5,844 research outputs found

    Critical assessment of thermal conductivity models for Miscibility Gap Alloy-based composite Phase Change Materials for high temperature Thermal Energy Storage

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    Miscibility Gap Alloys (MGAs), such as Al-Sn-based systems, provide a viable solution for the development of composite Phase Change Materials (PCMs) for Thermal Energy Storage (TES) purposes. Their successful production depends on the cooling rate imposed to the melt. Finite Element Analyses (FEA), which relies also on thermal conductivity values, represent a powerful tool for the design of the production process. Thermal conductivity, which depends on the arrangement of the phases in the system, also affects the thermal response of the alloy. In the view of evaluating the impact of the phase morphology, the authors adapted some of the models developed for composites and solutions to Al-Sn and Al-Sn-Si-Mg alloys, characterized by broad solidification ranges in terms of composition and temperature and by significantly different phases thermal conductivity. In the fully-liquid range, Filippov and Novoselova model was selected for the description of both alloys. Models that consider sphere-like dispersions give values quite close to the theoretical upper Wiener bound when the high-melting phase is solid. The phase morphology impact is relevant when the solidification range is considered. The resulting arrangement-related thermal conductivity curves are compared to those supplied by CALPHAD-based software and to available literature data

    Atividades de importação e exportação do Laboratório de Quarentena "Costa Lima" no período de 1991 a 2000.

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    Resumo: O Laboratório "Costa Lima", da Embrapa Meio Ambiente, realizou entre 1991 e 2000 170 introduções referentes a 42 espécies de organismos benéficos (6 fungos, 12 bactérias, 2 nematóides entomopatogênicos, 7 ácaros predadores, 13 insetos parasitóides e 2 insetos predadores) e de outros microrganismos. Este trabalho relata todas essas introduções e exportações oficiais de agentes de controle biológico e de outros organismos úteis.bitstream/item/131402/1/2001DC01.pdfNa publicação, ISSN incorreto 1516-4675

    Analysis of cadmium root retention for two contrasting rice accessions suggests an important role for oshma2

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    Two rice accessions, Capataz and Beirao, contrasting for cadmium (Cd) tolerance and root retention, were exposed to a broad range of Cd concentrations (0.01, 0.1, and 1 M) and analyzed for their potential capacity to chelate, compartmentalize, and translocate Cd to gain information about the relative contribution of these processes in determining the different pathways of Cd distribution along the plants. In Capataz, Cd root retention increased with the external Cd concentration, while in Beirao it resulted independent of Cd availability and significantly higher than in Capataz at the lowest Cd concentrations analyzed. Analysis of thiol accumulation in the roots revealed that the different amounts of these compounds in Capataz and Beirao, as well as the expression levels of genes involved in phytochelatin biosynthesis and direct Cd sequestration into the vacuoles of the root cells, were not related to the capacity of the accessions to trap the metal into the roots. Interestingly, the relative transcript abundance of OsHMA2, a gene controlling root-to-shoot Cd/Zn translocation, was not influenced by Cd exposure in Capataz and progressively increased in Beirao with the external Cd concentration, suggesting that activity of the OsHMA2 transporter may differentially limit root-to-shoot Cd/Zn translocation in Capataz and Beirao

    Salivary Metabolomic Signatures and Body Mass Index in Italian Adolescents: A Pilot Study

