51 research outputs found

    Analysis of legal drugs consumption like alcohol, tobacco and psycho-drugs, and risk perception in Uiversity young people

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    The aim of this study is to relate the consumption of legal substances like alcohol, cigarettes, and psycho-drugs with the perception of risks such like traffic accidents, the suffering of temporary health problems, legal problems, difficulty in the interpersonal relations, decrease of the capacity to realizetasks and irreversible health problems. With a prospective expost-facto design of only one group (Montero & León, 2007), and a questionnaire elaborated from the questionnaire used in the study “Andaluces ante las drogas” (2005), relevant socio-demographic and risk perception information was collected regarding the consumption of different substances in 1011 students of the University of Córdoba. The results revealed university people that generally consume more alcohol, cigarettes and psycho-drugs are those that value with a lower punctuation the possible risks derived from the consumption. Besides, the model of regression for each one of the substances indicated that a low assessment in determined risks can predict a main consumption of these. As a conclusion, given the trends of drugs consumption in university students and the low perception of the risk of its negative consequences, it would be convenient to set up preventive strategies in the university field

    Analysis of behavior related to use of the Internet, mobile telephones, compulsive shopping and gambling among university students

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es conocer los hábitos relacionados con posibles conductas adictivas (juego patológico, Internet, compras, uso del teléfono móvil, etc.) que pueden presentar los jóvenes estudiantes de la Universidad de Córdoba (España), y relacionar dichos comportamientos con variables como la edad, el sexo, el curso y las macroáreas de conocimiento (letras y ciencias). Con un diseño expostfacto de grupo único (Montero y León, 2007), se elaboró un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos en el que se incluía el Test de adicción a las compras, el Test de adicción a Internet de Echeburúa (2003), el Cuestionario Breve de Juego Patológico de Fernández-Montalvo y Echeburúa (1997) y algunos ítems sobre el uso del teléfono móvil. Participaron 1011 estudiantes, 42,7% hombres y 57,3% mujeres, con un rango de edad entre los 18 y 29 años. Se dan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la puntuación media obtenida en los cuestionarios y variables como la edad, el sexo, el curso o la macroárea de conocimiento. Parece que ser mujer es un factor protector para la adicción a Internet y al Juego, ser de ciencias es un factor de riesgo para una posible adicción al Juego, ser de letras y tener más edad son factores de riesgo ante una posible adicción a las Compras. En conclusión, los estudiantes encuestados realizan un uso moderado de conductas como navegar por Internet, el juego, las compras y el teléfono móvil, siendo un grupo muy reducido de jóvenes los que sí se encuentran cercanos a tener un problema de adicción con este tipo de comportamientos.The aim of this study is to obtain knowledge about habits related to addictive behaviour (pathological gambling, Internet, compulsive shopping, use of mobile telephones, etc.) that may be displayed by young students at the University of Cordoba (Spain), and to relate this behaviour with variables such as age, sex, course year, macro-field of study (arts/sciences) and the consumption of substances such as alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and cocaine. Using an ex-post facto single-group design (Montero & León, 2007), we applied a questionnaire especially designed to gather socio-demographic information on substance use and behavioural patterns related to “non-substance” addictions, which included the Shopping Addiction Test, Echeburúa’s Internet Addiction Test (2003) and Fernández-Montalvo and Echeburúa’s Short Pathological Gambling Questionnaire (1997). A total of 1,011 students participated in the study (42.7% males and 57.3% females), with an age range of 18 to 29. Significant differences were found between mean score on the questionnaires and variables such as age, sex, field of studies and course year. It would seem that being female is a protective factor for Internet and gambling addiction, being a sciences student is a risk factor for gambling addiction, and being older and being an arts student are risk factors for shopping addiction. In conclusion, it can be stated that the students surveyed showed moderate incidence of behaviours such as Internet browsing, gambling, shopping and mobile phone use, whilst a very small group are close to having an addiction problem with such behaviour

