458 research outputs found

    SPANS 2010: NSW Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey: Executive Summary. 

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    The findings from the 2010 NSW Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (SPANS) show that the prevalence of combined overweight and obesity among Kindergarten children has significantly increased at a rate of 0.17% per annum between 2004 and 2010, from 17.7% to 18.7%, respectively. The rate of increase in combined overweight and obesity has been stronger among boys compared with girls (0.25% pa vs 0.10% pa, respectively). With one-in-five NSW children entering school overweight or obese there is a need for preventive interventions during early childhood and preschool years. The purpose of the report is to inform the NSW Ministry of Health on the weight status and associated behaviours of children in their first year of school

    Alternance travail-études : les effets des stages dans la formation professionnelle des élèves

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    Cet article traite des effets des stages pour les élèves de quatre programmes professionnels offerts en alternance travail-études en s’appuyant sur les témoignages des élèves, de leurs enseignants et de leurs tuteurs en entreprise. Les expériences de stage sont d’abord regroupées dans le modèle traditionnel ou le modèle expérientiel de la typologie de l’expérience de travail. Ensuite, les effets se différencient en six catégories : apprentissages à l’école et en entreprise, préparation au marché du travail, socialisation professionnelle, apprentissage technique, développement personnel et orientation professionnelle. La discussion et la conclusion permettent de dégager quelques conditions stimulant ou limitant l’apprentissage des élèves.This article uses the views of students and their teachers and workplace tutors to examine the effects of internships for students in four vocational education programs offered on an alternating work-study basis. First, students’ internship experiences are grouped together according to the traditional or experiential models of the work experience typology. Then, the effects of internships are differentiated according to six categories : learning at school and in the workplace ; preparation for the job market ; professional socialization ; technical apprenticeship ; personal development ; and career direction. The discussion and the conclusion identify a number of conditions that either stimulate or hamper students’ learning.Este artículo trata de los efectos de las prácticas para los alumnos de cuatro programas profesionales impartidos de manera a alternar trabajo-estudios, fundamentándose sobre los testimonios de alumnos, de sus profesores y de sus tutores en la empresa. En primer lugar, las experiencias de prácticas están agrupadas según el modelo tradicional o el modelo experiencial de la tipología de la experiencia laboral. Luego, se separan los efectos en seis categorías : aprendizajes en la escuela y en la empresa, preparación al mercado laboral, socialización profesional, aprendizaje técnico, desarrollo personal y orientación profesional. La discusión y la conclusión permiten destacar algunas condiciones que fomentan o limitan el aprendizaje de los alumnos

    Weight and weight related behaviours among NSW students from low SES and non-English speaking backgrounds: Secondary analysis of the NSW Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey 2010

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    The 2010 SPANS survey showed that the prevalence of overweight and obesity among NSW school students has not increased since 2004, stabilizing at 22.8%. The findings reported in the SPANS Full Report also indicate that many children engage in a range of adverse weight related behaviours and that the prevalence of weight-related behaviours varied according to socioeconomic status (SES) and cultural background. The findings may have implications for policy regarding interventions among school aged children and the design of interventions for different sociodemographic groups. The purpose of the report is to undertake more detailed data analyses regarding socioeconomic and cultural variations in students’ health behaviours, in order to inform the NSW Ministry of Health, Local Health Districts (LHD) and other government and non-government stakeholders

    Weight and weight related behaviours among NSW Kindergarten children

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    The findings from the 2010 NSW Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (SPANS) show that the prevalence of combined overweight and obesity among Kindergarten children has significantly increased at a rate of 0.17% per annum between 2004 and 2010, from 17.7% to 18.7%, respectively. The rate of increase in combined overweight and obesity has been stronger among boys compared with girls (0.25% pa vs 0.10% pa, respectively). With one-in-five NSW children entering school overweight or obese there is a need for preventive interventions during early childhood and preschool years. The purpose of the report is to inform the NSW Ministry of Health on the weight status and associated behaviours of children in their first year of school

    Trente ans et mille personnes diplômées en 2007 : l’enseignement de la common law en français à l’Université d’Ottawa

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    À l’approche du 30e anniversaire du programme de common law en français, quatre chercheuses et chercheurs ont entrepris de dresser le bilan des investissements sur le plan des études de common law en fran­çais et du rayonnement subséquent des juristes ainsi formés sur la scène canadienne. L’objet était de mesurer les effets que ces juristes ont eus sur la profession juridique, dans les communautés de langue offi­cielle en situation minoritaire et, plus généralement, sur l’accès à la justice en français. Ce texte présente les résultats de cette recherche en insistant sur le profil des personnes diplômées, sur leur contribution à l’essor des services juridiques en français, enfin sur le rôle du gouverne­ment et du programme dans la vitalité des communautés de langues officielles. Malgré les obstacles qui persistent, les personnes diplômées de ce programme jouent indéniablement un grand rôle auprès des franco­phones qui cherchent à se prévaloir de leurs droits à des services juridiques dans leur langue.With the advent of the French Common Law Program’s 30th anniversary, four researchers undertook an appraisal study of the investments with regards to common law training in French, and the subsequent influence of these graduates nationally. The objective was to evaluate the impact of the Program’s graduates on the legal profession, on official language minority communities and overall, on access to justice in French. This article presents the results of this study with an emphasis on the profile of graduates, their contribution to the expansion of legal services in French, and the government and Program’s role in the vitality of official language communities. Despite enduring obstacles, French Program graduates do undeniably assist Francophones at great length in availing themselves of their right to legal services in their own language

