150 research outputs found

    Development of Interactive Power Point-Based Electronic Learning Media to Improve Rhythmic Gymnastics Learning Outcomes

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    The lack of teachers in making variations of learning media causes students' interest in learning to decrease. Therefore, it is necessary to develop various learning media, one of which is power point-based electronic media. In this study, using the research and development method developed by Borg & Gall. Small group trial involving 10 students. And the large group (field) trial involved 30 students. The results of the assessment obtained from small group trials regarding the quality of the learning media developed in terms of content/material aspects included in the criteria of "very good" as much as 90%, in the good category as much as 10%, while in the category of quite good, not good and very poor. both by 0% each. The results of the assessment obtained from field trials regarding the quality of the developed learning media in terms of content/material aspects included in the "very good" criteria as much as 56.7%, in the good category as much as 40%, in the quite good category 3.3%, while in the category of less good and very unfavorable respectively by 0%

    Peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia di RT.06/RW.04 Desa Kedungrejo Kecamatan Pakis Kabupaten Malang Tahun 2023

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    In 2023, together with the residents, we will hold activities at RT.06/ RW.04, Kedungrejo Village, Pakis District, Malang Regency to commemorate the independence day of the Republic of Indonesia. Our contribution starts from preparing goods, funds, and everything needed until holding the event to completion. We hold fun walks, traditional competitions, bazaar stands and barikan events. Holding a competition is able to stimulate positive character in the participants of the competition. Some of these characters are responsibility, never giving up, cooperation, independence and love of the country. Taking a leisurely walk apart from keeping the body fit can also provide a spirit of togetherness and harmony. This is shown by the situation of walking together hand in hand from start to finish. &nbsp

    Penyuluhan Kesehatan Tentang Diare Pada Anak-Anak

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    Diarrheal disease is still a public health problem in developing countries such as Indonesia, because of its high morbidity and mortality. This can be seen from the increase in diarrhea morbidity rates from year to year. Therefore, through PMBP (Potential-Based Community Service) activities, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang students as servants held an event "Counseling on diarrhea in children. The dedication method is carried out by way of the presentation method to educate the public about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, debriefing with students, this method is carried out by means of debriefing between presenters and participants, clean school. The results of dedication in terms of the implementation of the work program have been achieved in full from the total number of targets. The first work program is to provide counseling to children which is delivered in detail and comprehensively. The second work program is a discussion or question and answer about diarrhea prevention. The third work program is a demonstration of a healthy way of life, to further increase children's understanding. The fourth work program is carrying out social services. This is very important because by carrying out social services by working together to clean up the environment in surrounding schools. it can be concluded that community service activities attended by students from SDN Tambakasri 5, Malang Regency, East Java province with an age range of 8-12 years can run smoothly, delivery of material and practice can be delivered well, and all participants are active. participants experienced some increase in knowledge or practice in carrying out a healthy lifestyl

    Survey on Reproductive Health Knowledge of Young Women in Selokerto Village

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    Knowledge of reproductive health care is very important for adolescents, especially young women, because at the time of adolescence there is a very dynamic development both biologically and psychologically. In this study using a survey method. Where the population and samples who have the age of 15-17 years amounted to 15 young women. The data collection technique in this study was using a closed type questionnaire (questionnaire) by giving a set of questions or written statements to respondents to answer. Based on the results and discussion, the researchers concluded that: 1) Health education had the lowest score of 13 and the highest score of 21 with an average score of 17.21 or about 81.9%. respondents have good knowledge, 2) Knowledge of adolescents about reproductive health after health education has the lowest score of 11 and the highest score of 21 with an average of 18.13 or about 86.3%, 3) The statistical test results obtained the Asymp value. Sig 0.051 > 0.05 then Ho is accepted, it is concluded that there is no effect of health education on the level of knowledge of adolescents about reproductive health because the average value between before and after the intervention only increased

    Developing Variety of Handball Attacking Strategies Training for Malang Handball Athletes

