10 research outputs found
Plant Macromolecules as Biomaterials for Wound Healing
Natural biomolecules are increasingly relevant for biomedical applications and tissue engineering for being able to produce an effect on chemical signals, organization of cells, and restitution of extracellular matrix in lesioned tissues. In this chapter, we will address the potential of plant macromolecules, in particular, carbohydrates and proteins such as hemicelluloses and lectins. While lectins are mostly carbohydrate-binding proteins, which can interact with cell surfaces to initiate anti-inflammatory pathways, as well as immunomodulatory functions, hemicelluloses are remarkably known by their ability to form viscous solutions even at low concentrations, which makes them an excellent candidate as vehicle to carry different sorts of biomolecules. Taking into account the complexity of the whole healing process, as an overlapping and coordinated cascade of events, most of the properties presented here by those materials may be of interest to the wound-care market
Estudo, via simulação molecular, da interaão de dois peptídeos da região 115-129 da miotoxina II do veneno da serpente Bothrops asper com membranas celulares
As ligações de hidrogênio (LH), fundamentais na determinação da estrutura da água, proteínas, etc., são muito importantes no reconhecimento molecular e nos mecanismos de reações enzimáticas. A determinação da energia das LHs intramoleculares em proteínas e intermoleculares entre uma proteína e o solvente água, porque fornece informações sobre a estrutura secundária, terciária e quaternária das proteínas. Um método para quantificar e qualificar as LHs foi desenvolvido utilizando critérios de distância, geométricos e energéticos a partir das trajetórias obtidas por simulações de dinâmica molecular. O método foi testado com o monômero de uma fosfolipase A2 homodimérica, sem atividade catalítica, isolada do veneno da Bothrops asper(BaspMT-II). No dímero, a análise das LHs mostrou que elas são também essenciais na manutenção da estrutura quaternária. Essa análise permitiu identificar movimentos do tipo dobradiça acompanhados da formação transitória, na interface dimérica, de LHs controladas pelo triptofano na posição 77. Esses movimentos podem estar associados à ação danosa às membranas, uma vez que podem promover a inserção da região C-terminal na membrana. Estudos prévios mostraram que o peptídeo sintético (3Y codificado pelos aminoácidos 115-129 da BaspMT-II) apresenta atividade bactericida e citolítica. Um outro peptídeo (3W), mutante de 3Y, no qual três resíduos tirosina são substituidos por triptofano, apresenta um aumento do dano às membranas e do efeito miotóxico. Os mecanismos de ação desses peptídeos e as suas estruturas foram estudados por dinâmica molecular, dicroísmo circular (DC), microscopia de fluorescência e monocamadas de Langmuir (Mlang). As adsorções dos peptídeos em monocamadas de ácido dimiristoil fosfatídico (DMPA) e dimiristoilfosfatidilcolina (DMPC) se processam por mecanismos diferentes ocasionados pelas diferentes naturezas físico-químicas dos resíduos tirosina e triptofano. A microscopia de fluorescência acoplada a Mlang de DMPA com 3W adsorvido mostra um aumento da fluidez da monocamada, enquanto que o 3Y modifica os domínios do DMPA para pequenas estruturas circulares. Foram realizadas simulações dos peptídeos 3Y e 3W em meio aquoso e nas regiões interfaciais água/n-hexano e água/bicamadas de DMPC. Os resultados confirmam os obtidos por Mlang, demonstrando que os peptídeos interagem diferentemente com as membranas por adotar conformações alternativas definidas previamente. Essas conformações, diferentes das observadas em meio aquoso, dependem da natureza da interface. As estruturas encontradas no final das simulaçoes corroboram o mecanismo proposto por Mlang, assim como as estruturas sugeridas por DC. Isso sugere que a atividade biológica reduzida do peptídeo 3Y ocorre porque os seus dois resíduos Leu se adsorvem na interface sem penetrá-la. Ao contrário de 3W, os resíduos carregados do peptídeo 3Y não estão localizados corretamente para promover uma interação suficientemente atrativa para permitir a sua inserção na membrana celular.Hydrogen bonds (HB) are highly important in the determination of the structure of the water and proteins. They also play a important role in molecular recognition and in enzyme reaction mechanisms. The determination of protein/water intermolecular and protein intramolecular HB energies provide information with respect to the formation and stabilization of secondary, tertiary and quaternary protein structure. A method that quantifies and qualifies the properties of HB was developed using distance, geometric and energy criteria as applied to data obtained from the atomic trajectories