1,195 research outputs found

    Departures From Axisymmetric Morphology and Dynamics in Spiral Galaxies

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    New HI synthesis data have been obtained for six face-on galaxies with the Very Large Array. These data and reanalyses of three additional data sets make up a sample of nine face-on galaxies analyzed for deviations from axisymmetry in morphology and dynamics. This sample represents a subsample of galaxies already analyzed for morphological symmetry properties in the R-band. Four quantitative measures of dynamical nonaxisymmetry are compared to one another and to the quantitative measures of morphological asymmetry in HI and R-band to investigate the relationships between nonaxisymmetric morphology and dynamics. We find no significant relationship between asymmetric morphology and most of the dynamical measures in our sample. A possible relationship is found, however, between morphology and dynamical position angle differences between approaching and receding sides of the galaxy.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, AASTeX, accepted for publication in AJ, postscript figures available at ftp://culebra.tn.cornell.edu/pub/david/figures.tar.g

    Two-Stream Instability of Counter-Rotating Galaxies

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    The present study of the two-stream instability in stellar disks with counter-rotating components of stars and/or gas is stimulated by recently discovered counter-rotating spiral and S0 galaxies. Strong linear two-stream instability of tightly-wrapped spiral waves is found for one and two-armed waves with the pattern angular speed of the unstable waves always intermediate between the angular speed of the co-rotating matter (+Ω+\Omega) and that of the counter-rotating matter (Ω-\Omega). The instability arises from the interaction of positive and negative energy modes in the co- and counter-rotating components. The unstable waves are in general convective - they move in radius and radial wavenumber space - with the result that amplification of the advected wave is more important than the local growth rate. For a galaxy of co-rotating stars and counter-rotating stars of mass-fraction ξ<12\xi_* < {1\over 2}, or of counter-rotating gas of mass-fraction ξg<12\xi_g < {1\over 2}, the largest amplification is usually for the one-armed leading waves (with respect to the co-rotating stars). For the case of both counter-rotating stars and gas, the largest amplifications are for ξ+ξg12\xi_*+\xi_g \approx {1\over 2}, also for one-armed leading waves. The two-armed trailing waves usually have smaller amplifications. The growth rates and amplifications all decrease as the velocity spreads of the stars and/or gas increase. It is suggested that the spiral waves can provide an effective viscosity for the gas causing its accretion.Comment: 14 pages, submitted to ApJ. One table and 17 figures can be obtained by sending address to R. Lovelace at [email protected]

    Three-dimensional Simulations of Accretion to Stars with Complex Magnetic Fields

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    Disk accretion to rotating stars with complex magnetic fields is investigated using full three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. The studied magnetic configurations include superpositions of misaligned dipole and quadrupole fields and off-centre dipoles. The simulations show that when the quadrupole component is comparable to the dipole component, the magnetic field has a complex structure with three major magnetic poles on the surface of the star and three sets of loops of field lines connecting them. A significant amount of matter flows to the quadrupole "belt", forming a ring-like hot spot on the star. If the maximum strength of the magnetic field on the star is fixed, then we observe that the mass accretion rate, the torque on the star, and the area covered by hot spots are several times smaller in the quadrupole-dominant cases than in the pure dipole cases. The influence of the quadrupole component on the shape of the hot spots becomes noticeable when the ratio of the quadrupole and dipole field strengths Bq/Bd0.5B_q/B_d\gtrsim0.5, and becomes dominant when Bq/Bd1B_q/B_d\gtrsim1. In the case of an off-centre dipole field, most of the matter flows through a one-armed accretion stream, forming a large hot spot on the surface, with a second much smaller secondary spot. The light curves may have simple, sinusoidal shapes, thus mimicking stars with pure dipole fields. Or, they may be complex and unusual. In some cases the light curves may be indicators of a complex field, in particular if the inclination angle is known independently. We also note that in the case of complex fields, magnetospheric gaps are often not empty, and this may be important for the survival of close-in exosolar planets.Comment: 13 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Three-dimensional Simulations of Disk Accretion to an Inclined Dipole: I. Magnetospheric Flow at Different Theta

