892 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pengguna Jasa Warung Internet di Kota Singaraja Tahun 2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh temuan deskritif tentang (1) kualitas pelayanan, (2) loyalitas pelanggan serta (3) temuan eksplamatif yang teruji tentang pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap loyalitas pengguna jasa warung internet di Kota Singaraja. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif kausal. Objek penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan jasa internet dan pelangganya sebagai subyek, serta kualitas pelayanan dan loyalitas pelanggan sebagai objek. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode (1) kuisioner, (2) wawancara dan (3) dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 100 pelanggan dari jumlah populasi sebanyak 1001 pelanggan. Sampel di tarik dengan menggunakan teknik sampling insidental, serta data di analisis dengan analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) kualitas pelayanan berada dalam kategori baik, (2) loyalitas pelanggan berada dalan kategori sangat loyal dan (3) ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan dari kualitas pelayanan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pengguna jasa warung internet di kota Singaraja Kata-kata kunci: kualitas pelayanan dan loyalitas pelangga

    Assessing Progress towards Public Health, Human Rights, and International Development Goals Using Frontier Analysis

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    Indicators to measure progress towards achieving public health, human rights, and international development targets, such as 100% access to improved drinking water or zero maternal mortality ratio, generally focus on status (i.e., level of attainment or coverage) or trends in status (i.e., rates of change). However, these indicators do not account for different levels of development that countries experience, thus making it difficult to compare progress between countries. We describe a recently developed new use of frontier analysis and apply this method to calculate country performance indices in three areas: maternal mortality ratio, poverty headcount ratio, and primary school completion rate. Frontier analysis is used to identify the maximum achievable rates of change, defined by the historically best-performing countries, as a function of coverage level. Performance indices are calculated by comparing a country’s rate of change against the maximum achievable rate at the same coverage level. A country’s performance can be positive or negative, corresponding to progression or regression, respectively. The calculated performance indices allow countries to be compared against each other regardless of whether they have only begun to make progress or whether they have almost achieved the target. This paper is the first to use frontier analysis to determine the maximum achievable rates as a function of coverage level and to calculate performance indices for public health, human rights, and international development indicators. The method can be applied to multiple fields and settings, for example health targets such as cessation in smoking or specific vaccine immunizations, and offers both a new approach to analyze existing data and a new data source for consideration when assessing progress achieved

    Atomic Hydrogen Cleaning of Polarized GaAs Photocathodes

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    Atomic hydrogen cleaning followed by heat cleaning at 450∘^\circC was used to prepare negative-electron-affinity GaAs photocathodes. When hydrogen ions were eliminated, quantum efficiencies of 15% were obtained for bulk GaAs cathodes, higher than the results obtained using conventional 600∘^\circC heat cleaning. The low-temperature cleaning technique was successfully applied to thin, strained GaAs cathodes used for producing highly polarized electrons. No depolarization was observed even when the optimum cleaning time of about 30 seconds was extended by a factor of 100

    The Impact of Mores on the Major Characters Life in Ibsens Ghost

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    This study examines the presence of mores as one aspect which constructs the social life in society as portrayed in Ibsens Ghosts. The mores as a manifestation of societys demands become important key aspect which may give influence in ones life in his efforts to build social interaction within the community. Through the mores, the societys expectation of ideal social situation is being projected. Some problems have been formulated as follows to see the way the major characters deal with the mores and the impact that may occur in their life. Firstly, it observes how the major characters are presented and what are the mores practiced. Secondly, it discusses what the impact of the mores on the major characters life that comes out as the result of major characters responses toward the mores. Based on the analysis, it shows that characters characteristics are various. The obdurate and conservative characteristic can be seen through Manders while Mrs. Alving is presented as an openminded and critical though she seems like a doubter. Being different is Oswald which is more expressive, liberal and rebellious. The various kinds of characteristics above have significant role in the way a character response the demands of the society (the mores). Meanwhile in the world of reality, sometimes what is considered as an ideal in mores is not always appropriate to be applied in the real condition. This dilemma may lead some people to give various responses or even behave recklessly in dealing with mores. Then, consequently, whatever the response taken or shown by the people in responding the mores at last will bring a new impact in their life as an individual. Keywords: the mores, society, social lif