generated by molecular dynamics simulations. The method was tested with a monomer of a catalytically inactive homodimeric phospholipase A2 from Bothrops asper(BaspMT-II) venom. HBs at dimmer interface are essential for maintaining the quaternary structure, and are highly conserved during hinge-like movements of the dimmer. HB formed by tryptophan residue at position 77 controls this movement. These motions can be associated to the membrane damaging action since they facilitate the insertion of the C-terminus into the cellular membrane. Previous studies have shown that synthetic peptide (3Y, coding the amino acids 115-129 of BaspMT-II ) presents bactericidal and cytolitic activities. A peptide variant ( 3W ), in which tyrosine residues were substituted by tryptophan residues, presents an enhanced membrane damaging activity increased miotoxic effect. The mechanism of action of the peptides and their structures were studied by molecular dynamics simulations, circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence microscopy and Langmuir monolayers (Mlang). The adsorption of the peptides on a monolayer composed of dimiristoyl phosphatidic acid (DMPA) and dimiristoylphosphatidyl choline (DMPC) occurs through different processes due to the differences in the physic-chemical nature of the tyrosine and tryptophan residues. Fluorescence microscopy together with Mlang of DMPA with adsorbed 3W indicates an increase of the membrane fluidity while small circular domains are formed with DMPA. Simulations were conducted with the 3Y and 3W peptides in aqueous media, is a water/n-hexane and water/DMPC bilayers. The results confirm the Mlang results, showing that the peptides interact differently with the membranes by adopting alternative previously defined conformations. These two conformations, both of which are different to those observed in water, are dependent of the nature of the interfaces. The final simulated configurations confirm the mechanism proposed by Mlang and the structures proposed by CD. It is suggest that the reduced biological activity of the 3Y peptide is due to the two Leu residues that only adsorb to the cellular membrane without penetrating the bilayer. In contrast to the 3W peptide, no charged residue is correctly located to promote the interaction and insertion of the 3Y peptide into the membrane
Estudo, via simulação molecular, da interaão de dois peptídeos da região 115-129 da miotoxina II do veneno da serpente Bothrops asper com membranas celulares
As ligações de hidrogênio (LH), fundamentais na determinação da estrutura da água, proteínas, etc., são muito importantes no reconhecimento molecular e nos mecanismos de reações enzimáticas. A determinação da energia das LHs intramoleculares em proteínas e intermoleculares entre uma proteína e o solvente água, porque fornece informações sobre a estrutura secundária, terciária e quaternária das proteínas. Um método para quantificar e qualificar as LHs foi desenvolvido utilizando critérios de distância, geométricos e energéticos a partir das trajetórias obtidas por simulações de dinâmica molecular. O método foi testado com o monômero de uma fosfolipase A2 homodimérica, sem atividade catalítica, isolada do veneno da Bothrops asper(BaspMT-II). No dímero, a análise das LHs mostrou que elas são também essenciais na manutenção da estrutura quaternária. Essa análise permitiu identificar movimentos do tipo dobradiça acompanhados da formação transitória, na interface dimérica, de LHs controladas pelo triptofano na posição 77. Esses movimentos podem estar associados à ação danosa às membranas, uma vez que podem promover a inserção da região C-terminal na membrana. Estudos prévios mostraram que o peptídeo sintético (3Y codificado pelos aminoácidos 115-129 da BaspMT-II) apresenta atividade bactericida e citolítica. Um outro peptídeo (3W), mutante de 3Y, no qual três resíduos tirosina são substituidos por triptofano, apresenta um aumento do dano às membranas e do efeito miotóxico. Os mecanismos de ação desses peptídeos e as suas estruturas foram estudados por dinâmica molecular, dicroísmo circular (DC), microscopia de fluorescência e monocamadas de Langmuir (Mlang). As adsorções dos peptídeos em monocamadas de ácido dimiristoil fosfatídico (DMPA) e dimiristoilfosfatidilcolina (DMPC) se processam por mecanismos diferentes ocasionados pelas diferentes naturezas físico-químicas dos resíduos tirosina e triptofano. A microscopia de fluorescência acoplada a Mlang de DMPA com 3W adsorvido mostra um aumento da fluidez da monocamada, enquanto que o 3Y modifica os domínios do DMPA para pequenas estruturas circulares. Foram realizadas simulações dos peptídeos 3Y e 3W em meio aquoso e nas regiões interfaciais água/n-hexano e água/bicamadas de DMPC. Os resultados confirmam os obtidos por