing and midwifery students: a qualitative study focused on rural deployment

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    Background: Deployment of health workforce in rural areas is critical to reach universal health coverage. Students? perceptions towards practice in rural areas likely influence their later choice of a rural post. We aimed at exploring perceptions of students from health professions about career choice, job expectations, motivations and potential incentives to work in a rural area. Methods: In-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted among medical, nursing and midwifery students from universities of two Peruvian cities (Ica and Ayacucho). Themes for assessment and analysis included career choice, job expectations, motivations and incentives, according to a background theory a priori built for the study purpose. Results: Preference for urban jobs was already established at this undergraduate level. Solidarity, better income expectations, professional and personal recognition, early life experience and family models influenced career choice. Students also expressed altruism, willingness to choose a rural job after graduation and potential responsiveness to incentives for practising in rural areas, which emerged more frequent from the discourse of nursing and midwifery students and from all students of rural origin. Medical students expressed expectations to work in large urban hospitals offering higher salaries. They showed higher personal, professional and family welfare expectations. Participants consistently favoured both financial and non-financial incentives. Conclusions: Nursing and midwifery students showed a higher disposition to work in rural areas than medical doctors, which was more evident in students of rural origin. Our results may be useful to improve targeting and selection of undergraduate students, to stimulate the inclination of students to choose a rural job upon graduation and to reorient school programmes towards the production of socially committed health professionals. Policymakers may also consider using our results when planning and implementing interventions to improve rural deployment of health professionals

    A Candidate for the Least-massive Black Hole in the First 1.1 Billion Years of the Universe

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    We report a candidate of a low-luminosity active galactic nucleus (AGN) at z = 5 that was selected from the first near-infrared images of the JWST CEERS project. This source, named CEERS-AGN-z5-1 at absolute 1450 \uc5 magnitude M 1450 = −19.5 \ub1 0.3, was found via a visual selection of compact sources from a catalog of Lyman break galaxies at z > 4, taking advantage of the superb spatial resolution of the JWST/NIRCam images. The 20 photometric data available from CFHT, Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer, and JWST suggest that the continuum shape of this source is reminiscent of that for an unobscured AGN, and there is a clear color excess in the filters where the redshifted Hβ+[O iii] and Hα are covered. The estimated line luminosity is L Hβ+[O III] = 1043.0 erg s−1 and L Hα = 1042.9 erg s−1 with the corresponding rest-frame equivalent width EWHβ+[O III] = 1100 \uc5 and EWHα = 1600 \uc5, respectively. Our spectral energy distribution fitting analysis favors the scenario that this object is either a strong broad-line emitter or even a super-Eddington accreting black hole (BH), although a possibility of an extremely young galaxy with moderate dust attenuation is not completely ruled out. The bolometric luminosity, L bol = 2.5 \ub1 0.3 7 1044 erg s−1, is consistent with those of z < 0.35 broad-line AGNs with M BH ∼ 106 M ⊙ accreting at the Eddington limit. This new AGN population in the first 1.1 billion years of the universe may close the gap between the observed BH mass range at high redshift and that of BH seeds. Spectroscopic confirmation is awaited to secure the redshift and its AGN nature

    Plan de negocios para la implementaci?n de un gimnasio inteligente que brinde un an?lisis predictivo acerca del desempe?o f?sico a trav?s del registro autom?tico mediante internet of things

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    Actualmente la tecnolog?a est? presente en todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana y ha transformado la manera en que las personas perciben e interact?an con el mundo que los rodea. Entre las tecnolog?as modernas, se tiene el Internet of Things (IoT), la cual permite conectar a la red y a?adir funcionalidades inform?ticas a casi cualquier objeto de uso cotidiano, permitiendo llevar registro de todas las interacciones con dichos objetos, generando una data hist?rica que hace posible el an?lisis de la actividad mediante reportes y estad?sticas de uso. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo es aprovechar la aplicaci?n de la tecnolog?a IoT a una industria con alta demanda en la actualidad, que es la de los gimnasios. Se a?adir? valor a los servicios ofrecidos por un gimnasio tradicional, incluyendo componentes IoT que registren autom?ticamente las actividades del cliente en el gimnasio, para luego aplicar an?lisis predictivo sobre estos datos y brindar informaci?n que permita al cliente mejorar los resultados obtenidos en sus entrenamientos. Este grado de personalizaci?n y monitoreo, puede motivar al usuario a tratar de mejorar su desempe?o f?sico en el gimnasio, seg?n estudios previos consultados

    Plan de negocios de una plataforma colaborativa AYNI 2.0 para la gesti?n de compras y entregas de productos b?sicos

