46 research outputs found

    Participation of Latino Authors in TOP Dermatology Journals During 2021: a Brief Bibliometric Analysis

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    Un objetivo clave de salud mundial es promover el avance de la producción científica en disciplinas con bajo volumen de publicación, a diferencia de especialidades que abordan las patologías que representan la mayor carga de enfermedad a nivel mundial (1). La Dermatología es una de esas disciplinas que ha experimentado un crecimiento sustancial en investigación en aspectos inmunopatogénicos, fisiopatológicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos (2-4). El alcance en el cual los autores e instituciones latinoamericanas han participado en la publicación de artículos científicos en revistas de dermatología con mayor impacto mundial permanece incierto

    Global Research on Centenarians: A Historical and Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis from 1887 to 2023

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    Background Centenarians are considered the most successful human biological aging model. However, the characteristics and patterns of research among centenarians have not been described or analyzed. Thus, this study aimed to disclose the historical landscape of global research on centenarians. Methods This bibliometric study investigated historical evidence on centenarian research published in the Scopus database. The bibliometrix package in R was used to perform visual and quantitative analyses of research metrics, trends, and patterns. Results Of the 2,061 documents included between 1887 and 2023, 84.2% (n=1,736) were published as articles with primary data. We identified international collaboration and annual growth rates of 21.4% and 3.15%, respectively. The United States published the highest number of papers on centenarians (n=786), whereas the publications from Italy had the highest impact (h-index of 90). Based on the frequency of keywords, mortality, genetics, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and immunosenescence are a few of the most studied topics among centenarians, with emerging research related to mitochondrial DNA and comparison of results between nonagenarians and centenarians. Italy, the United States, and China lead the global research collaboration network, collaborating most frequently with Japan and European countries. Conclusion Global research on centenarians has grown over the last 20 years, primarily led by Italy, the United States, and China. Latin American and African countries have conducted little or no research on centenarians. The most widely studied topics include mortality, cognition, immunosenescence, and genetics

    Alteración de la función pulmonar en vendedores informales de gasolina expuestos a sus vapores en Maicao, Colombia

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    Objective: To determine the effects of fuel vapor exposure on pulmonary function among informal sellers. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried-out among informal fuel sellers in Maicao, Colombia. Sociodemographic data were gathered as well as pulmonary function by spirometry, pulse oximetry and evaluation of biomass exposure. Results: 74 patients were evaluated; 87.8% were males, 71.6% of them had between 18 to 40 years of age; 21.6% (n=16) reported pulmonary diseases; 59.4% had a predicted FEV1 <80%; 68.9% had a predicted FVC <80% and 32.4% had a predicted FEV1/FVC < 70%. Among those who had abnormal spirometry, (n=45) 62.2% reported to had worked ≥5 years. The most common reported symptoms were dysphonia (14.8%), conjunctivitis (14.8), epigastric pain (10.8) and headache (9.45%). No statistically significant differences were found between spirometry alterations and history of p pulmonary diseases, mean oxygen saturations and presence of a respiratory disease. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that a significant proportion of informal fuel sellers exposed to fuel vapors in the Colombian-Venezuelan border had derangement of the pulmonary function measured by spirometry and that some of them reported symptoms and respiratory disease. Young male adults of low socioeconomic and educational levels with prolonged exposure to fuel vapors are mostly affected.Objetivo: Determinar los efectos de la exposición a vapores de gasolina sobre la función pulmonar en vendedores informales. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal realizado en expendedores informales de gasolina expuestos a sus vapores en el municipio de Maicao, Colombia. Se registraron datos sociodemográficos, se evaluó la función pulmonar por medio de espirometría, oximetría de pulso y, evaluación de la exposición a biomasa. Resultados: Se evaluaron 74 pacientes. El 87,8% eran de sexo masculino, encontrándose principalmente entre los 18 – 40 años (71,6%). El 21,6% (n=16) de la población reportó tener afecciones respiratorias, el 59,4% obtuvo un VEF1 <80% predicho, el 68,9% un FVC <80% predicho y, el 32,4% un VEF1/FVC <70% predicho. De aquellos que tuvieron espirometría anormal (n=45), el 62,2% reportó tener un tiempo de labor ≥ 5 años. Los síntomas reportados con mayor frecuencia fueron disfonía (14,8%), conjuntivitis (14,8%), epigastralgia (10,8%) y cefalea (9,45%). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la alteración de la espirometría y antecedentes, saturación de oxígeno medida y presencia de afección respiratoria. Conclusión: Este estudio encontró que un porcentaje representativo de vendedores informales de gasolina expuestos a vapores de combustibles en la frontera colombo-venezolana, presentaron alteración en la función pulmonar comprobado por espirometría anormal y, algunos reportaron sintomatología y afección respiratoria. Estos, son principalmente hombres, adultos jóvenes, con nivel socioeconómico y educacional bajo y, expuestos a diario de forma prolongada y por varios años, a gases derivados del manejo de combustibles fósiles

