2,486 research outputs found

    Library Awesome Sauce Undergraduate Research

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    Library Awesome Sauce Undergraduate Research was a presentation at the 2018 CADRE Conference in Stillwater, OK. The presenters discussed their collaboration on a video project to film interviews of students giving progress reports about their software engineering projects. The videos were posted on the institutional repository. The speakers discussed Student-Led research and the role that academic libraries play in facilitating student and faculty research and publishing for all disciplines on campus

    Cambridge, Trinity College R.17.1 (987): "Eadwine Psalter" ("Canterbury Psalter") (with London, British Library, Add. 37472(1) [165a], London, Victoria and Albert Museum 661 [319a], New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 521 and M. 724 [332a])

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    85. Cambridge, Trinity College R. 17. 1 (987) "Eadwine Psalter" ("Canterbury Psalter") (with London, British Library, Add. 37472(1) [165a], London, Victoria and Albert Museum 661 [319a], New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 521 and M. 724 [332a]) [Ker 91, Gneuss -) HISTORY: A lavishly illustrated, large-format triple Psalter containing the Gallicanum, Romanum, and Hebraicum versions of the Psalms, with marginal and interlinear glosses to the Gallicanum from the "Glossa Ordinaria" ("parva glosatura"), a continuous interlinear OE gloss to the Romanum, and a continuous interlinear Anglo-Norman (French) gloss to the Hebraicum. Probably written at Christ Church, Canterbury; dated by the script to the 1150s (T. Webber in Gibson et al. 1992: 24). The Psalter receives its common title from the large illustration of the scribe Eadwine on f. 283v, a feature added about twenty years after the Psalter was written. A direct copy of this manuscript was made in the late 12c, now Paris Bibliotheque Nationale lat. 8846 [432]. The Psalter is listed in Henry Eastry's (Prior of Christ Church, 1284- 1331) early 14c inventory of the Christ Church library (London, BL Cotton Galba E. iv, ed. James 1903: 51, no. 323), where it appears as "Tripartitum psalterium Edwini:' As T. A. Heslop notes (in Gibson et al. 1992: 193-94), the earliest direct indication that the codex belonged to the monastic community comes in a partly erased memorandum (f. 4v): 'Istud psalteriu<m> sancte ecc<les>ie Cantuarien<sis> traditu<m> est ad | usum d<omi>ni Thome Archiep(iscop)i eiusdem ecc<les>ie p<er> Priorem | & capit<u>l<u>m eiusdem ad suu<m> beneplacitu<m>. p<er> modu<m> mutui' (facs. in Gibson et al. 1992: pl. 2d; ed. Verfaillie-Markey 1985, who suggests that the Thomas referred to is likely Archbishop Thomas Arundel, 1397, 1399-1414). The "Eadwine Psalter" may still have remained with the archbishops in the mid-16c, as indicated by another, more thoroughly erased, inscription on f. 1r: 'Liber Academie Cantabrigiensis ex dona | Richardi Arkynstall anno d[omi]ni 1584' (ed. Heslop in Gibson et al. 1992: 194; see n. 4, and pls. 2e, f ). Arkinstall, who matriculated at Queen's College, Cambridge, 1584-1585, may have appropriated the codex from Richard Cox, Bishop of Ely (1559-1581 ), when he was a student there (for a discussion of this complex matter, see Heslop in Gibson et al. 1992: 194; see also Keynes 1992: 40 ). The manuscript remained at Canterbury until it was presented to Trinity College by Thomas Nevile, Dean of Canterbury (1597-1615), and Master of Trinity (now the inside pastedown, Nevile's bookplate and label of Trinity College, was formerly on f. 2r, as in the film). Binding is from the 17c (see N. Pickwoad in Gibson et al. 1992: 9). Edited and translated in 1630 by William L'Isle (1569?-1637), one-time fellow of King's College, Cambridge; edition preserved in Oxford, Bodi. Lib. Laud Misc. 201 (see Pulsiano 2000). For a full discussion of the history of the manuscript, see T. A. Heslop and D. McKitterick, as well as M. Gibson in Gibson et al. 1992: 193-213. In all probability the "Eadwine Psalter;' like its counterpart, Paris BN lat. 8846, originally had prefatory picture pages containing Old Testament and Gospel scenes which were removed; they are thought to still exist as four dispersed leaves: New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 521 and M. 724 [332a], London, BL Additional 37472(1) [165a], and London, Victoria and Albert Museum MS 661 [319a]. They were likely removed before the manuscript came to Trinity College in the early 17 c, and may have been removed when the book was bound around the same time, perhaps in London. They appeared in the private collection of William Young Ottely, who sold them in 1838 (for the histories of the individual leaves see their individual descriptions, also G. Henderson in Gibson et al. 1992: 25-42)

