19 research outputs found


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    The Educators are required to always improve their abilities so that they are more competent in terms of mastery communication and information technology. One factor that greatly influences the quality of education is the use of instructional media. Good learning media will help the teachers in organizing a good learning process well and help to improve the student learning outcomes. In an effort to improve teacher professionalism, especially in terms of mastery of technology and information, training is held using computer-based learning applications. The process of activities carried out aims to develop the ability of teachers to utilize existing software in the learning process, improving the abilities of teachers to operate computer usage, and show quantity and quality in various learning process inside and outside the classroom. Service methods used are training in the form of talks, discussions and questions and answers. The training conducted at Satu Atap High School run well and smoothly so that further assistance and development of e-learning media


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    Sampah organik paling mudah terurai jika sampah itu menyatu terhadap tanah sedangkan sampah anorganik yang kebanyakan berupa sampah plastik jika menyatu terhadap tanah proses terurainya butuh beratus-ratus tahun. Sampah anorganik seperti plastik yang sulit terurai dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembuatan minyak murni. Melalui metode percobaan, penelitian ini menggunakan limbah plastik sebagai alternatif dalam pembuatan minyak murni. Dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa  limbah plastik yang ada dapat kita ubah menjadi salah satu bahan bakar alternatif yang dapat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan sehari-hari dalam skala kecil. Pada penelitian  ini dapat di lihat dari segi fisikanya yaitu plastik mengalami perubahan bentuk menjadi lebih padat saat dipanaskan dengan menggunakan tungku, serta menggunakan prisip kondensasi dan proses kimia dengan prinsip destilasi


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan pemanfaatan panas yang ditransfer oleh AC ke ikan asin dengan memanfaatkan  perubahan suhu. Digunakan suhu dalam ruangan (AC) dan suhu luar ruangan (uap panas) sebagai tujuan yang akan dicapai yang sebelumnya dilakukan dengan melalui beberapa proses yaitu penggaraman kering (Dry salting), penggaraman basah (Wet salting), proses pengeringan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan uap panas AC. Suhu tinggi sangat mempengaruhi  proses pengeringan ikan asin begitu cepat  dan juga dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan udara, ketebalan daging arah aliran udara

    Pemahaman Konsep Dinamika dan Kinematika Berdasarkan Conceptual Knowledge Melalui Aplikasi Game Quizizz

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    Understanding the concept of physics is the basic cognitive skill to understand, know, apply and analyze a physical phenomenon.  Problems of conceptual knowledge of physics Students are minimal causing their inability to solve problems with Physics. The understanding of physical concepts can be learned in several ways, one of which is based on conceptual knowledge. Conceptual knowledge can be classified based on several sub dimensions of knowledge including knowledge of classifying, generalizing, basic or general concepts. The purpose of this research is to analyze and describe the understanding of physical concepts based on several indicators of conceptual knowledge through the Quizizz Online Game application. This research uses quantitative-qualitative mixed research methods that are interpreted together. Data retrieval techniques use test instruments and in-person interviews. The results showed that the average understanding of student concepts is in a moderate category with a concept understanding index reaching 47%. Students' concept understanding on each conceptual knowledge such as classifying, generalizing knowledge and knowledge of concepts or theories with results at a moderate leve

    The Impact of Transportation Traffic Noise on Merauke City Road Crossing

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    Noise caused by transportation significantly exceeds the 55 dBA. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of transportation traffic noise at the Merauke city crossing and its solutions. Noise caused The lack of proper attention to the impact of noise from traffic flow at a crossroads. The Development of additional techniques for noise reduction in this area is needed. The results obtained are very important for areas with solutions at every highway intersection The results obtained are very important knowing the noise above the standard value at every highway intersection. This research develops techniques to reduce transportation traffic noise at the crossroads of Merauke city which are applied in design practice. Experimental studies in real conditions in the characteristic areas of Merauke City using sound level meter measurements. This research was carried out experimentally by taking measurements at each crossroads and theoretical solving methods. The good convergence results confirm the impact of noise on the immediate area with a slightly higher crossing than the value on a normal two-lane road. The proposed solution will allow providing additional protection against transportation noise

    Designing Computer-Assisted Instruction for the Elementary Schools' Teachers of Merauke District, Papua, Indonesia

