56 research outputs found

    Psychosocial risk factors associated with depression in school adolescents from 13 to 17 years of the Liceo Patria Educational Institution of the city of Bucaramanga in the 2011 school year

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    La depresión es una enfermedad crónica e incapacitante cuya incidencia en la adolescencia es motivo de preocupación por los graves desencadenantes que ocasiona en esta etapa del ciclo vital: suicidio, consumo de sustancias legales o ilegales, conductas delictivas, fracaso escolar etc. La intervención y detección temprana del trastorno depresivo en la adolescencia contribuye de manera significativa en el desarrollo adecuado de la salud mental de éstos y en las etapas posteriores a ésta. La propuesta de investigación se centra en describir los factores de riesgo psicosocial asociados a la depresión en adolescentes de ambos sexos, escolarizados con edades entre los 13 y 17 años de edad. El procedimiento para alcanzar los objetivos de la investigación se harán a través de la aplicación de un instrumento que indaga los factores psicosociales de los adolescentes entre los que se encuentran variables sociodemográficas, variables que indican algún tipo de trastorno mental y variables sobre factores de riesgo en la adolescencia. Los resultados obtenidos servirán para que la institución educativa Liceo Patria implemente campañas de sensibilización, promoción y prevención del trastorno depresivo en los adolescentes de dicha institución.Resumen 1. Planteamiento del Problema 2. Objetivos 3. Formulación del problema 4. Antecedentes 5. Diseño metodológico preliminar 6. Cronograma 7. Presupuesto Bibliografía CitadaEspecializaciónDepression is a chronic and disabling disease whose incidence in adolescence is a cause for concern due to the serious triggers it causes at this stage of the life cycle: suicide, consumption of legal or illegal substances, criminal behavior, school failure, etc. The intervention and early detection of depressive disorder in adolescence contributes significantly to the proper development of their mental health and in the stages after it. The research proposal focuses on describing the psychosocial risk factors associated with depression in adolescents of both sexes, school aged between 13 and 17 years of age. The procedure to achieve the objectives of the research will be done through the application of an instrument that investigates the psychosocial factors of adolescents, among which are sociodemographic variables, variables that indicate some type of mental disorder and variables on risk factors in adolescents. adolescence. The results obtained will help the Liceo Patria educational institution to implement campaigns to raise awareness, promote and prevent depressive disorder in adolescents from said institution

    Perfil epidemiológico de pacientes con VIH/SIDA en atención ambulatoria de un hospital escuela: municipio de São Paulo

