22 research outputs found

    Thyroid autoimmunity and function among Ugandan children and adolescents with type-1 diabetes mellitus

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    Introduction: Up to 30% of type-1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients have co-existent thyroid   autoimmunity with up to 50% of them having associated thyroid dysfunction. Routine screening for  thyroid autoimmunity and dysfunction is recommended in all T1DM patients. However, this was not  currently practiced in Ugandan paediatric diabetes clinics. There was also paucity of data regarding   thyroid autoimmunity and dysfunction in African children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus. The objective of this study was to quantify the magnitude of thyroid autoimmunity and dysfunction in Ugandan children with TIDM.Methods: This was a cross sectional descriptive study to determine the prevalence of thyroid  autoantibodies and describe thyroid function among children and adolescents aged 1-19 years with  diabetes mellitus attending the paediatric diabetes clinic at Mulago National Referral Hospital, Kampala, Uganda. Following enrollment, we obtained details of clinical history and performed physical examination. Blood (plasma) was assayed to determine levels of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (antiTPO), free  thyroxine (FT4) and thyrotropin (TSH). Results: The prevalence of thyroid autoimmunity was 7.3% (5/69). All antiTPO positive subjects were post pubertal, aged between 13-17 years with females comprising 3/5 of the antiTPO positive subjects. All study subjects were clinically euthyroid; however, 7.3% (5/69) of the study subjects had subclinical hypothyroidism. Conclusion: These data strengthen the argument for routine screening of all diabetic children and  adolescents for thyroid autoimmunity (particularly anti-TPO) as recommended by  international  guidelines. We also recommend evaluation of thyroid function in diabetic children and  adolescents to minimize the risk of undiagnosed thyroid dysfunction.Key words: Thyroid, autoimmunity, type 1 diabetes mellitus, childre

    Alpha thalassemia among sickle cell anaemia patients in Kampala, Uganda

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    Background: Sickle cell anaemia is prevalent in sub Saharan Africa. While \u3b1+-thalassaemia is known to modulate sickle cell anaemia, its magnitude and significance in Uganda have hitherto not been described. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of \u3b1+thalassaemia among sickle cell anaemia patients in Mulago Hospital and to describe the clinical and laboratory findings in these patients. Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out on patients with sickle cell anaemia in Kampala. Dried blood spots were used to analyze for the deletional \u3b1+ thalassaemia using multiplex polymerase chain reaction. Results: Of the 142 patients with sickle cell anaemia, 110 (77.5%) had the \u3b1+thalassaemia deletion. The gene frequency of (-\u3b1) was 0.425. Ninety one percent (100/110) of those with \u3b1+thalassaemia were heterozygous (\u3b1/\u3b1-). Amongst the patients older than 60 months, 15 (83.3%) of those without \u3b1+thalassaemia had significant hepatomegaly of greater than 4 cm compared to 36 (45.6%) of those with \u3b1+thalassaemia (p=0.003). Conclusion: The gene frequency of (-\u3b1) of 0.425 noted in this study is higher than that reported from many places in Africa. Concurrent alpha thalassemia might be a protective trait against significant hepatomegaly in sickle cell anaemia patients more than 60 months of age at Mulago hospital. Keywords: Alpha thalassemia; sickle cell anaemia patient; Kampala; Ugand

    Barriers and enablers of crop varietal replacement and adoption among smallholder farmers as influenced by gender: the case of sweetpotato in Katakwi district, Uganda

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    Sweetpotato is climate smart crop, grown with limited external inputs (fertilisers, pesticides, less labour) making it an attractive crop for resource-constrained smallholder farmers. It is also a major cash and food crop for many countries in sub-Saharan Africa. However, adoption of the high yielding and nutritious improved varieties has been disappointingly low. This study uses qualitative methods to explore the barriers and enablers of farmer varietal replacement and adoption. Unlike the extant quantitative studies that identify the determinants of adoption, we delve deeper into understanding the reasons for or against the preference for specific varieties. We used a rich set of information collected via focus group discussions which explore why farmers prefer certain varieties over others and how they perceive the new improved varieties from the national breeding programs. Doing so enabled us to unravel specific traits or trait combinations that farmers seek and identify those that they perceive needing improvement. We find that the most preferred traits were ‘yield’ and ‘good taste’. Implying that the neglect of sensory attributes by breeders contributes to the low adoption of improved sweetpotato varieties. Moreover, we find that altruism among the respondents plays an important role in farmer use of, and sharing of information about improved sweetpotato varieties. Women and men farmers obtained most of their information from neighbours, NGOs and radios. For women, the most important source of planting materials doubled as their most important source of information. Thus, concerted efforts to minimise information constraints are essential for unravelling the adoption puzzle

