50 research outputs found

    Semi-Parametric Hedonic Models, and Empirical Comparison

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    Hedonic models have been widely used in the literature for valuation of non- market goods such as air quality. While the inclusion of air quality variables in hedonic models is common in applied work, there is not theoretical basis for defining the functional relation between air quality and house prices. Estimation of semiparametric models that allow the data to determine the functional form may provide more insight on the real relationships suggested by the data rather than imposing the constraints of fully parametric models. Using an instrumental variable estimator, I explore the advantages of using semiparametric models in the estimation of spatial hedonic models by comparing the economic estimates from a parametric spatial lag model with those of a semiparametric specification, where the environmental variable is introduced nonparametrically.air quality valuation, endogeneity, hedonic models, real estate markets., semi-parametric, spatial econometrics

    Is the Price Right? Assessing Estimates of Cadastral Values for Bogotá, Colombia

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    Hedonic house price models are increasingly applied in the process of mass appraisal, in which econometric specifications are used to obtain automated valuation of properties for taxation purposes. The predictive quality of such models is important, since it directly affects the revenue stream of local authorities. In this paper, we assess the relative predictive performance of different model specifications used in automated valuation. Specifically, we focus on the issue of spatial heterogeneity by comparing models that utilize different definitions of housing submarkets. In addition, we consider the inclusion of “spatial†explanatory variables in the form of distance to various amenities as computed from a GIS. We apply this to data from the city of Bogot Ìa, Colombia, a pioneer in the application of mass appraisal techniques in a developing country context. We find that specifications that include the submarkets improve predictive performance and that the inclusion of the spatial variables is superior to the traditional models of homogenous zones. However, even the best models are still characterized by relatively poor performance in the form of a high degree of overprediction of the house value. In addition, the predictive performance of the models varied by socio-economic stratum in the city, which suggests that the dynamics of the housing markets in these strata would require closer and separate attention. These results may provide further guidance to enhance mass appraisal practice in the city of Bogot Ìa as well as potentially other Latin American cities.

    Valuing access to water - a spatial hedonic approach applied to Indian cities

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    An important infrastructure policy issue for rapidly growing cities in developing countries is how to raise fiscal revenues to finance basic services in a fair and efficient manner. This paper applies hedonic analysis that explicitly accounts for spatial spillovers to derive the value of improved access to water in the Indian cities of Bhopal and Bangalore. The findings suggest that by looking at individual or private benefits only, the analysis may underestimate the overall social welfare from investing in service supply especially among the poorest residents. The paper further demonstrates how policy simulations based on these estimates help prioritize spatial targeting of interventions according to efficiency and equity criteria.Town Water Supply and Sanitation,Housing&Human Habitats,Water Supply and Sanitation Governance and Institutions,Water and Industry,Water Use

    Moving from Reconstruction Resilient Urban Planning for a Bright Future

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    Today, more than half of Haiti's population calls cities and towns their home, in a major shift from the 1950s when around 90 percent of Haitians lived in the countryside. Urbanization is usually paired with economic growth, increased productivity, and higher living standards, but in Haiti it has taken a different course. Potential benefits have been overshadowed by immense challenges, all of which require immediate action. To better understand the factors that constrain the sustainable and inclusive development of Haitian cities, this Urbanization Review organizes the challenges along three dimensions of urban development namely planning, connecting, and financing. Planning reviews the challenges in supporting resilient growth to create economically vibrant, environmentally sustainable, and livable cities. Connecting focuses on the obstacles of physically linking people to jobs and businesses to markets, while financing focuses on identifying the key capital, governance, and institutional constraints that are hurdles to successful planning and connecting

    The impact of climate change on work lessons for developing countries

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    This paper identifies five areas where climate change may impact work and draws lessons for developing countries by reviewing the evidence. Firstly, demand for labor is unevenly affected, with agriculture, heat-exposed manufacturing, and the brown energy sector experiencing downturns, while other sectors may see a rise, resulting in an uncertain overall impact. Secondly, climate change impacts labor supply through absenteeism, shirking, and altering work-time patterns, depending on the activity and sector. Thirdly, productivity may decline, especially in heat-exposed industries, primarily due to health reasons. Fourthly, heightened earnings variability likely increases vulnerability among the self-employed. Fifthly, climate change can influence labor allocation and catalyze sectoral reallocation. Higher temperatures are also linked to increased migration. But caution is needed in interpreting these findings, as studies across these topics predominantly use fixed effect estimation and concentrate on short-term impacts, neglecting adaptation. Emerging research on adaptation indicates that workplace cooling is unappealing for firms with narrow profit margins, while coping strategies of farms and households have unclear optimality due to adoption barriers. Government responses remain understudied, with six potential areas identified: green jobs, green skills, labor-oriented adaptation, flexible work regulation, labor market integration, and social protection. The paper concludes by outlining future research directions

    Regional Development: Challenges, Methods, and Models

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    This Web Book reviews the challenges that the consideration of regions brings into economic analysis and provide an overview of some of the key methods and tools that can be used to gain a better understanding of how regional economies work, and through that, identify both the challenges and opportunities that they face. The exploration of these challenges begins with some consideration of the ways in which regional economies work to set the stage for subsequent sections that summarize a toolbox of methods and strategies that might be considered for evaluation of regional development initiatives. In contrast to past reviews of this field, this report presents an integration of more traditional regional macroeconomic modeling with new developments in spatial data analysis.https://researchrepository.wvu.edu/rri-web-book/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Spatial analysis of elderly access to primary care services