    The Impact of Mores on the Major Characters Life in Ibsens Ghost

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    This study examines the presence of mores as one aspect which constructs the social life in society as portrayed in Ibsens Ghosts. The mores as a manifestation of societys demands become important key aspect which may give influence in ones life in his efforts to build social interaction within the community. Through the mores, the societys expectation of ideal social situation is being projected. Some problems have been formulated as follows to see the way the major characters deal with the mores and the impact that may occur in their life. Firstly, it observes how the major characters are presented and what are the mores practiced. Secondly, it discusses what the impact of the mores on the major characters life that comes out as the result of major characters responses toward the mores. Based on the analysis, it shows that characters characteristics are various. The obdurate and conservative characteristic can be seen through Manders while Mrs. Alving is presented as an openminded and critical though she seems like a doubter. Being different is Oswald which is more expressive, liberal and rebellious. The various kinds of characteristics above have significant role in the way a character response the demands of the society (the mores). Meanwhile in the world of reality, sometimes what is considered as an ideal in mores is not always appropriate to be applied in the real condition. This dilemma may lead some people to give various responses or even behave recklessly in dealing with mores. Then, consequently, whatever the response taken or shown by the people in responding the mores at last will bring a new impact in their life as an individual. Keywords: the mores, society, social lif

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kelelahan Kerja pada Karyawan Bagian Penggorengan di Pabrik Abon Vivi Kefamenanu Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara

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    Meat floss production requires time as it involves a heavy workload. In addition, poor posture and work environment may cause fatigue and workplace accidents for the workers. There are two causes of fatigue, physical fatigue which is due to work-related environment factors and non-physical fatigue which is due to individual factors. Fatigue can affect health and work performance leading to productivity loss and accidents. This research aims to determine factors associated with work fatigue of workers at the Vivi Meat Floss Factory in Kefamenanu. This research was analytic with a cross-sectional design. The population in this study consisted of all workers (32 women) at the factory. A total sampling technique was applied to select the sample. The data were analyzed using logistic regression. The results showed that the factors related to work fatigue were job tenure period (p-value of 0.001 < 0.05), age (p-value of 0.002 < 0.05), work posture (p-value of 0.002 < 0.05), duration (p-value of 0.006 < 0.05), and temperature (p-value of 0.002 < 0.05)

    Pengaruh Struktur Modal terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Profitabilitas sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Perusahaan Properti dan Real Estate di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Pemegang saham mempunyai kepentingan untuk meningkatkan nilai Perusahaan demi memaksimalkan kekayaannya, peningkatan nilai Perusahaan lebih direpresentasikan oleh harga saham (diproksikan dengan price book value). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan profitabilitas (diproksikan dengan return to equity) dalam memediasi pengaruh struktur modal (diproksikan dengan debt to equity ratio). Populasi penelitian adalah Perusahaan properti dan real estate di BEI Tahun 2008-2012. Penentuan sampel dengan purposive sampling method. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan tehnik analisis jalur dengan alat bantu aplikasi SPSS versi 16. Penelitian menunjukkan hasil dimana profitabilitas mampu memediasi pengaruh struktur modal terhadap nilai Perusahaan, karena utang akan dapat meningkatkan nilai Perusahaan, dan peningkatan nilai Perusahaan ini akan lebih besar apabila utang dapat meningkatkan profitabilitas dari Perusahaan. Perusahaan yang menjadi sampel penelitian belum mencapai titik optimal pada tingkat utangnya, sehingga penambahan proporsi utang yang dapat meningkatkan profitabilitas dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai Perusahaan yang lebih tinggi

    Kesesuaian Anamnese Kefarmasian oleh Apoteker terhadap Diagnosis Dokter di Apotek di Wilayah Kabupaten Gianyar

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    A study of pharmaceutical anamneses relevance by pharmacist compared to doctors' diagnose in 5 pharmacies in Gianyar had been done. The study was descriptive retrospective using 400 prescriptions that come into pharmacies during three months periods, from April to June 2009. The aims of this study was to figure out the relevance between pharmaceutical anamneses that had been done by the pharmacist compared to doctors' diagnose based on clinical symptoms of disease and medical terminology, and also to know the length of time which was needed to do pharmaceutical anamneses on single prescription.From 400 prescriptions that were used in this study, 80.75% showed the relevance between pharmaceutical anamneses compared to doctors' diagnose and 19.25% showed the irrelevance according to clinical symptom of disesases. Meanwhile, according to medical terminology that had been used, the relevance level between the pharmaceutical anamneses by pharmacist compared to doctors' diagnose are22% and 78% showed the irrelevance.The average time used by pharmacist to do pharmaceutical anamnese of single prescription was 6.49 seconds
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