345 research outputs found

    Escala de Orientación Religiosa revisada en católicos españoles: validez estructural y consistencia interna de un modelo de 21 ítems

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    The personal religious orientation understood as the motivation behind religious behaviors must be considered as the process that manages and organizes the behavior of those who are religious. Thus, identifying the dimensionality of religiosity is important (Francis, 2007; Kirkpatrick & Hood, 1990). This paper analyzed the structural validity and internal consistency of the 31-item Batson and Ventis Religious Orientation Scale. Participants were 529 Spanish Catholic undergraduates aged between 18 and 55 years, M = 21.55, SD = 4.39. A Principal Component Analysis with Equamax rotation method was performed on the ROS-31 with the randomized 50% of the sample, obtaining a 21-item three-component model (intrinsic, extrinsic, and quest religious orientations). Then, a CFA carried out with the other 50% of the sample showed an adequate fit of the obtained model, SBχ2 (186) = 352.45, p < 0.01, CFI = 0.93, IFI = 0.93, RMSEA = 0.059 (CI 90% [0.049, 0.067]). The intrinsic scale showed an excellent internal consistency, the quest scale showed good internal consistency, and the extrinsic scale showed an acceptable internal consistency. Future lines of research are suggested in order to clarify the relationship between the religious orientation scales and some psychosocial variables.La orientación religiosa personal, entendida como la motivación subyacente a las conductas religiosas, debe ser considerada como el proceso que dirige y organiza la conducta de las personas religiosas. Identificar la dimensionalidad de la religiosidad parece, pues, ser importante. Este trabajo analiza la validez estructural y la consistencia interna de la Escala de Orientación Religiosa de Batson y Ventis de 31 ítems (ROS-31). Participaron 529 universitarios españoles con edades entre los 18 y los 55 años, M = 21.55, SD = 4.39. Se llevó a cabo un Análisis de Componentes Principales con rotación Equamax de la ROS-31 con el 50% aleatorio de la muestra, obteniendo un modelo de 3 componentes y 21 ítems (orientación religiosa intrínseca, extrínseca y de búsqueda). Un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio con el otro 50% aleatorio de la muestra mostró un ajuste adecuado del modelo, SBχ2 (186) = 352.45, p < 0.01, CFI = 0.93, IFI = 0.93, RMSEA = 0.059 (IC 90% [0.049, 0.067]). La escala de religiosidad intrínseca mostró una consistencia interna excelente, la de búsqueda una consistencia interna buena y la extrínseca una consistencia interna aceptable. Se sugieren líneas futuras de investigación en orden a clarificar la relación entre las escalas de orientación religiosa y algunas variables psicosociales.Psicologí

    The Seeking Of Noetic Goals Revisited Among Spanish Young People

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    This study examined the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Seeking Of Noetic Goals (SONG) scale and analyzed the correlations with the Purpose in Life (PIL) scale and the gender-related differences. A cross-sectional method design was used. Participants were 349 Spanish undergraduates (225 women, 64.5%, and 124 men, 35.5%), with ages ranging between 18 and 26 years, M = 20.85, SD = 2.16. Spanish versions of both the SONG and PIL were used. A two-factor model (Need for Meaning and Expectations) with eight items (SONG-8), which showed a good fit and internal consistency, as well as a negative correlation with the PIL, was obtained. Men had higher scores than women on the scale and in both factors, and differences were significant for the total score of the SONG-8. A valid, robust, and parsimonious model for the SONG was obtained. The SONG and the PIL are complementary scales.Terapia Ocupaciona

    Effects of Management and Hillside Position on Soil Organic Carbon Stratification in Mediterranean Centenary Olive Grove