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    We present results of fully three-dimensional MHD simulations of disk accretion to a rotating magnetized star with its dipole moment inclined at an angle Theta to the rotation axis of the disk. We observed that matter accretes from the disk to a star in two or several streams depending on Theta. Streams may precess around the star at small Theta. The inner regions of the disk are warped. The warping is due to the tendency of matter to co-rotate with inclined magnetosphere. The accreting matter brings positive angular momentum to the (slowly rotating) star tending to spin it up. The corresponding torque N_z depends only weakly on Theta. The angular momentum flux to the star is transported predominantly by the magnetic field; the matter component contributes < 1 % of the total flux. Results of simulations are important for understanding the nature of classical T Tauri stars, cataclysmic variables, and X-ray pulsars.Comment: 26 pages, 22 figures, LaTeX, macros: emulapj.sty, avi simulations are available at http://www.astro.cornell.edu/us-rus/inclined.ht

    Current Evidence for a Role of the Kynurenine Pathway of Tryptophan Metabolism in Multiple Sclerosis

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    The kynurenine pathway (KP) is the major metabolic pathway of the essential amino acid tryptophan (TRP). Stimulation by inflammatory molecules, such as interferon-γ (IFN-γ), is the trigger for induction of the KP, driving a complex cascade of production of both neuroprotective and neurotoxic metabolites, and in turn, regulation of the immune response and responses of brain cells to the KP metabolites. Consequently, substantial evidence has accumulated over the past couple of decades that dysregulation of the KP and the production of neurotoxic metabolites are associated with many neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease, AIDS-related dementia, motor neurone disease, schizophrenia, Huntington's disease, and brain cancers. In the past decade, evidence of the link between the KP and multiple sclerosis (MS) has rapidly grown and has implicated the KP in MS pathogenesis. KP enzymes, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO-1) and tryptophan dioxygenase (highest expression in hepatic cells), are the principal enzymes triggering activation of the KP to produce kynurenine from TRP. This is in preference to other routes such as serotonin and melatonin production. In neurological disease, degradation of the blood-brain barrier, even if transient, allows the entry of blood monocytes into the brain parenchyma. Similar to microglia and macrophages, these cells are highly responsive to IFN-γ, which upregulates the expression of enzymes, including IDO-1, producing neurotoxic KP metabolites such as quinolinic acid. These metabolites circulate systemically or are released locally in the brain and can contribute to the excitotoxic death of oligodendrocytes and neurons in neurological disease principally by virtue of their agonist activity at N-methyl-d-aspartic acid receptors. The latest evidence is presented and discussed. The enzymes that control the checkpoints in the KP represent an attractive therapeutic target, and consequently several KP inhibitors are currently in clinical trials for other neurological diseases, and hence may make suitable candidates for MS patients. Underpinning these drug discovery endeavors, in recent years, several advances have been made in how KP metabolites are assayed in various biological fluids, and tremendous advancements have been made in how specimens are imaged to determine disease progression and involvement of various cell types and molecules in MS.22 page(s

    Coating thermal noise for arbitrary shaped beams

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    Advanced LIGO's sensitivity will be limited by coating noise. Though this noise depends on beam shape, and though nongaussian beams are being seriously considered for advanced LIGO, no published analysis exists to compare the quantitative thermal noise improvement alternate beams offer. In this paper, we derive and discuss a simple integral which completely characterizes the dependence of coating thermal noise on shape. The derivation used applies equally well, with minor modifications, to all other forms of thermal noise in the low-frequency limit.Comment: 3 pages. Originally performed in August 2004. Submitted to CQG. (v2) : Corrections from referee and other

    Study of the Cir X--1 Broad Band Spectrum at Orbital Phases Close to the Apoastron

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    We report on the results of a BeppoSAX (1.8--200 keV) observation of the peculiar X-ray binary source Circinus X--1 (Cir X--1) at the orbital phases between 0.61 and 0.63. We find that three components are needed to fit the broad band spectrum: a blackbody component, at a temperature of 0.6\sim 0.6 keV, a Comptonized component, with a seed-photon temperature of 1.2\sim 1.2 keV, electron temperature of 6\sim 6 keV and optical depth of 1.7\sim 1.7, and a power-law component dominating the spectrum at energies higher than 20 keV. We interpret the blackbody as the emission from the accretion disk, while the Comptonized component probably comes from a corona surrounding the inner part of the system. This spectrum is different from that observed at the periastron (Iaria et al. 2001a) because of the presence of the blackbody component. We discuss the implications of this difference and the presence of the power-law component.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Ap