    HIV genotypic resistance among pregnant women initiating ART in Uganda: a baseline evaluation of participants in the Option B+ clinical trial

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    Background: Pre-treatment HIV drug resistance is a threat to elimination of mother to child HIV transmission and could lead to virological failure among HIV-positive pregnant women. We analysed genotypic HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) of baseline samples of participants enrolled in the Option B+ clinical trial in Uganda.Methods: HIV-infected pregnant women attending antenatal care were enrolled from Uganda’s National Referral Hospital (Mulago) and Mityana District general hospital and surrounding health centers (HCs). Genotypic HIV testing was performed on blood samples from the first 135 enrolled women out of a subset of 136 participants (25%) who had a baseline VL>1000 copies/mL as one sample failed to amplify.Results: 159/540 (29.4%) had a VL < 1000 copies/ml and 381/540 (70.6%) had a VL >1,000 copies/ml. Of the women with VL>1000 copies/ml, 32 (23.7%) had resistance mutations including 29/135 (21.5%) NNRTI mutations, 6/135 (4.4%) NRTI mutations and 3/135 (2.2%) had both NNRTI and NRTI mutations. The most common NNRTI resistance mutations were: K103KN (5), K103N (5), V179T (4) and E138A (4).Conclusions: One quarter of the HIV-infected pregnant women in this trial at baseline had NNRTI genotypic resistance mutations. Our findings support new WHO guidelines for first-line ART that were changed to dolutegravir-based regimens

    Malaria parasitemia among blood donors in Uganda

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    Background: Malaria remains a leading transfusion associated infectious risk in endemic areas. However, the prevalence of malaria parasitemia has not been well characterized in blood donor populations. This study sought to determine the prevalence of Plasmodium in red blood cell (RBC) and whole blood (WB) units after the rainy season in Uganda. Methods and materials: Between May and July 2018, blood was collected from the sample diversion pouch of 1000 WB donors in Kampala and Jinja, Uganda. The RBC pellet from ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) anticoagulated blood was stored at -80°C until testing. DNA was extracted and nested PCR was used to screen samples at the genus level for Plasmodium, with positive samples further tested for species identification. Results: Malaria parasitemia among asymptomatic, eligible blood donors in two regions of Uganda was 15.4%; 87.7% (135/154) of infections were with P. falciparum, while P. malariae and P. ovale were also detected. There were 4.3% of blood donors who had mixed infection with multiple species. Older donors (>30 years vs. 17-19 years; aPR = 0.31 [95% CI = 0.17-0.58]), females (aPR = 0.60 [95% CI = 0.42-0.87]), repeat donors (aPR = 0.44 [95% CI = 0.27-0.72]) and those donating near the capital city of Kampala versus rural Jinja region (aPR = 0.49 [95% CI = 0.34-0.69]) had a lower prevalence of malaria parasitemia. Conclusions: A high proportion of asymptomatic blood donors residing in a malaria endemic region demonstrate evidence of parasitemia at time of donation. Further research is needed to quantify the risk and associated burden of transfusion-transmitted malaria (TTM) in order to inform strategies to prevent TTM

    The effect of blood storage age on treatment of lactic acidosis by transfusion in children with severe malarial anaemia: a pilot, randomized, controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Severe malarial anaemia requiring blood transfusion is a life-threatening condition affecting millions of children in sub-Saharan Africa. Up to 40% of children with severe malarial anaemia have associated lactic acidosis. Lactic acidosis in these children is strongly associated with fatal outcomes and is corrected by blood transfusion. However, it is not known whether the storage age of blood for transfusion affects resolution of lactic acidosis. The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the effect of blood storage age on resolution of lactic acidosis in children with severe malarial anaemia and demonstrate feasibility of conducting a large trial.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Children aged six to 59 months admitted to Acute Care Unit of Mulago Hospital (Kampala, Uganda) with severe malarial anaemia (haemoglobin ≤ 5 g/dL) and lactic acidosis (blood lactate ≥5 mmol/L), were randomly assigned to receive either blood of short storage age (one to 10 days) or long storage age (21–35 days) by gravity infusion. Seventy-four patients were enrolled and randomized to two equal-sized study arms. Physiological measurements, including blood lactate, oxygen saturation, haemoglobin, and vital signs, were taken at baseline, during and after transfusion. The primary outcome variable was the proportion of children whose lactic acidosis resolved by four hours after transfusion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty-four of 37 (92%) of the children in the short storage treatment arm compared to 30/37 (81%) in the long storage arm achieved a blood lactate <5 mmol/L by four hours post transfusion (p value = 0.308). The mean time to lactic acidosis resolution was 2.65 hours (95% CI; 2.25–3.05) in the short storage arm, compared to 3.35 hours (95% CI; 2.60–4.10) in the long storage arm (p value = 0.264).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Pilot data suggest that among children with severe malarial anaemia and lactic acidosis transfused with packed red blood cells, the storage age of blood does not affect resolution of lactic acidosis. The results support a larger and well-powered study which is under way.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>clinicaltrials.gov NCT01580111</p

