14 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial (Dys) Function in Inflammaging: Do MitomiRs Influence the Energetic, Oxidative, and Inflammatory Status of Senescent Cells?

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    A relevant feature of aging is chronic low-grade inflammation, termed inflammaging, a key process promoting the development of all major age-related diseases. Senescent cells can acquire the senescence-associated (SA) secretory phenotype (SASP), characterized by the secretion of proinflammatory factors fuelling inflammaging. Cellular senescence is also accompanied by a deep reshaping of microRNA expression and by the modulation of mitochondria activity, both master regulators of the SASP. Here, we synthesize novel findings regarding the role of mitochondria in the SASP and in the inflammaging process and propose a network linking nuclear-encoded SA-miRNAs to mitochondrial gene regulation and function in aging cells. In this conceptual structure, SA-miRNAs can translocate to mitochondria (SA-mitomiRs) and may affect the energetic, oxidative, and inflammatory status of senescent cells. We discuss the potential role of several of SA-mitomiRs (i.e., let-7b, miR-1, miR-130a-3p, miR-133a, miR-146a-5p, miR-181c-5p, and miR-378-5p), using miR-146a as a proof-of-principle model. Finally, we propose a comprehensive, metabolic, and epigenetic view of the senescence process, in order to amplify the range of possible approaches to target inflammaging, with the ultimate goal of decelerating the aging rate, postponing or blunting the development of age-related diseases


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    I MicroRNA (miRNAs) sono dei piccoli RNA non codificanti in grado di regolare l’espressione genica a livello post-trascrizionale. Essi hanno un ruolo fondamentale nei più svariati processi cellulari. L’espressione aberrante dei miRNA è stata correlata alla patogenesi di numerose neoplasie compreso il Mesotelioma Maligno (MM), un tumore letale correlato all’esposizione ad amianto, resistente alle terapie ad oggi disponibili. In questo studio sono state condotte una rassegna sistematica della letteratura ed una meta-analisi qualitativa per cercare di identificare i miRNA rilevanti nella diagnosi precoce del MM. E’stato identificato un gruppo di miRNA MM-associati caratterizzati da una potenziale rilevanza clinica. Essi sono stati definiti “mesomiRs” e comprendono i miR-126-3p, miR-103a-3p, miR-625-3p, circolanti ed i miR-16-5p, miR-126-3p, miR-143-3p, miR-145-5p, miR-192-5p, miR-193a-3p, miR-200b-3p, miR-203a-3p, miR-652-3p, tissutali. I mesomiRs sono stati sottoposti ad analisi bioinformatica e funzionale per individuare sia il loro ruolo giocato nella deregolazione delle vie di trasduzione del segnale alla base della patogenesi del MM, sia il loro potenziale diagnostico. In una seconda fase del lavoro, lo studio si è focalizzato sull’allestimento di un metodo sperimentale per analizzare i miRNA differenzialmente espressi tra campioni di MM tissutali e cellulari, e controlli sani. Il miR-214 si è rivelato come il più down-regolato nei campioni patologici rispetto ai controlli. L’analisi in silico di predizione dei target, corroborata dal confronto dei dati sperimentali in letteratura, ha portato all’identificazione della proteina EZH2 come target verosimile del miR-214. Questi sono la base per ulteriori studi sulle specifiche interazioni miRNA-target e i dati fornisco nuove evidenze per lo sviluppo di futuri agenti terapeutici. Questo lavoro dimostra inoltre che un approccio di data-mining ben progettato, affiancato dall’analisi bioinformatica, può svelare informazioni interessanti sui meccanismi alla base della patogenesi del MM e delle patologie dovute all’esposizione all’amianto

    Progress of research on microRNAs with diagnostic value in asbestos exposure: A call for method standardization

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    Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is an insidious, lethal asbestos-related cancer that is poorly responsive to current treatments. Specific and sensitive biomarkers providing early MM diagnosis in exposed subjects, who are at high-risk of developing it, are sorely needed. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous, non-coding, small RNAs with a well-established diagnostic role in cancer and pollution exposure. In a recent systematic review and qualitative meta-analysis followed by a functional investigation, we examined all the available data on the miRNA biomarkers involved in asbestos exposure and MM pathways. This invited commentary aims to provide an insightful critique into the state of the art of the research into clinically relevant miRNA biomarkers, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of current research efforts in this field. It also reviews the suggestions advanced to improve biomarker development productivity and the translation of research results into clinical practice, stressing that multicenter multidisciplinary studies adopting standardized methods and protocol sharing are the key to move from the workbench to the clinic

    Diagnostic value of microRNAs in asbestos exposure and malignant mesothelioma: systematic review and qualitative meta-analysis

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    Asbestos is a harmful and exceptionally persistent natural material. Malignant mesothelioma (MM), an asbestos-related disease, is an insidious, lethal cancer that is poorly responsive to current treatments. Minimally invasive, specific, and sensitive biomarkers providing early and effective diagnosis in high-risk patients are urgently needed. MicroRNAs (miRNAs, miRs) are endogenous, non-coding, small RNAs with established diagnostic value in cancer and pollution exposure. A systematic review and a qualitative meta-analysis were conducted to identify high-confidence miRNAs that can serve as biomarkers of asbestos exposure and MM

