336 research outputs found

    A conservative implicit multirate method for hyperbolic problems

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    This work focuses on the development of a self adjusting multirate strategy based on an implicit time discretization for the numerical solution of hyperbolic equations, that could benefit from different time steps in different areas of the spatial domain. We propose a novel mass conservative multirate approach, that can be generalized to various implicit time discretization methods. It is based on flux partitioning, so that flux exchanges between a cell and its neighbors are balanced. A number of numerical experiments on both non-linear scalar problems and systems of hyperbolic equations have been carried out to test the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed approach

    A multi-layer reactive transport model for fractured porous media

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    An accurate modeling of reactive flows in fractured porous media is a key ingredient to obtain reliable numerical simulations of several industrial and environmental applications. For some values of the physical parameters we can observe the formation of a narrow region or layer around the fractures where chemical reactions are focused. Here the transported solute may precipitate and form a salt, or vice-versa. This phenomenon has been observed and reported in real outcrops. By changing its physical properties this layer might substantially alter the global flow response of the system and thus the actual transport of solute: the problem is thus non-linear and fully coupled. The aim of this work is to propose a new mathematical model for reactive flow in fractured porous media, by approximating both the fracture and these surrounding layers via a reduced model. In particular, our main goal is to describe the layer thickness evolution with a new mathematical model, and compare it to a fully resolved equidimensional model for validation. As concerns numerical approximation we extend an operator splitting scheme in time to solve sequentially, at each time step, each physical process thus avoiding the need for a non-linear monolithic solver, which might be challenging due to the non-smoothness of the reaction rate. We consider bi- and tridimensional numerical test cases to asses the accuracy and benefit of the proposed model in realistic scenarios

    Performances of the mixed virtual element method on complex grids for underground flow

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    The numerical simulation of physical processes in the underground frequently entails challenges related to the geometry and/or data. The former are mainly due to the shape of sedimentary layers and the presence of fractures and faults, while the latter are connected to the properties of the rock matrix which might vary abruptly in space. The development of approximation schemes has recently focused on the overcoming of such difficulties with the objective of obtaining numerical schemes with good approximation properties. In this work we carry out a numerical study on the performances of the Mixed Virtual Element Method (MVEM) for the solution of a single-phase flow model in fractured porous media. This method is able to handle grid cells of polytopal type and treat hybrid dimensional problems. It has been proven to be robust with respect to the variation of the permeability field and of the shape of the elements. Our numerical experiments focus on two test cases that cover several of the aforementioned critical aspects

    Investigation of a short interspersed nuclear element polymorphic site in the porcine vertnin gene: Allele frequencies and association study with meat quality, carcass and production traits in Italian Large White pigs

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    A 291 bp short interspersed nuclear element (SINE) insertion in the porcine vertnin (VRTN) gene on porcine chromosome 7 was shown to affect vertebral number and several production traits: allele Q (with the insertion) increases vertebral number compared to the wild type allele (WT, without insertion). In this study we genotyped this polymorphism in eight pig breeds (Italian Large White, Italian Duroc, Italian Landrace, Cinta Senese, Mora Romagnola, Casertana, Apulo Calabrese, and Nero Siciliano) and in Italian wild boars to evaluate allele frequency distribution of the two alleles. Allele Q was the most frequent in Italian Landrace and Italian Duroc (0.738 and 0.545, respectively) whereas it was the less frequent in all other breeds and was absent in wild boars. Association study was carried out in two Italian Large White samples. These two groups of animals were constituted by performance tested pigs for which estimated breeding values (EBV) and random residuals (RR) for several traits (average daily gain, back fat thickness, feed: gain ratio, lean cuts and ham weight) were calculated: i) 270 pigs chosen without any criteria (random group), that were also measured for several meat quality traits; ii) 560 gilts with extreme and divergent EBV for back fat thickness. For these animals vertebral number was not available. Results of the association analyses indicated that allele Q was associated with a lower ham weight, confirming indirectly, the negative correlation reported by other studies between vertebral number and this trait. No other trait was associated with the analysed VRTN polymorphism

    A reduced model for Darcy’s problem in networks of fractures

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    Subsurface flows are influenced by the presence of faults and large fractures which act as preferential paths or barriers for the flow. In literature models were proposed to handle fractures in a porous medium as objects of codimension 1. In this work we consider the case of a network of intersecting fractures, with the aim of deriving physically consistent and effective interface conditions to impose at the intersection between fractures. This new model accounts for the angle between fractures at the intersections and allows for jumps of pressure across intersections. This fact permits to describe the flow when fractures are characterized by different properties more accurately with respect to other models that impose pressure continuity. The main mathematical properties of the model, derived in the two-dimensional setting, are analyzed. As concerns the numerical discretization we allow the grids of the fractures to be independent, thus in general non-matching at the intersection, by means of the extended finite element method (XFEM). This increases the flexibility of the method in the case of complex geometries characterized by a high number of fractures

