1,282 research outputs found

    Photocatalytic Adsorbents Nanoparticles

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    Photocatalysis and high adsorption coupling in a same nanoparticle have been emerged as a prominent class of cost-effective materials to degrade recalcitrant contaminants in wastewater. α-Hematite, metal-organic frameworks and TiO2 nanocomposites have been investigated due to their features that overcome the other conventional photocatalysts and adsorbents to remove contaminants in aqueous medium. Several methods are applied to synthesize these nanostructures with different properties and physicochemical features and a brief review is shown to these well-established techniques to provide an understanding for the construction and application of these advanced materials

    Therapeutic Strategies and Oncological Outcome of Peritoneal Metastases from Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis

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    The peritoneum is an unusual site of metastases from lung cancer, and optimal management at the moment remains unclear and mostly based on palliative strategies. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate demographic characteristics, management and overall survival of patients with peritoneal metastases from lung cancer (PCLC). A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and pooled analysis was performed searching all English studies published until December 2022. PROSPERO, CRD42022349362. Inclusion criteria were original articles including patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis from lung cancer, specifying at least one outcome of interest. Exclusion criteria were being unable to retrieve patient data from articles, and the same patient series included in different studies. Among 1746 studies imported for screening, twenty-one were included (2783 patients). Mean overall survival was between 0.5 and 5 months after peritoneal carcinomatosis diagnosis and 9 and 21 months from lung cancer diagnosis. In total, 27% of patients underwent first-line or palliative chemotherapy and 7% of them surgery. Management differs significantly among published studies. The literature on PCLC is scarce. Its incidence is low but appears to be substantially rising and is likely to be an underestimation. Prognosis is very poor and therapeutic strategies have been limited and used in a minority of patients. Subcategories of PCLC patients may have an improved prognosis and may benefit from an aggressive oncological approach, including cytoreductive surgery. Further investigation would be needed in this regar

    Lanthanides Effects on TiO2 Photocatalysts

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    Semiconductors have been evaluated to heterogeneous photocatalysis degradation of recalcitrant contaminants in aqueous media due to the capacity of mineralizing these compounds under UV or visible light irradiation. However, this process has the inherent feature of photogenerated charges recombination and the high bandgap energy of the electronic structure of some semiconductors that can reduce the formation of reactive oxygen species, which are responsible for the compound degradation. In this context, structural modifications in semiconductors have been proposed to enhance the photocatalytic activity, such as doping processes with elements that are capable of generating superficial defects that capture the formed electrons, avoiding the recombination, or increasing the density of –OH groups or water molecules on the surface of the catalyst, which can enhance the formation of hydroxyl radicals. Therefore, this brief review is proposed to show the role of lanthanides in the TiO2 doping and the synthesis method applied, as well as the results discussed in the literature