    Recent X-ray measurements of the accretion-powered pulsar 4U 1907+09

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    X-ray observations of the accreting X-ray pulsar 4U~1907+09, obtained during February 1996 with the Proportional Counter Array on the Rossi X-ray Timing Experiment (RXTE), have enabled the first measurement of the intrinsic pulse period Ppulse since 1984: Ppulse=440.341[+0.012,-0.017] s. 4U 1907+09 is in a binary system with a blue supergiant. The orbital parameters were solved and this enabled the correction for orbital delay effects of a measurement of Ppulse obtained in 1990 with Ginga. Thus, three spin down rates could be extracted from four pulse periods obtained in 1983, 1984, 1990, and 1996. These are within 8% equal to a value of dPpulse/dt=+0.225 s/yr. This suggest that the pulsar is perhaps in a monotonous spin down mode since its discovery in 1983. Furthermore, the RXTE observations show transient ~18 s oscillations during a flare that lasted about 1 hour. The oscillations may be interpreted as Keplerian motion of an accretion disk near the magnetospheric radius. This, and the notion that the co-rotation radius is much larger than any conceivable value for the magnetospheric radius (because of the long spin period), renders it unlikely that this pulsar spins near equilibrium like is suspected for other slowing accreting X-ray pulsars. We suggest as an alternative that perhaps the frequent occurrence of a retrograde transient accretion disk may be consistently slowing the pulsar down. Further observations of flares can provide more evidence of this.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, to be published in Astrophysical Journal part I on March 20, 199

    Estimated Groundwater Withdrawals from Principal Aquifers in the United States, 2015

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    In 2015, about 84,600 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of groundwater were withdrawn in the United States for various uses including public supply, self-supplied domestic, industrial, mining, thermoelectric power, aquaculture, livestock, and irrigation. Of this total, about 94 percent (79,200 Mgal/d) was withdrawn from principal aquifers, which are defined as regionally extensive aquifers or aquifer systems that have the potential to be used as sources of water of suitable quality and quantity to meet various needs. The remaining 6 percent (5,400 Mgal/d) was withdrawn from other, nonprincipal aquifers in the United States. Sixty-six principal aquifers belonging to 5 major lithologic groups have been identified and delineated in the United States, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Of the water withdrawn from principal aquifers in 2015, 81 percent (63,900 Mgal/d) was from the unconsolidated and semiconsolidated sand and gravel lithologic group, 7.1 percent (5,630 Mgal/d) was from the igneous and metamorphic-rock lithologic group, 6.8 percent (5,360 Mgal/d) was from the carbonate-rock lithologic group, 3.4 percent (2,680 Mgal/d) was from the sandstone lithologic group, and 2.2 percent (1,710 Mgal/d) was from the sandstone and carbonate-rock lithologic group. The most heavily pumped of the 24 principal aquifers and aquifer systems within the unconsolidated and semiconsolidated sand and gravel lithologic group were the High Plains aquifer (12,300 Mgal/d), Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (12,100 Mgal/d), Central Valley aquifer system (11,100 Mgal/d), and Basin and Range basin-fill aquifers (7,390 Mgal/d). Withdrawals for irrigation were 48,100 Mgal/d and accounted for 75 percent of the total withdrawals from this lithologic group. Although unconsolidated sand and gravel aquifers are widely distributed and were used as sources of water in all States except Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands, 56 percent of the total withdrawn from unconsolidated and semiconsolidated sand and gravel aquifers was in just four States: California (15,600 Mgal/d), Arkansas (9,560 Mgal/d), Nebraska (5,570 Mgal/d), and Texas (4,830 Mgal/d). The most heavily pumped of the seven principal aquifers within the igneous and metamorphic-rock lithologic group were the Snake River Plain (2,930 Mgal/d) and Columbia Plateau basaltic-rock aquifers (1,080 Mgal/d), which are located in the northwestern United States and together accounted for 71 percent of the water withdrawn from this lithologic group. Withdrawals for irrigation were 4,190 Mgal/d and accounted for more than 74 percent of the total withdrawals from this lithologic group. Seventy-eight percent of the withdrawals from igneous and metamorphic-rock aquifers were in three States: Idaho (3,230 Mgal/d), Washington (614 Mgal/d), and Oregon (528 Mgal/d). The most heavily pumped of the 15 principal aquifers and aquifer systems within the carbonate-rock lithologic group were the Floridan aquifer system (3,180 Mgal/d) and the Biscayne aquifer (679 Mgal/d), which are in the southeastern United States and together accounted for almost 72 percent of the withdrawals from this lithologic group. Withdrawals for public supply (2,440 Mgal/d) and irrigation (1,610 Mgal/d) together accounted for almost 76 percent of the total withdrawals from this lithologic group. Although water was withdrawn from carbonate-rock aquifers in 35 States, 71 percent of the total withdrawn was in Florida (3,020 Mgal/d) and Georgia (785 Mgal/d). The most heavily pumped of the 15 principal aquifers within the sandstone lithologic group was the Cambrian- Ordovician aquifer system (921 Mgal/d), which is in the north-central United States and accounted for 34 percent of the water withdrawn from this lithologic group. Withdrawals for public supply were 1,030 Mgal/d and accounted for 38 percent of the total withdrawals from this lithologic group. Although sandstone aquifers were used as sources of water in 32 States, 45 percent of the total withdrawn from sandstone aquifers was in five States: Minnesota (321 Mgal/d), Wisconsin (319 Mgal/d), Kansas (193 Mgal/d), Illinois (187 Mgal/d), and Pennsylvania (179 Mgal/d). The most heavily pumped of the five principal aquifers and aquifer systems within the sandstone and carbonate rock lithologic group were the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system (661 Mgal/d) in the south-central United States and the Valley and Ridge aquifers (551 Mgal/d) of the eastern United States, which together accounted for 71 percent of total withdrawals from this lithologic group. Withdrawals from sandstone and carbonate-rock aquifers for public-supply (713 Mgal/d), irrigation (469 Mgal/d), and self-supplied domestic (253 Mgal/d) uses accounted for about 84 percent of the total withdrawals from this lithologic group. Although water was withdrawn from sandstone and carbonate-rock aquifers in 25 States, 65 percent of the total withdrawn was in Texas (651 Mgal/d), Pennsylvania (238 Mgal/d), and Florida (223 Mgal/d)

    Rotation and X-ray emission from protostars

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    The ASCA satellite has recently detected variable hard X-ray emission from two Class I protostars in the rho Oph cloud, YLW15 (IRS43) and WL6, with a characteristic time scale ~20h. In YLW15, the X-ray emission is in the form of quasi-periodic energetic flares, which we explain in terms of strong magnetic shearing and reconnection between the central star and the accretion disk. In WL6, X-ray flaring is rotationally modulated, and appears to be more like the solar-type magnetic activity ubiquitous on T Tauri stars. We find that YLW15 is a fast rotator (near break-up), while WL6 rotates with a significantly longer period. We derive a mass M_\star ~ 2 M_\odot and \simlt 0.4 M_\odot for the central stars of YLW15 and WL6 respectively. On the long term, the interactions between the star and the disk results in magnetic braking and angular momentum loss of the star. On time scales t_{br} ~ a few 10^5 yrs, i.e., of the same order as the estimated duration of the Class~I protostar stage. Close to the birthline there must be a mass-rotation relation, t_{br} \simpropto M_\star, such that stars with M_\star \simgt 1-2 M_\odot are fast rotators, while their lower-mass counterparts have had the time to spin down. The rapid rotation and strong star-disk magnetic interactions of YLW15 also naturally explain the observation of X-ray ``superflares''. In the case of YLW15, and perhaps also of other protostars, a hot coronal wind (T~10^6 K) may be responsible for the VLA thermal radio emission. This paper thus proposes the first clues to the rotation status and evolution of protostars.Comment: 13 pages with 6 figures. To be published in ApJ (April 10, 2000 Part 1 issue