19 research outputs found

    Evaluación preliminar del poder antigénico in vivo de una nueva formulación para la inmunoprofilaxis de la babesiosis bovina

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    Bovine babesiosis is a hemoparasitic disease caused by protozoa of the genus Babesia, the most important are Babesia bovis and B. bigemina, both transmitted by the common bovine tick, Rhipicephalus microplus. In combination with anaplasmosis, they form the Bovine Tristeza Complex, one of the main limiting factors for productive development in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Currently, for the prophylaxis of bovine babesiosis in Argentina, only live vaccines are available in fresh and deep-frozen presentations. In the present work, we evaluated the immunogenicity of erythrocytes parasitized with Babesia sp, dehydrated and incorporated into a new adjuvant, formulated for use in humans, as a new immuno prophylactic alternative. With this aim, parasitized erythrocytes obtained from in vitro cultures were dehydrated by spray-dryingtechniques and assembled with an adjuvant. Twelve calves negative for blood parasites wereused, which were divided into 4 groups of 3 animals each one. Control group: without inoculation;Treated Group 1: inoculated with adjuvant; Treated Group 2: adjuvant + erythrocytes parasitized with B. bovis and Treated Group 3: adjuvant + erythrocytes parasitized with B. bigemina. Two subcutaneous inoculations were performed, on 0 and 15 days. During 60 days, rectal temperature, hematocrit and parasitaemia control were performed, in turn, samples for serology were taken on 30- and 60-days post inoculation. The animals remained negative throughout the trial, except on day 60, where 33% of Treated Group 3 presented specific antibody titers against the inoculated agent, B. bigemina. Although the response rate is low, the fact that there is no effective killed vaccine for the prophylaxis of this disease encourages us to continue adjusting the inoculant dose.La babesiosis bovina es una enfermedad hemoparasitaria causada por protozoarios del género Babesia, siendo los de mayor importancia Babesia bovis y B. bigemina, ambos transmitidos por la garrapata común del bovino, Rhipicephalus microplus. Junto con la anaplasmosis, forman el complejo tristeza bovina, uno de los principales factores limitantes para el desarrollo productivo en zonas tropicales y subtropicales del mundo. Actualmente, para la profilaxis de la babesiosis bovina en Argentina solo se dispone de vacunas vivas en las presentaciones, fresca y ultra congelada. En el presente trabajo, se evaluó la inmunogenicidad de eritrocitos parasitados con Babesia sp y deshidratados, incorporados a un nuevo adyuvante, formulado para uso en humanos, como una nueva alternativa inmuno profiláctica. Con tal fin, eritrocitos parasitados obtenidos a partir de cultivos in vitro, fueron deshidratados por técnicas de secado por aspersión y ensamblados con un adyuvante. Se utilizaron 12 terneros negativos a hemoparásitos que fueron distribuidos en 4 grupos de 3 animales cada uno. Grupo Control: sin inocular; Grupo Tratado 1: inoculado con adyuvante; Grupo Tratado 2: adyuvante + eritrocitos parasitados con B. bovis y Grupo Tratado 3: adyuvante + eritrocitos parasitados con B. bigemina. Se realizaron dos inoculaciones subcutáneas, los días 0 y 15. Durante 60 días, se realizó el control de temperatura rectal, hematocrito y parasitemia, así como el muestreo para serología a los 30 y 60 días post-inoculación. Los animales se mantuvieron negativos durante todo el ensayo, excepto al día 60, donde el 33% del Grupo Tratado 3 presentó titulación de anticuerpos contra el agente inoculado, B. bigemina. Si bien el porcentaje de respuesta es bajo, el hecho de no contar a nivel mundial con una vacuna muerta eficaz para la profilaxis de esta enfermedad, nos alienta a continuar ajustando la dosis inoculante

    Actualidad de la capacitación en Inteligencia de Negocios brindada por organizaciones latinoamericanas

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    En la actualidad no se ha identificado un programa de capacitación que defina con claridad las estrategias didácticas y pedagógicas adecuadas para la formación de usuarios finales de soluciones de Inteligencia de Negocios (BI) en al ámbito de organizaciones en BI en Latinoamérica, e identifica un conjunto de características de las alternativas de capacitación ofrecidas, con el objetivo de permitir la generación de planes de capacitación adecuados para la realización de las organizaciones regionales.Currently, there is no training program that cleary defines the appropiate teaching strategies for teaching end users of BI solutions in the province of Misiones (Argentina). This paper presents a survey about BI training offer at Latinoamérica, and identifies a set of characteristics of the alternatives that offered training, which allow to generate adequate training plans for the reality of regional organizations.Facultad de Informátic

    Грибковые инфекции у пациентов на фоне прогрессирования COVID-19: патоморфологическая картина и клинические наблюдения

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    Invasive pulmonary mycoses are a common complication of severe COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) and are characterized by rapid spread and high mortality. It is especially important to study the epidemiology and pathomorphology of fungal superinfection in order to understand the main vector of the diagnosis and treatment of this complication. The aim of this paper is to consider aspects of the epidemiology, pathomorphologic picture, and clinical manifestations of invasive pulmonary mycoses associated with COVID-19. Clinical cases of fungal superinfections (candidiasis, aspergillosis) associated with COVID-19 in patients receiving appropriate therapy were presented. Results of autopsy examination and light microscopy with routine staining were analyzed. Macroscopic assessment of lesions and histological examination revealed morphological multiorgan changes typical of the combination of fungal (candidiasis, aspergillosis) and viral infection (COVID-19). Conclusion. The presented data of post-mortem examination are important for both science and clinical practice as they form the basis for finding new ways of treating patients with comorbid pathology and developing a prognostic algorithm.Инвазивные легочные микозы – частое осложнение новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) тяжелого течения, характеризуемое стремительным распространением и высокой летальностью. Особенно важным становится изучение эпидемиологии и патоморфологии суперинфекции для понимания основного вектора в диагностике и лечении данного осложнения. Целью работы явилось рассмотрение аспектов эпидемиологии, патоморфологической картины и клинических проявлений инвазивных микозов легких на фоне течения COVID-19. Представлены клинические наблюдения за пациентами, у которых на фоне COVID-19 при получении соответствующей терапии развилась грибковая суперинфекция (кандидоз, аспергиллез). Рассмотрены и изучены результаты аутопсийного исследования с применением световой микроскопии и использованием рутинных методов окраски микропрепаратов. При оценке макроскопической картины поражения и данных гистологического исследования подробно описаны морфологические изменения в легких, характерные для сочетания грибковой (кандидоз, аспергиллез) и вирусной (COVID-19) инфекций. Заключение. Данные патологоанатомического исследования имеют важное значение как для фундаментальных дисциплин, так и для клинической практики, поскольку являются основой для поиска новых способов лечения пациентов с коморбидной патологией и разработки прогностического алгоритма

    Three approaches to data analysis

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    In this book, the following three approaches to data analysis are presented:  - Test Theory, founded by Sergei V. Yablonskii (1924-1998); the first publications appeared in 1955 and 1958, -           Rough Sets, founded by Zdzisław I. Pawlak (1926-2006); the first publications appeared in 1981 and 1982, -           Logical Analysis of Data, founded by Peter L. Hammer (1936-2006); the first publications appeared in 1986 and 1988. These three approaches have much in common, but researchers active in one of these areas often have a limited knowledge about the results and methods developed in the other two. On the other hand, each of the approaches shows some originality and we believe that the exchange of knowledge can stimulate further development of each of them. This can lead to new theoretical results and real-life applications and, in particular, new results based on combination of these three data analysis approaches can be expected