57 research outputs found

    Termoablazione a radiofrequenze nell'adenocarcinoma pancreatico: studio TC della termolesione e del residuo tumorale tramite texture analysis

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    Lo scopo di questo lavoro consiste nello studio TC della termoablazione a radiofrequenza applicata all’adenocarcinoma pancreatico e nella valutazione tramite texture analysis delle modificazioni tissutali da essa indotte

    Radiogenomica dell'adenocarcinoma duttale del Pancreas

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    Il tumore del pancreas ha una prognosi molto sfavorevole e il suo istotipo più frequente è l'adenocarcinoma duttale pancreatico (PDAC). Ci sono alcuni geni spesso mutati nella cancerogenesi del PDAC: KRAS, CDKN2a/INK4a, TP53 e DPC4/SMAD4. Lo scopo del nostro studio è trovare correlazioni tra parametri di texture analysis di TC e RM con i diversi geni mutati nel PDAC, in particolare con l'espressione di KRAS e TP53

    Valutazione del danno epatico dopo chemioterapia mediante RM

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    lo scopo dello studio è di valutare mediante risonanza magnetica il danno epatico a lungo termine, come la sindrome da ostruzione sinusoidale e la steato-epatite, dopo trattamento chemioterapico neoadiuvante in pazienti con adenocarcinoma pancreatico duttale (PDAC)

    Ablazione a radiofrequenza dell'epatocarcinoma: l'uso della texture analysis dell'area ablata per predire la recidiva

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    Valutare il ruolo della texture analysis nella valutazione del rischio di recidiva locale dopo radioablazione di HCC

    Ultrastructural analysis of collagen fibril diameter distribution in cleft lip

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    Objective: A preliminary study to determine collagen fibril diameter (CF-ED) distribution on medial and lateral sides of cleft lip (CL). Material and Methods: Tissue samples from medial and lateral sides of CL were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde and 1% osmium tetroxide and embedded in Araldite CY212 resin for transmission electron microscopy. The analysis of CF-ED was performed using the ImageJ program. To characterize the packaging of collagen fibrils (CFs) in the two tissues, we estimated the collagen number density (CF-ND) and fibril-area-fraction (FAF). Differences in measurements across the two sides were calculated using Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results: The CF-ED was statistically significantly (p < 0.001) smaller on the medial side (45.69 ± 7.89 nm) than on the lateral side (54.18 ± 7.62 nm). The medial side had a higher CF-ND and a higher percentage of FAF than the lateral side. Conclusion: Our finding of a smaller CF-ED and higher CF-ND and FAF for the medial side suggests possible differences in size and distribution of CFs between medial and lateral sides of CL. This finding provides knowledge toward underlying tissue biomechanics that may help reconstruction of perioral tissue scaffolds, ultimately resulting in better treatment of patients with oral clefts

    LINE-1 methylation in cleft lip tissues:influence of infant MTHFR c.677C&gt;T genotype

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    Objective: To investigate the influence of MTHFR c.677C&gt;T genotype on LINE-1 methylation in lateral and medial tissues from cleft lip (CL). Methods: Forty-five consecutive non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (nsCL/P) cases were included in the study. Genomic DNA was extracted from tissues at both sides of cleft lip, and LINE-1 methylation was detected by bisulfite conversion and pyrosequencing. MTHFR c.677C&gt;T genotyping was carried out using the TaqMan genotyping assay. Results: LINE-1 methylation level was significantly higher on medial side of cleft lip compared with lateral side (p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.001). This difference was not significantly influenced by the case's sex or cleft type. However, MTHFR c.677C&gt;T genotyping revealed that the difference in LINE-1 methylation across cleft lip was restricted to carriers of C allele of MTHFR c.677C&gt;T and was not apparent in TT homozygous cases (p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.027). Conclusion: This integrated analysis supports the previous finding of differences in DNA methylation across the two sides of cleft lip and further suggests a possible role of MTHFR c.677C&gt;T genotype in establishing this difference

    Palliative care in the emergency department as seen by providers and users: a qualitative study

