140 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Delorme, Louis J. (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Reynolds number and Shallow Depth Sloshing

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    The dependence on the Reynolds number of shallow depth sloshing ïŹ‚ows inside rectangular tanks subjected to forced harmonic motion is studied in this paper with weakly compressible SPH. We are interested in assessing the in ïŹ‚uenceof viscous effects on the dynamics of shallow depth sloshing ïŹ‚ows by using an SPH solver and by comparing with a Navier-Stokes level-set solver results. The goal of trying to model these viscous ïŹ‚ows is compromised by the resolution requested due to their Reynolds number, if boundary layer effects are to be modeled. The convenience and feasibility of the implementation of free-slip and no-slip boundary conditions is also discusse

    Hydrogéomorphologie et inondabilité

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    La cartographie hydrogĂ©omorphologique est utilisĂ©e en France pour dĂ©limiter les zones inondables par les cours d’eau. Plusieurs milliers de kilomĂštres de cours d’eau ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s, puis cartographiĂ©s en rĂ©ponse Ă  la politique de prĂ©vention des risques d’inondation engagĂ©e par les MinistĂšres de l’Équipement et de l’Environnement depuis la loi Barnier (1995). La problĂ©matique du risque d’inondation conduit Ă  observer les objets familiers des plaines d’inondation fonctionnelles avec un point de vue diffĂ©rent de ceux gĂ©nĂ©ralement admis en dynamique fluviale. L’intĂ©rĂȘt portĂ© Ă  la microtopographie et Ă  ses variations permet de distinguer jusqu’à quatre lits dans un cours d’eau. En particulier, on peut mettre en Ă©vidence un lit moyen dont l’existence dĂ©pend de l’ordre et de la zone du cours d’eau. La problĂ©matique de l’inondabilitĂ© oblige aussi Ă  porter une attention particuliĂšre Ă  la limite externe de la zone inondable. Actuellement en cours de dĂ©veloppement, elle a dĂ©jĂ  apportĂ© de nouveaux rĂ©sultats par la mise en Ă©vidence de lits majeurs exceptionnels dans la zone intermĂ©diaire de certains cours d’eau. Enfin, la nĂ©cessitĂ© de la connaissance prĂ©cise des caractĂ©ristiques de l’alĂ©a, telle la hauteur et la vitesse de l’eau, a conduit Ă  la mise au point de la mĂ©thode intĂ©grĂ©e, basĂ©e sur le concept de dĂ©bit hydrogĂ©omorphologique, dont les premiĂšres expĂ©rimentations sont prometteuses.Hydrogeomorphological mapping is used in France to delimit river flood areas. Several thousands of kilometers of watercourse have thus been analysed then mapped, due to the flood hazard prevention policy urged by the Equipment and Environment ministries since the Barnier law (1995). The problematic of flood hazard leads to observe familiar functional floodplain objects with a point of view slightly different from those generally admitted in fluvial dynamics. Interest in microtopography and its variations thus allows to distinguish up to four beds in a watercourse. In particular, an intermediate flow channel can be distinguished depending on the order and zone of the watercourse. The inundability problematic also oblige to be particularly careful with the external limit of the flood area. Currently under development, it already produced new results with the description of exceptional high water beds in some watercourses. Finally, the need for precise knowledge of hazard characteristics, such as water height and speed, have led to the development of the integrated method, based on the hydrogeomorphological discharge concept, whose first experimentations are promising

    Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation of a tuned liquid damper(TLD) with angular motion.

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    The roll motion response of a single degree of freedom (SDOF) structural system to which a rigid rectangular partially filled liquid tank has been attached is considered. The SDOF structural system with the empty tank is first described with a mathematical model and this model is validated by performing decay experiments as well as experiments in which periodic excitations are applied to the system. The responses are accurately predicted by the model. The accuracy of these predictions allows us to study both experimentally and numerically, with weakly compressible SPH, the performance of the partially filled tank as a tuned liquid damper (TLD). The sloshing flows inside the tank comprise the onset of breaking waves which make the TLDs devices extremely difficult to model, especially for the potential flow multimodal approaches commonly used to simulate these sorts of coupled systems. In order to characterise the wave breaking effects on the response curves, tests have been performed with liquids of different viscosity, the increasing viscosity preventing the onset of breaking waves. The capabilities of SPH to treat this coupling problem are assessed and the results show that SPH is able to capture a substantial part of the physics involved in the addressed phenomena but further work remains still to be done relating to a more accurate treatment of the laminar viscosity and turbulence effects

    Pressure measurement in 2D sloshing simulations with SPH

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    Sloshing for low filling level resonant pitch motion is studied experimentally and numerically using SPH. Special attention is paid to the pressure fields on the tanks. Comparisons are made with experimental data and with Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) calculations

