243 research outputs found

    Cooper pairing of electrons and holes in graphene bilayer: Correlation effects

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    Cooper pairing of spatially separated electrons and holes in graphene bilayer is studied beyond the mean-field approximation. Suppression of the screening at large distances, caused by appearance of the gap, is considered self-consistently. A mutual positive feedback between appearance of the gap and enlargement of the interaction leads to a sharp transition to correlated state with greatly increased gap above some critical value of the coupling strength. At coupling strength below the critical, this correlation effect increases the gap approximately by a factor of two. The maximal coupling strength achievable in experiments is close to the critical value. This indicated importance of correlation effects in closely-spaced graphene bilayers at weak substrate dielectric screening. Another effect beyond mean-field approximation considered is an influence of vertex corrections on the pairing, which is shown to be very weak.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; some references were adde

    Bose-Einstein condensation of trapped polaritons in 2D electron-hole systems in a high magnetic field

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    The Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of magnetoexcitonic polaritons in two-dimensional (2D) electron-hole system embedded in a semiconductor microcavity in a high magnetic field BB is predicted. There are two physical realizations of 2D electron-hole system under consideration: a graphene layer and quantum well (QW). A 2D gas of magnetoexcitonic polaritons is considered in a planar harmonic potential trap. Two possible physical realizations of this trapping potential are assumed: inhomogeneous local stress or harmonic electric field potential applied to excitons and a parabolic shape of the semiconductor cavity causing the trapping of microcavity photons. The effective Hamiltonian of the ideal gas of cavity polaritons in a QW and graphene in a high magnetic field and the BEC temperature as functions of magnetic field are obtained. It is shown that the effective polariton mass MeffM_{\rm eff} increases with magnetic field as B1/2B^{1/2}. The BEC critical temperature Tc(0)T_{c}^{(0)} decreases as B1/4B^{-1/4} and increases with the spring constant of the parabolic trap. The Rabi splitting related to the creation of a magnetoexciton in a high magnetic field in graphene and QW is obtained. It is shown that Rabi splitting in graphene can be controlled by the external magnetic field since it is proportional to B1/4B^{-1/4}, while in a QW the Rabi splitting does not depend on the magnetic field when it is strong.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. accepted in Physical Review

    Transport of magnetoexcitons in single and coupled quantum wells

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    The transport relaxation time τ(P)\tau (P) and the mean free path of magnetoexcitons in single and coupled quantum wells are calculated (PP is the magnetic momentum of the magnetoexciton). We present the results for magnetoexciton scattering in a random field due to (i) quantum well width fluctuations, (ii) composite fluctuations and (iii) ionized impurities. The time τ(P)\tau(P) depends nonmonotonously on PP in the case (ii) and in the cases (i), (iii) for D/lD/l smaller than some critical value (DD is the interwell separation, l=c/eHl=\sqrt{\hbar c/eH} is the magnetic length). For D/l1D/l\gg 1 the transport relaxation time increases monotonously with PP. The magnetoexciton mean free path λ(P)\lambda (P) has a maximum at P0P\ne 0 in the cases (i), (iii). It decreases with increasing D/lD/l. The mean free path calculated for the case (ii) may have two maxima. One of them disappears with the variation of the random fields parameters. The maximum of λ(P)\lambda (P) increases with HH for types (i,iii) of scattering processes and decreases in the case (ii).Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures in EPS format; Physica Scripta (in print

    Stability of Sarma phases in density imbalanced electron-hole bilayer systems

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    We study excitonic condensation in an electron-hole bilayer system with unequal layer densities at zero temperature. Using mean-field theory we solve the BCS gap equations numerically and investigate the effects of intra-layer interactions. We analyze the stability of the Sarma phase with \bk,-\bk pairing by calculating the superfluid mass density and also by checking the compressibility matrix. We find that with bare Coulomb interactions the superfluid density is always positive in the Sarma phase, due to a peculiar momentum structure of the gap function originating from the singular behavior of the Coulomb potential at zero momentum and the presence of a sharp Fermi surface. Introducing a simple model for screening, we find that the superfluid density becomes negative in some regions of the phase diagram, corresponding to an instability towards a Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) type superfluid phase. Thus, intra-layer interaction and screening together can lead to a rich phase diagram in the BCS-BEC crossover regime in electron-hole bilayer systems

    Quantum phase transition in a two-dimensional system of dipoles

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    The ground-state phase diagram of a two-dimensional Bose system with dipole-dipole interactions is studied by means of quantum Monte Carlo technique. Our calculation predicts a quantum phase transition from gas to solid phase when the density increases. In the gas phase the condensate fraction is calculated as a function of the density. Using Feynman approximation, the collective excitation branch is studied and appearance of a roton minimum is observed. Results of the static structure factor at both sides of the gas-solid phase are also presented. The Lindeman ratio at the transition point comes to be γ=0.230(6)\gamma = 0.230(6). The condensate fraction in the gas phase is estimated as a function of the density.Comment: 4 figures v.3 One citation added, updated Fig.4. Minor changes following referee's and editor's comment

