653 research outputs found

    The expansion of rehabilitation services in the SUS in the light of the federal normative framework

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    The study aimed to analyze the national laws that relate to the creation, organization, financing and direction of rehabilitation services in the country after the constitution of the SUS. It is a documentary analysis study carried out in two stages: manual search of the documents, and critical analysis of these. A total of 56 legislations related to rehabilitation services among laws, decrees and ordinances of the Civil House and the Ministry of Health were collected and analyzed. Legislations analysis is divided into four dimensions: disability concept that guides the services of rehabilitation; design of assistance; guidelines for the implementation of rehabilitation services and procedures offered and, finally, financial transfer. The results indicate that the expansion of rehabilitation services occurred incrementally, and slowly, and only more recently, from 2012 onwards, of a structural nature, in the sense of establishing legislation that provides for the creation of a rehabilitation network focused on disabled people. It can be affirmed that today the rehabilitation services are anchored legally by a legislative apparatus that foresees the organization of the equipment, as well as the transfer for its financing.O estudo teve como objetivo analisar as legislações nacionais que se relacionam a criação, organização, financiamento e direcionamento dos serviços de reabilitação no país após a constituição do SUS. Trata-se de um estudo de análise documental realizado em duas etapas: busca manual dos documentos, e análise crítica destes. Foram levantadas e analisadas 56 legislações relacionadas aos serviços de reabilitação dentre leis, decretos e portarias da Casa Civil e do Ministério da Saúde. A análise das legislações se deu apoiada em quatro dimensões: concepção de deficiência que orienta os serviços de reabilitação; concepção de assistência; diretrizes para implantação dos serviços de reabilitação e procedimentos ofertados e por fim, os repasses financeiros. Os resultados apontam que a expansão dos serviços de reabilitação se deu de forma incremental, e lenta, e só a partir de 2012, de caráter estrutural, no sentido do estabelecimento de uma legislação que prevê a criação da rede de reabilitação voltada às pessoas com deficiência. Pode-se afirmar que hoje os serviços de reabilitação estão ancorados legalmente por um aparato legislativo que prevê a organização dos equipamentos, bem como os repasses para seu financiamento


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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of changes in fiscal policy and in technological level over the growth economic rate in Brazil, as well as, to identify the optimal level of taxation of the economy empirically, based on the model' version of endogenous growth proposed by Barro (1990). To capture the dynamic interactions among the variables, we decided to use a vectorial auto regressive model (VAR) for the econometrics analysis, with annual data from 1951 to 2000. The main empirical results indicate that: i) shocks in the ratio public/private capital, tax burden and technological level generate cyclical effects on the GDP growth rate in Brazil; ii) the tax burden, used to finance the public expenses, it causes negative impact on the growth rate of the Brazilian economy when it surpasses the optimal level of 25% of the GDP.

    O meio ambiente na perspectiva cultural contemporânea do direito no Brasil

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    Analisa as questões ambientais no âmbito do direito contemporâneo brasileiro, perpassando a origem da preocupação com questões ambientais, a evolução legislativa da matéria e o surgimento dos códigos florestais. Aborda, ainda, a Política Nacional de Meio Ambiente

    Vivência de mães de criança com câncer em cuidados paliativos.

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    Objective: To investigate the mothers´ experience of children with cancer under palliative care. Methods: It consists of a qualitative field research carried out in a hospital in João Pessoa, Paraíba. The sample consisted of 10 mothers of children with cancer under palliative care. In order to make data collection possible, a semi-structured interview was conducted. The collected data were analyzed by means of the content analysis technique proposed by Bardin. Results: Two thematic categories have been extracted: mothers experiencing diagnosis and treatment of children with cancer; and the importance of family support during the care of hospitalized children with cancer. Conclusion: Taking the study into account, it is clear that palliative care needs to be fully included in pediatric oncology care, in view of the mothers’ difficult experience in facing the diagnosis and treatment of the child. It is, the refore, necessary that health professionals create warm dialogue scenarios.Objetivo: Investigar a vivência de mães de crianças com câncer em cuidados paliativos. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo de natureza qualitativa realizada em um hospital no estado da Paraíba. A amostra foi composta por 10 mães de crianças com câncer em cuidados paliativos. Para viabilizar a coleta dos dados, foi utilizada entrevista semiestruturada. O material obtido foi analisado por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin. Resultados: Extraíram-se duas categorias temáticas: vivência de mães frente ao diagnóstico e tratamento de criança com câncer; e importância do apoio familiar durante os cuidados à criança hospitalizada com câncer. Conclusão: Mediante o estudo, nota-se que os cuidados paliativos precisam ser inseridos integralmente na assistência às mães de crianças com câncer, haja vista a difícil vivência das genitoras no enfrentamento do diagnóstico e tratamento do filho. É, pois, necessário, que os profissionais de saúde criem espaços de diálogos acolhedores