    Situación legislativa de preparados para lactantes y de continuación

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    Furrd~rmenro: Los sustitutos de la leche materna han sido comercializados con gran trascendencia económica, a veces sin tener en cuenta los aspectos sanitarios y nutricionales para el consumidor. Las autoridades sanitarias se han visto implicadas en este tema, tanto a nivel Internacional como Europeo, dictando normas o directrices a seguir en la comercialización de los sustitutos de la leche materna, que han sido adoptadas por la legislación Española. El objetivo del trabajo es comentar las normas que reglamentan los preparados alimenticios de lactantes y niños de corta edad. hf~IfJd0.S: Se analizan y comentan los contenidos de las normas. tanto internacionales, como europeas y nacionales, de preparados pnm lactantes y de continuación. Rrsuit~r&s: Las normas sobre preparados pam lactantes y de continuación prohiben el término de “leches matemizadas” e insisten en la locroncirr mrrtrrna que ~610 deberd ser sustituida por indicación de personal sanitario. Esta legislación regula, ademas, su composición química, cualitativa y cuantitativa; establece normas para el correcto etiquetado, que deberá contener una información adecuada sin idealizar el producto, pero sí se admiten gmficas o dibujos que ilustren una correcta preparación; contempla la distribución, venta y adecuada publicidad. que deber5 ser controlada, prohibiendo las muestras gratuitas o cualquier donación tanto a particulares como a centros sanitarios. Cnnclusionus: Con la situación actual sobre “preparados para lactantes y de continuación”, las autoridades sanitarias intentan que el cumplimiento de las normas legislativas beneficien la adecuada alimentación del lactante y nifío de corta edad, siendo responsabilidad de todos la protección de este tipo de consumidor.Bockground: The comercialization of breast milk substitutes has had great economic transcendente, sometimes without considering the sanitary and nutritional consequences for the customer. The sanitary authorities have been implied in this matter both in the Intemational and European tields, issuing standards and regulations for the commercialization of breats milk substitutes which have been adopted by the Spanish Regulation. The aim of mis paper is comment the tegulations that affect foods for breas&feeding and short age children. Merliorls: This report analyzes and comments on the contets of intemational, european and national regulation on infant and follow-on formula. Rtwlts: The regulations about Infant formula and Followon formula. banning the term of “humanized milk” and remarking the preferente for breast feeding, which could only be substituted by sanitary professionals. This regulation deals with the appropiate chemical composition of these products, qualitative and quantitative. It includes standards for correct labeling, which should contain the approiate information without idealizing the product. Drawings and pictures showing the correct preparation are allowed. lt provides for distribution and sales. as well as for correct advertising, which should be under control. This regulation also bans free samples and any other donation to particular customers oí sanitary institutions. Conclusions: The present regulation on “lnfant and Follow- on formulas” pursues the adequate nutrition of breast-feeding and short age children, beinf the protection of chis kind of customers everyone’s responsability

    Three-dimensional volume rendering in computed tomography for evaluation of the temporomandibular joint in dogs

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    Based on computed tomography (CT) images, volume rendering was used to obtain a three-dimensional representation of data (3DVR). The aims of this study included: describing the bone anatomy of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of dogs; comparing the TMJs of each dog by skull type and age; comparing 3DVR images with three-standard-plane CTs; assessing soft tissues adjacent to the TMJ and assessing pathological cases. Multidetector computed tomography scans of bilateral TMJs of 410 dogs were observed. From a ventral view, slight displacements in the positions of the skulls were seen, whereas from a caudal view, differences in amplitude of the articular space were observed. Dolichocephalic and mesaticephalic dogs showed more similar TMJ features than brachycephalic dogs. The shape of the TMJ bones were irregular in dogs under 1 year old. The 3DVR images related to the three-standard-plane CT improved the overall comprehension of the changes in the articular space amplitude and condylar process morphology. The fovea pterygoidea, mandibular fossa and retroarticular process were perfectly shown. A better spatial situation of adjacent soft tissues was obtained. The 3DVR represents an ancillary method to the standard-plane CT that could help in the understanding of the anatomy and diagnoses of different pathologies of the TMJ in dogs

