253 research outputs found

    Tailoring 2D phononic crystal sensor properties by lattice symmerty reduction

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    We propose a novel method of tailoring the band structure of 2D phononic crystals (PnC) by reducing the lattice symmetry. Specifically, symmetry reduction by stretching and distorting the crystal face is explored. The transmission spectrum of the PnC was numerically calculated using the layer multiple-scattering method. Change in the shape and size of the band gaps is demonstrated as well as form of pass bands inside the stop band. The practical feasibility of the PnC sensor concept was evaluated for the case of synthetic quartz matrix and water inclusions. A distinct pattern of the pass band transformation inside the stop band which is induced by changing the distortion angle was demonstrated. The approach is in particular useful in adjusting the size and position of the gap and tailoring the size and position of the pass band in PnC sensors

    Sub-wavelength phononic crystal liquid sensor

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    We introduce an acoustic liquid sensor based on phononic crystals consisting of steel plate with an array of holes filled with liquid. We both theoretically and experimentally demonstrate sensor properties considering the mechanism of the extraordinary acoustic transmission as underlying phenomenon. The frequency of this resonant transmission peak is shown to rely on the speed of sound of the liquid, and the resonant frequency can be used as a measure of speed of sound and related properties, like concentration of a component in the liquid mixture. The finite-difference time domain method has been applied for sensor design. Ultrasonic transmission experiments are performed. Good consistency of the resonant frequency shift has been found between theoretical results and experiments. The proposed scheme offers a platform for an acoustic liquid sensor

    Influence of viscoelasticity and interfacial slip on acoustic wave sensors

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    Acoustic wave devices with shear horizontal displacements, such as quartz crystal microbalances (QCM) and shear horizontally polarised surface acoustic wave (SH-SAW) devices provide sensitive probes of changes at solid-solid and solid- liquid interfaces. Increasingly the surfaces of acoustic wave devices are being chemically or physically modified to alter surface adhesion or coated with one or more layers to amplify their response to any change of mass or material properties. In this work, we describe a model that provides a unified view of the modification in the shear motion in acoustic wave systems by multiple finite thickness loadings of viscoelastic fluids. This model encompasses QCM and other classes of acoustic wave devices based on a shear motion of the substrate surface and is also valid whether the coating film has a liquid or solid character. As a specific example, the transition of a coating from liquid to solid is modelled using a single relaxation time Maxwell model. The correspondence between parameters from this physical model and parameters from alternative acoustic impedance models is given explicitly. The characteristic changes in QCM frequency and attenuation as a function of thickness are illustrated for a single layer device as the coating is varied from liquid-like to that of an amorphous solid. Results for a double layer structure are given explicitly and the extension of the physical model to multiple layers is described

    Differential Phononic Crystal Sensor: Towards a Temperature Compensation Mechanism for Field Applications Development

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    Phononic crystals are resonant structures with great potential to be implemented in applications as liquid sensors. The use of the symmetry reduction technique allows introducing relevant transmission features inside bandgaps by creating defect modes in a periodic regular structure. These features can be used as measures to quantify changes in the speed of sound of liquid samples that could be related to the concentration of analytes or the presence of pathogens among other interesting applications. In order to be able to implement this new technology in more challenging applications, such as biomedical applications, it is necessary to have a very precise and accurate measurement. Changes in temperature greatly affect the speed of sound of the liquid samples, causing errors in the measurements. This article presents a phononic crystal sensor that, by introducing additional defect modes, can carry out differential measurements as a temperature compensation mechanism. Theoretical studies using the transmission line model and analytes at various temperatures show that the proposed temperature compensation mechanism enhances the performance of the sensor in a significant way. This temperature compensation strategy could also be implemented in crystals with different topologies

    Compressional acoustic wave generation in microdroplets of water in contact with quartz crystal resonators

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    Resonating quartz crystals can be used for sensing liquid properties by completely immersing one side of the crystal in a bulk liquid. The in-plane shearing motion of the crystal generates shear waves which are damped by a viscous liquid. Thus only a thin layer of fluid characterised by the penetration depth of the acoustic wave is sensed by a thickness shear mode resonator. Previous studies have shown that the finite lateral extent of the crystal results in the generation of compressional waves, which may cause deviations from the theoretical behavior predicted by a one-dimensional model. In this work, we report on a simultaneous optical and acoustic wave investigation of the quartz crystal resonator response to sessile microdroplets of water, which only wet a localized portion of the surface. The relationship between initial change in frequency and distance from the center of the crystal has been measured for the compressional wave generation regions of the crystal using 2μl and 5μl droplets. For these volumes the initial heights do not represent integer multiples of a half of the acoustic wavelength and so are not expected to initially produce compressional wave resonance. A systematic study of the acoustic response to evaporating microdroplets of water has then been recorded for droplets deposited in the compressional wave generation regions of the crystals whilst simultaneously recording the top and side views by videomicroscopy. The data is compared to theoretically expected values of droplet height for constructive acoustic interference. Results are highly reproducible and there is good correlation between theory and experiment


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    Sensoren sind Basiselemente, um Informationen aus der Umgebung aufzunehmen und elektronisch weiterzuverarbeiten. Sie haben wesentlich die innovativen Entwicklungen in den zurückliegenden 15 Jahren bestimmt. An ausgewählten Beispielen wird das komplexe Gebiet der Sensorik dargestellt und die Bedeutung von Sensoranwendungen in unterschiedlichsten Bereichen gezeigt. Eigene Beiträge zu resonanten Sensoren werden dargestellt. Dabei stehen Ultraschallsensoren und akustische Mikrosensoren im Mittelpunkt. Sensoren werden auch in der Zukunft eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Deshalb werden Trends abgeschätzt