356 research outputs found

    Psychometric properties and validity of an instrument measuring lower secondary students’ perceived competence in educational decision-making process

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    Making decisions about school or career is a very important task for young people since these choices can have long-term consequences. The main purpose of this study is to examine psychometric properties and construct validity of Perceived Competence in Educational Decision-making Process Questionnaire (PCEDPQ). A multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (MCFA) is performed to test the scale theoretical structure and the metric invariance across gender. Results of MCFA are consistent with the hypothesized scale structure and show measurement invariance across gender. The reliability of the scales in terms of internal consistency ranged from .74 to .7

    Rimuovere i tappi al fluire della conoscenza psicologica migliorando la formazione post-laurea e favorendo il dialogo tra ricerca e professione

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    Pur senza dimenticare i temi relativi alle politiche universitarie e mantenendo ferma la centralità della attenzione alla valorizzazione della qualità della ricerca psicologica l’AIP, nel triennio che va concludendosi ha cercato con convinzione di intraprendere un percorso di testimonianza del valore sociale delle conoscenze psicologiche, aprendosi al dialogo con le istituzioni politiche nazionali e locali, aprendo dibattiti pubblici sui temi della scuola, del lavoro, della salute, dell’impatto delle nuove tecnologi

    The complexity of neuroenhancement and the adoption of a social cognitive perspective

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    This contribution attempts to provide a broad perspective to the psychological study of neuroenhancement (NE). It departs from the assumption that, as the use of performance enhancing substances in sport, the use of substances with the aim of improving one’s cognitive, motivational and affective functioning in academic domains is a goal-directed behavior. As such, its scientific study may very well benefit from an analysis taking into account the psychological processes regulating people’s behavioral intentions and decisions. Within this broad framework, this contribution addresses several issues that currently seem to characterize the debate in the literature on neuroenhancement substances (NES) use. The first conceptual issue seeks to determine and define the “boundaries” of the phenomenon. The second issue concerns the empirical evidence on the prevalence of using certain substances for the purpose of NE. Finally, there is a debate around the ethical and moral implications of NE. Along these lines, the existing psychological research on NE has adopted mainly sociological and economic decision-making perspectives, greatly contributing to the psychological discourse about the phenomenon of NE. However, we argue that the existing psychological literature does not offer a common, explicit and integrated theoretical framework. Borrowing from the framework of doping research, we recommend the adoption of a social cognitive model for pursuing a systematic analysis of the psychological processes that dynamically regulate students’ use of NES over tim

    From educational poverty to academic success assessment. Concepts, indicators and tools validated at national level

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    The article discusses several models for contrasting educational poverty, demonstrating the need for actions aimed at increasing the resilience of disadvantaged children and adolescents. Different types of factors promoting resilience, on which a direct intervention of teachers and educators is possible, are identified. Subsequently, tools for evaluating these resilience factors at the individual as well as at the group-level are presented, describing their theoretical approach, their scope and their psychometric properties. For each presented indicator, the available information about gender differences and immigrant background differences is reporte

    The Validation of a Scale Measuring Teaching Styles in the Italian Context

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    AbstractThe teaching style is important because it influences students’ school-related motivation, emotion, and performance. The main purpose of this study is to examine psychometric properties and construct validity of a short version of the Problems In School questionnaire (PIS). A multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (MCFA) is performed to test the scale theoretical structure and the metric invariance across teachers’ length of service. Results of MCFA are consistent with the hypothesized scale structure and show measurement invariance across different lengths of teaching service. The reliability of the scales in terms of internal consistency ranged from .61 to .69

    Measuring Process-oriented Teaching

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    AbstractProcess-oriented teaching is generally recognized as a way to promote lifelong learning, which in turn is tied to a demand of modern society. The purpose of this study is to examine psychometric properties and construct validity of Process-Oriented Teaching Questionnaire. A multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (MCFA) is performed to test the scale theoretical structure and the metric invariance across teachers’ length of service. Results of MCFA are consistent with the hypothesized scale structure and show measurement invariance across different lengths of teaching service. The reliability of the scales in terms of internal consistency ranged from .81 to .87

    Sports as a risk environment: homophobia and bullying in a sample of gay and heterosexual men

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    Research on bullying and homophobic bullying has mainly focused on school contexts, with little research in sports-related contexts. This study used a sample of 88 gay males and 120 heterosexual males between 18 and 36 years of age to examine the frequency of bullying experiences in Italian sports-related contexts. The results showed that gay men reported more frequent bullying and homophobic bullying than heterosexual men. Gay men reported dropping out of sports more frequently, namely due to a fear of being bullied and greater familial pressure to conform to masculine-type sports. It is necessary to promote safer sports-related contexts for people who self-identify as a sexual minority

    Application of Real and Virtual Radial Arm Maze Task in Human

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    Virtual Reality (VR) emerges as a promising technology capable of creating different scenarios in which the body, environment, and brain are closely related, proving enhancements in the diagnosis and treatment of several spatial memory deficits. In recent years, human spatial navigation has increasingly been studied in interactive virtual environments. However, navigational tasks are still not completely adapted in immersive 3D VR systems. We stipulate that an immersive Radial Arm Maze (RAM) is an excellent instrument, allowing the participants to be physically active within the maze exactly as in the walking RAM version in reality modality. RAM is a behavioral ecological task that allows the analyses of different facets of spatial memory, distinguishing declarative components from procedural ones. In addition to describing the characteristics of RAM, we will also analyze studies in which RAM has been used in virtual modality to provide suggestions into RAM building in immersive modality

    Motor Imagery as a Key Factor for Healthy Ageing: A Review of New Insights and Techniques

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    Motor imagery (MI) describes a dynamic cognitive process where a movement is mentally simulated without taking place and holds potential as a means of stimulating motor learning and regaining motor skills. There is growing evidence that imagined and executed actions have common neural circuitry. Since MI counteracts cognitive and motor decline, a growing interest in MI-based mental exercise for older individuals has emerged. Here we review the last decade’s scientific literature on age-related changes in MI skills. Heterogeneity in the experimental protocols, as well as the use of populations with unrepresentative age, is making it challenging to draw unambiguous conclusions about MI skills preservation. Self-report and behavioural tasks have shown that some MI components are preserved, while others are impaired. Evidence from neuroimaging studies revealed that, during MI tasks, older individuals hyperactivate their sensorimotor and attentional networks. Some studies have argued that this represents a compensatory mechanism, others claim that this is a sign of cognitive decline. However, further studies are needed to establish whether MI could be used as a promotion factor to improve cognitive functioning and well-being in older people
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