    Introducing a Controlled Outdoor Environment Impacts Positively in Cat Welfare and Owner Concerns: The Use of a New Feline Welfare Assessment Tool

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    There is much debate over the pros and cons of allowing cats to roam freely as opposed to keeping them confined indoors. We surveyed owners who implemented a commercial physical containment system to the outdoors to evaluate their characteristics and the apparent impact of this system on cat welfare and owner perceptions. As part of the latter aim, we also developed a new feline welfare assessment tool based on the mathematical relationship between different measures. The survey was circulated to customers over the preceding 2 years of ProtectaPet® between May and June 2019 and gathered 446 responses. Univariate analyses compared changes following installation on factors such as the amount of time the cat spent outside, other cats entering the owner's garden and owners' concerns about their cat outside. Principal component analysis was used to reduce 21 potential indicators of feline welfare into fewer variables. This resulted in 4 subscales, 2 relating to positive welfare and 2 relating to negative welfare. The effects of installation of the containment system and significant predictors of these four welfare subscales were assessed. The majority of respondents lived in an urban environment with a relatively small garden, had multiple cats and a history of feline trauma associated with a road traffic accident. As expected, the time spent outside significantly increased, while the frequency of other cats entering the garden and owner concern about leaving their cats outside significantly decreased. The 4 welfare subscales grouped into positivity, maintenance behaviors, health issues and fearfulness; installation of the system was associated with significant improvements across all of these. Time spent outside after installation had a significant effect on positivity and, to a lesser extent, maintenance behaviors. Overall, installation was associated with positive changes in both owner and cat quality of life, which seem to be particularly associated with an increased sense of security. This suggests that housing cats within a controlled outside environment with physical barriers can provide a practical solution for many of the problems associated with cats being allowed out


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    O processo de produção escrita em sala de aula de alfabetização, concomitante ao desenvolvimento de algumas estratégias didáticas, envolve aprendizagens referentes à leitura, escrita e oralidade. Este artigo consiste no recorte de uma pesquisa sobre tal tema, visando destacar como a oralidade pode provocar marcas nas produções escritas em uma turma de alfabetização da rede municipal de Porto Alegre. A investigação caracteriza-se como de abordagem qualitativa, do tipo análise documental, ancorada no estudo do Diário de Classe, produzido ao longo do Estágio Curricular realizado na sétima etapa do Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Para tanto, foi necessário recorrer aos estudos da Dinâmica Discursiva do Escrever, objetivando compreender a origem da fala egocêntrica e seus reflexos na escrita das crianças com vistas à realização de análises sobre os textos dos sujeitos de pesquisa. As crianças, possivelmente, vocalizam suas falas egocêntricas durante a escritura. Sendo assim, destaca-se a influência da fala no processo de aquisição do sistema de escrita alfabética, de modo que a aprendizagem da escrita se dá apoiada na oralidade. As marcas orais passam a ser consideradas, então, indícios de que a criança está construindo conhecimentos sobre a escrita

    Bureaucracy and public management: Ministry of Health analysis

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    This article aims to an analysis of the level of bureaucratization of the Ministry of Health, based on its organizational structure, the composition and formation of the administrative staff, the forms of their recruitment and the career structure, in a way linked to the management capacity of the health policy. The study references are elements of the theoretical approach of New Weberian of bureaucracy and the ramifications of theories on public management. This is a descriptive cross-sectional qualitative study conducted in the 1990-2014 period. The data collection instruments were semi-structured interviews conducted with those who hold technical and technical/political position in the Ministry and in some administrative bodies, as well as research in documents. The results show that the implementation of the public service exams indicates an institutional advancement in the meritocratic sense, expressed in the increasing of the effective based staff in the Ministry of Health. However, the opening of exams dissociated from an increased investment in professional training and incentives for career employees, have not act in reducing the organizational instability of MS, given the high turnover of newly passed in the public exams and the permanence of a demobilized administrative staff. There were no advances in the adoption of internal cohesion mechanisms, such as the modernization of career plans, or the adoption of innovations in management