8 research outputs found

    Mapping land use impact of photovoltaic farms via crowdsourcing in the Province of Lecce (Southeastern Italy)

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    Photovoltaics (PV) is the fastest-growing renewable energy source at the global level and Italy has been one of the pioneers of such growth, now being one of the Countries with the largest installed PV capacity – absolute, per unit area, and per capita. In this paper we investigated the impact of PV on land use in the area with the highest density of PV farms in Italy, i.e. the Province of Lecce (Southeastern Italy): here, such impact is expected to be maximum and has been the subject of public debate. In order to map all PV farms in detail, we used participative cartography, specifically OpenStreetMap (OSM), as data source. This international project collects geographic information (often gathered by people – i.e. the so-called Volunteered Geographic Information, VGI – using widely available technologies, such as smartphone built-in GPS), in order to create freely available global topographic maps. In this paper, we used the OSM platform to create a Geographical Information System (GIS) of PV farms in the Province of Lecce. Using GIS-based techniques, we estimated land use at the municipality level and created a density map of PV farms within the study area. Using the official land cover map Corine Land Cover of 2012, we also evaluated the main changes in land use. The results highlight the correlation between spatial distribution of PV farms and geographic variables (geomorphology, demographics, tourism, etc). We also show that land take by PV farms is quite marginal even in a region such as the Province of Lecce, where the density of PV installed power is among the highest available at the global level

    Energy Machine - progetto INTERREG ITA-SLO "MUSE" asse2 priorit\ue0 4e

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    the architectural project was the objective of the study of a support (modular and repeatable) for photovoltaic systems needed to supply charging stations for electric vehicles. the research studied integrated solutions for architecture and system

    Energy Scheduling and Performance Evaluation of an e-Vehicle Charging Station

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    This paper proposes an energy management system (EMS) for a photovoltaic (PV) grid-connected charging station with a battery energy storage system (BESS). The main objective of this EMS is to manage the energy delivered to the electric vehicle (EV), considering the price and CO2 emissions due to the grid’s connection. Thus, we present a multi-objective two-stage optimization to reduce the impact of the charging station on the environment, as well as the costs. The first stage of the optimization provides an energy schedule, taking into account the PV forecast, the hourly grid’s CO2 emissions factor, the electricity price, and the initial state of charge of the BESS. The output from this first stage corresponds to the maximum power permitted to be delivered to the EV by the grid. Then, the second stage of the optimization is based on model predictive control that looks to manage the energy flow from the grid, the PV, and the BESS. The proposed EMS is validated using an actual PV/BESS charging station located at the University of Trieste, Italy. Then, this paper presents an analysis of the performance of the charging station under the new EMS considering three main aspects, economic, environmental, and energy, for one month of data. The results show that due to the proposed optimization, the new energy profile guarantees a reduction of 32% in emissions and 29% in energy costs

    Canoni liquidi. Variazione culturale e stabilitĂ  testuale dalla Bibbia a Internet

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    I testi canonici sono al centro della nostra identità culturale. Ma come viene tramandata la loro memoria? E come si è costituita la loro presunta stabilità? Uno sguardo alla storia dei testi ci svela che la questione è più complessa di come pensavamo. Tanto le grandi opere dell’antichità, quanto quelle più vicine ai nostri tempi, hanno subito nel corso del tempo innumerevoli metamorfosi, sotto la pressione di eventi sociali e politici, interessi ideologici o religiosi, errori accidentali o consapevoli manipolazioni. Il volume cerca di fare il punto su tali questioni, mettendo a confronto un gruppo interdisciplinare di studiosi: latinisti, grecisti, sanscritisti, ma anche antropologi, sociologi e informatici, discutono in modo aperto e al di là degli steccati accademici che cosa significhi oggi conservare e trasmettere la cultura.The "canonical" or formative texts of a culture, from the Bible to the Rigveda, from Homer to Dante, exist in time as "texts" in a perpetual dialect between the (relative) stability of their media and the dynamics of culture. But why is stability important? What social, economic, political, ethic and esthetic interests does it represent? Who or what "possesses", from time to time, the keys for unlocking or closing a tradition? The digital edition poses new problems, but above all it forces us to rethink the way in which, up until now, the idea of the canon, understood as a unique, stable, authoritative and "true" text, is composed. The objective of this interdisciplinary volume is to explore the tension between the variation of culture (in its modes of transmission) and the relative stability of texts and to show how variation represents the norm and not the exception in cultural processes

    GIS, mechanistic modelling and ontology: a performing mix for precision and sustainable viticulture.

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    10 pagesInternational audiencePrecision viticulture has been developing very rapidly in the last two decades. Operational systemscommonly use GIS, spatial interpolation, modelling, real time geolocalization, remote sensing and more recently,drone technology. Whereas precision viticulture is all about high space and time resolution of either measurements,analysis, diagnostics or decision support, few operational systems are built in an integrative way, combining manytechniques and data sources. Within the European VINTAGE project, hourly time step climate data measurements,topography-based spatial interpolation, mechanistic soil, plant and disease models, remote sensing information anda decision support system are integrated within a GIS server to provide an operational tool for sustainable vineyardmanagement for the grapegrower. The current study presents the overall system framework and first examples ofmodel validation