    The effect of blood storage age on treatment of lactic acidosis by transfusion in children with severe malarial anaemia: a pilot, randomized, controlled trial

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    Abstract Background Severe malarial anaemia requiring blood transfusion is a life-threatening condition affecting millions of children in sub-Saharan Africa. Up to 40% of children with severe malarial anaemia have associated lactic acidosis. Lactic acidosis in these children is strongly associated with fatal outcomes and is corrected by blood transfusion. However, it is not known whether the storage age of blood for transfusion affects resolution of lactic acidosis. The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the effect of blood storage age on resolution of lactic acidosis in children with severe malarial anaemia and demonstrate feasibility of conducting a large trial. Methods Children aged six to 59 months admitted to Acute Care Unit of Mulago Hospital (Kampala, Uganda) with severe malarial anaemia (haemoglobin ≤ 5 g/dL) and lactic acidosis (blood lactate ≥5 mmol/L), were randomly assigned to receive either blood of short storage age (one to 10 days) or long storage age (21–35 days) by gravity infusion. Seventy-four patients were enrolled and randomized to two equal-sized study arms. Physiological measurements, including blood lactate, oxygen saturation, haemoglobin, and vital signs, were taken at baseline, during and after transfusion. The primary outcome variable was the proportion of children whose lactic acidosis resolved by four hours after transfusion. Results Thirty-four of 37 (92%) of the children in the short storage treatment arm compared to 30/37 (81%) in the long storage arm achieved a blood lactate <5 mmol/L by four hours post transfusion (p value = 0.308). The mean time to lactic acidosis resolution was 2.65 hours (95% CI; 2.25–3.05) in the short storage arm, compared to 3.35 hours (95% CI; 2.60–4.10) in the long storage arm (p value = 0.264). Conclusion Pilot data suggest that among children with severe malarial anaemia and lactic acidosis transfused with packed red blood cells, the storage age of blood does not affect resolution of lactic acidosis. The results support a larger and well-powered study which is under way. Trial registration clinicaltrials.gov NCT0158011

    High incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in children admitted with severe pneumonia in Uganda

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    TB is associated with high morbidity and mortality among such children. We conducted this study to establish the burden of pulmonary TB in children admitted with severe pneumonia in our setting.Background A high prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) in children presenting with severe pneumonia has previously been reported in South Africa. However, little is known about TB among children with pneumonia in Uganda and other resource limited countries. Moreover, TB is associated with high morbidity and mortality among such children. We conducted this study to establish the burden of pulmonary TB in children admitted with severe pneumonia in our setting. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted at Mulago, a National Referral and teaching hospital in Uganda. Hospitalised children 2 months to 12 years of age with severe pneumonia based on WHO case definition were enrolledfrom February to June 2011. Children with a previous TB diagnosis or receiving anti-TB treatment were excluded. Each child was screened for TB using Tuberculin skin test, Chest X-ray, induced sputum samples and blood culture for mycobacterium. Sputum smears were examined using fluorescent microscopy, and cultured on both Lowenstein Jensen media (LJ) and Mycobacterial Growth Indicator Tubes (MGIT). Results Of the 270 children with severe pneumonia who were recruited over a 5-month period in 2011, the incidence ratio of pulmonary TB in children admitted with severe pneumonia was 18.9% (95% CI 14.6 – 23.9). The proportion of culture confirmed PTB was 6.3% (95% CI 3.8 – 9.7). Age group under 1 year and 1 to 5 years (OR 2.8 (95% CI 1.7 – 7.4) and OR 2.4 (95% CI 1.05 – 5.9) respectively) were more likely to be associated with pulmonary TB compared to those children over 5 years of age. A history of TB smear positive contact was associated with pulmonary TB (OR 3.0 (95% CI 1.3–6.5). Conclusions We found a high burden of pulmonary TB in children admitted with severe pneumonia. These data highlight the need for TB screening in children admitted with severe pneumonia so as to improve TB case finding and child survival