    Demographics and clinical characteristics of a new population of Centenarians in Colombia. The COOLCEN cohort

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    Objetivo: los centenarios representan un modelo exitoso de envejecimiento biológico que se está volviendo cada vez más Común pero aún en gran medida desconocido. Los datos sobre centenarios en Colombia son escasos. El objetivo de esto El estudio fue para proporcionar una descripción de las características demográficas y clínicas de una nueva cohorte de centenarios en Colombia. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo y basado en la población, empleando un Registro validado proporcionado por una compañía de seguros de salud. Información demográfica y Se evaluaron las tasas de prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas significativas. La distribución geográfica de Los centenarios a nivel nacional fueron mapeados. Luego se compararon los datos con otros grupos de edad. (> 18-59 y 60-99 años), y con descripciones previas de centenarios. Resultados: Entre las 2.362.436 personas incluidas en el estudio, una prevalencia de 0.12% centenarios se observó, de los cuales 50.7% eran mujeres y la mayoría reside en las áreas urbanas (64.9%). Se observaron enfermedades crónicas en 275 (9.27%) centenarios, de los cuales 113 (3.81%) revelaron uno Enfermedad crónica y 162 (5.46%) revelada multimorbilidad. Las enfermedades crónicas más frecuentes eran hipertensión esencial (8,6%) y enfermedad renal crónica (4.4%), que fueron significativamente inferior en comparación con otros grupos de edad. Los centenarios estaban libres de hematológicos, inflamatorios Artritis, tuberculosis e infecciones por virus de inmunodeficiencia humana. Covid-19 se observó en 2% de los casos. Se observaron diferencias significativas en los resultados de salud evaluados al comparar nuestro Resultados con centenarios de zonas azules descritas anteriormente. Conclusiones: la cohorte Coolcen revela una baja prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas relacionadas con la edad, bajo Estado económico y sin diferencia en la distribución de género. El estudio proporcionará ideas valiosas en envejecimiento saludable, prevención de enfermedades y mejora del bienestar de los adultos mayores. Palabras clave: centenarios, envejecimiento, envejecimiento saludable, Colombia, multimorbilidad.Aim: Centenarians represent a successful model of biological aging that is becoming increasingly common but still largely unknown. Data about centenarians in Colombia is scarce. The aim of this study was to provide a description of the demographic and clinical characteristics of a new cohort of centenarians in Colombia. Methods: A retrospective, population-based cohort study was undertaken, employing a nationally validated registry provided by a health insurance company. Demographic information and prevalence rates of significant chronic diseases were evaluated. The geographical distribution of centenarians at the national level was mapped. Data were then compared with other age groups (>18-59 and 60-99 years-old), and with previous descriptions of centenarians. Results: Among the 2,362,436 persons included in the study, a prevalence of 0.12% centenarians was observed, of which 50.7% were female and the majority resides in urban areas (64.9%). Chronic diseases were observed in 275 (9.27%) centenarians, of whom 113 (3.81%) disclosed one chronic disease and 162 (5.46%) disclosed multimorbidity. The most prevalent chronic diseases were essential hypertension (8.6%), and chronic kidney disease (4.4%), which were significantly lower compared to others age groups. Centenarians were free of hematological, inflammatory arthritis, tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus infections. COVID-19 was observed in 2% of cases. Significant differences in health outcomes assessed were seen when comparing our results with centenarians from previously described blue zones. Conclusions: The COOLCEN cohort discloses a low prevalence of age-related chronic diseases, low economic status and no difference in gender distribution. The study will provide valuable insights into healthy aging, disease prevention, and improving the well-being of older adults. Key words: Centenarians, Aging, Healthy Aging, Colombia, Multimorbidity.https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0368-0577https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hG_TD_sAAAAJ&hl=es&oi=aohttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000175361Revista Internacional - No indexadaS