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    Context: Obesity surveillance is scarce in adolescents, and little is known on whether salivary metabolomics data, emerging minimally invasive biomarkers, can characterize metabolic patterns associated with overweight or obesity in adolescents. Objective: This pilot study aims to identify the salivary molecular signatures associated with body mass index (BMI) in Italian adolescents. Methods: Saliva samples and BMI were collected in a subset of n = 74 young adolescents enrolled in the Public Health Impact of Metal Exposure study (2007-2014). A total of 217 untargeted metabolites were identified using liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry. Robust linear regression was used to cross-sectionally determine associations between metabolomic signatures and sex-specific BMI-for-age z-scores (z-BMI). Results: Nearly 35% of the adolescents (median age: 12 years; 51% females) were either obese or overweight. A higher z-BMI was observed in males compared to females (P = .02). One nucleoside (deoxyadenosine) and 2 lipids (18:0-18:2 phosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoyl-phosphoethanolamine) were negatively related to z-BMI (P < .05), whereas 2 benzenoids (3-hydroxyanthranilic acid and a phthalate metabolite) were positively associated with z-BMI (P < .05). In males, several metabolites including deoxyadenosine, as well as deoxycarnitine, hyodeoxycholic acid, N-methylglutamic acid, bisphenol P, and trigonelline were downregulated, while 3 metabolites (3-hydroxyanthranilic acid, theobromine/theophylline/paraxanthine, and alanine) were upregulated in relation to z-BMI (P < .05). In females, deoxyadenosine and dipalmitoyl-phosphoethanolamine were negatively associated with z-BMI while deoxycarnitine and a phthalate metabolite were positively associated (P < .05). A single energy-related pathway was enriched in the identified associations in females (carnitine synthesis, P = .04). Conclusion: Salivary metabolites involved in nucleotide, lipid, and energy metabolism were primarily altered in relation to BMI in adolescents

    Refinement of the NISECI ecological index reference conditions for Italian freshwater fish communities in the eastern Emilia-Romagna region

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    Following the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/CE (WFD), each member state of the European Union must monitor compliance of its rivers with ecological quality standards through biological quality indicators. The New Italian Index of the Ecological State of Fish Communities (NISECI) was developed in 2017 for the assessment of fish communities, as directed by the WFD in Italian freshwater habitats. According to the WFD, the general reference conditions (GRCs) of NISECI must be refined on a regional scale through new calculation of its metrics and sub-metrics. In the present study we used environmental and ichthyological data from 457 fish samplings distributed among 299 sampling sites within 84 different water bodies collected from 1995 to 2012 to develop: 1) new lists of expected species for six homogeneous zones identified in the Reno basin (Italy) and in the eastern regional basins of the Emilia-Romagna region; and 2) the threshold values for their species-specific abundance. Results were set as refined reference conditions (RRCs) for two of the metrics used in the application of the NISECI index in the study area (i.e. X1, relating to indigenous species and X2,b, for the abundance of expected species). The RRCs were tested by applying NISECI to 24 monitoring sites of the regional surface water monitoring network (i.e., ARPAE) and comparing the results with the application of NISECI using the GRCs. Furthermore, the analytical power of the refined NISECI was evaluated by relating the findings to three expertbased blind assessments of fish community ecological status. The results confirmed an increase in refined NISECI values and its higher consistency with expert-based assessment, supporting the validity of the presented method for RRC development and its potential for application in other regions

    Uptake-release by MSCs of a cationic platinum(II) complex active in vitro on human malignant cancer cell lines

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    In this study, the in vitro stability of cisplatin (CisPt) and cationic platinum(II)-complex (caPt(II)-complex) and their in vitro activity (antiproliferative and anti-angiogenic properties) were investigated against three aggressive human tumor cell lines. caPt(II)-complex shown a high stability until 9 days of treatment and displayed a significant and higher activity than CisPt against both NCI-H28 mesothelioma (19.37 \ub1 9.57 \u3bcM versus 34.66 \ub1 7.65 \u3bcM for CisPt) and U87 MG glioblastoma (19.85 \ub1 0.97 \u3bcM versus 54.14 \ub1 3.19 for CisPt). Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (AT-MSCs) showed a significant different sensitivity (IC50=71.9 \ub1 15.1 \u3bcM for caPt(II)-complex and 8.7 \ub1 4.5 \u3bcM for CisPt) to the antiproliferative activity of caPt(II)-complex and CisPt. The ability of MSCs to uptake both the drugs in a similar amount of 2.49 pM /cell, suggested a possible development of new therapies based on cell mediated drug delivery
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