Mlang, demonstrando que os peptídeos interagem diferentemente com as membranas por adotar conformações alternativas definidas previamente. Essas conformações, diferentes das observadas em meio aquoso, dependem da natureza da interface. As estruturas encontradas no final das simulaçoes corroboram o mecanismo proposto por Mlang, assim como as estruturas sugeridas por DC. Isso sugere que a atividade biológica reduzida do peptídeo 3Y ocorre porque os seus dois resíduos Leu se adsorvem na interface sem penetrá-la. Ao contrário de 3W, os resíduos carregados do peptídeo 3Y não estão localizados corretamente para promover uma interação suficientemente atrativa para permitir a sua inserção na membrana celular.Hydrogen bonds (HB) are highly important in the determination of the structure of the water and proteins. They also play a important role in molecular recognition and in enzyme reaction mechanisms. The determination of protein/water intermolecular and protein intramolecular HB energies provide information with respect to the formation and stabilization of secondary, tertiary and quaternary protein structure. A method that quantifies and qualifies the properties of HB was developed using distance, geometric and energy criteria as applied to data obtained from the atomic trajectories generated by molecular dynamics simulations. The method was tested with a monomer of a catalytically inactive homodimeric phospholipase A2 from Bothrops asper(BaspMT-II) venom. HBs at dimmer interface are essential for maintaining the quaternary structure, and are highly conserved during hinge-like movements of the dimmer. HB formed by tryptophan residue at position 77 controls this movement. These motions can be associated to the membrane damaging action since they facilitate the insertion of the C-terminus into the cellular membrane. Previous studies have shown that synthetic peptide (3Y, coding the amino acids 115-129 of BaspMT-II ) presents bactericidal and cytolitic activities. A peptide variant ( 3W ), in which tyrosine residues were substituted by tryptophan residues, presents an enhanced membrane damaging activity increased miotoxic effect. The mechanism of action of the peptides and their structures were studied by molecular dynamics simulations, circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence microscopy and Langmuir monolayers (Mlang). The adsorption of the peptides on a monolayer composed of dimiristoyl phosphatidic acid (DMPA) and dimiristoylphosphatidyl choline (DMPC) occurs through different processes due to the differences in the physic-chemical nature of the tyrosine and tryptophan residues. Fluorescence microscopy together with Mlang of DMPA with adsorbed 3W indicates an increase of the membrane fluidity while small circular domains are formed with DMPA. Simulations were conducted with the 3Y and 3W peptides in aqueous media, is a water/n-hexane and water/DMPC bilayers. The results confirm the Mlang results, showing that the peptides interact differently with the membranes by adopting alternative previously defined conformations. These two conformations, both of which are different to those observed in water, are dependent of the nature of the interfaces. The final simulated configurations confirm the mechanism proposed by Mlang and the structures proposed by CD. It is suggest that the reduced biological activity of the 3Y peptide is due to the two Leu residues that only adsorb to the cellular membrane without penetrating the bilayer. In contrast to the 3W peptide, no charged residue is correctly located to promote the interaction and insertion of the 3Y peptide into the membrane
Estudo, via simulação molecular, da interaão de dois peptídeos da região 115-129 da miotoxina II do veneno da serpente Bothrops asper com membranas celulares
As ligações de hidrogênio (LH), fundamentais na determinação da estrutura da água, proteínas, etc., são muito importantes no reconhecimento molecular e nos mecanismos de reações enzimáticas. A determinação da energia das LHs intramoleculares em proteínas e intermoleculares entre uma proteína e o solvente água, porque fornece informações sobre a estrutura secundária, terciária e quaternária das proteínas. Um método para quantificar e qualificar as LHs foi desenvolvido utilizando critérios de distância, geométricos e energéticos a partir das trajetórias obtidas por simulações de dinâmica molecular. O método foi testado com o monômero de uma fosfolipase A2 homodimérica, sem atividade catalítica, isolada do veneno da Bothrops asper(BaspMT-II). No dímero, a análise das LHs mostrou que elas são também essenciais na manutenção da estrutura quaternária. Essa análise permitiu identificar movimentos do tipo dobradiça acompanhados da formação transitória, na interface dimérica, de LHs controladas pelo triptofano na posição 77. Esses movimentos podem estar associados à ação danosa às membranas, uma vez que podem promover a inserção da região C-terminal na membrana. Estudos prévios mostraram que o peptídeo sintético (3Y codificado pelos aminoácidos 115-129 da BaspMT-II) apresenta atividade bactericida e citolítica. Um outro peptídeo (3W), mutante de 3Y, no qual três resíduos tirosina são substituidos por triptofano, apresenta um aumento do dano às membranas e do efeito miotóxico. Os mecanismos de ação desses peptídeos e as suas estruturas foram estudados por dinâmica molecular, dicroísmo circular (DC), microscopia de fluorescência e monocamadas de Langmuir (Mlang). As adsorções dos peptídeos em monocamadas de ácido dimiristoil fosfatídico (DMPA) e dimiristoilfosfatidilcolina (DMPC) se processam por mecanismos diferentes ocasionados pelas diferentes naturezas físico-químicas dos resíduos tirosina e triptofano. A microscopia de fluorescência acoplada a Mlang de DMPA com 3W adsorvido mostra um aumento da fluidez da monocamada, enquanto que o 3Y modifica os domínios do DMPA para pequenas estruturas circulares. Foram realizadas simulações dos peptídeos 3Y e 3W em meio aquoso e nas regiões interfaciais água/n-hexano e água/bicamadas de DMPC. Os resultados confirmam os obtidos por Mlang, demonstrando que os peptídeos interagem diferentemente com as membranas por adotar conformações alternativas definidas previamente. Essas conformações, diferentes das observadas em meio aquoso, dependem da natureza da interface. As estruturas encontradas no final das simulaçoes corroboram o mecanismo proposto por Mlang, assim como as estruturas sugeridas por DC. Isso sugere que a atividade biológica reduzida do peptídeo 3Y ocorre porque os seus dois resíduos Leu se adsorvem na interface sem penetrá-la. Ao contrário de 3W, os resíduos carregados do peptídeo 3Y não estão localizados corretamente para promover uma interação suficientemente atrativa para permitir a sua inserção na membrana celular.Hydrogen bonds (HB) are highly important in the determination of the structure of the water and proteins. They also play a important role in molecular recognition and in enzyme reaction mechanisms. The determination of protein/water intermolecular and protein intramolecular HB energies provide information with respect to the formation and stabilization of secondary, tertiary and quaternary protein structure. A method that quantifies and qualifies the properties of HB was developed using distance, geometric and energy criteria as applied to data obtained from the atomic trajectories generated by molecular dynamics simulations. The method was tested with a monomer of a catalytically inactive homodimeric phospholipase A2 from Bothrops asper(BaspMT-II) venom. HBs at dimmer interface are essential for maintaining the quaternary structure, and are highly conserved during hinge-like movements of the dimmer. HB formed by tryptophan residue at position 77 controls this movement. These motions can be associated to the membrane damaging action since they facilitate the insertion of the C-terminus into the cellular membrane. Previous studies have shown that synthetic peptide (3Y, coding the amino acids 115-129 of BaspMT-II ) presents bactericidal and cytolitic activities. A peptide variant ( 3W ), in which tyrosine residues were substituted by tryptophan residues, presents an enhanced membrane damaging activity increased miotoxic effect. The mechanism of action of the peptides and their structures were studied by molecular dynamics simulations, circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence microscopy and Langmuir monolayers (Mlang). The adsorption of the peptides on a monolayer composed of dimiristoyl phosphatidic acid (DMPA) and dimiristoylphosphatidyl choline (DMPC) occurs through different processes due to the differences in the physic-chemical nature of the tyrosine and tryptophan residues. Fluorescence microscopy together with Mlang of DMPA with adsorbed 3W indicates an increase of the membrane fluidity while small circular domains are formed with DMPA. Simulations were conducted with the 3Y and 3W peptides in aqueous media, is a water/n-hexane and water/DMPC bilayers. The results confirm the Mlang results, showing that the peptides interact differently with the membranes by adopting alternative previously defined conformations. These two conformations, both of which are different to those observed in water, are dependent of the nature of the interfaces. The final simulated configurations confirm the mechanism proposed by Mlang and the structures proposed by CD. It is suggest that the reduced biological activity of the 3Y peptide is due to the two Leu residues that only adsorb to the cellular membrane without penetrating the bilayer. In contrast to the 3W peptide, no charged residue is correctly located to promote the interaction and insertion of the 3Y peptide into the membrane