    Bioinformatic tools for microRNA dissection

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    Recently, microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as important elements of gene regulatory networks. MiRNAs are endogenous single-stranded non-coding RNAs (∼22-nt long) that regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. Through pairing with mRNA, miRNAs can down-regulate gene expression by inhibiting translation or stimulating mRNA degradation. In some cases they can also up-regulate the expression of a target gene. MiRNAs influence a variety of cellular pathways that range from development to carcinogenesis. The involvement of miRNAs in several human diseases, particularly cancer, makes them potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. Recent technological advances, especially high-throughput sequencing, have led to an exponential growth in the generation of miRNA-related data. A number of bioinformatic tools and databases have been devised to manage this growing body of data. We analyze 129 miRNA tools that are being used in diverse areas of miRNA research, to assist investigators in choosing the most appropriate tools for their needs

    A Practical Guide to miRNA Target Prediction

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small endogenous noncoding RNA molecules that posttranscriptionally regulate gene expression. Since their discovery, a huge number of miRNAs have been identified in a wide range of species. Through binding to the 3' UTR of mRNA, miRNA can block translation or stimulate degradation of the targeted mRNA, thus affecting nearly all biological processes. Prediction and identification of miRNA target genes is crucial toward understanding the biology of miRNAs. Currently, a number of sophisticated bioinformatics approaches are available to perform effective prediction of miRNA target sites. In this chapter, we present the major features that most algorithms take into account to efficiently predict miRNA target: seed match, free energy, conservation, target site accessibility, and contribution of multiple binding sites. We also give an overview of the frequently used bioinformatics tools for miRNA target prediction. Understanding the basis of these prediction methodologies may help users to better select the appropriate tools and analyze their output

    Mitochondrial (Dys) Function in Inflammaging: Do MitomiRs Influence the Energetic, Oxidative, and Inflammatory Status of Senescent Cells?

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    A relevant feature of aging is chronic low-grade inflammation, termed inflammaging, a key process promoting the development of all major age-related diseases. Senescent cells can acquire the senescence-associated (SA) secretory phenotype (SASP), characterized by the secretion of proinflammatory factors fuelling inflammaging. Cellular senescence is also accompanied by a deep reshaping of microRNA expression and by the modulation of mitochondria activity, both master regulators of the SASP. Here, we synthesize novel findings regarding the role of mitochondria in the SASP and in the inflammaging process and propose a network linking nuclear-encoded SA-miRNAs to mitochondrial gene regulation and function in aging cells. In this conceptual structure, SA-miRNAs can translocate to mitochondria (SA-mitomiRs) and may affect the energetic, oxidative, and inflammatory status of senescent cells. We discuss the potential role of several of SA-mitomiRs (i.e., let-7b, miR-1, miR-130a-3p, miR-133a, miR-146a-5p, miR-181c-5p, and miR-378-5p), using miR-146a as a proof-of-principle model. Finally, we propose a comprehensive, metabolic, and epigenetic view of the senescence process, in order to amplify the range of possible approaches to target inflammaging, with the ultimate goal of decelerating the aging rate, postponing or blunting the development of age-related disease

    Exosome-based immunomodulation during aging: a nano-perspective on inflamm-aging

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    Exosomes are nanovesicles formed by inward budding of endosomal membranes. They exert complex immunomodulatory effects on target cells, acting both as antigen-presenting vesicles and as shuttles for packets of information like proteins, coding and non-coding RNA, and nuclear and mitochondrial DNA fragments. Albeit different, all such functions seem to be encompassed in the adaptive mechanism mediating the complex interactions of the organism with a variety of stressors, providing both for defense and for the evolution of symbiotic relationships with others organisms (gut microbiota, bacteria, and viruses). Intriguingly, the newly deciphered human virome and exosome biogenesis seem to share some physical-chemical characteristics and molecular mechanisms. Exosomes are involved in immune system recognition of self from non-self throughout life: they are therefore ideal candidate to modulate inflamm-aging, the chronic, systemic, age-related pro-inflammatory status, which influence the development/progression of the most common age-related diseases (ARDs). Not surprisingly, recent evidence has documented exosomal alteration during aging and in association with ARDs, even though data in this field are still limited. Here, we review current knowledge on exosome-based trafficking between immune cells and self/non-self cells (i.e. the virome), sketching a nano-perspective on inflamm-aging and on the mechanisms involved in health maintenance throughout life

    A Data-Mining Approach to Identify NF-kB-Responsive microRNAs in Tissues Involved in Inflammatory Processes: Potential Relevance in Age-Related Diseases

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    : The nuclear factor NF-kB is the master transcription factor in the inflammatory process by modulating the expression of pro-inflammatory genes. However, an additional level of complexity is the ability to promote the transcriptional activation of post-transcriptional modulators of gene expression as non-coding RNA (i.e., miRNAs). While NF-kB's role in inflammation-associated gene expression has been extensively investigated, the interplay between NF-kB and genes coding for miRNAs still deserves investigation. To identify miRNAs with potential NF-kB binding sites in their transcription start site, we predicted miRNA promoters by an in silico analysis using the PROmiRNA software, which allowed us to score the genomic region's propensity to be miRNA cis-regulatory elements. A list of 722 human miRNAs was generated, of which 399 were expressed in at least one tissue involved in the inflammatory processes. The selection of "high-confidence" hairpins in miRbase identified 68 mature miRNAs, most of them previously identified as inflammamiRs. The identification of targeted pathways/diseases highlighted their involvement in the most common age-related diseases. Overall, our results reinforce the hypothesis that persistent activation of NF-kB could unbalance the transcription of specific inflammamiRNAs. The identification of such miRNAs could be of diagnostic/prognostic/therapeutic relevance for the most common inflammatory-related and age-related diseases