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    La plataforma tecnol?gica colaborativa llamada Ayni 2.0 integra a los vecinos de una zona residencial (entre 1 a 5 cuadras a la redonda) para que se ayuden en sus compras, principalmente de productos peque?os y/o b?sicos que pueden ser adquiridos en una bodega o tienda cercana. La soluci?n tendr? 2 roles: Comprador (el que hace el pedido) e Intermediario (el que toma y atiende el pedido). Ayni 2.0 est? concebida para valorar el tiempo libre, permitiendo solicitar y gestionar la compra y entrega de los productos que necesiten f?cilmente en su direcci?n en tiempo real y les permita adquirirlos sin salir de casa y compartir ofertas. Es ideal para situaciones cotidianas como cuando uno se olvida comprar algo, o cuando se requiere comprar en la bodega, pero uno est? ocupado cuidando a los ni?os, cocinando, lavando, arreglando la casa, realizando trabajos, enfermo, etc. O simplemente cuando uno no desea salir. Por todo lo descrito concluimos que la plataforma constituye un servicio atractivo, y que haciendo uso de la tecnolog?a, ser? una alternativa ?til para todas las personas que desean realizar pedidos de productos b?sicos y para aquellas personas que deseen generar un ingreso extra realizando la entrega de estos pedidos

    Plan de negocios para implementaci?n de una funeraria ecol?gica para mascotas en la zona 07 de Lima Metropolitana

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    El objetivo planteado para la presente tesis es la implementaci?n de una funeraria ecol?gica dedicada a la biocremaci?n de mascotas en la zona 7 de Lima Metropolitana y la determinaci?n de su viabilidad. Se identifican dos tendencias importantes a nivel mundial. La primera es el creciente apego de las personas por sus mascotas, resultando en una mayor preocupaci?n por su cuidado, lo que genera el deseo de mantener ese lazo sentimental a?n despu?s de la muerte. La segunda es la conservaci?n del medio ambiente, buscando alternativas ecol?gicas a pr?cticas nocivas como los son la cremaci?n convencional y el entierro. A partir de esto, se propone un m?todo ecol?gico, la hidr?lisis alcalina, como alternativa a la cremaci?n convencional. Adicionalmente, se ofrece la opci?n de comprar una urna biodegradable para disponer de las cenizas de la mascota y dar vida a una nueva planta. Al realizar el estudio de mercado se encontr? una alta intenci?n de compra y se resalt? la importancia del modelo ecol?gico de nuestro servicio. Considerando el uso de canales de marketing directos para alcanzar una participaci?n de mercado adecuada en el primer a?o y analizando los resultados de la evaluaci?n financiera, se determina que el negocio es viable


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    A Madeira Laminada Colada (MLC) apresenta uma grande gama de aplica\ue7\uf5es. No Brasil, o seu emprego na forma de cruzetas para postes de rede a\ue9rea de distribui\ue7\ue3o de energia el\ue9trica tem despertado a aten\ue7\ue3o de companhias do ramo, motivadas pelo potencial de emprego deste material. Dentre os fatores que influenciam o desempenho mec\ue2nico de solu\ue7\uf5es em MLC destacam-se a efici\ueancia e a afinidade dos adesivos para com as esp\ue9cies de madeiras utilizadas, o tipo de tratamento e o teor de umidade das l\ue2minas de madeira, motivando o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas nesta tem\ue1tica. Este trabalho objetivou investigar, via M\ue9todo de Planejamento Fatorial de Experimentos (DOE), a influ\ueancia dos fatores tipo de madeira (pinus; teca; eucalipto), adesivo (Purbond; Cascophen) e tratamento (CCA; CCB; CCBS) nas vari\ue1veis respostas resist\ueancia ao cisalhamento e \ue0 delamina\ue7\ue3o, consistindo nos mesmos fatores e combina\ue7\ue3o avaliados no projeto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento da ANEEL/EESC-PD220-07: Cabe\ue7a de S\ue9rie da Cruzeta de MLC. Os resultados da an\ue1lise estat\uedstica revelaram que o fator tipo de madeira expressou efeito significativo para ambas as vari\ue1veis respostas avaliadas, o mesmo n\ue3o ocorrendo com os fatores tipo de adesivo e de tratamento. J\ue1 o teor de umidade mostrou ser significativo em todas as esp\ue9cies de madeira quando analisada a resist\ueancia ao cisalhamento, apresentando a madeira de teca a maior resist\ueancia ao cisalhamento e \ue0 delamina\ue7\ue3o.The Glued Laminated Wood has a large range of applications. In Brazil, its employment as cross-piece poles for overhead electrical power has attracted the attention of companies in the industry, motivated by the potential use of this material. Among the factors that influence the mechanical performance of Glulam solutions stand out efficiency and affinity of the adhesives to the species of wood used, the type of treatment and moisture content of wood veneer, motivating the development of new research on this topic. This research aimed to investigate, by Design of Experiments (DOE), the influence of wood (pinus, teca, eucalipto), adhesive (Purbond; Cascophen) and treatment (CCA, CCB, CCBS ) in the variable responses shear strength and delamination, consisting in the same combination factors evaluated in ANEEL/EESCPD220- 07 project: Head Crosshead Glulam Series. The results of the statistical analysis showed that the species factor expressed significant effect for both response variables evaluated, did not occur with adhesive and treatment factors. Moisture content was significant in the wood evaluated when analyzed the shear strength, and the teca wood showed the highest shear strength and also relating to the delamination
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