    Historical evolution of cancer genomics research in Latin America: a comprehensive visual and bibliometric analysis until 2023

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    Background: Cancer genomics, as an interdisciplinary research area within the Global Cancer Research agenda, genomics and precision medicine, its important in research and clinical practice in Latin America. To date, there has been no study investigating evolution of this area in this region. The aim of this study was to evaluate for first time, the historical evolution of cancer genomics research in Latin America.Methods: Bibliometric cross-sectional study of documents on cancer genomics published by Latin American authors until 2023 in Scopus was performed. Statistical and visual analysis was performed with R programming language.Results: A total of 1534 documents were obtained. The first document of cancer genomics research was published in 1997, marking the inception of a 26-year evaluation period that extended until 2023. Among the documents, 74.3% (n = 1140) constituted original articles, followed by 22.7% (n = 349) classified as reviews. International collaboration was observed in 6.5% (n = 100) of the articles. Within the compilation of the ten most prolific authors in this region, 90% of them are from Brazil. This observed pattern extends to affiliations as well, wherein the Universidade de São Paulo emerges as the most active institution (n = 255 documents). This arrangement firmly establishes Brazil’s prominence as the preeminent country in the region concerning cancer genomics research, showcasing robust collaboration networks both regionally and intercontinentally. An important transition in the studied hot topics over the last 20 years was identified, from the exploration of the human genome and the characterization of genomic and proteomic cancer profiles (1997–2010) to an in-depth investigation of cancer stem cells and personalized medicine (2011–2023). Among the array of cancer types under study, predominant attention has been directed towards breast, lung, prostate, and leukemia.Conclusion: Over the course of the past 26 years, a favorable and notable evolution has characterized cancer genomics research within Latin America, with Brazil leading the way, which possess a robust network of regional and intercontinental collaboration. Furthermore, the lines of research and hot topics have change in harmony with the region’s objectives, strategies, and requisites

    La apendicectomía laparoscópica de incisión única con puerto de guante quirúrgico es rentable y fiable en la apendicitis aguda complicada: Un estudio multicéntrico de casos y controles en Colombia

