4 research outputs found

    Direct seed and precision agriculture technologies

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    A importância da sementeira directa tanto do ponto de vista agronómico como ambiental tem sido evidenciada por diversos autores. A transição de técnicas convencionais de sementeira com mobilização do solo para sementeira directa pode ser mais ou menos facilitada pelo tipo de solo e época de realização da operação. Contudo nos primeiros anos de instalação de culturas em sementeira directa, a irregularidade de resistência à penetração do solo não mobilizado pelo semeador pode estar na origem de heterogeneidades de distribuição da semente, nomeadamente no que respeita à sua profundidade. A utilização de tecnologias de Agricultura de Precisão permitindo identificar in situ algumas destas situações podem contribuir para a correcção das mesmas. No I ensaio realizado na Herdade da comenda em Caia os resultados preliminares indicam correlação moderada entre 3 níveis de profundidade de sementeira relativamente força exercida na respectiva linha propondo o desenvolvimento de dispositivos dinâmicos de controlo de profundidade em semeadores de sementeira directa

    Contribute to the Study of Vertical Distribution of Conventional No-Till Seeders and Spatial Variability of Seed Depth Placement of Maize in Alentejo, Portugal

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    Entre os vários fatores que contribuem para a produção de uma cultura de milho, a distribuição vertical dos semeadores avaliada através da localização da semente em profundidade é um fator-chave, especialmente na técnica de sementeira direta. Simultaneamente, dada a complexidade dos ecossistemas naturais e agrícolas em sistemas de agricultura de conservação, a gestão diferenciada e localizada das parcelas assume um importante papel na análise e gestão da variabilidade das propriedades do solo e estabelecimento das culturas, nomeadamente utilizando informação geo referenciada e tecnologia expedita. Assim, o principal objetivo desta Tese foi a avaliação em culturas de milho da variabilidade espacial da localização de semente em profundidade e estabelecimento da cultura em sementeira direta usando sistemas convencionais de controlo de profundidade, tendo-se comparado com diferentes sistemas de mobilização e recorrendo a tecnologias de agricultura de precisão. Os ensaios decorreram na região Mediterrânea do Alentejo, em propriedades agrícolas no decorrer das campanhas de 2010, 2011, 2012 e 2015 em 6 diferentes campos experimentais. O trabalho experimental consistiu em ensaios com avaliações in loco do solo e cultura, consumo de combustível das operações e deteção remota. Os resultados obtidos indicam que não só o sistema de mobilização afetou a localização da semente em profundidade, como em sementeira direta a profundidade de sementeira foi afetada pelo teor de humidade do solo, resistência do solo à profundidade e velocidade da operação de sementeira. Adicionalmente observaram-se condições heterogéneas de emergência e estabelecimento da cultura afetadas por condições físicas de compactação do solo. Comparando os diferentes sistemas de mobilização, obteve-se uma significativa redução de combustível para a técnica de sementeira direta, apesar de se terem observado diferenças estatísticas significativas considerando diferentes calibrações de profundidade de sementeira Do trabalho realizado nesta Tese ressalva-se a importância que as tecnologias de agricultura de precisão podem ter no acompanhamento e avaliação de culturas em sementeira direta, bem como a necessidade de melhores procedimentos no controlo de profundidade dos semeadores pelo respetivos operadores ou ao invés, a adoção de semeadores com mecanismos ativos de controlo de profundidade. ABSTRACT Among the various factors that contribute towards producing a successful maize crop, seeders vertical distribution evaluated through seed depth placement is a key determinant, especially under a no-tillage technique. At the same time in conservation agriculture systems due to the complexity of natural and agricultural ecosystems site specific management became an important approach to understand and manage the variability of soil properties and crop establishment, especially when using geo spatial information and affording readily technology Thus, the main objective of this Thesis was to evaluate the spatial variability of seed depth placement and crop establishment in maize crops under no-tillage conditions compared to different tillage systems, using conventional seed depth control no till seeders and precision farming technologies. Trials were carried out in the Mediterranean region of Alentejo, in private farms along the sowing operations season over the years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2015 in 6 different experimental fields. Experimental work covered field tests with in loco soil and crop evaluations, fuel operation evaluations and aerial sensing. The results obtained indicate that not only tillage system affected seed depth placement but under no till conditions seed depth was affected by soil moisture content, soil resistance to penetration and seeders forward speed. In addition uneven crop seedling and establishment depended on seed depth placement and could be affected by physical problems of compaction layers. Significant reduction in fuel consumption was observed for no till operations although significant differences observed according to different setting calibrations of seed depth control. According to the results, precision agriculture is an important tool to evaluate crops under no till conditions and seed depth mechanisms should be more accurate by the operators or is determinant the adoption of new active depth control technology to improve seeders performance

