210 research outputs found

    The 'Land of the Free'? The United States in the Eyes of Italian American Radicals

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    This essay examines how Italian American socialists and anarchists perceived American institutions and political environment between the late nineteenth century and the mid twenties. It argues that a few radicals initially thought that American republicanism and liberties offered a fitting context for the establishment of a socialist society in the United States. It also points out that, after they moved to the other side of the Atlantic and experienced actual life under capitalism and the lack of trans-ethnic class solidarity among workers in their adoptive country, their earlier fascination with America and their great expectations died away, disillusionment set in, and the eventual disappointment even made some radicals receptive to nationalistic feelings

    Food and Ethnic Identity in Italian-American Narrative

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    The Italian American community in the United States has frequently been represented through the stereotypes of gluttony and Mafia connections. The host society has portrayed Italian immigrants as macaroni-eating gangsters, and the only truth in that assumption is that the food had a huge importance among the community, because it was a way of measuring a person’s social standing. Both Louise DeSalvo and Edvige Giunta have argued that “food-writing and life-writing in Italian American culture are interconnected, for to examine our relationship to food is to examine ourselves”. Actually, sharing meals has been a way of strengthening family and community ties in “Little Italies”, as well as a form of remembering the native land. Food is the fabric of traditions: it has rituals that must be respected, while the rites’ disruption is frequently used as an allegory to signal that the community values themselves have been violated. The overview of Italian-American narratives in this essay highlights how Italian Americans’ self-perception through foodways is not stable, and how it actually undergoes a number of transformations that include attachment to the local roots of the native or ancestral place of origin, the elaboration of a consciousness based on one’s national descent, the rejection of national heritage in the pursuit of assimilation into the American society, and the rediscovery of one’s Italian extraction

    Tampa\u27s 1910 Lynching: The Italian-American Perspective and Its Implications

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    On 20 September 1910, law enforcement officers in Tampa arrested two Sicilian immigrants, Angelo Albano and Castenge (alias Castenzio and Costanzo) Ficarotta. They were charged with complicity in what ultimately turned out to be the fatal shooting of J. Frank Esterling, an accountant for the Bustillo Brothers and Diaz Cigar Company, a large cigar manufacture that employed some 600 workers in West Tampa. While Albano and Ficarotta were being taken to the county jail, at a time when Esterling was still alive though hospitalized in critical condition, a crowd of twenty-five to thirty people stopped the horsedrawn hack by which the two suspects were being moved, seized the two prisoners, transported them to a nearby grove, and lynched them. As a desecrating insult to the corpses, a pipe was placed in Ficarotta\u27s mouth and a notice was pinned to Albano\u27s belt. Written in black ink, the notice read Beware! Others take note or go the same way. We know seven more. We are watching you. If any more citizens are molested, look out-Justice.

    The Color of Citizenship: Asian Immigrants to the United States and Naturalization between 1870 and 1952

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    The 1870 Naturalization Act granted migrants from Africa and their descendants the right to apply for US citizenship. Consequently, while blacks joined whites among the potential beneficiaries of the naturalization process, Asians remained excluded from it until the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act repealed the “aliens ineligible to citizenship” clause from US legislation. Yet, the contours of who was white and who was Oriental turned out to be somehow blurred when it came to Asians with light complexion and to peoples residing in regions bordering with Europe and Africa. Drawing primarily upon a few landmark cases before the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, this article highlights the efforts of a few Asian applicants who endeavored to exploit loopholes in the naturalization legislation to become US citizens. Moreover, it examines the racial and religious criteria to which federal judges also resorted to define who was Asian and, thereby, not eligible for naturalization and accommodation within US society

    Italian Americans and the New Deal Coalition

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    With an estimated eligible electorate of nearly four million potential voters nationwide in the prewar decade, Italian Americans were a key component of the coalition of ethnic groups that elected Franklin D. Roosevelt to the White House in 1932 and contributed to the creation of the Democratic majority that dominated U. S. politics, at least in presidential contests, for roughly two decades (Mott ; Jensen). Conventional scholarly wisdom usually has it that most Italian Americans shifted thei..

    Voto elettronico: uno strumento per la gestione di un seggio elettorale virtuale

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    Abstract available in italian only.L\u27obiettivo di questo report tecnico ? quello di illustrare una soluzione tecnica adottata per la progettazione e realizzazione di un sistema informatico sicuro per l\u27organizzazione e la gestione di un seggio elettorale virtuale, capace di sfruttare le caratteristiche intrinseche di un modello di tipo client-server basato su form on‑line accessibili tramite autenticazione con PIN e Password, consentendo l\u27accesso ai dati mantenuti su un database SQL

    Riprogettazione del servizio Whois del Registro del ccTLD "it": soluzioni adottate

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    This document shows the mechanisms to access and consult data contained in the Whois database. In particular, it describes the technical solutions adopted by the ccTLD "it" Registry related to both the Web public interface and the one reserved to the provider/maintainer. It also shows the Whois behaviour when accessed through direct connection on port 43

    Multimodal hybrid 2D networks via the thiol-epoxide reaction on 1T/2H MoS2 polytypes

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    The study adds a fundamental tile to the still incomplete puzzle of covalent functionalization tools of 2D inorganic networks and describes a protocol where organic moieties are covalently grafted at both phases (1T and 2H) of a CE-MoS2 sample
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