    Munch and Move: evaluation of a preschool healthy eating and movement skill program

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Early childhood services have been identified as a key setting for promoting healthy eating and physical activity as a means of preventing overweight and obesity. However, there is limited evidence on effective nutrition and physical activity programs in this setting. The purpose of this study was to evaluate <it>Munch and Move</it>, a low-intensity, state-wide, professional development program designed to support early childhood professionals to promote healthy eating and physical activity among children in their care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The evaluation involved 15 intervention and 14 control preschools (n = 430; mean age 4.4 years) in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia and was based on a randomised-control design with pre and post evaluation of children's lunchbox contents, fundamental movement skills (FMS), preschool policies and practices and staff attitudes, knowledge and confidence related to physical activity, healthy eating and recreational screen time.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At follow up, FMS scores for locomotor, object control and total FMS score significantly improved by 3.4, 2.1 and 5.5 points more (respectively) in the intervention group compared with the control group (P < 0.001) and the number of FMS sessions per week increased by 1.5 (P = 0.05). The lunchbox audit showed that children in the intervention group significantly reduced sweetened drinks by 0.13 serves (i.e., 46 ml) (P = 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings suggest that a low intensity preschool healthy weight intervention program can improve certain weight related behaviours. The findings also suggest that change to food policies are difficult to initiate mid-year and potentially a longer implementation period may be required to determine the efficacy of food policies to influence the contents of preschoolers lunchboxes.</p

    What do parents and preschool staff tell us about young children's physical activity: a qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Physical activity and small screen recreation are two modifiable behaviours associated with childhood obesity and the development of chronic health problems. Parents and preschool staff shape behaviour habits in young children. The aims of this qualitative study were to explore the attitudes, values, knowledge and understanding of parents and carers of preschool-age children in relation to physical activity and small screen recreation and to identify influences upon these behaviours.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This research involved a focus group study with parents and carers of the target population. A purposive sample of 39 participants (22 parents, 17 carers) participated in 9 focus groups. Participants were drawn from three populations of interest: those from lower socioeconomic status, and Middle-Eastern and Chinese communities in the Sydney (Australia) metropolitan region.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All participants understood the value of physical activity and the impact of excessive small screen recreation but were unfamiliar with national guidelines for these behaviours. Participants described the nature and activity patterns of young children; however, the concept of activity 'intensity' in this age group was not a meaningful term. Factors which influenced young children's physical activity behaviour included the child's personality, the physical activity facilities available, and the perceived safety of their community. Factors facilitating physical activity included a child's preference for being active, positive parent or peer modelling, access to safe play areas, organised activities, preschool programs and a sense of social connectedness. Barriers to physical activity included safety concerns exacerbated by negative media stories, time restraints, financial constraints, cultural values favouring educational achievement, and safety regulations about equipment design and use within the preschool environment. Parents considered that young children are naturally 'programmed' to be active, and that society 'de-programs' this behaviour. Staff expressed concern that free, creative active play was being lost and that alternate activities were increasingly sedentary.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings support the relevance of the socioecological model of behavioural influences to young children's physical activity. In this age group, efforts may best be directed at emphasising national guidelines for small screen recreation and educating families and carers about the importance of creative, free play to reinforce the child's inherent nature to be active.</p

    Monitoring foetal et responsabilité de l' infirmière

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    Résumé: La naissance d'un enfant en pleine santé est le souhait de tous. Le moniteur foetal électronique est apparu au cours des années 1970. Il a été introduit comme un outil capable d'évaluer et de prédire la condition de l'enfant à naître. L'interprétation d'un tracé de moniteur foetal est un geste médical. Les infirmières peuvent également le réaliser, si elles respectent les conditions propres à cet acte médical délégué. Cet essai s'attarde sur les devoirs et les responsabilités des infirmières en regard de l'interprétation d'un tracé de monitoring foetal. Une faute dans la réalisation de cet acte peut amener un recours en responsabilité. Nous nous attarderons sur les connaissances que doit posséder l'infirmière afin de le réaliser correctement ainsi que sur les standards de soins à respecter. Une attention particulière sera portée aux fautes pouvant amener un tel recours. La responsabilité pour le fait d'autrui, centre hospitalier ou médecin, pour la faute de l'infirmière sera également étudiée. En un mot, notre attention s'est portée sur la responsabilité de l'infirmière en regard de l'interprétation d'un tracé de monitoring foetal.||Abstract: The birth of a healthy child is desired by all. Electronic foetal monitors were introduced in the 1970s as a tool to evaluate and predict the future child's condition . Interpreting the foetal monitor's readout is a medical act, which can be carried out by nurses, provided they observe the specific conditions of this delegated medical act. This essay considers the nurse's duties and responsibilities in the accomplishment of this act, which, when not realized properly, can result in a liability suit. We consider the knowledge nurses must have in order to properly interpret the readout as well as the standard of care that must be thereby respected. Particular attention will be paid to faults that can lead to this particular kind of suit. Liability for the act of another, particularly liability of hospital and/or the doctor, for the acts of the nurses, will also be studied. In short, our attention will be focused on the nurse's responsibility with respect to the interpretation of the foetal monitor' s readout
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