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    Abstract Learning is a process that needs hardwork and sometimes makes students frustrated and get bored. In this context, the use of computers as media in teaching-learning process is of important to attract students' attention and to make teaching-learning activities more effective and enjoyable. This study aimed at designing computerassisted instruction of high-level plant anatomy to support the 5 th grade of elementary schools students' learning outcomes. To design the model, we employed a qualitative approach using developmental research design. Results of this present study are follows: [a] computer-assisted instruction of the structures of monocot (monocotyledon) and dicot (dicotyledon) plants; (b) computer-assisted instruction of the tissues' function of monocot (monocotyledon) and dicot (dicotyledon) plants. Since the use of computers in teaching-learning process is still lack in Merauke context, the results of this present study might be also worthwhile for the Head of Education Office at government level to provide LCD projectors for schools to promote the use of computer in teaching-learning process. The results of this present study might be imperative for the schools' principals to support teachers in designing computerassisted instruction in order that students are motivated to enthusiastically learn all the subjects

    Pengaturan Obyek Pajak Restoran Di Daerah Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 tentang Hubungan Keuangan Antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah

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    ABSTRACT: Until now there are no regional regulations regarding restaurant tax objects as a derivative of the implementing regulations of Law Number 1 of 2022. This has created a legal vacuum in the regions and there is no legal certainty for the public, especially taxpayers. The aim of the research is to find out and analyze the regulation of restaurant tax objects and their legal consequences in the regions based on Law Number 1 of 2022 concerning Financial Relations between the Central and Regional Governments. The research methods used are a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of this research show that the regulation of restaurant tax objects based on Law Number 1 of 2022 has undergone regulatory changes which have been integrated into certain goods and services tax objects but have not been regulated in regional regulations. Regulation of restaurant tax objects in the regions can give rise to legal consequences, namely a legal vacuum so that regional tax collection still uses the old regional tax regulations, and the old regional regulations are declared null and void because they are juridically, materially flawed, namely contrary to the public interest/law higher

    Preservation of the Muyu Indigenous Language with an Android-based Dictionary

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    Indonesia is a country rich in cultural diversity, with each culture having its own regional language characterizing the area. The Muyu language is one of the regional languages, used by the Muyu tribal community in Boven Digoel Regency, Papua Province. The language is now under the threat of abandonment by the Muyu community, especially the younger generation. One of the causes is the lack of written learning media for the language to be inherited by older speakers in the form of books and electronic dictionaries. This study will try to develop an Android-based Muyu-Indonesian-English dictionary application using the waterfall method (classic life cycle). The aim is to test students' preferences and attitudes towards the development of Muyu language knowledge. The research sample consisted of 40 respondents consisting of Muyu students at Musamus University. A questionnaire was used to measure the extent of student responses to the use of the Muyu-Indonesian-English dictionary application. The test results show that the system has no errors in carrying out the functions that have been created previously at the manufacturing stage. The three-language Muyu-Indonesian-English dictionary application is able to search for vocabulary properly and correctly in Muyu, Indonesian, and English. The attitude of students towards the usefulness of this dictionary application is measured at the medium category, meaning that the application is useful as a tool to facilitate students of the Muyu language, especially Android users, in finding vocabulary in three languages, and can be a tool for learning the Muyu language and preserving local wisdom so that it does not become extinct. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-SP1-06 Full Text: PD


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    This study aims to describe the application of the Discovery Learning learning model assisted by Powerpoint media to students of class X IPA 3 of SMA Negeri 2 Merauke in improving the results of physics learning. This type of research is PTK using a descriptive approach consisting of 2 cycles. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that discovery learning learning models make students able to become more active and motivated to find their own solutions to the problems faced. The use of powerpoint media that displays moving images also makes learning more interesting. This is evidenced by an increase in scores at the end of each cycle. To increase the enthusiasm of students, then at the end of the cycle an award is given in the form of congratulations to students or groups that excel.  Keywords: Media Powerpoint, Discovery Learning, Learning OutcomesPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning berbantuan media Powerpoint pada siswa kelas X IPA 3 SMA Negeri 2 Merauke dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar fisika. Jenis penelitian ini adalah PTK dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif yang terdiri dari 2 siklus. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran discovery learning membuat siswa dapat menjadi lebih aktif dan termotivasi menemukan sendiri solusi dari masalah yang dihadapi. Penggunaan media powerpoint yang menampilkan gambar bergerak juga membuat pembelajaran menjadi semakin menarik. Hal ini terbukti dengan adanya peningkatan skor pada tiap akhir siklus. Untuk menambah semangat peserta didik, maka pada akhir siklus diberikan penghargaan berupa ucapan selamat bagi siswa atau kelompok yang berprestasi. Kata Kunci: Media Powerpoint, Discovery Learning, Hasil Belaja