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    Antecedentes: El abordaje laparoscópico de puerto único (SPL) y multipuerto (MPL) son el patrón oro del tratamiento de la apendicitis aguda, debido a sus múltiples ventajas sobre la cirugía abierta, principalmente por sus efectos directos sobre la recuperación, la estética y los costes del procedimiento. Sin embargo, en los países del tercer mundo, el abordaje laparoscópico aún no es totalmente reproducible debido a los costes de la técnica. La apendicectomía laparoscópica de incisión única con puerto de guante quirúrgico (SGP-SILA) se ha propuesto como una opción viable. Sin embargo, nunca ha sido estudiada en Colombia. Objetivo: Evaluar el costo-efectividad y la confiabilidad de la SGP-SILA en el manejo de la apendicitis aguda complicada, comparada con el abordaje tradicional MPL. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de casos y controles comparando pacientes sometidos a apendicectomía laparoscópica por SGP-SILA vs. MPL, evaluando costos operatorios asociados a variables intraoperatorias y postoperatorias en dos centros terciarios de Bogotá, Colombia. Los datos fueron analizados y expresados según su naturaleza y distribución. Resultados: Se incluyeron 116 pacientes (SGP-SILA: 62 y MPL: 54). La mediana del tiempo quirúrgico para SGP-SILA fue de 60 min frente a 39 min para MPL. Se demostró que la SGP-SILA causaba una menor frecuencia de infección del sitio quirúrgico (4 frente a 8 pacientes; p = 0,047). Se encontró una correlación significativa entre la infección del sitio quirúrgico de grado III y el tiempo de cirugía (p = 0,047) en el grupo MPL; también, con la estancia hospitalaria (p < 0,001). Asimismo, se encontró un menor riesgo de infección del sitio quirúrgico con la técnica SGP-SILA (22% frente a 31%). La SGP-SILA generó una reducción de los costes operativos directos e indirectos de aproximadamente el 10% (616 USD frente a 683 USD). Conclusiones: La SGP-SILA y la MPL son procedimientos factibles y comparables en la resolución de la apendicitis aguda complicada. La SGP-SILA resulta ser más rentable que la MPL, debido al uso de instrumentos más fácilmente accesibles. Puede ser una técnica reproducible en países de ingresos bajos y medios.Background: The single-port (SPL) and multi-port (MPL) laparoscopic approach are the gold standard of management of acute appendicitis, due to its multiple advantages over open surgery, mainly because of its direct effects on recovery, esthetics and costs of the procedure. However, in third-world countries, the laparoscopic approach is not yet fully reproducible due to the costs of the technique. The surgical-glove port single incision laparoscopic appendectomy (SGP-SILA) has been proposed as a viable option. However, it has never been studied in Colombia. Objective: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness and reliability of SGP-SILA in the management of complicated acute appendicitis, compared to traditional MPL approach. Materials and methods: A retrospective case control study was carried out comparing patients undergoing laparoscopic appendectomy by SGP-SILA vs. MPL, evaluating operating costs asso- ciated with intraoperative and postoperative variables in two tertiary centers in Bogota, Colombia. The data were analyzed and expressed according to their nature and distribution. Results: 116 patients were included (SGP-SILA: 62 and MPL: 54). The median surgical time for SGP-SILA was 60 min vs. 39 min for MPL. SGP-SILA was shown to cause lower frequency of surgical site infection (4 vs. 8 patients; p = 0.047). It was found a significant correlation between Grade III surgical site infection and surgery time (p = 0.047) in the MPL group; also, with hospital stay (p < 0.001). Also, a lower risk of surgical site infection was found with the SGP-SILA technique (22% vs. 31%). SGP-SILA generated a reduction in both direct and indirect oper- ating costs of approximately 10% (616 USD vs. 683 USD). Conclusion: SGP-SILA and MPL are feasible and comparable procedures in the resolution of complicated acute appendicitis. SGP-SILA turns out to be more cost-effective compared to MPL, due to the use of more easily accessible instruments. This may be a reproducible technique in low- and middle-income countries

    Corrección de hernia de Amyand con malla y apendicetomía: reporte de caso

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    Amyand’s hernia is defined as the presence of the vermiform appendix within an inguinal hernial sac. Less than 1 % of the world medical publications on hernias address this disease, out of which very few come from Latin America and the Caribbean. This is the case of a 78-year-old male patient who experienced signs and symptoms for approximately five months. He felt a lump in the right inguinal region which progressively increased in size. Two days prior to admission to the intensive care unit, he said his pain level was 8/10. During the right inguinal approach, the hernial sac was opened, revealing parts of the right colon, cecum and appendix with edematous changes. Therefore, the patient underwent an appendectomy and repair with polypropylene mesh.La hernia de Amyand se define como la presencia de un apéndice vermiforme dentro de un saco herniario inguinal. Menos del 1 % de las publicaciones médicas sobre hernias en el mundo corresponde a este padecimiento, y los reportes en Latinoamérica y el Caribe son escasos. Este artículo describe el caso de un varón de 78 años con un cuadro clínico de cinco meses de evolución aproximadamente. El paciente refiere que sentía una masa en la región inguinal derecha de crecimiento progresivo. Luego se asoció un dolor (de escala 8/10) durante los dos días previos al ingreso en el departamento de urgencias. Durante la operación en la región inguinal derecha, se abre el saco herniario que muestra partes del colon derecho, el ciego y el apéndice (edematosos), por lo que se decide realizar una apendicectomía y la reconstrucción con una malla de polipropileno

    Surgical research in Colombia part 1 : scientific and academic productivity of the Colombian research groups in surgery

