96 research outputs found

    From fat to FAT (CD36/SR-B2):Understanding the regulation of cellular fatty acid uptake

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    The molecular mechanisms underlying the cellular uptake of long-chain fatty acids and the regulation of this process have been elucidated in appreciable detail in the last decades. Two main players in this field, each discovered in the early 1990s, are (i) a membrane-associated protein first identified in adipose ('fat') tissue and referred to as putative fatty acid translocase (FAT)/CD36 (now officially designated as SR-B2) which facilitates the transport of fatty acids across the plasma membrane, and (ii) the family of transcription factors designated peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR alpha, PPAR gamma, and PPAR(beta/delta) for which fatty acids and fatty acid metabolites are the preferred ligand. CD36/SR-B2 is the predominant membrane protein involved in fatty acid uptake into intestinal enterocytes, adipocytes and cardiac and skeletal myocytes. The rate of cellular fatty acid uptake is regulated by the subcellular vesicular recycling of CD36/SR-B2 from endosomes to the plasma membrane. Fatty acid-induced activation of PPARs results in the upregulation of the expression of genes encoding various proteins and enzymes involved in cellular fatty acid utilization. Both CD36/SR-B2 and the PPARs have been implicated in the derangements in fatty acid and lipid metabolism occurring with the development of pathophysiological conditions, such as high fat diet-induced insulin resistance and diabetic cardiomyopathy, and have been suggested as targets for metabolic intervention. In this brief review we discuss the discovery and current understanding of both CD36/SR-B2 and the PPARs in metabolic homeostasis. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. and Societe Francaise de Biochimie et Biologie Moleculaire (SFBBM). All rights reserved

    Munc18c provides stimulus-selective regulation of GLUT4 but not fatty acid transporter trafficking in skeletal muscle

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    Insulin-, and contraction-induced GLUT4 and fatty acid (FA) transporter translocation may share common trafficking mechanisms. Our objective was to examine the effects of partial Munc18c ablation on muscle glucose and FA transport, FA oxidation, GLUT4 and FA transporter (FAT/CD36, FAB-Ppm, FATP1, FATP4) trafficking to the sarcolemma, and FAT/CD36 to mitochondria. In Munc18c(-/+) mice, insulin-stimulated glucose transport and GLUT4 sarcolemmal appearance were impaired, but were unaffected by contraction. Insulin- and contraction-stimulated FA transport, sarcolemmal FA transporter appearance, and contraction-mediated mitochondrial FAT/CD36 were increased normally in Munc18c(-/+) mice. Hence, Munc18c provides stimulus-specific regulation of GLUT4 trafficking, but not FA transporter trafficking

    The interaction between AMPK beta 2 and the PP1-targeting subunit R6 is dynamically regulated by intracellular glycogen content

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    11 páginas, 7 figuras.AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a metabolic stress-sensing kinase. We previously showed that glucose deprivation induces autophosphorylation of AMPKβ at threonine-148 (Thr-148), which prevents the binding of AMPK to glycogen. Furthermore, in MIN6 cells, AMPKβ1 binds to R6 (PPP1R3D), a glycogen-targeting subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), thereby regulating the glucose-induced inactivation of AMPK. Here, we further investigated the interaction of R6 with AMPKβ and the possible dependency on Thr-148 phosphorylation status. Yeast two-hybrid analyses and co-immunoprecipitation of the overexpressed proteins in HEK293T cells revealed that both AMPKβ1 and β2 wild-type (WT) isoforms bind to R6. The AMPKβ/R6 interaction was stronger with the muscle-specific β2-WT and required association with the substrate-binding motif of R6. When HEK293T cells or C2C12 myotubes were cultured in high-glucose medium, AMPKβ2-WT and R6 weakly interacted. In contrast, glycogen depletion significantly enhanced this protein interaction. Mutation of AMPKβ2 Thr-148 prevented the interaction with R6 irrespective of the intracellular glycogen content. Treatment with the AMPK activator oligomycin enhanced AMPKβ2/R6 interaction in conjunction with increased Thr-148 phosphorylation in cells grown in low glucose medium. These data are in accordance with R6 binding directly to AMPKβ2 when both proteins detach from the diminishing glycogen particle, which is simultaneous to increased AMPKβ2 Thr-148 autophosphorylation. Such model points to a possible control of AMPK by PP1-R6 upon glycogen depletion in muscle.DN is recipient of a VIDI-Innovational Research Grant from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO-ALW Grant no. 864.10.007). This work has further been supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science SAF2014-54604-C3-1-R and a grant from Generalitat Valenciana (PrometeoII/2014/029) to PS.Peer reviewe

    Palmitate-Induced Vacuolar-Type H(+)-ATPase Inhibition Feeds Forward Into Insulin Resistance and Contractile Dysfunction