    High incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in children admitted with severe pneumonia in Uganda

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    Abstract Background A high prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) in children presenting with severe pneumonia has previously been reported in South Africa. However, little is known about TB among children with pneumonia in Uganda and other resource limited countries. Moreover, TB is associated with high morbidity and mortality among such children. We conducted this study to establish the burden of pulmonary TB in children admitted with severe pneumonia in our setting. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted at Mulago, a National Referral and teaching hospital in Uganda. Hospitalised children 2 months to 12 years of age with severe pneumonia based on WHO case definition were enrolledfrom February to June 2011. Children with a previous TB diagnosis or receiving anti-TB treatment were excluded. Each child was screened for TB using Tuberculin skin test, Chest X-ray, induced sputum samples and blood culture for mycobacterium. Sputum smears were examined using fluorescent microscopy, and cultured on both Lowenstein Jensen media (LJ) and Mycobacterial Growth Indicator Tubes (MGIT). Results Of the 270 children with severe pneumonia who were recruited over a 5-month period in 2011, the incidence ratio of pulmonary TB in children admitted with severe pneumonia was 18.9% (95% CI 14.6 – 23.9). The proportion of culture confirmed PTB was 6.3% (95% CI 3.8 – 9.7). Age group under 1 year and 1 to 5 years (OR 2.8 (95% CI 1.7 – 7.4) and OR 2.4 (95% CI 1.05 – 5.9) respectively) were more likely to be associated with pulmonary TB compared to those children over 5 years of age. A history of TB smear positive contact was associated with pulmonary TB (OR 3.0 (95% CI 1.3–6.5). Conclusions We found a high burden of pulmonary TB in children admitted with severe pneumonia. These data highlight the need for TB screening in children admitted with severe pneumonia so as to improve TB case finding and child survival.</p

    Prevalence of undetectable and suppressed viral load in HIV-infected pregnant women initiating Option B+ in Uganda: an observational study nested within a randomized controlled trial

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    BackgroundViral load (VL) testing is key in monitoring adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and documenting HIV treatment response. As per HIV treatment guidelines in Uganda, the first VL test is recommended 6&nbsp;months after initiation of ART. Undetectable VL (uVL) at ART initiation may be helpful in detecting elite controllers in the absence of previous ART use. We investigated viral suppression at ART initiation among a cohort of HIV-positive pregnant women enrolled in the Friends for Life Circles (FLC) for Option B+ randomized controlled trial (RCT).MethodsPregnant women ≥ 18&nbsp;years of age testing positive for HIV at their first antenatal care visit and starting on ART Option B+ as per the National PMTCT Program guidelines were enrolled into the FLC for Option B+ RCT in urban Kampala and rural Mityana districts of Uganda. Each participant had whole blood samples collected at enrolment to assess baseline VL. Plasma HIV-1 RNA was quantified using COBAS Ampliprep /COBAS Taqman. Baseline VL below 400 RNA copies/ml was considered as viral suppression while baseline VL below 20 RNA copies/ml was considered uVL.ResultsThe mean duration from the date of ART initiation to time of sample collection for baseline VL assessment was 4.4&nbsp;days (SD 3.6). Of the 532 HIV-positive pregnant women enrolled in the FLC for Option B+ study and newly starting Option B+ without a self-reported history of prior ART use, 29 (5.5%) had uVL and 113 (21.4%) had suppressed VL at baseline. There was no association between participants' age, gravidity, marital status, mean monthly income, educational level, disclosure of HIV status to partner, and uVL or viral suppression at baseline. However, non-disclosure of HIV status to any other person was associated with decreased odds of viral suppression at baseline (OR 0.640; 0.416-0.982).ConclusionTwenty-one percent of HIV-positive Ugandan pregnant women initiating ART (Option B+) showed virological suppression at baseline and were presumed to be "elite controllers" or to have misreported being ART-naive. Further studies are needed to better understand the biologic mechanisms of elite controllers among pregnant women as well as to differentiate elite controllers from concealed ART use. Trial Registration&nbsp;The trial was registered as NCT02515370 (04/08/2015) on Clinicaltrials.gov