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    Q2Q3Introduction: Global surgery has become the undisputed starting point for addressing a myriad of problems in surgery today. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly evaluate the scientific productivity in surgery, its behavior, validity and impact. In Latin America, specifically in Colombia, there are no studies that have analyzed this production. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional bibliometric study was carried out, in which the Colombian Ministry of Science database was consulted with the validated results up to July 2021. In the search section for research groups, the key word “Surgery” was used, and all associated GrupLAC (platform where the information of the research groups can be found) and their registered products were reviewed. Results: 40 groups were included. Only 5 (12.5%) were registered in surgery as main line of research. The great majority of the groups were in the medium-low category, 50% in category C and 22.5% in category B. The vast majority of surgical groups are located in Bogotá (19; 47.5%). The first surgery group in the country was created in 1994 and the last one in 2017. In 27 years of surgical research, a total of 4121 registered scientific articles were found, 83 books, 713 book chapters, 2891 products associated with participation in scientific events, 1221 theses directed, and 1670 projects in colombian surgical research groups. There was evidence of a high rate of underreporting of data, due to duplication of products and incomplete registration of data. Conclusions: There is a high rate of underreporting of products and data in the GrupLAC of Colombian surgical research groups. Most of the production is located in the Andes region (Antioquia, Valle del Cauca and Bogotá), and is predominantly composed of scientific articles and products associated with participation in scientific events.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5392-7083Revista Internacional - IndexadaBN

    Diferencias entre los modelos de riesgo Framingham y DAD en la evaluación del riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con VIH bajo terapia antirretroviral: experiencia en una población del caribe colombiano

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    Objective: To assess the five- and ten-year cardiovascular disease risk in HIV-positive patients on antiretroviral therapy, using the Framingham risk score and the Data collection on adverse effects of anti-HIV drugs (D:A:D) study. Materials and methods: An observational prospective cross-sectional study. HIV-positive patients on antiretroviral treatment from a referral center for HIV patients were included in the study between January 1 and April 30, 2019. A five- and ten-year cardiovascular risk assessment was performed using the Framingham risk score and the D:A:D study. Additionally, both risk models were compared through statistical models. Results: The study population consisted of 159 patients with a mean age of 48.90 years ± 9.90. The mean cardiovascular risk according to the five-year Framingham risk score was 2.70 % ± 2.80, the ten-year Framingham risk score was 6.10 % ± 5.70, the five-year D:A:D study was 3.50 % ± 4.10, the ten-year D:A:D study was 6.90 % ± 7.70, and the ten-year Framingham risk score recalculated for Colombia (multiplied by 0.75) was 4.50 % ± 4.20. Using a logistic regression model, it was determined that the ten-year D:A:D study provided the greatest number of variables significantly related to a high cardiovascular risk. Conclusions: The study showed a significant difference between the risk models. Both the five- and ten-year D:A:D study provided a better cardiovascular disease risk estimation than the five- and ten-year Framingham model.Objetivo: Evaluar el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular a cinco y a diez años en pacientes con infección por VIH en terapia antirretroviral, por medio de las escalas Framingham y Data collection on Adverse Effects of Anti-HIV Drugs Study. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional de corte transversal y prospectivo. Se incluyeron pacientes con infección por el VIH en tratamiento antirretroviral de un centro de referencia para pacientes con VIH, entre el 1 de enero y el 30 de abril de 2019. Se realizó evaluación del riesgo cardiovascular a cinco y a diez años a través de los modelos de predicción de Framingham y la escala Data collection on Adverse Effects of Anti-HIV Drugs Study (DAD), y una comparación entre ellos a través de modelos estadísticos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 159 pacientes, con un promedio de edad de 48,90 años ± 9,90. La media de valoración del riesgo cardiovascular por escala de Framingham a 5 años fue de 2,70 % ± 2,80; Framingham a 10 años fue 6,10 % ± 5,70; DAD a 5 años, 3,50 % ± 4,10; DAD a 10 años, de 6,90 % ± 7,70; y el riesgo escala de Framingham a 10 años recalculado para Colombia (multiplicado por 0,75) fue de 4,50 ± 4,20. A través de un modelo de regresión logística, se determinó que la puntuación con mayor número de variables significativamente relacionadas con el resultado de riesgo cardiovascular alto es el modelo DAD a 10 años. Conclusiones: El estudio evidenció una diferencia significativa, con mayor riesgo estimado de enfermedad cardiovascular al utilizar el modelo DAD en comparación con el Framingham, tanto para la estimación a cinco años como a diez