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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito combinado da temperatura e alimentação sobre a taxa de excreção de amônia do piaussu. Os peixes (10,3 ± 1,7 g) foram aclimatados em um sistema de recirculação de água e submetidos a cinco temperaturas (15, 19, 23, 27 and 31°C), alimentação (duas vezes ao dia até saciedade) e regimes de jejum diferentes. Nove peixes por tratamento foram distribuídos individualmente em tanques e a taxa de excreção de amônia foi estimada até 24 h, a cada quatro horas, para os tratamentos de animais alimentados e em jejum. Durante esse período o consumo de ração foi estimado. Como esperado, a taxa de excreção dos animais alimentados, em termos gerais, foi maior comparada aos peixes não alimentados, exceto pelos peixes mantidos a 15ºC. Temperaturas mais altas aumentaram a excreção a partir de 27ºC nos tratamentos em jejum. O aumento da temperatura foi diretamente proporcional a um maior consumo de ração, o qual foi o principal responsável pela variabilidade na taxa de excreção. Picos de excreção pós-prandial ocorreram desde as primeiras quatro horas até 12 h após a alimentação e foram seguidos por um retorno aos níveis basais após 16 h. A taxa de excreção de amônia do piaussu é influenciada por ambas a temperatura e alimentação, sendo fortemente influenciada pela última. Baseando-se nos dados do presente estudo, a temperatura de criação para essa espécie deverá ser mantida em torno de 27ºC.Palavras-chave: peixes de água doce, metabolismo, nitrogênio, sistema de recirculação, teleósteos.   The aim of this study was to evaluate the combined effect of temperature and feeding on ammonia excretion rate in piaussu. Fish (10.3 ± 1.7 g) were acclimated in a RAS and subjected to five different temperatures (15, 19, 23, 27 and 31°C), feeding (twice a day until satiation) and fasting regimens. Nine fish per treatment were individually distributed in tanks and ammonia excretion rate was estimated for up to 24h, at every four hours, for the feeding and fasting treatments. During this period the food consumption was estimated. As expected, the excretion rate of fed animals was generally higher compared to non-fed fish, except for fish maintained at 15°C. Higher temperatures increased excretion from 27°C and forward in fasting treatments. Temperature was directly related to higher food consumption, which in turn was the main responsible for the variability of excretion rate. Postprandial excretion peaks occurred since the first 4 up to 12 h after feeding and were followed by a return to baseline levels after 16 h. Ammonia excretion rate in piaussu is influenced by both temperature and feed, being strongly influenced by the latter. Based on the findings of the present study, the temperature for the rearing of this species should be around 27ºC.Keywords: freshwater fish; metabolism; nitrogen; recirculation system; teleosts

    Synchronous liver and peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer: Is cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy combined with liver resection a feasible option?

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    BackgroundTraditionally, synchronous liver resection (LR), cytoreductive surgery (CRS), and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for colorectal liver and peritoneal metastases have been contraindicated. Nowadays, clinical practice has promoted this aggressive treatment in selected cases. This study aimed to review surgical and survival results of an extensive surgical approach including CRS with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) and LR. MethodsPubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science databases were matched to find the available literature on this topic. The search period was limited to 10 years (January 2010-January 2021). A threshold of case series of 10 patients or more was applied. ResultsIn the search period, out of 114 studies found about liver and peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer, we found 18 papers matching the inclusion criteria. Higher morbidity and mortality were reported for patients who underwent such an extensive surgical approach when compared with patients who underwent only cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC. Also, survival rates seem worse in the former than in the latter. ConclusionThe role of combined surgical strategy in patients with synchronous liver and peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer remains controversial. Survival rates and morbidity and mortality seem not in favor of this option. A more accurate selection of patients and more restrictive surgical indications could perhaps help improve results in this subgroup of patients with limited curative options

    Adsorption and incorporation of the zinc oxide nanoparticles in seeds of corn: germination performance and antimicrobial protection

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    The treatments of the seeds are important procedures applied by the agronomical area to improve the culture yield. From these procedures the micronutrients are available for the seeds before and during the germination stages. One high challenge is make efficient these treatment processes and to ensure the adsorption and the incorporation of these micronutrients in the seeds and to improve its performance in the germination phase. In this work studies explored the optimization of the incorporation process and the characteristics of the zinc oxide clusters adsorbed on the surface of the seed. The results were associated with the agronomic responses during the germinations stages of the seeds of corn. The seeds were treated in suspensions containing different concentrations of nanoparticles of zinc oxide and during different treatment times. The adsorptions in the corn surface and the absorption of the nanoparticles for the inner of the seeds were studied together with its antibacterial characteristics and correlated with the germinations indicators. The results showed that is possible to incorporate nanoparticles of zinc oxide in inner of the seeds of corn and improve the germinations indicators. Antibacterial protection was aggregated on the seeds of corn. It´s possible to incorporate 0.280 mg of zinc oxide nanoparticle per seed mass in inner of seeds with the optimal treatment conditions with nanoparticle concentration of 50 mg/L in the suspension and with treatment time of 180 minutes. With the optimal treatment concentration the normal plant percentage increase of 2.70% in relationship to the seeds not treated