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    Dietary fat overconsumption leads to myocardial lipid accumulation through mechanisms that are incompletely resolved. Previously, we identified increased translocation of the fatty acid transporter CD36 from its endosomal storage compartment to the sarcolemma as the primary mechanism of excessive myocellular lipid import. Here, we show that increased CD36 translocation is caused by alkalinization of endosomes resulting from inhibition of proton pumping activity of vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (v-ATPase). Endosomal alkalinization was observed in hearts from rats fed a lard-based high-fat diet and in rodent and human cardiomyocytes upon palmitate overexposure, and appeared as an early lipid-induced event preceding the onset of insulin resistance. Either genetic or pharmacological inhibition of v-ATPase in cardiomyocytes exposed to low palmitate concentrations reduced insulin sensitivity and cardiomyocyte contractility, which was rescued by CD36 silencing. The mechanism of palmitate-induced v-ATPase inhibition involved its dissociation into two parts: the cytosolic V-1 and the integral membrane V-0 subcomplex. Interestingly, oleate also inhibits v-ATPase function, yielding triacylglycerol accumulation but not insulin resistance. In conclusion, lipid oversupply increases CD36-mediated lipid uptake that directly impairs v-ATPase function. This feeds forward to enhanced CD36 translocation and further increased lipid uptake. In the case of palmitate, its accelerated uptake ultimately precipitates into cardiac insulin resistance and contractile dysfunction

    In Vivo, Fatty Acid Translocase (CD36) Critically Regulates Skeletal Muscle Fuel Selection, Exercise Performance, and Training-induced Adaptation of Fatty Acid Oxidation

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    For ∼40 years it has been widely accepted that (i) the exercise-induced increase in muscle fatty acid oxidation (FAO) is dependent on the increased delivery of circulating fatty acids, and (ii) exercise training-induced FAO up-regulation is largely attributable to muscle mitochondrial biogenesis. These long standing concepts were developed prior to the recent recognition that fatty acid entry into muscle occurs via a regulatable sarcolemmal CD36-mediated mechanism. We examined the role of CD36 in muscle fuel selection under basal conditions, during a metabolic challenge (exercise), and after exercise training. We also investigated whether CD36 overexpression, independent of mitochondrial changes, mimicked exercise training-induced FAO up-regulation. Under basal conditions CD36-KO versus WT mice displayed reduced fatty acid transport (−21%) and oxidation (−25%), intramuscular lipids (less than or equal to −31%), and hepatic glycogen (−20%); but muscle glycogen, VO(2max), and mitochondrial content and enzymes did not differ. In acutely exercised (78% VO(2max)) CD36-KO mice, fatty acid transport (−41%), oxidation (−37%), and exercise duration (−44%) were reduced, whereas muscle and hepatic glycogen depletions were accelerated by 27–55%, revealing 2-fold greater carbohydrate use. Exercise training increased mtDNA and β-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase similarly in WT and CD36-KO muscles, but FAO was increased only in WT muscle (+90%). Comparable CD36 increases, induced by exercise training (+44%) or by CD36 overexpression (+41%), increased FAO similarly (84–90%), either when mitochondrial biogenesis and FAO enzymes were up-regulated (exercise training) or when these were unaltered (CD36 overexpression). Thus, sarcolemmal CD36 has a key role in muscle fuel selection, exercise performance, and training-induced muscle FAO adaptation, challenging long held views of mechanisms involved in acute and adaptive regulation of muscle FAO

    Subcellular trafficking of the substrate transporters GLUT4 and CD36 in cardiomyocytes

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    Cardiomyocytes use glucose as well as fatty acids for ATP production. These substrates are transported into the cell by glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) and the fatty acid transporter CD36. Besides being located at the sarcolemma, GLUT4 and CD36 are stored in intracellular compartments. Raised plasma insulin concentrations and increased cardiac work will stimulate GLUT4 as well as CD36 to translocate to the sarcolemma. As so far studied, signaling pathways that regulate GLUT4 translocation similarly affect CD36 translocation. During the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, CD36 becomes permanently localized at the sarcolemma, whereas GLUT4 internalizes. This juxtaposed positioning of GLUT4 and CD36 is important for aberrant substrate uptake in the diabetic heart: chronically increased fatty acid uptake at the expense of glucose. To explain the differences in subcellular localization of GLUT4 and CD36 in type 2 diabetes, recent research has focused on the role of proteins involved in trafficking of cargo between subcellular compartments. Several of these proteins appear to be similarly involved in both GLUT4 and CD36 translocation. Others, however, have different roles in either GLUT4 or CD36 translocation. These trafficking components, which are differently involved in GLUT4 or CD36 translocation, may be considered novel targets for the development of therapies to restore the imbalanced substrate utilization that occurs in obesity, insulin resistance and diabetic cardiomyopathy