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    The research aims to develop learning media products as a reference book to improve handball athletes in Malang city's attack strategy techniques. The method used in this research is the development method (Research and Development) from Brog and Gall. In this development of the research, a reference book was produced on variations of an attack training strategy for Handball athletes in Malang. The research results of the analysis data from the Analysis Expert of handball training with a value of 4,03 on a scale of 1 to 5 with a good predicate, the results of validation by the Expert of media with a value of 4,22 on a scale of 1to 5 with a good prediction. The research results from the first phase trial showed a small group with a percentage of 7,43%, the research results in the second phase trial with a percentage of 78,57%, and in the field trial, a percentage of 83,33% was obtained. Based on the results of management data, the developed book product was declared fit for use as a learning media for attack training strategy of variation for handball athletes in the city of Malang

    Vulnerability assessment of water supply systems for insufficient fire flows

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    Water supply systems’ vulnerability towards physical, chemical, biological, and cyber threats was recognized and was under study long before September 11, 2001. But greater attention toward security measures for water supply systems was focused after the incidents of September 11, 2001. In response to those events, several acts have been passed by the United States Congress, and numerous vulnerability assessment tools and methodologies for water systems have been developed. Although water supply systems are vulnerable to many forms of terrorist acts, most of the vulnerability analysis studies on these systems have been for chemical and biological threats. Because of the interdependency of water supply infrastructure and emergency fire response, any substantial damage in a water system would be a significant threat towards the community. In this study, attention is focused toward physical threats on water supply systems during a fire flow condition, and a methodology is developed to determine the vulnerable components of a water supply system during a fire event. The methodology utilizes dynamic programming optimization procedure to determine maximized disruption of fire flows as a function of number of attacks and/or failures in the water distribution system. Disruption is quantified at specific fire hydrants in two schemes using normalized values of (1) available flow and (2) available pressure and distance to the nearest operational fire hydrant. It is found that the pressure-based quantity is inferior to the flow-based one. However, using the flow-based disruption metric, clear functions of disruption versus failure number can be determined that exhibit discernable properties of robustness and resiliency – and the sequential failures in each. This methodology is applied to the water supply system of Micropolis, a virtual city developed by Brumbelow et al. (2005), and vulnerability analysis is performed with fire at several possible locations. On the basis of the results, three mitigation strategies are proposed to harden specific sets of water mains and more simulations are performed on the hardened water supply system to assess its changed vulnerability. The results from the simulations of the mitigation strategies show that the recommendations on specific mitigation measures reduce the serious consequences from such threats

    Analisis Pengaruh Media Pendingin dan Temperatur pada Proses Pengerasan Baja AISI 1035 terhadap Sifat Kekerasan dan Struktur Mikro untuk Aplikasi Hammer Crusher

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    Hammer crusher digunakan untuk menghancurkan raw material berupa limestone yang diambil dari tempat penambangan. Hammer crusher sering mengalami keausan akibat bergesekan dengan limestone. Material yang digunakan tidak sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan, dari uji komposisi kimia terhadap hammer crusher didapatkan komposisinya setara dengan AISI 1035. Proses perlakuan panas terhadap hammer crusher dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kekerasannya dan struktur mikro supaya sesuai dengan standar yang dipersyaratkan dengan memvariasikan media pendingin dan temperature pada proses pengerasan. Dilakukan proses hardening pada temperatur 850oC dan 900oC dengan waktu tahan 30 menit, yang kemudian di quench dengan media pendingin air, oli, dan brine untuk meningkatkan kekerasannya. Kemudian, komponen di uji OES, hardness, struktur mikro dan kemudian kemudian di uji ketahanan aus. Didapatkan nilai kekerasan yang paling tingii yaitu spesimen dengan temperatur hardening 900oC dengan media pendingin brine sebesar 679.4 HV dengan laju keausan 1,3 mm / jam. Nilai kekerasan yang meningkat sebanding dengan ketahanan aus yang meningkat dari material hammer crusher. Kekuatan media pendingin dan temperature yang lebih tinggi menyebabkan kekerasan yang didapatkan lebih tinggi. ========================================================================================================== Hammer crusher is used to destroy raw material in the form of limestone taken from the mine. Hammer crusher often experience wear and tear due to rubbing with limestone. The material used is not in accordance with the specified standard, from the chemical composition test to the hammer crusher, the composition is comparable to AISI 1035. The heat treatment process of hammer crusher is done to increase its hardness and microstructure to comply with the required standard by varying the cooling medium and temperature at hardening process. Conducted hardening process at 850oC and 900oC with 30 minutes, which then quench with water coolant, oil, and brine to increase the hardness. Then, the components in the OES test, hardness, microstructure and then later in the wear resistance test. The highest value of hardness is specimen with hardening temperature 900oC with brine cooling medium equal to 679.4 HV with wear rate 1,3 mm / hour. The increased hardness value is proportional to the increased wear resistance of the hammer crusher material. Higher media and cooling temperatures cause higher hardness