    Avaliação do efeito do tratamento corona na performance de estabilizadores de UV em filmes de PEBD

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    A indústria de polímeros tem passado por muitos avanços na última década, dentre eles, podem-se citar asinovações em processamento e no uso de aditivos, o que permite que eles sejam utilizados em diversas aplicações,especialmente quando expostos ao ambiente externo. Porém, para algumas aplicações específicas, opolímero precisa ser submetido a tratamentos de superfície, com o objetivo de aumentar a rugosidade superficial.Por este motivo, muito ainda precisa ser estudado no que diz respeito aos aditivos utilizados no processamentode polímeros quando ele é submetido a processos de transformação, podendo-se citar o tratamentocorona. Desta forma, este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar as modificações estruturais causadas em aditivosestabilizantes presentes em filmes poliméricos quando são submetidos a tratamento corona. Três diferentesabsorvedores de UV foram avaliados: benzofenona, benzotriazol e triazina. Os filmes foram processados porspin coating e submetidos à radiação ultravioleta, com o objetivo de simular a exposição externa do polímeroe a tratamento corona. Analisando os resultados obtidos, pode-se perceber que o único aditivo que resistiu àscondições de tratamento foi o benzotriazol, mantendo a absorção da radiação ultravioleta, mesmo após o tratamentocorona e protegendo o polímero da degradação UV. Os outros aditivos sofreram processos degradativos,causadas pelo tratamento corona, e a absorção da radiação ultravioleta, apresentada previamente, deixade existir.Palavras-chave: Aditivo. Tratamento Corona. Filme Polimérico. Estabilizante. Radiação UV

    Polimeri iper-ramificati a potenziale attività biologica

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    Nel corso di una ricerca volta all’individuazione di nuovi inibitori dell’HIV-1 integrasi (IN), sono stati sintetizzati e sottoposti a valutazione biologica l’acido 5,6-diidrossiindolo-2- carbossilico (DHICA), un intermedio nella biosintesi della melanina, ed una serie di suoi derivati. Questi composti erano stati progettati come analoghi conformazionalmente rigidi della porzione acrilica dell’ estere feniletilico dell’acido caffeico (CAPE). E’ risultato interessante il fatto che diversi derivati hanno mostrato attività inibitoria nei confronti dell’enzima HIV-1 IN a concentrazioni micromolari

    Propriedades qualitativas e quantitativas da cevada submetida ao tratamento de sementes com nanopartículas de óxido de zinco

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    A cevada apresenta potencial produtivo para diversas regiões do País, porém seu cultivo ainda é limitado em razão de problemas quanto à incidência de moléstias e à elevada exigência nutricional que restringe a produção, como a deficiência de zinco. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do tratamento de sementes de cevada com nanopartículas de óxido de zinco (ZnO). O delineamento experimental foi de blocos completos ao acaso em esquema de parcela subdividida (2 x 4 x 6), com três repetições, em que foram alocados os cultivares ANAG 01 e BRS BRAU, o tempo de exposição às nanopartículas foi de 90, 180, 270 e 360 minutos e as concentrações foram de 0 mg/L, 75 mg/L, 150 mg/L, 225 mg/L, 300 mg/L e 375 mg/L. Foram realizadas avaliações da cultura: teor de clorofila, número de grãos por espiga, número de afilhos por linha, número de espigas por linha, área foliar dos afilhose rendimento. Para as variáveis teor de clorofila, área foliare rendimento somente os cultivares diferiram significativamente. O número de grãos por espiga apresentou interação cultivar versus tempo de aplicação. As variáveis número de afilhos e de espigas por linha apresentam interação dos fatores tempo e concentração. Em face dos resultados obtidos há necessidade de maior aprofundamento no estudo para padronizar tempo e concentração em relação aos cultivares utilizados, para, assim, averiguar possíveis efeitos de sua utilização em tratamentos para sementes de cevada.Palavras-chave: Hordeum vulgare L. Nanotecnologia. Nutrição. Óxido de zinco
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