29 research outputs found

    Female gamers’ experience of online harassment and social support in online gaming: a qualitative study

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    Female gaming is a relatively under-researched area, and female gamers often report experiencing harassment whilst playing online. The present study explored female experiences of social support while playing online video games, because of the previous research suggesting that females often experience harassment and negative interactions during game play. Data were collected from an online discussion forum, and comprised posts drawn from 271 female gamers. Thematic analysis of the discussions suggested that a lack of social support and harassment frequently led to female gamers playing alone, playing anonymously, and moving groups regularly. The female gamers reported experiencing anxiety and loneliness due to this lack of social support, and for many, this was mirrored in their experiences of social support outside of gaming. The female gamers frequently accepted the incorporation into their gaming of specific coping strategies to mitigate online harassment, including actively hiding their identity and avoiding all forms of verbal communication with other players. These themes are discussed in relation to relevant research in the area, along with recommendations for future research and consideration of possible explanations for the themes observed

    Infanticide (une actualisation conjugale de problématiques singuliÚres)

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    L infanticide est gĂ©nĂ©ralement associĂ© Ă  un positionnement de femmes dans le rapport exclusif mĂšre / enfant. Ce travail derecherche opĂšre un dĂ©placement de cette problĂ©matique de femmes Ă  une problĂ©matique de couple entre transmissiongĂ©nĂ©rationnelle, conjugalitĂ© de genre et parentalitĂ©. Au travers d une contextualisation dans l espace et dans le temps, l objet de recherche se circonscrit. Dans cette recherche, l infanticide (nĂ©onaticide) interroge le fait pour une femme de ne pas laisser vivre l enfant qu elle vient de mettre au monde. Le questionnement sur l Ă©mergence de l enfant dans l histoire permet de saisir en quoi ce crime est inacceptable dans une sociĂ©tĂ© qui instaure des devoirs de protectionde ses enfants. Ainsi peuvent se dĂ©construire les idĂ©es reçues et se repĂ©rer les interprĂ©tations scientifiques actives pour une meilleure comprĂ©hension du phĂ©nomĂšne. Ce travail s Ă©taye des apports psychopathologiques existants. Il propose un modĂšle dynamique de comprĂ©hension du passage Ă  l acte infanticidaire . C est la mise en lien des processus sous-jacents repĂ©rĂ©s par une Ă©tude clinique de terrain qui permet de penser l infanticide comme une actualisationconjugale complexe de problĂ©matiques singuliĂšres empĂȘchant le devenir parentsInfanticide is generally associated with the women's position into the exclusive mother and child relationship. A transfer is carried out with this research work from this women s problematic to a couple s one between the generation s transmission, the conjugality of kind and the parenthood concepts. The shape of the research's object is taken through space and time frameworks. In this research work, the concept of infanticide (neonaticide) is questioning about the factthat a woman is not allowing her newborn child to live. The thoughts on the emergence of the child into the history let uscatch why this crime is unacceptable within a society which establishes duties for the child welfare. That way, conventional ideas can be dismantled and identified as actives scientifics interpretations for a better understanding of the phenomena.This research work is supported by the existing psychopathologics surveys. A dynamic model of understanding the infanticidary acting out is then suggested. This is the linkage between underlying processes identified by a clinical survey in this field allows us to think about infanticide as a conjugal complex actualisation of singular s problems which prevents tobecome parentsRENNES2-Doc.Ă©lectronique (352389902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Construction et validation d’une Ă©chelle de jugements socio-moraux (Ă©chelle ABB) et son utilisation en milieu carcĂ©ral

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    International audienceIntroductionThe traditional approach to value judgments involves determining the position of an individual on a scale designed to evaluate the underlying mechanisms and dimensions of judgments.ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to develop and validate a scale among a general population and to apply it to individuals particularly affected by, or directly involved in, acts of transgression.MethodThe scale comprises three types of behavior involving an expression of personal values (atypism or idiosyncratic behavior) or a violation of moral or conventional standards. Subjects were asked to assess a range of actions and behaviors on three dimensions (Likert format): seriousness, excusability and rejection of the transgressor.Results and conclusionAs predicted, factor analysis shows a clear hierarchy of values. The results demonstrate the multidimensional nature of the instrument and indicate good reliability. Tolerance and severity indices were developed to understand the underlying dynamics of social and moral judgments. The study found that inmates’ judgments of violations and transgressions differed in some respects from the judgments made by the general population. The influence of context and the role of group membership as an explanatory factor are examined from the point of view of the identity strategies used.Classiquement, les jugements de valeur correspondent Ă  une position des gens sur des Ă©chelles sans s’attacher aux dimensions sous-jacentes aux jugements. Cet article prĂ©sente l’élaboration, la validation d’un outil auprĂšs d’une population gĂ©nĂ©rale et son utilisation auprĂšs d’une population particuliĂšrement concernĂ©e par la transgression. L’outil se compose de trois types de conduites Ă©voquant, soit l’expression d’une valeur personnelle (atypisme), soit une transgression de valeurs conventionnelles ou morales. Les sujets devaient Ă©valuer ces conduites sur trois dimensions distinctes (format Likert) relatives Ă  la gravitĂ© d’une transgression, son excusabilitĂ© et au rejet dont doit ĂȘtre l’objet le transgresseur. Le traitement des scores bruts, rĂ©alisĂ© au moyen d’une analyse factorielle rĂ©vĂšle, comme attendu, une bonne hiĂ©rarchie des valeurs. Les rĂ©sultats valident la nature multidimensionnelle de l’instrument et attestent d’une fiabilitĂ© acceptable. Des indices de tolĂ©rance et de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© construits en vue d’une mise en relief de la dynamique sous-jacente aux jugements socio-moraux. Les dĂ©tenus produisent des jugements de transgressions en quelques points diffĂ©rents des jugements produits par la population gĂ©nĂ©rale. L’influence du contexte et de l’appartenance comme Ă©lĂ©ment d’explication est Ă©voquĂ©e sous des stratĂ©gies identitaires mobilisĂ©es

    Relationships between psychological job demands, job control and burnout among Firefighters

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