8 research outputs found

    Counting Links and Knots in Complete Graphs

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    We investigate the minimal number of links and knots in embeddings of complete partite graphs in S3. We provide exact values or bounds on the minimal number of links for all complete partite graphs with all but 4 vertices in one partition, or with 9 vertices in total. In particular, we find that the minimal number of links in an embedding of K4,4,1 is 74. We also provide exact values or bounds on the minimal number of knots for all complete partite graphs with 8 vertices

    Extended h-Index Parameterized Data Structures for Computing Dynamic Subgraph Statistics

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    We present techniques for maintaining subgraph frequencies in a dynamic graph, using data structures that are parameterized in terms of h, the h-index of the graph. Our methods extend previous results of Eppstein and Spiro for maintaining statistics for undirected subgraphs of size three to directed subgraphs and to subgraphs of size four. For the directed case, we provide a data structure to maintain counts for all 3-vertex induced subgraphs in O(h) amortized time per update. For the undirected case, we maintain the counts of size-four subgraphs in O(h^2) amortized time per update. These extensions enable a number of new applications in Bioinformatics and Social Networking research


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    Category-Based Routing in Social Networks: Membership Dimension and the Small-World Phenomenon

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    A classic experiment by Milgram shows that individuals can route messages along short paths in social networks, given only simple categorical information about recipients (such as “he is a prominent lawyer in Boston ” or “she is a Freshman sociology major at Harvard”). That is, these networks have very short paths between pairs of nodes (the so-called small-world phenomenon); moreover, participants are able to route messages along these paths even though each person is only aware of a small part of the network topology. Some sociologists conjecture that participants in such scenarios use a greedy routing strategy in which they forward messages to acquaintances that have more categories in common with the recipient than they do, and similar strategies have recently been proposed for routing messages in dynamic ad-hoc networks of mobile devices. In this paper, we introduce a network property called membership dimension, which characterizes the cognitive load required to maintain relationships between participants and categories in a social network. We show that any connected network has a system of categories that will support greedy routing, but that these categories can be made to have small membership dimension if and only if the underlying network exhibits the small-world phenomenon