    Analisis Kesesuaian Materi dengan Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan pada Matakuliah Desain dan Strategi Pembelajaran

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    The ideal curriculum must have a match between learning outcomes and learning methods and teaching materials. The KKNI curriculum at the bachelor's level (S1) level begins with the preparation of profiles of higher education graduates which are then translated into Graduate Learning Outcomes. Based on this, this research was carried out with the aim of analyzing the level of suitability between the learning outcomes of graduates and the teaching materials in the Design and Learning Strategy Subject. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using document analysis method. The data collection instrument is a guidebook for the preparation of the KKNI curriculum, Semester Learning Plans for Design and Learning Strategies, Student Learning Outcomes in Design and Learning Strategy Subjects in the IKIP Budi Utomo Health and Recreation Physical Education Study Program and a rubric for assessment of the suitability of teaching materials. The data obtained were described qualitatively. The results showed that the teaching materials in the Design and Learning Strategy Subjects were in accordance with the learning outcomes of graduates as stated in the IQF with a suitability level of 84% which was in the "very appropriate" category. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the teaching materials arranged in the Learning Design and Strategy course are in accordance with the learning outcomes of graduates in the KKNI curriculum

    Analisis Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Bersih di Kecamatan Simokerto dan Kecamatan Semampir Kota Surabaya

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    Permasalahan lingkungan di Surabaya yang dominan saat ini adalah peningkatan populasi yang menyebabkan kepadatan penduduk dan masalah sanitasi. Masalah sanitasi sangat erat hubungannya dengan penyedian air bersih. Untuk mendapatkan air bersih yang aman, tentunya harus ditunjang dengan ketersediaan fasilitas sanitasi yang layak. Penelitian lapangan ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Simokerto dan Kecamatan Semampir yang merupakan area beresiko sangat tinggi terhadap masalah sanitasi berdasarkan studi Environment Healt Risk Assessment (EHRA) pada tahun 2015. Tujuan dari penelitian lapangan ini adalah analisis terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih masyarakat Kecamatan Simokerto dan Kecamatan Semampir, selanjutnya akan dilakukan analisis solusi untuk menangani masalah air bersih pada wilayah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survei dan observasi. Berdasarkan sumbernya, data dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu data primer yang didapat dari survei lapangan dan wawancara, sementara data sekunder didapat dari studi literatur dan instansi penyedia data yang dibutuhkan. Berdasarkan laporan PDAM tahun 2016, diketahui bahwa 78,85% penduduk di Kecamatan Simokerto telah memiliki akses terhadap air bersih dan 21,15% sisanya belum memiliki akses air bersih, sementara pada Kecamatan Semampir 73,98% penduduk telah memiliki akses air bersih dan 26,02% sisanya belum memiliki akses terhadap air bersih. Masyarakat Kecamatan Simokerto dan Kecamatan Semampir yang belum terlayani PDAM adalah masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di kawasan padat penduduk dan/atau masyarakat yang menempati lahan dengan status kontrak milik perorangan atau instansi tertentu. Masyarakat yang tidak memiliki sambungan PDAM, menggunakan air sumur dan/atau membeli air pada penjual air (vendor water), akan tetapi kualitas air sumur tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai air yang layak di konsumsi. Jika masyarakat membeli seluruh kebutuhan air pada vendor water, maka beban biaya yang ditanggung masyarakat sangatlah tinggi. Solusi yang dapat diterapkan untuk menangani permasalahan air bersih di wilayah penelitian adalah dengan peningkatan pelayanan PDAM atau penerapan teknologi pengolah air sumur. Peningkatan pelayanan PDAM dapat berupa sambungan rumah untuk wilayah yang dapat dijangkau oleh jaringan PDAM dan hidran umum (kran umum) untuk wilayah yang tidak dapat dijangkau oleh jaringan pipa PDAM. Berdasarkan uji kualitas air sumur, parameter yang melebihi baku mutu adalah Mangan (Mn) dan bakteri coliform. Metode aerasi filtrasi cocok diterapkan untuk mengolah air sumur dengan kadar Mn yang tinggi, sementara sinar UV efektif untuk menghilangkan mikroorganisme. Beban biaya penyambungan dan penggunaan fasilitas PDAM lebih murah dibandingkan dengan pengadaan teknologi. Apabila pengadaan teknologi aerasi filtrasi dan sinar UV diterapkan secara komunal, maka beban biaya penerapan teknologi yang dikeluarkan akan lebih murah daripada penggunaan fasilitas sambungan PDAM. ==================================================================================================================== Nowadays, the dominant environmental problem in Surabaya is the population increase that causes population density and sanitation problem. Sanitation problem is closely related to the provision of clean water. To obtain safe water, it should be supported by the availability of proper sanitation facilities. This study was conducted in Simokerto and Semampir Districts, which are very high risk area for sanitation issues based on the Environment Health Risk Assessment (EHRA) study in 2015. The purpose of this study is to analyze the clean water need supply of people in Simokerto and Semampir Districts, then the solution analysis will be done to handle the clean water problem in the study area. The method used in this study is descriptive method with survey and observation technique. Based on the sources, the data is divided into two, namely the primary data obtained from field survey and interview, while secondary data obtained from the study of literature and agency data provider required. In early 2017, 78.85% of the population in Simokerto District had access to clean water, while the remaining 21.15% did not have access to clean water. In Semampir District, 73.98% of the population had access to clean water and the remaining 26.02% did not have access to clean water. The people of Simokerto and Semampir Districts that have not been served by PDAM are people who live in densely populated area and stay in an area with contract status owned by individuals or certain agencies. People that do not have connection of PDAM use well-water and/or buy water at water vendors. However, in terms of quality, well-water does not qualify as water that is feasible in consumption. If people buy all the water need from the water vendor, the burden on the people costs is high. A workable solution for dealing with clean water issues in the study area is by improving PDAM service or implementing well-water treatment technology. The improvement of PDAM service can be home connection for areas accessible to PDAM and public hydrant for areas not accessible to PDAM pipelines. Based on well-water quality test, parameters that exceed the quality standard are Manganese (Mn) and coliform bacteria. The filtration aeration method is suitable for treating well-water with high Mn levels, while UV light is effective for removing microorganisms. The cost of connecting and using PDAM facilities is cheaper than the procurement of technology. If the provision of filtration and UV light aeration technology is implemented communally, the cost of implementation the issued technology will be cheaper than using the PDAM connection facility