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    BACKGROUND: Admissions for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSCs) are considered preventable admissions, because they are unlikely to occur when good preventive health care is received. Thus, high rates of admissions for ACSCs among the elderly (persons aged 65 or above who qualify for Medicare health insurance) are signals of poor preventive care utilization. The relevant geographic market to use in studying these admission rates is the primary care physician market. Our conceptual model assumes that local market conditions serving as interventions along the pathways to preventive care services utilization can impact ACSC admission rates. RESULTS: We examine the relationships between market-level supply and demand factors on market-level rates of ACSC admissions among the elderly residing in the U.S. in the late 1990s. Using 6,475 natural markets in the mainland U.S. defined by The Health Resources and Services Administration's Primary Care Service Area Project, spatial regression is used to estimate the model, controlling for disease severity using detailed information from Medicare claims files. Our evidence suggests that elderly living in impoverished rural areas or in sprawling suburban places are about equally more likely to be admitted for ACSCs. Greater availability of physicians does not seem to matter, but greater prevalence of non-physician clinicians and international medical graduates, relative to U.S. medical graduates, does seem to reduce ACSC admissions, especially in poor rural areas. CONCLUSION: The relative importance of non-physician clinicians and international medical graduates in providing primary care to the elderly in geographic areas of greatest need can inform the ongoing debate regarding whether there is an impending shortage of physicians in the United States. These findings support other authors who claim that the existing supply of physicians is perhaps adequate, however the distribution of them across the landscape may not be optimal. The finding that elderly who reside in sprawling urban areas have access impediments about equal to residents of poor rural communities is new, and demonstrates the value of conceptualizing and modelling impedance based on place and local context

    The Morphology of African Cities

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    This paper illustrates how the capabilities of GIS and satellite imagery can be harnessed to explore and better understand the urban form of several large African cities (Addis Ababa, Nairobi, Kigali, Dar es Salaam, and Dakar). To allow for comparability across very diverse cities, this work looks at the above mentioned cities through the lens of several spatial indicators and relies heavily on data derived from satellite imagery. First, it focuses on understanding the distribution of population across the city, and more specifically how the variations in population density could be linked to transportation. Second, it takes a closer look at the land cover in each city using a semi-automated texture based land cover classification that identifies neighborhoods that appear more regular or irregularly planned. Lastly, for the higher resolution images, this work studies the changes in the land cover classes as one moves from the city core to the periphery. This work also explored the classification of slightly coarser resolution imagery which allowed analysis of a broader number of cities, sixteen, provided the lower cost. Document type: Boo

    Association between serum copper levels and risk of cardiovascular disease: a nested case-control study in the PREDIMED trial

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    Background and aim: Certain trace elements have been associated with increased cardiovascular risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between serum copper (SeCu) levels and the risk of a first event of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in a population of older adults with high cardiovascular risk. Methods and results: We conducted a case-control study nested within the PREDIMED trial. During a median follow-up of 4.8 years, a total of 207 incident cases diagnosed with CVD were matched for sex, age, and intervention group with 436 controls. Personal interviews, reviews of medical records, and validated questionnaires were used to assess known CVD risk factors. Biological serum samples were collected annually. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis was used to determine SeCu levels. Adjusted odds ratios were calculated using multivariate conditional logistic regression models. All participants had SeCu levels within the reference values, 750 mg/L to 1450 mg/L. Among men, but not among women, the mean SeCu concentration was higher in cases 1014.1 mg/L than in controls 959.3 mg/L; (p Z 0.004). In men, the multivariable-adjusted odds ratio for CVD was 2.36 (95% CI 1.07e5.20 for the comparison of the highest vs. the lowest quartile; p for trend Z 0.02), in women, it was 0.43 (95% CI 0.11 e1.70; p for trend Z 0.165). Conclusion: In older Spanish men with high cardiovascular risk, a significant association was observed between high SeCu levels, but still within the reference values, and an increased risk of a first event of CVD. Our findings suggest a sex difference in CVD risk and SeCu levels. To confirm this relationship and to analyze the differences observed between men and women, further studies are needed.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This research was funded by the official funding agency for biomedical research of the Spanish government, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), through grants provided to research networks specifically developed for the trial (RTIC G03/140; RTIC RD 06/0045 “PREDIMED”), and JR14/00008, and through Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERobn), and by grants from Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC06/2007), the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria–Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Proyecto de Investigación (PI04-2239, PI05/2584, CP06/00100, PI07/0240, PI07/1138, PI07/0954, PI 07/0473, PI10/01407, PI10/02658, PI11/01647, P11/02505 and PI13/00462), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Recursos y teconologia agroalimentarias (AGL)-2009-13906-C02 and AGL2010-22319-C03 and AGL2013-49083C3-1-R), the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad-Fondos FEDER-Instituto de Salud Carlos III (UNGR15-CE-3380), the Fundación Mapfre 2010, the Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía (PI0105/2007), the Public Health Division of the Department of Health of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, the Generalitat Valenciana (Generalitat Valenciana Ayuda Complementatia GVACOMP) 06109, GVACOMP2010-181, GVACOMP2011-151), Conselleria de Sanitat y AP; Atención Primaria (CS) 2010-AP-111, and CS2011-AP-042), Regional Government of Navarra (P27/2011), and Centre Català de la Nutrició de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Hojiblanca and Patrimonio Communal Olivarero donated extra-virgin olive oil; the California Walnut Commission donated walnuts; Borges donated almonds; La Morella Nuts donated hazelnuts