555 research outputs found

    Model2Roo : Web Application Development based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework and Spring Roo

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    ISBN: 978-87-643-1014-6International audienceInherent complexity in web application development is continually increasing, due to technical challenges, like new programming frameworks and tools, and also due to changes in both functional and non-functional requirements of web applications. In this context, model-driven techniques can currently be used to guide the development of web systems, by focusing on different levels of modeling abstractions that encapsulate both implementation details and the de nition of system requirements. This paper presents Model2Roo, a tool intended for Java web application development, that relies on the Eclipse Modeling Framework and on the Spring Roo project. In particular, this paper outlines key issues highlighted by previous users of the tool, and also demonstrates recent implemented features

    Model2Roo: A Model Driven Approach for Web Application Development based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework and Spring Roo

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    International audienceInherent complexity in web application development is continually increasing due to changes in both functional and non-functional requirements, as well as to technological changes like new programming languages, tools, frameworks and development processes. An adequate management of this complexity is required in order to generate high quality software systems. In this paper, an approach based on model-driven techniques is proposed to guide the development of web applications, by focusing on model abstractions rather than implementation details. In order to do so, we propose a set of model extensions, such as profiles and annotations, to describe both the static structure and a subset of functional and non-functional requirements usually associated to web applications

    Generation of an Architecture View for Web Applications using a Bayesian Network Classifier

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    Session: Software EngineeringInternational audienceA recurring problem in software engineering is the correct definition and enforcement of an architecture that can guide the development and maintenance processes of software systems. This is due in part to a lack of correct definition and maintenance of architectural documentation. In this paper, an approach based on a bayesian network classifier is proposed to aid in the generation of an architecture view for web applications developed according to the Model View Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. This view is comprised of the system components, their inter-project relations and their classification according to the MVC pattern. The generated view can then be used as part of the system documentation to help enforce the original architectural intent when changes are applied to the system. Finally, an implementation of this approach is presented for Java based-systems, using training data from popular web development frameworks

    Francesc Xavier Balmis: ciutadà del món

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    L'alacantí Francesc Xavier Balmis i Berenguer i el barceloní Josep Salvany Lleopart van ser els protagonistes, el 1803, d'una expedició a Amèrica i Filipines per portar la vacuna de la verola a territoris on aquesta epidèmia provocava alts índexs de mortalitat. Dos-cents anys després, tres professors de la Universitat d'Alacant analitzen la importància d'aquella expedició

    A generalized linear model for cardiovascular complications prediction in PD patients

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    [Abstract] This study was conducted using machine learning models to identify patient non-invasive information for cardiovascular complications prediction in peritoneal dialysis patients. Nowadays is well known that cardiovascular diseases are the key to mortality in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis as the risk of cardiovascular disease increases with the progression of renal failure. Primary aim is to establish variables most associated with cardiovascular complications. To achieve this goal four different machine learning techniques were used. We found that the best classification algorithm was a Generalized Linear Model, which achieved AUC values above 96% using a small subset of the original variables following a feature selection approach. Our approach allows us to increase the interpretability of the combinations of traditional factors, advanced chronic kidney disease factors and peritoneal dialysis factors all related with cardiovascular risk profile. The final model is based primarily in the traditional factors.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI17/01826Xuinta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/1Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/2Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; UNLC08-1E-002Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; UNLC13-13-350

    Model-Driven Cloud Data Storage

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    ISBN: 978-87-643-1014-6 - http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/conferences/ECMFA-2012/proceedings/International audienceThe increasing adoption of the cloud computing paradigm has motivated a re definition of traditional software development methods. In particular, data storage management has received a great deal of attention, due to a growing interest in the challenges and opportunities associated to the NoSQL movement. However, appropriate selection, administration and use of cloud storage implementations remain a highly technical endeavor, due to large differences in the way data is represented, stored and accessed by these systems. This position paper motivates the use of model-driven techniques to avoid dependencies between high-level data models and cloud storage implementations. In this way, developers depend only on high-level data models, and then rely on transformation procedures to deal with particular cloud storage details, such as different APIs and deployment providers, and are able to target multiple cloud storage environments, without modifying their core data models

    Primal-dual approach to the capacitated production planning problem whith concave costs