    Bose-Einstein condensation and Superfluidity of magnetoexcitons in Graphene

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    We propose experiments to observe Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) and superfluidity of quasi-two-dimensional (2D) spatially indirect magnetoexcitons in bilayer graphene. The magnetic field BB is assumed strong. The energy spectrum of collective excitations, the sound spectrum as well as the effective magnetic mass of magnetoexcitons are presented in the strong magnetic field regime. The superfluid density nSn_S and the temperature of the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition TcT_c are shown to be increasing functions of the excitonic density nn but decreasing functions of BB and the interlayer separation DD. Numerical results are presented from these calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Bose-Einstein condensation of quasiparticles in graphene

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    The collective properties of different quasiparticles in various graphene based structures in high magnetic field have been studied. We predict Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) and superfluidity of 2D spatially indirect magnetoexcitons in two-layer graphene. The superfluid density and the temperature of the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition are shown to be increasing functions of the excitonic density but decreasing functions of magnetic field and the interlayer separation. The instability of the ground state of the interacting 2D indirect magnetoexcitons in a slab of superlattice with alternating electron and hole graphene layers (GLs) is established. The stable system of indirect 2D magnetobiexcitons, consisting of pair of indirect excitons with opposite dipole moments, is considered in graphene superlattice. The superfluid density and the temperature of the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition for magnetobiexcitons in graphene superlattice are obtained. Besides, the BEC of excitonic polaritons in GL embedded in a semiconductor microcavity in high magnetic field is predicted. While superfluid phase in this magnetoexciton polariton system is absent due to vanishing of magnetoexciton-magnetoexciton interaction in a single layer in the limit of high magnetic field, the critical temperature of BEC formation is calculated. The essential property of magnetoexcitonic systems based on graphene (in contrast, e.g., to a quantum well) is stronger influence of magnetic field and weaker influence of disorder. Observation of the BEC and superfluidity of 2D quasiparticles in graphene in high magnetic field would be interesting confirmation of the phenomena we have described.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Dipolar superfluidity in electron-hole bilayer systems

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    Bilayer electron-hole systems, where the electrons and holes are created via doping and confined to separate layers, undergo excitonic condensation when the distance between the layers is smaller than typical distance between particles within a layer. We argue that the excitonic condensate is a novel dipolar superfluid in which the phase of the condensate couples to the {\it gradient} of the vector potential. We predict the existence of dipolar supercurrent which can be tuned by an in-plane magnetic field and detected by independent contacts to the layers. Thus the dipolar superfluid offers an example of excitonic condensate in which the {\it composite} nature of its constituent excitons is manifest in the macroscopic superfluid state. We also discuss various properties of this superfluid including the role of vortices.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, minor changes and added few references; final published versio

    Collective excitations in electron-hole bilayers

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    We report a combined analytic and Molecular Dynamics analysis of the collective mode spectrum of an electron-hole (bipolar) bilayer in the strong coupling quasi-classical limit. A robust, isotropic energy gap is identified in the out-of-phase spectra, generated by the combined effect of correlations and of the excitation of the bound dipoles; the in-phase spectra exhibit a correlation governed acoustic dispersion for the longitudinal and transverse modes. Strong nonlinear generation of higher harmonics of the fundamental dipole oscillation frequency and the transfer of harmonics between different modes is observed. The mode dispersions in the liquid state are compared with the phonon spectrum in the crystalline solid phase, reinforcing a coherent physical picture.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Collective properties of magnetobiexcitons in quantum wells' and graphene superlattices

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    We propose the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) and superfluidity of quasi-two-dimensional (2D) spatially indirect magnetobiexcitons in a slab of superlattice with alternating electron and hole layers consisting from the semiconducting quantum wells (QWs) and graphene superlattice in high magnetic field. The two different Hamiltonians of a dilute gas of magnetoexcitons with a dipole-dipole repulsion in superlattices consisting of both QWs and graphene layers in the limit of high magnetic field have been reduced to one effective Hamiltonian a dilute gas of two-dimensional excitons without magnetic field. Moreover, for NN excitons we have reduced the problem of 2N×22N\times 2 dimensional space onto the problem of N×2N\times 2 dimensional space by integrating over the coordinates of the relative motion of an electron (e) and a hole (h). The instability of the ground state of the system of interacting two-dimensional indirect magnetoexcitons in a slab of superlattice with alternating electron and hole layers in high magnetic field is established. The stable system of indirect quasi-two-dimensional magnetobiexcitons, consisting of pair of indirect excitons with opposite dipole moments is considered. The density of superfluid component ns(T)n_{s}(T) and the temperature of the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition to the superfluid state in the system of two-dimensional indirect magnetobiexcitons, interacting as electrical quadrupoles, are obtained for both QW and graphene realizations.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure