734 research outputs found

    Arquerías ciegas en fachadas del tardorrománico castellano: una revisión historiográfica

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    Arquerías ciegas en fachadas del tardorrománico castellano: una revisión historiográfic

    Stressed Out: Why Does Ancient Maize Thrive in High-Stress Conditions?

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    Why is understanding stress response in maize so important? Maize, along with rice and wheat, provide at least 30% of calories to over 4.5 billion people Increases in flooding events has heavily impacted natural vegetation and crop production Combinatorial stresses, particularly flooding and herbivory, remain understudied for both modern and ancient verities of maize Ancient maize may be a superior genetic resource for flood-tolerant cor

    Tratamiento de capacity management e inventory management en manuales de revenue management

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    Revenue Management(RM) es una disciplina ampliamente extendida en el sector turístico relacionada con los sistemas de reservas a través de Internet, que utilizan los turistas hacer peticiones de habitaciones a hoteles, asientos de aerolíneas u otros servicios. Es una filosofía de gestión que combina gestión de capacidad, de demanda y de precios intentando conseguir constantemente la máxima rentabilidad y/o ingreso.Capacity Management(CM) es la parte de RM encargada de la gestión de la capacidad de la empresa e incluye como materias de estudio la optimización en la división de la capacidad, asignación de unidades de capacidad para la venta en cada segmento de mercado, la gestión de cancelaciones, no cumplidores (no-shows) y overbooking,además de las técnicas que permiten la obtención de valores óptimos en la gestión de capacidad y delinventario.Esta investigación se centra en los conocimientos considerados consolidados en esta materia. Se realiza un estudio de contenido de los apartados dedicados a Capacity Managementen los manuales de RM publicados a nivel nacional e internacional.Los resultados son útiles tanto para investigadores como profesionales.Revenue Management (RM) is a widespread discipline in the tourism sector which is related to booking systems typically used by customers in order to check availability or to book hotel rooms, flight seats or other services through the Internet. RM is a philosophy for business management thatcombines capacity, demand and price management aiming either for the maximum profitability or revenue throughout time.Capacity Management (CM) is the section of RM in charge of handling with the capacity of the company. It includes, as fields of study, the optimization of capacity division, the allocation of capacity units for sale to the various market segments as well as dealing with cancellations, no-shows and overbooking. It also takes into consideration the necessary techniques to obtain optimal values in capacity management and inventory management.The present research focuses on the study of the knowledge considered to be consolidated in this field. For this purpose, a study of the contents devoted to CM included in both national and international RM handbooks will be carried out. The results presented are of special utility for both researchers and professional

    Exploring online prices with an advance booking horizon on Booking.com

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    The online market enables hotels to enhance their visibility and drive up their revenue. This study analysed both the average room price and price count (i.e. the sum of the number of prices that hotels offer) on Booking.com for a period of 300 days prior to check-in, with data classified by official hotel category. Hotels’ number of rooms, day of the week, room type, room capacity (i.e. maximum number of guests per room) and length of stay were also tracked. This research was based on a stratified sample of hotels gathered by using random sampling and proportional allocation, as well as defining the strata by hotel categories. The dataset included 1,353,751 records. The results reveal that channel management activities are an important area of hotels’ operations, which generate a considerable workload in terms of the time devoted to updating data and other related tasks. However, hotels’ participation in online channels does not always match their importance in the market as measured by their relative numberof rooms. Most of the variables under study have a significantpositiveimpact on prices, except for hotels’ number of rooms, which failed to follow any discernible pattern of influence.FCT: UIDP/SOC/04020/2020;info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Incidencia de los niveles altos de transaminasas hepáticas en pacientes con artritis reumatoide que reciben metotrexato en el Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga, Cuenca

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    La Artritis Reumatoide, es una enfermedad degenerativa cuya evolución conlleva a un deterioro en la vida del paciente y aunque no cause mortalidad a corto plazo, provoca una disminución de la calidad de vida; para controlar su proceso degenerativo se emplea Metotrexato como un fármaco antireumático modificador de la enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue determinar la incidencia de niveles elevados de transaminasas hepáticas por el uso prolongado de Metotrexato en pacientes de ambos sexos, en edades comprendidas entre 20 a 80 años, para lo cual fue indispensable la revisión de las historias clínicas del área de Reumatología en el Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga durante el transcurso de un año (Agosto de 2014 – Agosto de 2015) en la ciudad de Cuenca, se obtuvieron 78 pacientes que cumplieron con los parámetros establecidos para este estudio. La incidencia de pacientes con niveles de Alanino amino transferasa por encima de 41 IU, valor considerado normal, fue de 34,6 %; resultando próxima al 58 % en los hombres y al 27 % en las mujeres con diferencias significativas en ambos grupos (P = 0,0296). En cuanto a la enzima Aspartato amino transferasa con valores normales de 41 IU, se observaron niveles por encima del rango normal en aproximadamente uno de cada cuatro pacientes, sin presentarse diferencias significativas según el sexo. Mediante los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación, se comprobó la importancia del Metotrexato en el tratamiento de la Artritis Reumatoide debido a su administración prolongada, originando el aumento de transaminasasRheumatoid arthritis is a degenerative disease whose evolution causes the patient's life deterioration. Though it does not cause short-term mortality, it decreases quality of life .In order to control the degenerative process, Methotrexate is used as a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug. During this research, it has shown the incidence of elevated levels of liver transaminases due to the prolonged use of methotrexate in patients of both sexes, aged 20 to 80,so it was essential to review the medical records who came to the area of Rheumatology at Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga in the course of a year (August 2014 - August 2015) in the city of Cuenca. 78 patients who met the parameters established for this study were obtained. The incidence of patients with levels of alanine amino transferase above 41 IU, considered normal value, was 34.6%, close to 58% in men and 27% in women with significant differences in both groups (P = 0,0296). Regarding the enzyme aspartate amino transferase with normal values of 41 IU, it was observed levels above the normal range in approximately one of every four patients, and no significant differences according to sex. According to the results obtained in this research, it was confirmed the importance of Methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis treatment due to prolonged administration, by causing an increase of transaminases.Bioquímica FarmacéuticaCuenc