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    This study aimed to characterize the epidemiological profile of patients with HIV/AIDS at an outpatient service, to analyze the infection stage on the patient's first return, lethality and program evasion. A descriptive and analytical epidemiological study was carried out during nursing appointments with 1837 clients. Most participants were men (1.71 men / 1 woman), between 30 and 39 years old (46.8%); residents in São Paulo (86.5%); low education level (76.3%). Most women were living with partners (45.4%), whereas most men were single (53.3%). The main category of exposure was heterosexual behavior (83.5% among men and 71.2% among women). Both male and female participations discovered their HIV/AIDS positive condition in advanced stages (57%). Opportunistic infection levels were significantly higher (p< 0.05) among men. For men and women, the predominant opportunistic infection was tuberculosis (26.2%). CD4<350 results on the first return were significantly higher (p = 0.04) among women. Death risk was greater among women (OR =1.72), whereas the risk of treatment evasion was greater among men (OR = 1.72).El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar la población con VIH/SIDA; analizar la fase de infección, la letalidad y deserción del programa. Método: estudio epidemiológico descriptivo analítico realizado durante las consultas de enfermería con 1837 clientes. La relación hombre-mujer era de 1,71/1. El grupo de edad predominante fue de 30 a 39 años (46,8%). La mayoría de los participantes vivía en el Municipio de São Paulo (86,5%), con bajo grado de instrucción (76,3%). Las mujeres vivían con una pareja (45,4%) y los hombres eran solteros (53,3%). La categoría de exposición predominante en la transmisión del VIH fue la sexual con comportamiento heterosexual (el 83,5% entre los hombres y el 71,2% entra las mujeres). Ambos descubrieron ser portadores del VIH/SIDA en estadios avanzados (57%). Para ambos la infección oportunista predominante fue la tuberculosis (26,2%), CD4 < 350 en el primer reingreso fue significativamente mayor (p= 0,04) entre las mujeres. El riesgo de muerte fue mayor entre las mujeres (OR= 1,72).Os objetivos deste estudo foram: caracterizar o perfil epidemiológico dos clientes com HIV/AIDS de Ambulatório de hospital/escola no Município de São Paulo de 1993 a 2001; analisar a fase da infecção dos clientes que compareceram ao retorno; a letalidade e a evasão do atendimento. O método de estudo epidemiológico descritivo analítico, foi utilizado durante as consultas de enfermagem com 1837 clientes. Resultados: relação homem/mulher 1,71/1; maiores concentrações: faixa etária 30 a 39 anos (46,8%), residentes no Município (86,5%), baixa escolaridade (76,3%). Entre as mulheres 45,4% viviam com companheiros; 53,3% dos homens eram solteiros. Categoria sexual com comportamento heterossexual foi predominante (83,5% dos homens e 71,2% das mulheres). Ambos (57%) descobriram ser portadores em estágios considerados avançados. A infecção oportunista predominante foi a tuberculose (26,2%), CD4 < 350 foi significativamente maior (p = 0,04) entre as mulheres. O risco de óbito foi maior nas mulheres (OR = 1,72), e para abandono foi maior nos homens (OR = 1,72).Hospital São Paulo Unidade AmbulatorialUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Hospital São Paulo Unidade AmbulatorialUNIFESPSciEL

    Study of thermal behaviour of roofing on subtropical climate: the use of radiant barrier

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    Solar radiation is the main energy source and responsible for heat gain in buildings, particularly in tropical climate regions. In general, roofing is one of the constructive components that receive most of incident solar radiation in single-storey buildings. One of the techniques to attenuate the solar heat gain is the use of radiant barrier in the roofing system. This paper presents results about thermal performance of different kinds of radiant barrier applied to tiles to verify the temperature attenuation. The study was performed in test cells, where the radiant barrier (aluminum film) was applied to a roofing system consisting of metallic tiles and PVC membrane. Results show that radiant barriers are efficient in providing a good thermal performance of roofing systems and are expected to contribute for the knowledge transfer to designers so as to provide thermal comfort and energy saving in buildings

    Springtime monitoring of passive cool roofs in subtropical climate

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    Passive strategies for acclimatization of buildings have been studied by several authors in many countries, especially the evaporative and radiant cooling techniques. Fiber cement tiles are very common in popular constructions due to their low cost. However, they have over twice of the value thermal transmittance indicated to this bioclimatic zone according to Brazilian guidelines. The objective is to present an alternative to reduce high temperatures on fiber cement tiles. In this paper, the monitoring of passive cooling of roofing during the spring season in a city with subtropical climate is described. Single and combined reflective and evaporative cooling systems were studied in different environmental conditions. Internal surface temperatures of tiles were monitored together with weather variables. Results show a decrease of about 6 ºC, 9 ºC, 10 ºC and 11 ºC as compared to the original tiles according to environment conditions and the combined passive cooling techniques. These results allow for the conclusion that the use of passive cooling techniques opens up new possibilities to attenuate the internal surface temperatures of tiles and to consequently decrease the roofing solar heat gain into buildings, thus, providing less air cooling energy consumption

