148 research outputs found

    Comparing methanol-glucose and dimethyl-sulfoxide based extender for milt cryopreservation of brown trout (Salmo trutta)

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    The potential importance of sperm cryopreservation for aquaculture and conservation management seems still undervalued, probably because the available protocols often lead to reduced fertilization success. We experimentally compared the effectiveness of two different freezing extenders for cryopreservation of brown trout (Salmo trutta) semen, controlling for possible male and female effects. The methanol-glucose based extender that we tested was significantly more effective than a common dimethyl-sulfoxide based extender (a commercial cryopreservation kit). We then studied the effectiveness of the methanol-glucose based extender at different sperm-egg ratios and found no significant differences in fertilization ability of fresh and cryopreserved milt at a sperm-egg ratio of at least 110,000:1. We conclude that brown trout sperm cryopreserved with this extender can be used even at low sperm-egg ratios without significant effects on fertilization rates

    Growth of brown trout in the wild predicted by embryo stress reaction in the laboratory

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    Laboratory studies on embryos of salmonids, such as the brown trout (Salmo trutta), have been extensively used to study environmental stress and how responses vary within and between natural populations. These studies are based on the implicit assumption that early life-history traits are relevant for stress tolerance in the wild. Here we test this assumption by combining two datasets from studies on the same 60 full-sib families. These families had been experimentally produced from wild breeders to determine, in separate samples, (i) stress tolerances of singly kept embryos in the laboratory and (ii) growth of juveniles during 6 months in the wild. We found that growth in the wild was well predicted by larval size of their full sibs in the laboratory, especially if these siblings had been experimentally exposed to a pathogen. Exposure to the pathogen had not caused elevated mortality among the embryos but induced early hatching. The strength of this stress-induced change of life history was a significant predictor of juvenile growth in the wild: the stronger the response in the laboratory, the slower the growth in the wild. We conclude that embryo performance in controlled environments can be useful predictors of juvenile performance in the wild

    Brain Innate Immune Response in Diet-Induced Obesity as a Paradigm for Metabolic Influence on Inflammatory Signaling

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    Obesity is a predisposing factor for numerous morbidities, including those affecting the central nervous system. Hypothalamic inflammation is a hallmark of obesity and is believed to participate in the onset and progression of the obese phenotype, by promoting changes in neuronal functions involved in the control of metabolism. The activation of brain immune cells in the hypothalamus, which are represented by microglia and brain macrophages, is associated with obesity and has been the focus of intense research. Despite the significant body of knowledge gathered on this topic, obesity-induced metabolic changes in brain cells involved in innate immune responses are still poorly characterized due, at least in part, to limitations in the existing experimental methods. Since the metabolic state influences immune responses of microglia and other myeloid cells, the understanding and characterization of the effects of cellular metabolism on the functions of these cells, and their impact on brain integrity, are crucial for the development of efficient therapeutic interventions for individuals exposed to a long-term high fat diet (HFD). Here we review and speculate on the cellular basis that may underlie the observed changes in the reactivity and metabolism of the innate immune cells of the brain in diet-induced obesity (DIO), and discuss important points that deserve further investigation

    Genetic compatibility exceeds possible ‘good genes’ effects of sexual selection in lake char

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    Mating is rarely random in nature, but the effects of mate choice on offspring performance are still poorly understood. We sampled in total 47 wild lake char (Salvelinus umbla) during two breeding seasons and used their gametes to investigate the genetic consequences of different mating scenarios. In a first study, 1,464 embryos that resulted from sperm competition trials were raised singly in either a stress- or non-stress environment. Offspring growth turned out to be strongly reduced with increased genetic relatedness between the parents while male coloration (that reveal aspects of male health) was no significant predictor of offspring performance. In a second experiment one year later, block-wise full-factorial in vitro breeding was used to produce 3,094 embryos that were raised singly after sublethal exposures to a pathogen or water only. Offspring growth was again strongly reduced with increased genetic relatedness between the parents while male coloration was no significant predictor of offspring performance. We conclude that the genetic benefits of mate choice would be strongest if females avoided genetic similarity, while male breeding colors seem more relevant in intra-sexual selection

    Estudo do Comportamento de Quatro Solos Argilosos do Munícipio de Goiânia com base na Classificação Expedita MCT/ Behavior Study of Four Clay Soils of Goiânia County based on the Expedite MCT Classification