Mapping of suramin binding sites on the group IIA human secreted phospholipase A(2)
Suramin is a polysulphonated napthylurea used as an antiprotozoal/anthelminitic drug, which also inhibits a broad range of enzymes. Suramin binding to recombinant human secreted group IIA phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA(2)GIIA) was investigated by molecular dynamics simulations (MD) and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). MD indicated two possible bound suramin conformations mediated by hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions with amino-acids in three regions of the protein. namely the active-site and residues located in the N- and C-termini, respectively. All three binding sites are located on the phospholipid membrane recognition surface, suggesting that suramin may inhibit the enzyme, and indeed a 90% reduction in hydrolytic activity was observed in the presence of 100 nM suramin. These results correlated with ITC data, which demonstrated 2.7 suramin binding sites on the hsPLA(2)GIIA, and indicates that suramin represents a novel class of phosphohpase A(2) inhibitor. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.CNPq[304982/2006-7]CNPq[152669/2007-8]FAPESP[05/50379-0]Universidade de São Paulo - Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa PRP-US
Characterization of suramin binding sites on the human group IIA secreted phospholipase A(2) by site-directed mutagenesis and molecular dynamics simulation
Suramin is a polysulphonated naphthylurea with inhibitory activity against the human secreted group IIA phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA2GIIA), and we have investigated suramin binding to recombinant hsPLA2GIIA using site-directed mutagenesis and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The changes in suramin binding affinity of 13 cationic residue mutants of the hsPLA2GIIA was strongly correlated with alterations in the inhibition of membrane damaging activity of the protein. Suramin binding to hsPLA2GIIA was also studied by MD simulations, which demonstrated that altered intermolecular potential energy of the suramin/mutant complexes was a reliable indicator of affinity change. Although residues in the C-terminal region play a major role in the stabilization of the hsPLA2GIIA/suramin complex, attractive and repulsive hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions with residues throughout the protein together with the adoption of a bent suramin conformation, all contribute to the stability of the complex. Analysis of the h5PLA2GIIA/suramin interactions allows the prediction of the properties of suramin analogues with improved binding and higher affinities which may be candidates for novel phospholipase A(2) inhibitors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.FAPESP [2009/13902-7, 2002/12746-2]FAPESPCNPqCNPq [152669/2007-8, 504807/2009-9, 304982/2006-7]PRPUSPPRP-US
In silico and in vivo analysis reveal impact of c-Myc tag in FMC63 scFv-CD19 protein interface and CAR-T cell efficacy
Anti-CD19 CAR-T cell therapy represents a breakthrough in the treatment of B-cell malignancies, and it is expected that this therapy modality will soon cover a range of solid tumors as well. Therefore, a universal cheap and sensitive method to detect CAR expression is of foremost importance. One possibility is the use of epitope tags such as c-Myc, HA or FLAG tags attached to the CAR extracellular domain, however, it is important to determine whether these tags can influence binding of the CAR with its target molecule. Here, we conducted in-silico structural modelling of an FMC63-based anti-CD19 single-chain variable fragment (scFv) with and without a c-Myc peptide tag added to the N-terminus portion and performed molecular dynamics simulation of the scFv with the CD19 target. We show that the c-Myc tag presence in the N-terminus portion does not affect the scFv’s structural equilibrium and grants more stability to the scFv. However, intermolecular interaction potential (IIP) analysis reveals that the tag can approximate the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) present in the scFv and cause steric impediment, potentially disturbing interaction with the CD19 protein. We then tested this possibility with CAR-T cells generated from human donors in a Nalm-6 leukemia model, showing that CAR-T cells with the c-Myc tag have overall worse antitumor activity, which was also observed when the tag was added to the C-terminus position. Ultimately, our results suggest that tag addition is an important aspect of CAR design and can influence CAR-T cell function, therefore its use should be carefully considered