4,240 research outputs found

    Tissue plasminogen activator and intravitreal gas for the treatment of Terson's syndrome: case report

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    Relata-se o caso de um paciente de 35 anos de idade, sexo masculino, com história de trauma cranioencefálico, que evoluiu com hemorragia pré-macular da síndrome de Terson no olho esquerdo. Após 45 dias de conduta expectante, sem resolução da hemorragia, foi realizada injeção intravítrea de gás hexafluoreto de enxofre e tPA, evoluindo com absorção quase completa da hemorragia após uma semana e considerável melhora da acuidade visual. Descreve-se também aspectos importantes da síndrome de Terson e da injeção intravítrea de gás e tPA por meio de revisão da literatura.The case of a 35 year-old male patient is reported. The patient had a clinical history of craniocerebral trauma and premacular hemorrhage of Terson syndrome in the left eye. After waiting for 45 days, without hemorrhage resolution, the patient received an intravitreal injection of sulfur hexafluoride gas and tPA; an almost complete hemorrhage absorption occurred after a week as well as a considerable improvement of visual acuity. In the report, relevant aspects of Terson syndrome and of intravitreal injection of gas and tPA are also described through a literature review

    Oficinas Educativas em Saúde: A Experiência do Projeto de Extensão Pró-Pet Saúde da Família do CS Agronômica

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.O texto em tela relata a experiência de trabalho da equipe Pró-PET Saúde da Família, do Centro de Saúde Agronômica, em Florianópolis/SC. Em parceria com a ONG Gente Amiga, a equipe Pró-PET desenvolve um projeto de extensão, no qual realiza oficinas educativas a partir de temas referentes à saúde sexual e reprodutiva de adolescentes. O grupo é formado por 14 adolescentes, sendo seis no período matutino e oito no período vespertino, com idades entre 11 e 16 anos. No período de março a junho de 2013, realizou-se oficinas de discussão abordando temas indicados pelos adolescentes: projeto de vida, corpo, sexualidade, alimentação saudável, cuidados com a saúde, drogas, violência e ciências, além de reciclagem, território e saúde bucal abordados pela equipe. As oficinas realizadas geraram discussões voltadas para a compreensão do cotidiano, através da informação e educação em saúde, promovendo a sensibilização de práticas saudáveis, de autonomia e a aproximação entre comunidade e Centro de Saúde

    Investment Timing and Social Welfare under Feed-in Tariff Contract

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    This paper presents a novel model to analyze the effects on the investment timing and social welfare of three feed-in tariffs (FIT) within an oligopolistic market structure. The FIT contracts are the fixed price, the fixed premium, and the minimum price guarantee. The model allows the identification of the optimal time to deploy a renewable energy project and the value of the tariff that maximizes the social welfare for each FIT design. These optimal tariffs generate the same investment timing and the same social welfare

    VCube-PS: A Causal Broadcast Topic-based Publish/Subscribe System

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    In this work we present VCube-PS, a topic-based Publish/Subscribe system built on the top of a virtual hypercube-like topology. Membership information and published messages are broadcast to subscribers (members) of a topic group over dynamically built spanning trees rooted at the publisher. For a given topic, the delivery of published messages respects the causal order. VCube-PS was implemented on the PeerSim simulator, and experiments are reported including a comparison with the traditional Publish/Subscribe approach that employs a single rooted static spanning-tree for message distribution. Results confirm the efficiency of VCube-PS in terms of scalability, latency, number and size of messages.Comment: Improved text and performance evaluation. Added proof for the algorithms (Section 3.4

    Coffee and Health in The Perspective of Young Consumers

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    Coffee consumption has expanded at continuous and increasing rates in Brazil and in the world, and at the same time the interest by young people aged 16 to 25 have been increasing due to category innovations and coffeehouses experiences. (Euromonitor, 2016). Previous studies on coffee consumption have addressed a number of issues (Schollenberg, 2012; Chen and Lee, 2015; Carvalho, Paiva and Vieira, 2016; Wang, Yu, 2016), but few explored the functional aspects of coffee in consumer perception (Aguirre, 2016). In this context, this research seeks to add new knowledge to the existing framework with the central objective of understanding young people's perception of coffee as part of their healthy habits. The in-depth interview technique was used and seventeen cases were collected from 19 to 25 year olds in the second half of 2017. A semi-structured script was applied and it was based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) concepts, classified as one of the most relevant models to explain health behaviors. From the HBM adaptation emerged seven analytical categories used for data interpretation through qualitative content analysis. The results showed that, in general, coffee is not associated with a group of foods that are perceived as part of healthy habits, such as vegetables or fruits. However, coffee isn’t unhealthy such as energy drinks. Nevertheless, young people are not familiar with all its functional benefits. The perception of health is limited: coffee could be a source of wellness since it is a fuel for physical exercises or relaxation (break time) besides it is considered the main source of energy to improve productivity at work and in university life. In this specific moment, coffee becomes highly relevant not only as a source of energy to go further in career and studies, but also playing a key role as an instrument for socialization. In other words, besides being a natural stimulant, the drink is perceived as an important ally of adult life transition and symbol of contemporary lifestyle, which justifies its relevance at this stage of young people's life, marked by the quest for independence. Therefore, in the eyes of young people consumers, coffee seems to occupy a unique and strong territory where no other category of food and beverages could be positioned at

