3,123 research outputs found

    The Influence Of Fraternity Membership On The Leadership Identity Development Of Latino Men Attending Primarily White Institutions (PWIs)

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    With the projected increase in the number of Hispanic/Latino students enrolling in postsecondary institutions, there has been an increase in studies on student success that have focused more on Hispanic/Latino students attending Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs). One of the key factors that emerged as an under-examined but important aspect for the success of Hispanic/Latino students has been leadership development (Lozano, 2015, p. 3). Little is known about the “leadership development, capacity, and experiences while in college” of Hispanic/Latino males (Garcia, Huerta, Ramirez, & Patrón, 2017, p. 1). Garcia et al. (2017) pointed out that “scholars have examined the leadership development of college students” (p. 1); however, no research was identified that was conducted on Hispanic/Latino males. Currently in the literature there are “only a handful of studies [that] have been published about Latino males in higher education within the last decade” (Pérez & Taylor, 2016, p. 4). This qualitative phenomenological study examined how membership in a social fraternity influences the leadership identity development of Hispanic/Latino men attending predominantly White institutions (PWIs). Seven participants who self-identified as Hispanic/Latino males and who are members of social fraternities were interviewed. Using Komives’ et al. (2006) leadership identity development (LID) model as the theoretical framework for this study, three themes emerged from the data, 1) Leadership Development in Social Fraternities, 2) Student Organization Involvement, and 3) Peers and Mentors. The implications of these findings are that institutions need to encourage Hispanic/Latino male students to get involved in social fraternities that align with their own personal values and beliefs. Results from this study revealed that membership in social fraternities has the strong potential to successfully develop or further develop the leadership identity development of Hispanic/Latino males at PWIs while creating a closer affinity to the institution

    Synchronisation of the superimposed training method for channel estimation in the presence of DC-offset

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    The superimposed training method estimates the channel from the induced first-order cyclostationary statistics exhibited by the received signal. In this paper, using vector space decomposition, we show that the information needed for training sequence synchronisation, and for DC-offset estimation, can be extracted from the first-order cyclostationary statistics as well. Necessary and sufficient conditions for channel computation and equalisation are derived, when training sequence synchronisation and DC-offset removal are required. The computational burden of the practical implementation of the method presented here is much lighter than for existing algorithms. At the same time, simulation results show that the performance, in terms of the MSE of the channel estimates and BER, is not diminishedwhen compared to these existing algorithms

    Secure Configuration tool Suite Initiative

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    Vulnerability identification, remediation, and compliance verification within the Department of Defense (DOD) are currently inconsistent and non-integrated. The Secure Configuration Tool Suite (SCTS) solution should make significant grounds in resolving the DOD deficiency within an Enterprise-wide Information Assurance Vulnerability Management System. The professional project documented in this paper is a result of a major DOD initiative in support of the SCTS, and is comprised of 2 initiatives: the Secure Configuration Compliance Validation Initiative (SCCVI), which provides vulnerability assessment capability, and the Secure Configuration Remediation Initiative (SCRI), which provides vulnerability remediation capability. As a member of the project installation team the author performed on-site installations as required and directed. The DOD is a large organization and documenting the entire project would be beyond the scope of this professional project. Therefore, this analysis is based on a smaller scale of the initiative above. The installation of an unclassified baseline model at a pre-selected DOD command andall of its subcomponents will be utilized for this thesis. This installation will eventually be available for all DOD components to use as a lessons-learned tool and as a result these tools will be applied across the DOD Enterprise and should fully integrate IA Vulnerability identification, verification, and reporting; thus making a significant contribution to an Enterprise-wide Information Assurance Vulnerability Management System. While this project is based on actual events and efforts, in order to keep within the guidelines of non-disclosure outside of the DOD environment, specific names of commands, agencies and locations have been substituted with generic ones

    By Proxy: A Radiocarbon Perspective on Prehistoric Mobility Using Summed Probability Distributions and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions in Wyoming and Montana