    Subcutaneous tissue flaps for hallux covering

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    With the understanding of the extensive vascular supply of the subcutaneous tissue, of its efficacy in the protection of the anatomical structures and of its capability of promoting the adequate functioning of very stressed regions of the human body, the use of subcutaneous adipose flaps has become a valid and sometimes the only reasonable therapeutic weapon in the treatment of small and medium-sized tissue loss. Such a defect represents a common complication of great toe injuries and surgery. Here subcutaneous flap reconstruction is proposed for the treatment of dorsal and medial soft tissue losses of the hallux complicated with infection. Two case are reported. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this application has not been reported in this anatomical site so far. The technique might be worth knowing both for orthopedic and plastic surgeons, as it may represent a safe, less invasive solution for most tegumentary problems of the dorso-medial side of the first ray

    Numerical simulation of geochemical compaction with discontinuous reactions

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    The present work deals with the numerical simulation of porous media subject to the coupled effects of mechanical compaction and reactive flows that can significantly alter the porosity due to dissolution, precipitation or transformation of the solid matrix. These chemical processes can be effectively modelled as ODEs with discontinuous right hand side, where the discontinuity depends on time and on the solution itself. Filippov theory can be applied to prove existence and to determine the solution behaviour at the discontinuities. From the numerical point of view, tailored numerical schemes are needed to guarantee positivity, mass conservation and accuracy. In particular, we rely on an event-driven approach such that, if the trajectory crosses a discontinuity, the transition point is localized exactly and integration is restarted accordingly

    Patterns of Italian high school and university students’ attitudes towards physics: an analysis based on semiotic-cultural perspective

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    The purpose of this study was to analyse Italian high school and university students’ attitudes towards physics using the Semiotic Cultural Psychological Theory (SCPT). In the SCPT framework, attitudes represent how individuals interpret their experience through the mediation of generalized meaning with which they are identified. A view-of-physics questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect data with 1603 high school and university students. Data were analysed through multiple correspondence analysis and cluster analysis. We identified four generalized meanings of physics: (a) interesting and important for society; (b) a quite interesting, but badly taught subject at school and not completely useful for society; (c) difficult to study and irrelevant for society; and (d) a fascinating and protective niche from society. The identified generalized meanings are significantly correlated to the choice to study physics at undergraduate level and to the choice of attending physics-related activities in high school. Implications for research are discussed

    Identification and analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the myosin VA (MYO5A) gene and its exclusion as the causative gene of the dilute coat colour locus in rabbit

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    [EN] Classical genetic studies have identified different coat colour loci in rabbit and comparative analyses have established corresponding loci across species. In particular, the rabbit dilute locus is determined by a recessive coat colour mutation that modifies the basic colours influenced by the agouti and extension mutations. In mice, similar phenotypic effects are determined by a similarly named locus. This locus encodes the myosin VA (Myo5a) gene, whose protein product is an unconventional myosin that plays an essential role in melanosome transport in the melanocytes. We selected the same gene as a strong candidate for explaining the dilute coat colour in rabbit. To this end, 1399 bp were re-sequenced, spanning 4 exons out of 41 exons and a portion of intronic regions of the rabbit MYO5A gene to identify polymorphisms that could be useful to confirm or exclude this gene as causative of the rabbit dilute locus. Nine polymorphisms were identified, one of which was used to follow the segregation of the blue and black colours in a Checkered Giant F1 family. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysed did not co-segregate with the two colours. These results excluded the MYO5A gene as determinant of the dilute locus in rabbit. The two alleles of this SNP were also present in several other breeds with different coat colours, further indicating that this marker is not associated with the dilute mutation in rabbits. Other candidates should be investigated to identify the causative gene of this locus in rabbit.We thank several rabbit breeders and Associazione Nazionale Coniglicoltori Italiani (ANCI) for their collaboration in the sampling of biological materials. This work was supported by RFO and FAGenomicH project funds from the University of Bologna.Fontanesi, L.; Scotti, E.; Dall'olio, S.; Oulmouden, A.; Russo, V. (2012). Identification and analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the myosin VA (MYO5A) gene and its exclusion as the causative gene of the dilute coat colour locus in rabbit. World Rabbit Science. 20(1):35-41. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2012.1033SWORD354120