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    The short- and medium—long-term effects of management and hillside position on soil organic carbon (SOC) changes were studied in a centenary Mediterranean rainfed olive grove. One way to measure these changes is to analyze the soil quality, as it assesses soil degradation degree and attempts to identify management practices for sustainable soil use. In this context, the SOC stratification index (SR-COS) is one of the best indicators of soil quality to assess the degradation degree from SOC content without analyzing other soil properties. The SR-SOC was calculated in soil profiles (horizon-by-horizon) to identify the best soil management practices for sustainable use. The following time periods and soil management combinations were tested: (i) in the medium‒long-term (17 years) from conventional tillage (CT) to no-tillage (NT), (ii) in the short-term (2 years) from CT to no-tillage with cover crops (NT-CC), and (iii) the effect in the short-term (from CT to NT-CC) of different topographic positions along a hillside. The results indicate that the SR-SOC increased with depth for all management practices. The SR-SOC ranged from 1.21 to 1.73 in CT0, from 1.48 to 3.01 in CT1, from 1.15 to 2.48 in CT2, from 1.22 to 2.39 in NT-CC and from 0.98 to 4.16 in NT; therefore, the soil quality from the SR-SOC index was not directly linked to the increase or loss of SOC along the soil profile. This demonstrates the time-variability of SR-SOC and that NT improves soil quality in the long-term

    Soil Productivity Degradation in a Long-Term Eroded Olive Orchard under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions

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    Olive groves are one of the most important agro-systems in the Mediterranean basin, and the Andalusia region produces the highest quantity of olive oil in Europe. The aim of this work was to evaluate the long-term (15 years) influence of two management practices in olive orchards—conventional tillage (CT) and no tillage with bare soil and herbicide application (NT + H)—on soil physical properties, infiltration capacity, erosion rates, and soil productivity. In addition, the short-term (2 years) influence of no tillage with cover crop management (NT-CC) on these parameters was also assessed. In the study area, CT and NT + H management practices showed unsustainable erosion values, 9.82 and 13.88 Mg ha−1 year−1, respectively, while NT-CC inclusion decreased the erosion rates (2.06 Mg ha−1 year−1). The implementation of NT-CC not only reduced erosion rates but also caused a change in the trend of soil productivity loss observed under CT and NT + H. In this sense, NT-CC showed a positive influence on soil quality. However, tillage removal led to a significant reduction in the infiltration capacity of soils under NT + H and NT-CC, which will be a serious handicap for water storage in an environment with continuous processes of water deficit

    No-Tillage Does Not Always Stop the Soil Degradation in Relation to Aggregation and Soil Carbon Storage in Mediterranean Olive Orchards

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    Intensive tillage (CT) application in Mediterranean olive orchards has threatened soil quality and led to soil degradation. No tillage with bare soil (NT+H) has been considered as an alternative practice to this management system; however, there are discrepancies in the literature on the results of the application of this practice. Our main objective was to assess the impact of continuous tillage and zero tillage on soil aggregate stability, SOC and SON stocks. The study was conducted in a Mediterranean rainfed olive grove under semi-arid conditions in a Calcaric Cambisol, for 16 years evaluating complete soil profiles (0–120 cm depth). In the long-term, the management practices CT1 and NT+H significantly affected aggregate particle size by reducing the percentage of macro-aggregates (>250 μm) and promoting a higher number of micro-aggregates (2000 μm) percentage. In relation to these results, the soil structural stability indices showed a significant decrease in both Mean Weight Diameter (MWD) and Geometric Mean Diameter (GMD) values with losses of more than 50% with respect to the initial period (CT0) in the first two horizons. In the long term, both in CT1 and in NT+H, higher SOC concentrations were found in deep horizons showing a C redistribution in depth and important losses in TN values—while, in CT0, macroaggregates contained the highest CPC values, after the long-term both management practices (CT1 and NT+H) affected the C dynamics and were characterised by higher C pool in the microaggregates than in the macroaggregate fractions. Therefore, long-term NT+H and CT1 showed an SOC storage deterioration and increased susceptibility to decomposition, CO2 emissions and fertility losses. This trend i.e., decreases in SOC stocks following NT, confirms previous studies on the subject and points to nutrient balance impacts