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    Stone circles are among the most common and understudied archaeological features in the Rocky Mountains and High Plains. Their widespread availability coupled with increased archaeological research accompanying oil and natural gas exploration in the region has expanded the availability and size of the region’s radiocarbon database. The dates as data approach uses radiocarbon ages as variables from a larger sample. This thesis compiles radiocarbon ages associated with tipi ring sites in Wyoming and Montana and creates a summed probability distribution from these ages to serve as a proxy for prehistoric mobility. The distribution is corrected for taphonomic bias, or data loss, and compared to two paleoenvironmental proxies from northwestern Wyoming lakes to determine whether prehistoric mobility meets the expectations of the patch choice model. Running correlation windows provide statistical comparisons between datasets. Although a weak statistical relationship is apparent between mobility and the paleoenvironmental reconstructions over the 5000-year study period, no statistically significant correlations were identified at 150-or 200-year scales. Moderate strength correlations between the environmental data and mobility proxy when mobility is lagged suggest a delayed relationship between the datasets. Future research must include expanding the radiocarbon database and obtaining finer-scale paleoenvironmental reconstructions

    A Review the Literature on Problems and Challenges Encountered by Educators During the IEP Process

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    The Individualized with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA) ensures that every child diagnosed with an eligible disability ages 3-21 is provided a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment. One of the provisions of IDEA is that students who qualify for special education services receive an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). IDEA requires specific guidelines to be met by schools, however, research indicates IEP’s established by educators have missing components and quality IEP’s are lacking. Therefore, the purpose of this synthesis project is to review the literature on problems and challenges encountered by educators during the IEP process


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    Exact monopole instantons and cosmological solutions in string theory from abelian dimensional reduction

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    We compute the exact string vacuum backgrounds corresponding to the non-compact coset theory SU(2,1)/SU(2)SU(2,1)/SU(2). The conformal field theory defined by the level k=4k= 4 results in a five dimensional singular solution that factorizes in an asymptotic region as the linear dilaton solution and a S3S^3 model. It presents two abelian compact isometries that allow to reinterpreting it from a four dimensional point of view as a stationary and magnetically charged space-time resembling in some aspects the Kerr-Newman solution of general relativity. The k=137k=\frac{13}{7} theory on the other hand describes a cosmological solution that interpolates between a singular phase at short times and a S1Ă—S2S^1 \times S^2 universe after some planckian times.Comment: 18 pages, section 5 replaced by 5 and 6, references added; to appear in Phys. Rev.


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    Slope and Roughness Statistics of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Seafloor With Some Oceanographic Implications

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    We analyzed 11 cross-slope and six along-slope bathymetric profiles over the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico using statistical and time series techniques. Linear regressions account for over 93% of the water depth variability in nine north-south profiles; the remaining profiles follow quadratic polynomials accounting for over 92% of the variability. Seafloor gradients from the linear fits are generally ≤1°, but local gradients can reach ≅16° near the Sigsbee Escarpment (SE), which is smaller than previously documented. Seafloor roughness elements reach 13-300 m, with most \u3c100m. Such rough bottoms could affect waves with wavelengths of tens of kilometers but not waves of hundreds of kilometers. Water depth power spectra are red (having the most energy at scales ≤10 km) and exhibit a k-2 dependence. Power spectra of short-scale gradients are near constant at scales \u3e0.02 cpkm, implying a white noise process, and overall, these spectra exhibit an exponential dependence. Oceanographically, the slopes are large enough for topographic β-effects to dominate over the planetary β-effect, which allows approximating the topographic Rossby waves (TRWs) dispersion in terms of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency and bottom gradients. The steep SE can sustain minimum periods of ~18 d, which agrees with observed periods. Bottom trapping caused by stratification should be effective only for short waves, but observations suggest that bottom trapping is independent of wavelength. This discrepancy can be explained by the fact that the Gulf of Mexico can be approximated as a two-layer ocean, and TRWs are bottom trapped regardless of wavelength. The critical frequency and slope show that only diurnal and inertial frequencies (at this latitude) could be inducing strong vertical mixing on the study area. The initial conjecture that cyclonic eddies with diameters of 40-150 km are generated by flow-topography interaction was not upheld because the resonance conditions are not met. Finally, the analysis reveals that fluids inside basins cannot escape
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