    Maternal mortality and race in the Brazilian State of Mato Grosso

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    OBJECTIVES: to examine the correlation between maternal mortality rates and race/color in the Brazilian State of Mato Grosso between 2000 and 2006. METHODS: an epidemiological study was carried out using the death certificates, DATASUS and SIM/SES-MT to provide a time series for these years. The race/color of the women who died during childbirth was related to the variables age, level of education, marital status, primary cause of death and type of obstetric cause. In combination with the Χ2 test and the odds rati were used. RESULTS: the Χ2 test showed a significant association between race/color and maternal mortality, with a level of significance of 95%. The odds ratio revealed that such deaths were 5.13 times more likely among black women and 5.71 times more likely among indigenous women, compared to white women. Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium were the main cause of maternal mortality among African Brazilian women and women of mixed race; 45.4% and 29.93% respectively. Indigenous women died more of complications during labor with 27.2%. White women died more (30.7%) of other obstetric complications. CONCLUSIONS: in the state of Mato Grosso a high maternal mortality rate from direct obstetric causes are found among black and indigenous women.OBJETIVOS: analisar a correlação entre óbitos maternos e raça/cor no Estado de Mato Grosso entre os anos de 2000 a 2006. MÉTODOS: estudo epidemiológico com base nos dados da Declaração de Óbitos, DATASUS e SIM/SES-MT, que propiciaram a análise da série histórica entre esses anos. Relacionou-se raça/cor das mulheres que foram a óbito por causas maternas com as variáveis idade, escolaridade, estado civil, causa básica de óbito e tipo de causa obstétrica. Utilizaram-se teste de Χ2 e odds ratio. RESULTADOS: o teste Χ2 evidenciou associação significativa entre raça/cor e morte materna, ao nível de significância de 95%. A odds ratio apontou uma razão de chances dessas mortes 5,13 vezes maior para mulheres pretas e 5,71 para indígenas, comparadas às mulheres brancas. Transtornos hipertensivos da gravidez, parto/puerpério foram a principal causa de óbito materno para as afrodescendentes e pardas; respectivamente 45,4% e 29,93%. As indígenas morreram mais pelas complicações do trabalho de parto/parto com 27,2%. Das mulheres brancas, 30,7% morreram por outras complicações obstétricas não classificadas em outras causas. CONCLUSÕES: em todo Mato Grosso as mortes maternas por causas obstétricas diretas pervaleceu entre mulheres pretas e indígenas.Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso Faculdade de EnfermagemUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Depto. de EnfermagemSciEL

    Incidência de infecção da corrente sanguínea nos pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise por cateter venoso central