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    Background Much effort has been made to explore how patients with advanced chronic illness and their families experience care when they attend the Emergency Department, and many studies have investigated how healthcare professionals perceive Palliative Care provision in the Emergency Department. Various models exist, but nonetheless incorporating palliative care into the Emergency Department remains challenging. Considering both healthcare professionals\u2019 and users\u2019 perspective on problems encountered in delivering and receiving appropriate palliative care within this context may provide important insight into meaningful targets for improvements in quality of care. Accordingly, this study aims at exploring issues in delivering palliative care in the Emergency Department from the perspective of both providers and users, as part of a larger project on the development and implementation of a quality improvement program in Italian Emergency Departments. Methods A qualitative study involving focus group interviews with Emergency Department professionals and semi-structured interviews with patients with palliative care needs in the Emergency Department and their relatives was conducted. Both datasets were analyzed using Thematic Analysis. Results Twenty-one healthcare professionals, 6 patients and 5 relatives participated in this study. Five themes were identified: 1) shared priorities in Emergency Department among healthcare professionals and patients, 2) the information provided by healthcare professionals and that desired by relatives, 3) perception of environment and time, 4) limitations and barriers to the continuity of care, and 5) the contrasting interpretations of giving and receiving palliative care. Conclusions This study provides insights into targets for changes in Italian Emergency Departments. Room for improvement relates to training for healthcare professionals on palliative care, the development of a shared care pathway for patients with palliative care needs, and the optimization of Emergency Department environment. These targets will be the basis for the development of a quality improvement program in Italian Emergency Departments

    Evaluating LINE-1 methylation in cleft lip tissues and its association with early pregnancy exposures

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    Aim: To pilot investigation of methylation of long interspersed nucleotide element-1 in lip tissues from infants with nonsyndromic cleft lip, and its association with maternal periconceptional exposures. Methods: The lateral and medial sides of the cleft lips of 23 affected infants were analyzed for long interspersed nucleotide element-1 methylation by bisulfite conversion and pyrosequencing. Results: The medial side showed 1.8% higher methylation compared with the lateral side; p = 0.031, particularly in male infants (2.7% difference; p = 0.011) or when the mothers did not take folic acid during periconceptional period (2.4% difference; p = 0.011). These results were not statistically significant when Bonferroni adjustment was used. Conclusion: The observed differences in DNA methylation, although nonsignificant after correction for multiple comparisons, suggest that differential regulation of the two sides may impact lip fusion and warrant larger-scale replication

    Prioritizing cleft/craniofacial surgical care after the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: It is anticipated that in due course the burden of emergency care due to COVID-19 infected patients will reduce sufficiently to permit elective surgical procedures to recommence. Prioritizing cleft/craniofacial surgery in the already overloaded medical system will then become an issue. The European Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association, together with the European Cleft and Craniofacial Initiative for Equality in Care, performed a brief survey to capture a current snapshot during a rapidly evolving pandemic. Methods: A questionnaire was sent to the 2242 participants who attended 1 of 3 recent international cleft/craniofacial meetings. Results: The respondents indicated that children with Robin sequence who were not responding to nonsurgical options should be treated as emergency cases. Over 70% of the respondents indicated that palate repair should be performed before the age of 15 months, an additional 22% stating the same be performed by 18 months. Placement of middle ear tubes, primary cleft lip surgery, alveolar bone grafting, and velopharyngeal insufficiency surgery also need prioritization. Children with craniofacial conditions such as craniosynostosis and increased intracranial pressure need immediate care, whilst children with craniosynostosis and associated obstructive sleep apnea syndrome or proptosis need surgical care within 3 months of the typical timing. Craniosynostosis without signs of increased intracranial pressure needs correction before the age of 18 months. Conclusions: This survey indicates several areas of cleft and craniofacial conditions that need prioritization, but also certain areas where intervention is less urgent. We acknowledge that there will be differences in the post COVID-19 response according to circumstances and policies in individual countries

    Blindness and glaucoma: A multicenter data review from 7 academic eye clinics

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    Purpose To evaluate frequency, conversion rate, and risk factors for blindness in glaucoma patients treated in European Universities. Methods This multicenter retrospective study included 2402 consecutive patients with glaucoma in at least one eye. Medical charts were inspected and patients were divided into those blind and the remainder (''controls''). Blindness was defined as visual acuity-0.05 and/or visual field loss to less than 10°. Results Unilateral and bilateral blindness were respectively 11.0% and 1.6%at the beginning, and 15.5%and 3.6% at the end of the observation period (7.5±5.5 years, range:1-25 years)//conversion to blindness (at least unilateral) was 1.1%/year. 134 eyes (97 patients) developed blindness by POAG during the study. At the first access to study centre, they had mean deviation (MD) of -17.1±8.3 dB and treated intraocular pressure (IOP) of 17.1±6.6 mmHg. During follow-up the IOP decreased by 14%in these eyes but MD deteriorated by 1.1±3.5 dB/year, which was 5-fold higher than controls (0.2±1.6 dB/year). In a multivariate model, the best predictors for blindness by glaucoma were initial MD (p<0.001), initial IOP (p<0.001), older age at the beginning of follow-up (p<0.001), whereas final IOP was found to be protective (p<0.05). Conclusions In this series of patients, blindness occurred in about 20%. Blindness by glaucoma had 2 characteristics: late diagnosis and/or late referral, and progression of the disease despite in most cases IOP was within the range of normality and target IOP was achieved//it could be predicted by high initial MD, high initial IOP, and old age