    A Risk-based Optimization Modeling Framework for Mitigating Fire Events for Water and Fire Response Infrastructures

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to address risk and consequences of and effective mitigation strategies for urban fire events involving two critical infrastructures- water distribution and emergency services. Water systems have been identified as one of the United States' critical infrastructures and are vulnerable to various threats caused by natural disasters or malevolent actions. The primary goals of urban water distribution systems are reliable delivery of water during normal and emergency conditions (such as fires), ensuring this water is of acceptable quality, and accomplishing these tasks in a cost-effective manner. Due to interdependency of water systems with other critical infrastructures-e.g., energy, public health, and emergency services (including fire response)- water systems planning and management offers numerous challenges to water utilities and affiliated decision makers. The dissertation is divided into three major sections, each of which presents and demonstrates a methodological innovation applied to the above problem. First, a risk based dynamic programming modeling approach is developed to identify the critical components of a water distribution system during fire events under three failure scenarios: (1) accidental failure due to soil-pipe interaction, (2) accidental failure due to a seismic activity, and (3) intentional failure or malevolent attack. Second, a novel evolutionary computation based multi-objective optimization technique, Non-dominated Sorting Evolution Strategy (NSES), is developed for systematic generation of optimal mitigation strategies for urban fire events for water distribution systems with three competing objectives: (1) minimizing fire damages, (2) minimizing water quality deficiencies, and (3) minimizing the cost of mitigation. Third, a stochastic modeling approach is developed to assess urban fire risk for the coupled water distribution and fire response systems that includes probabilistic expressions for building ignition, WDS failure, and wind direction. Urban fire consequences are evaluated in terms of number of people displaced and cost of property damage. To reduce the assessed urban fire risk, the NSES multi-objective approach is utilized to generate Pareto-optimal solutions that express the tradeoff relationship between risk reduction, mitigation cost, and water quality objectives. The new methodologies are demonstrated through successful application to a realistic case study in water systems planning and management
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