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    This study evaluated the incidence and risk factors of bloodstream infection (BSI) among patients with a double-lumen central venous catheter (CVC) for hemodialysis (HD) and identified the microorganisms isolated from the bloodstream. A follow-up included all patients (n=156) who underwent hemodialysis by double-lumen CVC at the Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP, Brazil, over a one-year period. From the group of patients, 94 presented BSI, of whom 39 had positive cultures at the central venous catheter insertion location. Of the 128 microorganisms isolated from the bloodstream, 53 were S. aureus, 30 were methicillin-sensitive and 23 were methicillin-resistant. Complications related to BSI included 35 cases of septicemia and 27 cases of endocarditis, of which 15 cases progressed to death. The incidence of BSI among these patients was shown to be very high, and this BSI progressed rapidly to the condition of severe infection with a high mortality rate.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la incidencia y los factores de riesgo de infección de la corriente sanguínea (ICS) en pacientes con catéter venoso central (CVC) doble lumen, para hemodiálisis (HD) e identificar los microorganismos aislados en la corriente sanguínea. Como método, se uso el acompañamiento, realizado en el período de un año, incluyendo todos los 156 pacientes que estaban en tratamiento de HD por CVC doble lumen, en la Universidad Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP. Los resultados mostraron que de los 156 pacientes estudiados, 94 presentaron ICS, de estos, 39 tuvieron culturas positivas en el local de inserción del catéter. De los 128 microorganismos aislados de la corriente sanguínea, 53 eran S.aureus, de los cuales 30 eran sensibles a la metilcilina y 23 resistentes. Entre las complicaciones relacionadas a la ICS, hubo 35 casos de septicemia y 27 casos de endocarditis, de los cuales 15 resultaron en muerte. La incidencia de ICS en este grupo de pacientes se mostró bastante elevada así como su progresión para cuadros infecciosos de gran magnitud y de muerte.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a incidência e os fatores de risco de infecção da corrente sanguínea (ICS) em pacientes com cateter venoso central (CVC) duplo lúmen, para hemodiálise (HD) e identificar os micro-organismos isolados na corrente sanguínea. Como método, usou-se o follow up, realizado no período de um ano, incluindo todos os 156 pacientes que estavam em tratamento de HD por CVC duplo lúmen, na Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - UNIFESP. Os resultados mostraram que dos 156 pacientes estudados, 94 apresentaram ICS, desses, 39 tiveram culturas positivas no local de inserção do cateter. Dos 128 micro-organismos isolados da corrente sanguínea, 53 eram S.aureus, dos quais 30 eram sensíveis à metilcilina e 23 resistentes. Entre as complicações relacionadas à ICS, houve 35 casos de septicemia e 27 casos de endocardite, dos quais 15 progrediram a óbito. A incidência de ICS neste grupo de pacientes mostrou-se bastante elevada bem como sua progressão para quadros infecciosos de grande magnitude e óbito.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Depto. de EnfermagemSciEL

    Construction of an Optimal Solution for a Real-World Routing-Scheduling- Loading Problem Construcción de una Solución Óptima para un Problema de Asignación de Rutas, Horarios y Cargas del Mundo Real

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    Abstract This work presents an exact method for the Routing-Loading-Scheduling Problem (RoSLoP). The objective of RoSLoP consists of optimizing the delivery process of bottled products in a company study case. RoSLoP, formulated through the well-known Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), has been solved as a rich VRP variant through approximate methods. The exact method uses a linear transformation function, which allows the reduction of the complexity of the problem to an integer programming problem. The optimal solution to this method establishes metrics of performance for approximate methods, which reach an efficiency of 100% in distance traveled and 75% in vehicles used, objectives of VRP. The transformation function reduces the computation time from 55 to four seconds. These results demonstrate the advantages of the modeling mathematical to reduce the dimensionality of problems NP-hard, which permits to obtain an optimal solution of RoSLoP. This modeling can be applied to get optimal solutions for real-world problems. Keywords: Optimization, Routing-Scheduling-Loading Problem (RoSLoP), Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), rich VRP. Resumen Éste trabajo presenta un método exacto para el problema de Asignación de Rutas, Horarios y Cargas (RoSLoP). El objetivo de RoSLoP consiste en optimizar el proceso de entrega de productos embotellados en una compañía caso de estudio. El problema RoSLoP, formulado a través del conocido Problema de Enrutado de Vehículos (VRP), ha sido resuelto como una variable VRP enriquecida a través de métodos aproximados. El método exacto usa una función de transformación lineal, la cual permite la reducción de la complejidad del problema a un problema de programación entera. La solución óptima para éste método establece las métricas del desempeño para los métodos aproximados, los cuales alcanzan una eficiencia del 100% en distancia recorrida y 75% en vehículos utilizados, objetivos del VRP. La función de transformación reduce el tiempo del cálculo de 55 a cuatro segundos. Éstos resultados demuestran las ventajas del modelado matemático para reducir la dimensionalidad de problemas NPDuros, lo cual permite la obtención de una solución óptima del problema RoSLoP. Éste modelado puede ser aplicado para obtener las soluciones óptimas para problemas del mundo real. Palabras Clave: Optimización, Problema de Asignación de Rutas, Horarios y Cargas (RoSLoP), Problema de Enrutado de Vehículos (VRP), Problema VRP Enriquecido