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    Este trabajo estudia el problema de planificaci6n de la producci6n representado por un modelo de costes c6ncavos sujeto a limitaciones de capacidad. La relajaci6n lineal del modelo es analizada usando un enfoque primal-dual. Las soluciones del dual se obtienen resolviendo para cada producto modelos sin restricciones de capacidad asignando un precio a las mismas. El primal reducido supone un test de admisibilidad de dichas soluciones. El dual reducido permite calcular los nuevos precios recomendados asociados a las restricciones de capacidad. El trabajo concluye con un algoritmo propuesto para seleccionar los sucesivos precios de forma que se garantice una mejora hacia la solución óptima

    Influencia del sistema de competición en la motivación de los jugadores por el deporte que practican

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es analizar la influencia de dos modelos competitivos diferentes en la motivación de los niños y niñas por el deporte que practican. La motivación de este es el creciente debate respecto a la validez e importancia de la competición en el deporte escolar. Han participado cuatro jugadores, cuatro padres, un entrenador, el delegado y un árbitro del sistema tradicional, y un árbitro del sistema VADI. Se ha planteado el proyecto desde un enfoque cualitativo, utilizando como herramienta entrevistas semiestructuradas para conocer la visión que tiene los informantes sobre la competición. Una vez transcritas, las entrevistas han sido analizadas mediante el programa QSR NVIVO. Al no poder contar con la muestra original, no se ha podido comparar ambos sistemas de competición. Sin embargo, se ha observado que el sistema competitivo tradicional les motiva a seguir mejorando y a querer enfrentarse cada vez con mejores rivales, mientras fomenta además su crecimiento personal e interpersonal. Por lo tanto, se puede concluir que, en este contexto, el sistema competitivo tradicional está cumpliendo su papel fomentando la motivación de los jugadores por el deporte que practican.<br /

    Difusividade da água no solo: um método simples de laboratório para sua determinação

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    Soil water diffusivity (D) is an important hydraulic property that is fundamental to characterize unsaturated watertransport. Its determination is complex, time-consuming and requires expensive instruments. The objectives of this workwere: to propose a simple and low-cost laboratory methodology to determine D function; and to analyze the influence of soilmanagement systems on D and Sorptivity (S). The studied soil was classified as a vertic Paleudol. The first 10 cm of the soilunder three different management systems (T1: Natural grassland, T2: direct drilling, and T3: Polyphitic Pasture) was sampled.The samples were sieved and packed into horizontal columns. The columns were analyzed under horizontal infiltration and Dwas determined by variations of water content as a function of time for fixed positions, obtained from low-cost soil moisturecapacitance sensors. The results showed that the proposed methodology is valid in the studied soils. Soil management systemsignificantly affected D and S. They were greater for T2 compared with T1 and T3 (D varied between 0.00033 and 0.0321cm2.s-1). This means that the soil under T2 can transmit water faster under non-saturated conditions as compared with thesoil under grazing. In conclusion, the proposed methodology allowed to determine D in a simple and low-cost way, and todetermine the influence of these properties on productive conditions.A difusividade da água no solo (D) é uma importante propriedade hidráulica para caracterizar o transporte não saturado de água no solo. Essa determinação é complexa devido ao tempo gasto para isso e ao elevado custo dos equipamentos necessários. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram: propor uma metodologia simples e de baixo custo de laboratório para determinar uma função para D e para analisar a influência de sistemas de manejo do solo em D e na sortividade do solo (S). O solo estudado foi classificado como um Paleudol vertico. As amostras deformadas foram coletadas em três sistemas de manejos (T1: Campo Nativo, T2: Plantio Direto e T3: pastagem). Foram retirados os primeiros 10 centímetros do solo. Essas amostras foram peneiradas e depois foram acomodadas em colunas horizontais. As colunas foram submetidas a infiltração horizontal e D foi determinado pela variação do conteúdo de água em função do tempo, com auxílio de sensores de capacitância para a determinação da umidade do solo. Os resultados indicam que a metodologia proposta é válida para os solos desse estudo. O sistema de manejo do solo indicou diferença significativa em D e S. Foram melhores no tratamento T2 comparado com T1 e T3 (D apresentou variação entre 0,00033 e 0,0321 cm2 s-1). Isso indica que o solo na condição T2 conduz água mais rápida na condição não saturada, que o solo manejado com pastejo. Assim, a metodologia proposta permite determinar D em uma amostra e com baixo custo, além de verificar a influência dessas propriedades em condições produtivas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale
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