7 research outputs found

    Poetics of Simo Mraović

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    Kada se sredinom osamdesetih godina javio u hrvatskoj književnosti, poetiku Sime Mraovića odlikovali su moderni lirizam, preemocionalnost, naivistička otvorenost, konfuzni lirski subjekt i urbana sredina. U njegovim je narednim zbirkama lirski subjekt slobodniji, progovara s dozom ironije i autoironije o kulturnim i socijalnim sferama života. Nakon toga progovara i erotici, o ljepoti ženskoga tijela. O odnosu muškaraca i žena rekao je što misli odgovarajući na svoje kolumne luckasto i zabavno i s daškom ironije. U svoja je djela, bilo prozna bilo poetska, unio i elemente vlastita života

    Poetics of Simo Mraović

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    Kada se sredinom osamdesetih godina javio u hrvatskoj književnosti, poetiku Sime Mraovića odlikovali su moderni lirizam, preemocionalnost, naivistička otvorenost, konfuzni lirski subjekt i urbana sredina. U njegovim je narednim zbirkama lirski subjekt slobodniji, progovara s dozom ironije i autoironije o kulturnim i socijalnim sferama života. Nakon toga progovara i erotici, o ljepoti ženskoga tijela. O odnosu muškaraca i žena rekao je što misli odgovarajući na svoje kolumne luckasto i zabavno i s daškom ironije. U svoja je djela, bilo prozna bilo poetska, unio i elemente vlastita života

    Nonlinear behavior of buildings subjected to monotonically increasing lateral load

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    Rad obuhvaća parametarsku studiju i primjenu nelinearne metode N2 za ocjenu potresnog ponašanja četverokatne i osmerokatne armiranobetonske okvirne konstrukcije. U istraživanju su korištene tri raspodjele horizontalnog opterećivanja konstrukcije potresnim silama: trokutasta (linearna), jednolika i modalna. Također, istražen je utjecaj P-Delta učinka na ponašanje promatranih konstrukcija.The paper presents a parametric study and the application of the nonlinear N2 method for the evaluation of the seismic behavior of a four-story and an eight-story reinforced concrete frame structure subjected to seismic action. Three distributions of the horizontal loading of the structure by seismic forces were used in the study: triangular (linear), uniform and modal. The influence of the P-delta effects on seismic behavior of the observed structures was also investigate

    Shear Strength of Reproduced Soil Mixtures Based on Samples from Rammed Earth Walls from Eastern Croatia

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    Earthen architecture largely supports the concept of sustainable building. In the seismically active area of eastern Croatia, there is a large number of rammed earth houses, many of which are over 100 years old. All these houses were built using empirical knowledge, i.e., without applying national design standards. In order to support the preservation of ethnic villages and traditional rammed earth houses, a field survey was conducted. Parts of the walls of traditional rammed earth houses were collected, and the material was thoroughly analyzed. Samples of rammed earth were reproduced, and tests were carried out with the aim of determining the shear strength to subsequently determine the seismic behavior of Croatian traditional earthen architecture. This paper presents the results of shear strength tests on samples with different particle size distributions, lime content, the straw of different cereals but also hemp fibers. An increase in shear strength was observed with the addition of natural fibers to the samples

    Shear Strength of Reproduced Soil Mixtures Based on Samples from Rammed Earth Walls from Eastern Croatia

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    Earthen architecture largely supports the concept of sustainable building. In the seismically active area of eastern Croatia, there is a large number of rammed earth houses, many of which are over 100 years old. All these houses were built using empirical knowledge, i.e., without applying national design standards. In order to support the preservation of ethnic villages and traditional rammed earth houses, a field survey was conducted. Parts of the walls of traditional rammed earth houses were collected, and the material was thoroughly analyzed. Samples of rammed earth were reproduced, and tests were carried out with the aim of determining the shear strength to subsequently determine the seismic behavior of Croatian traditional earthen architecture. This paper presents the results of shear strength tests on samples with different particle size distributions, lime content, the straw of different cereals but also hemp fibers. An increase in shear strength was observed with the addition of natural fibers to the samples