    Las competencias básicas, una oportunidad para el cambio

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    Education through key competences is a model that implies to question the whole educational procss, to identify the students as active agents, and to adapt our teaching to their previous knowledge, experience and attitudes. Mainly, this model leads us to think about our role as facilitators of learning and to ackow ledge that our students learn by doing.La educación por competencias es un modelo que nos obliga a cuestionarnos todo el proceso educativo, a ver en el alumnado un agente activo, a adaptar nuestra práctica docente a los conocimientos, experiencias y actitudes de nuestro alumnado y, sobre todo, nos plantea una reflexión en torno a nuestro papel como "facilitadores" del aprendizaje y a que el alumnado "aprende haciendo"

    The key competemces, and opportunity for the change

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    Education through key competences is a model that implies to question the whole educational procss, to identify the students as active agents, and to adapt our teaching to their previous knowledge, experience and attitudes. Mainly, this model leads us to think about our role as facilitators of learning and to ackow ledge that our students learn by doing

    Subjective well-being and vulnerability related to problematic Internet use among university students with and without disabilities: A comparative study

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    This study aims to observe whether people with disabilitiesexperience problematic Internet use (PIU) like that of youngpeople without disabilities; to relate PIU to psychological dis-tress in young disabled people and to determine whether theseproblems are similar to or different from those experienced byyoung people without disabilities. The sample comprised 408university students with disabilities and 1386 university stu-dents without disabilities from several Spanish universities. PIUwas evaluated using theInternet Addiction Test(IAT) and psy-chological distress was evaluated using theClinical Outcomes inRoutine Evaluation‐Outcome Measure(CORE‐OM). The groupof university students with disabilities showed less PIU thanthe nondisabled students, but the worst scores in variablesreferencing psychological discomfort were found among thosestudents with disabilities who also had PIU. Although the re-sults are not completely generalizable, PIU is related to biggerproblems in disabled people for whom it represents a higherrisk than for people without disabilities

    Risk perception to illegal drugs consumption in university students

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es relacionar el consumo de sustancias ilegales como la cocaína y los alucinógenos con la percepción de riesgos como sufrir un accidente de tráfico, padecer problemas de salud transitorios, problemas legales, dificultad en las relaciones interpersonales, disminución de la capacidad para realizar tareas y problemas de salud graves e irreversibles. Con un diseño ex post facto prospectivo de grupo único, y un cuestionario elaborado a partir del utilizado en el estudio "Andaluces ante las drogas", se recogió información sociodemográfica y sobre la percepción de riesgo ante el consumo de estas sustancias de 1011 estudiantes de la Universidad de Córdoba (España). En general, parece que los jóvenes universitarios que consumen cocaína y alucinógenos son los que valoran con una puntuación más baja los posibles riesgos derivados del consumo. Dadas las tendencias de consumo de drogas en estudiantes universitarios y la baja percepción del riesgo de ciertas consecuencias negativas derivadas del mismo, sería conveniente poner en marcha estrategias preventivas en el ámbito universitarioThe aim of this study is to relate the consumption of illegal substances like cocaine and hallucinogens with the perception of risks such like traffic accidents, the suffering of temporary health problems, legal problems, difficulty in the interpersonal relations, decrease of the capacity to realize tasks and irreversible health problems. With a prospective ex post tacto design of only one group, and a questionnaire elaborated from the questionnaire used in the study "Andaluces ante las drogas", relevant socio-demographic and risk perception information was collected regarding the consumption of different substances in 1011 students of the University of Córdoba (Spain). In general lt seems University people that generally consume cocaine and hallucinogens are those that value with a lower punctuation the possible risks derived from the consumption. Given the trends of drugs consumption in university students and the low perception of the risk of its negative consequences, it would be convenient to set up preventive strategies in the University field