    Building an Agroecological Process towards Agricultural Sustainability: A Case Study from Southern Spain

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    The urgent need to implement agricultural systems that provide greater sustainability and resilience to the challenges of the climate change process has meant that alternative paradigms for agri-food systems and agriculture have become more relevant in recent times. In this study, we present the building process and consolidation of an agro-ecological project (Extiercol) in a rural area of southern Spain, with a prolonged depopulation process and close connections to nearby urban areas. Through participatory action research, the specific objectives of this study are (1) to describe the agroecological collective process from its creation by a youth association to its establishment as a viable agricultural project; (2) to identify the drivers for the development of this type of transition process towards agricultural sustainability and (3) to analyse urban-rural alliances in the establishment of agroecological projects. Finally, the replicability of this project was assessed, with a special focus on the main barriers to be addressed in order to implement this agricultural system such as difficult to land access or a negative perception of sustainable management by farmers. Through this study we have shown how the connection between the food production area and nearby urban areas can be achieved through an agroecological project

    What Influence Does Conventional Tillage Have on the Ability of Soils to Sequester Carbon, Stabilise It and Become Saturated in the Medium Term? A Case Study in a Traditional Rainfed Olive Grove

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    Soils have the capacity to store three times more carbon (C) than the atmosphere. This fact has focused scientific and governmental attention because it is one way to mitigate climate change. However, there comes a time when the capacity of soils to store C reaches a limit, considering soil organic carbon (SOC) saturation. In the Mediterranean area, agricultural soils are traditionally exposed to conventional tillage (CT), causing soil properties and quality degradation. Therefore, this study aimed to determine whether CT modifies the carbon storage capacity (carbon saturation), linked to soil mineral fractions 2000 µm) of 38.6% in the Bw horizon; however, in the small macro-aggregates (2000–250 µm), an increase in SOC concentration over time, of 33.5%, was observed in the Ap and Bw horizons. This increasing trend continued in the fine soil fractions. Concerning SOC bound to the fine mineral fraction (<20 µm), evolution over time with CT led to an increase in soil sequestration capacity in the first horizons of 44.7% (Ap horizon) and 42.9% (Bw horizon), and a decrease in depth (BC horizon) of 31.3%. Finally, the total saturated soil organic carbon stock (T-SOC-Ssat), after 15 years, experienced an increase of 30.5 Mg ha−1, and these results conditioned the soil organic carbon stock deficit (SOC-Sdef), causing a potential increase in the capacity of soils to sequester carbon, of 15.2 Mg ha−1 in 15 years. With these results, we can affirm that the effect of CT in the medium term has conditioned the degradation of these soils and the low SOC concentrations, and has therefore made it possible for these soils, with the application of sustainable management practices, to have a high carbon storage capacity and become carbon sinks

    Crop Diversification Effects on Soil Aggregation and Aggregate-Associated Carbon and Nitrogen in Short-Term Rainfed Olive Groves under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions

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    Soil particle aggregation and their associated carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content can provide valuable diagnostic indicators of changes in soil properties in response to the implementation of different agricultural management practices. In this sense, there is limited knowledge regarding the impact of intercropping on soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) pools in aggregates. This study aimed to evaluate the short-term effect (4 years) of three crop diversifications in rainfed olive orchards on soil aggregation, SOC and TN concentration and SOC stocks (SOC-S) under semi-arid Mediterranean conditions. Olive orchards were diversified with Crocus sativus (D-S), Vicia sativa and Avena sativa in rotation (D-O) and Lavandula x intermedia (D-L) and compared with monocropping system (CT). Soil samples were collected at two depths (0–10 and 10–30 cm) and analysed for soil aggregate mass, SOC and TN content in aggregate-size fractions obtained by the wet-sieving method. Changes caused by crop diversifications on SOC-S were also determined. Overall, after 4 years, a reduction in aggregation values was observed. However, D-S increased the macroaggregates (>250 μm) percentage, Mean Weigh Diameter values, and Geometric Mean Value in the 0–10 cm. Across treatments, aggregate-associated C in 0–10 cm was higher in the D-S treatment, while in the 10–30 cm soil layer, the greatest values were found in CT. Regarding the SOC-S, after 4 years, significant losses were recorded under CT management in 0–10 cm (−1.21 Mg ha−1) and 10–30 cm (−0.84 Mg ha−1), while D-O and D-L showed similar values to those obtained at the beginning of the study. The highest increases in SOC-S were found in D-S, with an increase of 5.88% in the 0–10 cm and 14.47% in the 10–30 cm. Our results showed the high potential of the diversified cropping system to increase soil stability and SOC sequestration