    Delineation of Soil Management Zones and Validation through the Vigour of a Fodder Crop

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    In Mediterranean farming systems, the semi-arid conditions and agricultural ecosystems have made site-specific management an important approach. This method aims to understand and handle the variability of soil properties and crop management, particularly through the utilization of geospatial information and accessible technology. Over three years in a 30 ha experimental field located in the Alentejo region (Portugal), crop establishment was monitored using data from soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa), remote sensing (Sentinel-2), and in situ soil sampling. The procedure began with Step 1, involving the acquisition of soil spatial information and spatial interpolation. Subsequently, in Step 2, management zones (MZs) for soil characteristics were delineated using a combination of ECa measurements and soil analysis, and Step 3 spanned over three years of gathering meteorological data and crop remote sensing measurements. In Step 4, site-specific crop MZs were delineated by vegetation indexes (VIs). This article aims to increase the importance of in situ and remote assessments to more accurately identify areas with different productive potential. Results showed three MZs based on the percentage of sand, ECa, altimetry, exchangeable calcium, and exchangeable calcium properties, validated by crop VIs (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Red-Edge Index (NDRE), and Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI)) over time. Although there are many sensorial techniques available for site-specific management, this paper emphasizes a methodology for the farmer to identify different MZs combining remote and in situ evaluations, supporting new opportunities for a more rational use of natural resources. Based on soil parameters, three site-specific management areas could be selected. NDMI was the index that best explained the MZs created according to soil properties

    Remote Monitoring of Crop Nitrogen Nutrition to Adjust Crop Models: A Review

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    Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is a central issue to address regarding the nitrogen (N) uptake by crops, and can be improved by applying the correct dose of fertilizers at specific points in the fields according to the plants status. The N nutrition index (NNI) was developed to diagnose plant N status. However, its determination requires destructive, time-consuming measurements of plant N content (PNC) and plant dry matter (PDM). To overcome logistical and economic problems, it is necessary to assesses crop NNI rapidly and non-destructively. According to the literature which we reviewed, it, as well as PNC and PDM, can be estimated using vegetation indices obtained from remote sensing. While sensory techniques are useful for measuring PNC, crop growth models estimate crop N requirements. Research has indicated that the accuracy of the estimate is increased through the integration of remote sensing data to periodically update the model, considering the spatial variability in the plot. However, this combination of data presents some difficulties. On one hand, at the level of remote sensing is the identification of the most appropriate sensor for each situation, and on the other hand, at the level of crop growth models is the estimation of the needs of crops in the interest stages of growth. The methods used to couple remote sensing data with the needs of crops estimated by crop growth models must be very well calibrated, especially for the crop parameters and for the environment around this crop. Therefore, this paper reviews currently available information from Google Scholar and ScienceDirect to identify studies relevant to crops N nutrition status, to assess crop NNI through non-destructive methods, and to integrate the remote sensing data on crop models from which the cited articles were selected. Finally, we discuss further research on PNC determination via remote sensing and algorithms to help farmers with field application. Although some knowledge about this determination is still necessary, we can define three guidelines to aid in choosing a correct platform