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     Os solos lateríticos, próprios de regiões tropicais, apresentam comportamentos peculiares que não são considerados pelos Sistemas de Classificação Geotécnica dos Solos desenvolvidos países de clima temperado. Visando realizar uma identificação geotécnica para o uso em pavimentação, os estudiosos Nogami Villibor propuseram um sistema de classificação aplicado a solos de clima tropical, a Metodologia MCT (Miniatura, Compactada, Tropical). Neste contexto, a presente pesquisa utilizou a Metodologia MCT Expedita para a classificação de quatro solos da região metropolitana de Goiânia – Goiás, a fim de realizar a sua classificação e verificar a relação entre as metodologias convencionais, Sistema Unificado de Classificação do Solo (SUCS) e Transportation Research Board (TRB), com a metodologia desenvolvida por Nogami Villibor

    Toxicity of 2 pg ethynylestradiol in brown trout embryos (Salmo trutta)

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    Endocrine disrupting chemicals are a threat to natural fish populations in the aquatic environment. Their toxicity is usually discussed relative to concentrations in the water the fish are exposed to. In the case of the synthetic compound 17-alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2), a common and persistent estrogen, concentrations around 1 ng/L have repeatedly been found to induce toxic effects in fish. Here, we used brown trout (Salmo trutta) from a natural population to study EE2 take up and how it affects early life-history. We collected adults during the spawning season, produced 730 families in vitro (to control for potential maternal and paternal effects on embryo stress tolerance), and singly raised 7,300 embryos (in a 2 mL static system) that were either exposed to one dose of EE2 at 1 ng/L (i.e., 2 pg/embryo) or sham-treated. We found that EE2 concentration did not significantly change over a period of 3 months in control containers without embryos. Embryos took up most of the 2 pg EE2 within about 4 weeks at 4.6°C. EE2 treated embryos experienced higher mortality, delayed hatching of the survivors, and had reduced size at hatching. Our findings suggest that the toxicity of EE2 is often underestimated when discussed at the level of concentrations in water only

    Abordagem passiva para reconhecimento de adulterações em imagens digitais através da análise do padrão CFA e do BAG

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    A criação e a comercialização de softwares de edição de imagens permitiu que pessoas comuns pudessem realizar qualquer tipo de manipulação em imagens digitais. Em um cenário judicial, em que autenticidade e integridade dos dados são cruciais, se faz necessário técnicas que permitam garantir tais atributos. A análise forense em imagens digitais busca, através de métodos computacionais científicos, reconhecer a presença ou ausência desses atributos. O presente trabalho apresenta um método de reconhecimento de adulteração em imagens com e sem compressão JPEG. Esse método baseia-se em técnicas de análise de inconsistência do BAG (Block Artifact Grid) e do Padrão CFA (Color Filter Array) da imagem que é gerada a partir de técnicas de adulteração, tais como composição e clonagem. Os testes foram realizados em 960 imagens, utilizando as taxas de acurácia, sensibilidade, especificidade e precisão como métricas para a avaliação da efetividade do método

    Desempenho agronômico de híbridos de milho na região sudeste de Goiás

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    Uma das formas de maximizar a produtividade de grãos de milho é a escolha correta do híbrido para condições edafoclimáticas regionais. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho agronômico de onze híbridos de milho na região sudeste de Goiás, Brasil. O experimento foi conduzido a campo, na safra (primavera-verão) 2013/2014, em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico sob condições edafoclimáticas do Cerrado, na região sudeste de Goiás. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, sendo 11 tratamentos representados pelos híbridos de milho, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados o estande final de plantas, número final de espigas, características morfológicas das plantas (altura da planta, altura da espiga e diâmetro do colmo), componentes da produção (comprimento da espiga, número de fileiras por espiga, número de grãos por fileira, número de grãos por espiga e massa de 100 grãos) e a produtividade de grãos. O estande final de plantas e o número de espigas foram semelhantes entre os híbridos. Os híbridos comerciais de milho apresentam grande variação no desempenho agronômico na região sudeste de Goiás. Com relação à altura das plantas e da espiga, os híbridos LG6036 e 20A55 apresentaram as maiores alturas de plantas e o híbrido LG6036 apresentou maior altura de espiga. Já, para o diâmetro do colmo, as plantas dos híbridos Feroz, BX1293, LG6036, 20A55, Maximus e P3862 apresentaram colmos grossos. Na avaliação dos componentes da produção, os híbridos de milho demonstraram variação nos resultados. Os híbridos simples Maximus e P3862, e os triplos 20A55 e 30A95 foram os mais produtivos


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    Qual síndrome está associada ao traçado eletrocardiográfico em questão