    Die Schutzgesetzeigenschaft i.S.d. § 823 Abs. 2 BGB von kapitalmarktrechtlichen Vorschriften

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    Die Thesis untersucht die Schutzgesetzeigenschaft kapitalmarktrechtlicher Vorschriften i.S.d. § 823 Abs. 2 BGB. Ziel ist es, die wesentlichen Argumentationslinien, welche die wissenschaftliche Diskussion um den Individualschutzcharakter prägen, auf ihre Güte und Reliabilität zu überprüfen. Im Fokus stehen dabei insbesondere die europarechtlichen Implikationen für den Schutzgesetzeigenschaft kapitalmarktrechtlicher Normen. Mit der Arbeit soll die Forschungsfrage beantwortet werden, inwieweit der Durchsetzungsmechanismus aus § 823 Abs. 2 BGB den Anforderungen des Kapitalmarktrechts gerecht werden und ein geeignetes Instrument für einen – vorschnell? – postulierten Paradigmenwechsel sein kann

    Deforestation in South America's tri-national Parana Atlantic Forest: Trends and associational factors

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    South America's Tri-national Parana Atlantic Forest, an ecological region spanning across the nations of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, is one of the most diverse in the world but also one of the most vulnerable to deforestation. A review of public policy interventions shows all three governments have taken major legislative steps to protect remaining forests, but studies evaluating deforestation trends and associated factors in this region are scarce or non-existent. Here, we make a direct contribution to this knowledge gap by assessing deforestation trends within Pararna Atlantic forests of Argentina's Misiones, Brazil's Parana, and Paraguay's Alto Parana be-tween 2000 and 2020. Over this period about 20% of forest cover was lost in Misiones, 13% in Parana, and 18% in Alto Parana. The odds of observed deforestation, else constant, showed nuanced associations with proximity to nearest roads, cities, and ports. Higher levels of economic growth were directly associated with deforestation, as were increases in population density over the entire period. Protected area designation between years 2000 and 2020 showed effectiveness in lowering odds of deforestation with heterogeneous associations across countries. Our results reflect associational inferences with estimated deforestation; future research should investigate causal effects of protected designation, and assess its role in avoided degradation and wider socio-economic impacts

    Confirmation of a New Metal-poor Globular Cluster in the Galactic Bulge

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    © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We use deep near-IR photometry of the VISTA Variables in the V'a L'ctea (VVV) Survey and deep DECam Plane Survey (DECaPS) optical photometry to confirm the physical reality of the candidate globular cluster (GC) Minni 22, which is located in the Galactic bulge. This object, which was detected as a high density region in our maps of bulge red giants, is now confirmed as a real GC based on the optical and near-IR color'magnitude diagrams. We also recover three known fundamental mode (ab type) RR Lyrae stars within 2 arcmin of the cluster center. The presence of RR Lyrae stars also seems to confirm Minni 22 as a bonafide old and metal-poor GC. We estimate a cluster reddening E(J - Ks) = 0.6 mag and determine its heliocentric distance D = 7.4 ± 0.3 kpc. The optical and near-IR color'magnitude diagrams reveal well-defined red giant branches in all cases, including a red giant branch bump at Ks = 13.30 ± 0.05 mag. The comparison with theoretical isochrones yields a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] = -1.3 ± 0.3 dex, and age of t ∼ 11.2 Gyr. This is a good example of a new low-luminosity (MV = -6.2 mag) GC found in the central bulge of the Milky Way. After discussing the different ways to confirm the existence of bulge GC candidates, we find that one of the best methods is to use the CMDs from the combination of the DECaPS + VVV photometries.Peer reviewe

    Development of a REST API for obtaining site-specific historical and near-future weather data in EPW format

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    Obtaining site-specific high accuracy historical and near-future weather data have always been a challenging task for building simulation community to do either building performance analysis or predictive building control. Although ‘typical’ (such as TRY/TMY) or ‘extreme’ (such as DSY/DRY/EWF) weather files are made available, they often do not fit the purpose of studies. This paper demonstrates a novel approach to obtain real-time current and forecast weather in EPW format for building simulation using the free online toolchain. It is the first attempt to create weather API (Application programming interface) designed explicitly for building simulation community
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