254 research outputs found

    Risk factors for 30-day soft tissue complications after pelvic sarcoma surgery:A National Surgical Quality Improvement Program study

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    Introduction: Soft tissue (ST) complications after resection of bone and ST sarcomas of the pelvis occur more frequently than in appendicular tumors. We sought to identify risk factors for complications within 30 days of surgery. Methods: The National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database was used for this study. Patients with sarcomas of bone and ST of the pelvis were retrieved using Current Procedural Terminology and International Classification of Diseases codes. Outcomes assessed were ST complications, overall complication rates, 30-day reoperation, and mortality. Results: A total of 770 patients with pelvic bone and ST sarcoma were included. The ST complication rate was 12.6%, including 4.9% superficial and 4.7% deep surgical site infections. Higher ST complication rates were seen in patients &gt;30 years, with partially dependent health status, hematocrit &lt;30%, bone tumors, tumor &gt;5 cm, amputation procedures, and longer operative times. ST complication rates were 1.5 and 3 times higher in pelvic sarcoma surgeries than in the lower and upper extremities, respectively. Age &gt;30 years (odds ratio [OR] = 5.07), hematocrit &lt;30% (OR = 1.84), operative time 1–3 h (OR = 2.97), and &gt;3 h (OR = 4.89) were risk factors for ST complications. Conclusion: One in nine patients with pelvic sarcoma surgery will develop ST complications within 30 days. Risk factors for ST complications were age &gt;30, hematocrit &lt;30%, and longer operative time.</p

    Metastatic appendicular soft tissue sarcoma:treatment and survival outcomes of 2,553 patients from the SEER database

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    Introduction: Patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS) that present with metastasis at diagnosis have a dire prognosis. Within this patient population, we sought to assess: (1) demographic and clinical characteristics, (2) metastatic patterns, (3) treatment strategies, and (4) disease-specific survival (DSS).Materials and Methods: The SEER database was queried to identify patients with histologically confirmed STS of the pelvis or extremity. Univariate and multivariate analysis was performed using the Cox proportional hazards model. Disease-specific survival (DSS) was analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method.Results: A total of 22,683 patients were retrieved, out of which 2,553 (11.3%) had metastasis at diagnosis. Leiomyosarcoma, undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS), liposarcoma, synovial sarcoma, spindle cell sarcoma, and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (A-RMS) were the six most common STS presenting with metastasis. Among patients with metastasis, 53.7% and 33.2% of patients had primary tumors located in the lower limb and pelvis, respectively. Lung was the most common site of metastasis in all subtypes except A-RMS, in which bone metastases and lymph node (LN) predominated (85.2% and 62.1%, respectively). Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were associated with higher DSS (HR = 0.788 and HR = 0.755, respectively). Five-year DSS was below 20% in all tumor histologies. Two-year DSS for patients with synchronous lung and liver metastases was 28%.Conclusion: Although the lung was the most common site of metastasis, metastatic patterns are highly variable depending on tumor histology. Metastatic A-RMS is most commonly presented with regional LN and bone involvement. Disease-specific survival remained poor for patients with metastatic disease at presentation regardless of (neo)-adjuvant radiotherapy or chemotherapy.</p

    Metastatic appendicular soft tissue sarcoma:treatment and survival outcomes of 2,553 patients from the SEER database

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    Introduction: Patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS) that present with metastasis at diagnosis have a dire prognosis. Within this patient population, we sought to assess: (1) demographic and clinical characteristics, (2) metastatic patterns, (3) treatment strategies, and (4) disease-specific survival (DSS).Materials and Methods: The SEER database was queried to identify patients with histologically confirmed STS of the pelvis or extremity. Univariate and multivariate analysis was performed using the Cox proportional hazards model. Disease-specific survival (DSS) was analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method.Results: A total of 22,683 patients were retrieved, out of which 2,553 (11.3%) had metastasis at diagnosis. Leiomyosarcoma, undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS), liposarcoma, synovial sarcoma, spindle cell sarcoma, and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (A-RMS) were the six most common STS presenting with metastasis. Among patients with metastasis, 53.7% and 33.2% of patients had primary tumors located in the lower limb and pelvis, respectively. Lung was the most common site of metastasis in all subtypes except A-RMS, in which bone metastases and lymph node (LN) predominated (85.2% and 62.1%, respectively). Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were associated with higher DSS (HR = 0.788 and HR = 0.755, respectively). Five-year DSS was below 20% in all tumor histologies. Two-year DSS for patients with synchronous lung and liver metastases was 28%.Conclusion: Although the lung was the most common site of metastasis, metastatic patterns are highly variable depending on tumor histology. Metastatic A-RMS is most commonly presented with regional LN and bone involvement. Disease-specific survival remained poor for patients with metastatic disease at presentation regardless of (neo)-adjuvant radiotherapy or chemotherapy.</p