    Performances do vínculo na política de assistência social : um objeto múltiplo

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    O vínculo familiar e comunitário é um operador importante da Política Nacional de Assistência Social (PNAS). Segundo um de seus documentos, ele é uma meta que perpassa todas as suas normatizações. Frente a essa centralidade, esta tese buscou investigar, a partir das proposições dos Estudos da Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade e da Teoria Ator-Rede, as redes de práticas heterogêneas pelas quais o vínculo é performado (enacted) como objeto da Política. Nesse sentido, o vínculo não se constitui como um mero laço ou associação entre diferentes elementos, mas como um objeto imaterial que só ganha existência na PNAS porque constantemente sustentamos e cultivamos redes de práticas que o produzem. Ou seja, ele só passa a existir porque diferentes atores atuam incessantemente para sua fabricação. Desse modo, a primeira parte do trabalho é uma aposta política em traçar um caminho investigativo, ao campo das políticas públicas/sociais, que se distancia dos estudos foucaultiano – perspectiva já consolidada em pesquisas sobre o tema. Na segunda parte a construção da tese se organiza em quatro movimentos de análise. O movimento 1mostra a rede de práticas que performa o vínculo como objeto da Política em sua forma documental (domínio da política), através da análise do Caderno “Concepção de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos”; o movimento 2 descreve as redes de práticas que advém do campo de conhecimento da Psicologia (domínio teórico-científico) e que compõe o vínculo como objeto da PNAS; o movimento 3 discute as práticas cotidianas de um Serviço de Proteção e Atendimento Integral à Família (PAIF) da cidade de Porto Alegre e, finalmente, o movimento 4 se detém a relação/implicação da performance do vínculo com o exercício da cidadania. Nesse sentido, o percurso dessa tese busca fomentar o exercício ético de pensarmos sobre o que realmente queremos para o coletivo com o qual trabalhamos. Portanto, uma provocação, que busca abrir brechas para que possamos olhar para as práticas desse campo de modo a ver mais possibilidades do que impossibilidades ao trabalho cotidiano.The family and community bond is an important operator of the National Social Assistance Policy (PNAS). According to one of its documents, it is a goal that pervades all its norms. In view of this centrality, this thesis sought to investigate, from the propositions of the Science and Technology Studies and of the Actor-Network Theory, the networks of heterogeneous practices by which the bond is performed (enacted) as object of the Policy. In this sense, the bond does not constitute a mere link or association between different elements, but as an immaterial object that only obtain existence in the PNAS because we constantly sustain and cultivate networks of practices that produce it. Thereby, it only comes into existence because different actors act ceaselessly for its fabrication. In this way, the first part of this work is a political commitment to draw an investigative path, in the field of public / social policies, which distances itself from Foucualtian studies - a perspective already consolidated in research on this subject. In the second part the construction of the thesis is organized in four analysis movements. Movement 1 shows the network of practices that enact the bond as object of the Policy in its documents (domain of politics), through the analysis of the Notebook "Conception of Living Together and Strengthening of Bonds"; The movement 2 describes the networks of practices that come from the field of knowledge of Psychology (theoretical-scientific domain) and that composes the bond as object of the PNAS; The movement 3 discusses the daily practices of a Service of Protection and Integral Assistance to the Family (PAIF) of the city of Porto Alegre and, finally, the movement 4 focuses in the relation/implication of the peformance of the bond with the exercise of citizenship. In this sense, the course of this thesis seeks to promote the ethical exercise of thinking about what we really want for the collective with which we work. Therefore, a provocation, that tries to open gaps from which we can look at the practices of this field in order to see more possibilities than impossibilities to the daily work

    Corrosiveness of Brazilian Candiota Coal

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    Candiota city, in the south of Brazil, is located near the largest reserves of mineral coal of the country. This coal is used for thermoelectric power generation. The extraction of coal from open-cut mines involves opera-tions may generate at least some particulate matter into the atmosphere. These particles retained on the sur-face of metallic structures exposed to the atmosphere, may adsorb gases such as CO, CO2, SO2 and NO, which, in combination with humid air form corrosive substances, such as HNO3 and H2SO4. This paper aims to evaluate the influence of Candiota coal on the corrosion of buried steel structures and exposed to atmos-phere containing particulate matter from coal combustion. The coal sample was characterized by SEM (scan-ning electron microscopy), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), surface area analysis (BET method), electrical conductivity (EC) analysis, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. Corrosion was simulated by exposure of steel samples to coal particles and thermoelectric industrial atmosphere. Electrochemical tests of solutions leached from the coal were conducted by voltammetry to evaluate the soluble compounds corrosiveness. The corro-sion rate was determining following the technical standard ASTM G1-90. Localized attacks and corrosion products formations were detected in API 5L Grade B steel exposure to coal. The average corrosion rate for the samples in direct contact to the pulverized coal was 0.15 mm/year, while in samples exposed to the at-mosphere from industrial power plant was 0.30 mm/year. It is concluded that API 5L Grade B steel metal structures, exposed to atmospheres rich in Candiota coal and its derivatives, must be properly protected and monitored to avoid future damage caused by corrosion