585 research outputs found

    Diffusive transport of adsorbed n-alkanes along e-beam irradiated plane surfaces and nanopillars

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    Diffusion of adsorbed n-alkanes was studied by means of electron beam induced deposition (EBID) technique. Carbon ring-like and pillar-like deposits were produced on bulk and thin substrates in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) operated in a “spot” mode. Residual nalkanes used as a precursor gas were delivered to the beam interaction region (BIR) via surface diffusion. The model of adsorbate diffusion along a heterogeneous surface with different diffusion coefficients D1 and D2 outside and inside the BIR, respectively, was proposed to explain the measured deposition rates. The estimates for diffusion coefficients ranging from ~1x10-10 to ~1x10-7 cm2s-1 at room temperature on surfaces with different roughness were obtained. These estimates most likely should be attributed to n-decane molecules expected to play the key role in the deposition process. Clusters of polymerized molecules produced by irradiation were assumed to act as effective traps hampering surface diffusion. For high D1/D2 ratios the deposition rates were found to be practically independent of the substrate material and initial roughness

    Мусоросжигательный завод

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    Isoscaling in Light-Ion Induced Reactions and its Statistical Interpretation

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    Isotopic effects observed in fragmentation reactions induced by protons, deuterons, and alpha particles of incident energies between 660 MeV and 15.3 GeV on 112-Sn and 124-Sn targets are discussed. The exponential scaling of the yield ratios with the third component of the fragment isospin (N-Z)/2 is observed in all reactions, with scaling parameters that depend on the incident energy. Breakup temperatures for these reactions are deduced from double ratios of isotopic yields and tested for their relation with the isoscaling parameters. The quantum statistical (QSM) and the statistical multifragmentation (SMM) models are used for interpreting the results. The observed isoscaling can be understood as a consequence of a statistical origin of the emitted fragments in these reactions. The SMM analysis shows that the exponent describing the isoscaling behavior is proportional to the strength of the symmetry term of the fragment binding energy. Using this result, a symmetry-term coefficient (approximately 22.5 MeV) for fragments at breakup is deduced from the experimental data. This is close to the standard value and supports SMM assumptions for the breakup configuration. An alternative method of determining the symmetry-energy coefficient, by using isotope distribution widths, is also discussed

    Сжигание мусора – спорт или искусство?

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    Analysis of Spatiotemporal Variability of Surface Temperature of Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Waters Using Satellite Data

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    The chapter is divided into 5 parts. The first part describes what the satellite data is and describes the levels of its processing. In the second part, attention is paid to sea surface temperature anomalies, the conditions for the appearance of the most significant anomalies and their influence on the behavior and survival of aquatic organisms are described. The third part is devoted to calculating linear trends in ocean surface temperature from a 20-year series of satellite data. It is shown that the heat content of the surface layer of Okhotsk Sea decreases, most significantly in its northern and western parts. This trend is especially pronounced in the spring, which may be due to a decrease in ice cover and a more significant cooling of the waters due to winter convection. In the fourth part, periodic fluctuations in the temperature of the surface of the ocean are considered. It is demonstrated how, using the calculated trend and several basic harmonics, one can try to predict the temperature next year. And the last part concludes the chapter

    Храм Мусора

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    Дворец мечты из строительного мусора

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    Personality development methodology representations in sports-pedagogical activity

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    Розглянуто концептуальні положення сучасних підходів щодо регуляції психічної активності суб'єкта спортивно-педагогічної діяльності, наведено результати аналізу об'єктно-предметного поля наукових праць за даною тематикою у новітній період, продемонстровано відмінності методологічних положень «психологічної підготовки», «психологічного забезпечення» і «психологічного супроводу» у спорті, орієнтовані або на організацію процесу спортивної діяльності або регулятивні дії суб'єкта, виявлено методологічні розбіжності наведених підходів; показано перспективи розробки феномена психологічного ресурсу кваліфікованого спортсмена як відображеної властивості свідомості переносити досвід взаємодії з важкими ситуаціями в актуальні умови спортивно-педагогічної діяльності; описано категорії ресурсних властивостей психіки, що можуть бути інтрасуб'єктними, міжсуб’єктними та позасуб’єктними; представлено підстави реалізації ресурсного підходу як самостійної методології вивчення ефективності суб'єкта спортивної діяльності, а також його професійного розвитку.The conceptual positions of modern approach to regulation of psychic activity of the athletic performance subject are considered; it has brought The results of the analysis of the object-subject field of the scientific work of the following theme during the latest period are represented; the differences of the methodological positions «psychological performance», «psychological securing» and «psychological coaching» in sport are demonstrated. These methodological positions are oriented on organization of the process to athletic performance or psychic regulation of the action of the athletic performance subject, it is mentioned about the methodological differences of those approaches; it is mentioned about the prospects of the «psychological resource» phenomenon development of skilled athlete as a reflected quality of consciousness to transfer own interactive experience with difficult situations in the current environment of sports-pedagogical activities; the abstract describes the categories of resource psychic properties that can be intra-subject, inter-subject and out-subject; it is shown a perspective of psychological resource approach as an independent methodology for studying the effectiveness of the subject of sports activities as well as its professional development