    Aplicación de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) para la identificación de zonas aptas para cultivos en el municipio de Chaparral Tolima

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    El municipio de Chaparral departamento del Tolima cuenta con un alto potencial agrícola, según Cuevas Rayo, (2020) “en el Municipio de Chaparral, la economía gira en torno a los cultivos tradicionales tales como café en un 75% cacao con un 10% y plátano, maíz caña de azúcar y frijol con un 15% de la producción agrícola total, según el informe anual suministrado por la alcaldía municipal”. Este estudio propone identificar las zonas aptas para la agricultura mediante el uso y aplicación de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG), de esta manera se busca determinar las zonas aptas para la agricultura y la protección ambiental del Municipio. Para ello se utilizaron datos biofísicos como variables climáticas, edáficas; cobertura vegetal y de restricciones ambientales para estimar la aptitud agrícola del territorio. Al final se determinarán las zonas con alto, medio y bajo potencial agrícola, así como áreas destinadas a la conservación, protección y sistemas agroforestales presentes. Este análisis tiene como objetivo abordar inquietudes ambientales, tales como la erosión del suelo, la deforestación y la contaminación hídrica, mediante la promoción de un crecimiento agrícola sostenible y la preservación del suelo. Los resultados contribuirán a identificar las zonas aptas para la agricultura y así facilitar la toma de decisiones para los agricultores y planificadores agrícolas.The municipality of Chaparral, department of Tolima, has a high agricultural potential, according to Cuevas Rayo, (2020), “in the Municipality of Chaparral, the economy revolves around traditional crops such as coffee, 75% cocoa, with 10%. and banana, corn, sugar cane and beans with 15% of the total agricultural production, according to the annual report provided by the municipal mayor's office” This study proposes to identify areas suitable for agriculture through the use and application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), in this way it seeks to determine the areas suitable for agriculture through the use and application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), in this way it seeks to determine the areas suitable for agriculture and environmental protection of the Municipality. For this, biophysical data such as climatic and edaphic variables were used; vegetation cover and environmental restrictions to estimate the agricultural suitability of the territory. In the end, areas with high, medium and low agricultural potential will be determined, as well as areas intended for conservation, protection and present agroforestry systems. This analysis aims to address environmental concerns, such as soil erosion, deforestation and water pollution, by promoting sustainable agricultural growth and soil preservation. The results will contribute to identifying areas suitable for agriculture and thus facilitate decision-making for farmers and agricultural planners

    El desarrollo de habilidades gerenciales en la competitividad de servicios administrativos de carácter académico en la Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán De Huánuco

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    Se determinó de qué manera el Desarrollo de Habilidades Gerenciales influye en la Competitividad de los Servicios Administrativos de Carácter Académico en la Universidad Nacional “Hermilio Valdizán” de Huánuco. Del cual se ha obtenido como coeficiente de correlación r = 0,6678, que indica una relación positiva moderada del Desarrollo de Habilidades Gerenciales que se relaciona significativamente al 66,78,% con la Competitividad de Servicios Administrativos de Carácter Académico en la Universidad Nacional “Hermilio Valdizán” de Huánuco. Otro de los objetivos específicos ha sido identificar las características que presenta el Desarrollo de Habilidades Gerenciales en la Universidad Nacional “Hermilio Valdizán” de Huánuco. Sus resultados entre el personal administrativo y estudiantes son que el promedio para el nivel de desarrollo de capacidades llega a un 17.81 %, por lo que entre estudiantes y profesores dé por mayoría un 49.80, lo cual es satisfactorio para el nivel de desarrollo. Finalmente el objetivo específico ha sido Identificar los niveles de Competitividad de Servicios Administrativos de Carácter Académico en la Universidad Nacional “Hermilio Valdizán” de Huánuco. El nivel de competitividad que maneja la UNHEVAL es un tanto bueno; es por ello que 37.65 % considera que es bueno, no obstante, se hace ajeno en un 28.14% que expresan que es pésima esta labor, que se puede mejorar con el nivel de educación y competencia que la institución brinde a sus estudiantes y profesores