    A step ahead on efficient microwave heating for kaolinite

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    [EN] The thermal evolution of kaolin clay under microwave radiation shows an unexpected large heating rate up to 500 degrees C/min for temperatures > 650 degrees C. Such heating rate is associated with a resistivity drop of > 10(3) Omega.m observed after the dehydroxylation process of the kaolin structure. The high efficiency of the microwave heating effect is correlated with the presence of surface carriers that absorbs microwaves electromagnetic field. The layered structure of the clay-based materials allows the appearance of charge carriers at the surface of the crystal lattice that is electromagnetically activated. This effect represents a breakthrough in the efficient use of microwaves energy in order to produce efficient thermal treatments in large volume of non-metallic minerals with a drastic reduction of the greenhouse gasses for mass production industries.The authors express their thanks to the project MAT-2017-86450-C4-1-R from the Spanis Goverment for the financial support.Reinosa, JJ.; García-Baños, B.; Catalá Civera, JM.; Fernández Lozano, JF. (2019). A step ahead on efficient microwave heating for kaolinite. Applied Clay Science. 168:237-243. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2018.11.001S23724316

    Análise fatorial confirmatório dos principais modelos propostos para o Purpose-In-Life Test em uma mostra de universitários espanhóis

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    En los últimos años varios trabajos han analizado la estructura factorial del Purpose-In-Life Test, instrumento que mide el logro de sentido de la vida desde los planteamientos de la logoterapia, con resultados muy heterogéneos. El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en poner a prueba distintos modelos propuestos en la literatura anterior, con una muestra de 766 alumnos de dos universidades de la Comunidad Valenciana (España), de los que 220 son hombres y 546 son mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 36 años (M = 21.96; DT = 3.56). Se realizaron análisis factoriales confirmatorios de dichos modelos y se compararon los valores de ajuste y las estructuras factoriales obtenidas, encontrando apoyo empírico para tres modelos bifactoriales.In recent years several papers have examined the structure of the Purpose-In-Life Test, which measures the achievement of meaning in life from the approach of logotherapy, having found heterogeneous results. The aim of this study was to test different models proposed in previous literature with a sample of 766 Spanish undergraduates (220 males, 546 females) from two universities of the Valencia Community (Spain), aged between 18 and 36 (M = 21.96; SD = 3.56). Confirmatory factor analysis of these models was conducted. The adjustment values and the factorial structures obtained were compared, finding empirical support for three bi-factorial models.Nos últimos anos vários trabalhos analisaram a estrutura fatorial do Purpose-In-Life Test, instrumento que mede o sucesso do sentido da vida desde as propostas da logoterapia, havendo sido obtidos resultados muito heterogêneos. O objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu em testar diferentes modelos propostos na literatura anterior, com uma mostra de 766 alunos de duas universidades da Comunidade Valenciana (Espanha), dos quais 220 são homens e 546 são mulheres, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 36 anos (M = 21.96; DT = 3.56). Realizaram-se análises fatoriais confirmatórias desses modelos e foram comparados os valores de ajuste e as estruturas fatoriais obtidas, encontrando apoio empírico para três modelos bifatoriais