    L'organisation du monde patronal au Québec : un portrait diversifié

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    En s'appuyant sur une classification centrĂ©e sur le degrĂ© d'implication par rapport Ă  la nĂ©gociation collective des conditions de travail, cet article prĂ©sente la diversitĂ© du monde patronal quĂ©bĂ©cois et il en expose certaines composantes. Il traite aussi des mouvements professionnels dans leur ensemble, parfois assimilĂ©s Ă  tort aux organisations d'employeurs. Il montre Ă©galement, donnĂ©es numĂ©riques Ă  l'appui, l'importance des divers regroupements recensĂ©s et la difficultĂ©, dans certains cas, de les associer Ă  une seule catĂ©gorie.The purpose of this paper is to present a classification of employers' associations in the province of Quebec. The criterion used for this classification is the level of involvement of these associations in the collective bargaining process. Although arbitrary, this criterion allows us to subdivide these associations into five different types, to bring out their individual interests and to define the role of more than 570 employers' associations in the province of Quebec. The present article does not pretend to make an assessment as to the efficiency of employers' associations, but is simply trying to present an overall structural view.Starting from the highest level of involvement, five types of associations were identified : employers' unions; vertical or horizontal employers' associations; economie promotion associations; business associations; professional associations. The latter are sometimes wrongly identified with employers' associations. Each type of association is defined according to its specialization, level of intervention, representatives, membership and involvement in labour relations. The associations pertaining to each of these categories are identified and an evaluation of their size and human resources, made in 1992, gives a good idea of their impact on the environment. Employers' unions are defined as employers' associations belonging to a same branch of activity and practicing a collective action in labour relations. Acting as representative of their members in the negotiation, they will sign labour agreements in their name. The juridical extension of an agreement by decree, generally considered as peculiar to Quebec and unique in North America, sometimes leads to the creation of one or several employers' unions. For example, the Guilde des manufacturiers de vĂȘtements de mode du QuĂ©bec and the FĂ©dĂ©ration des commissions scolaires du QuĂ©bec are defined as employers' unions.The vertical and horizontal employers' associations are made up of enterprises dealing either in the same field or in several branches of activity. Their objectives are to answer their members economic, fiscal and social concerns and to represent their general interests before the authorities. An employers' association is called vertical when its membership comes from the same branch of activity, as in the case of the Association des industries forestiĂšres du QuĂ©bec. The horizontal employers' associations gather enterprises with a common characteristic but which are not necessarily working in the same branch of activity, such as the Association des employeurs de la Baie James, or the Association des manufacturiers du QuĂ©bec. Nearly all branches of the manufacturing activity are represented by one or several employers' associations, whether vertical or horizontal. Their mandate is varied and includes : representation of the industry's interests before the Government, preparation of publicity campaigns, realization of studies on the labour market or on products, scientific research, etc.Economic promotion associations seek to defend and to develop the business world. They exercise a significant role in politics. They intercede with the Government on behalf of their members and they occasionally serve as advisers within committees or government bodies. Besides the immediate interests of their members, the economic promotion associations often convey opinions inspired by the free enterprise System. The Chambers of Commerce are probably the best example of this type of association. Most of Quebec's municipalities have one. The Conseil du patronat du QuĂ©bec (C.P.Q.) is also an important economie promotion association. The C.P.Q. soon became the main authorized representative of management groups for Quebec's Government, mainly because of its effective representation and philosophy based on the concerted action of social partners.Business associations are organizations which tend to give their members services related to the product market. They are often composed of buyers' groups such as the Groupe Rona-Dismat Inc. or the Épiceries Metro-Richelieu Inc. These associations make it possible for their members to buy as a group from suppliers, to convey the image of a well-known brand on a large territory or to improve their achievements in management. It thus allows them to improve their share of the market. Producers' associations, mainly related to the agricultural field, are also part of this category. Their task is the organization of marketing of their products in a more orderly fashion, mainly by mutual planning. The main objective of these associations is to secure a reasonable income for their members by negotiating with buyers who themselves are often associated. Professional associations are mainly preoccupied with further training for their members and promotion of a profession or trade. Their chief characteristic is to focus on the individual, mainly in respect with the development of knowledge, skills and standards of practice, whatever the status of this person in the organization (self-employed, management personnel or wage-earner, affiliated or not to a certified union). Even though professional associations cannot be identified with employers' associations, they are sometimes connected to the employers' world because of their influence on public policies regarding the development of the professions or trades concerned and, occasionally, the control of marketable services.In the province of Quebec, some professional associations have the status of a professional corporation. An example of this is the Corporation professionnelle des comptables agrĂ©es du QuĂ©bec. There are forty-one associations of this type in Quebec. On the other hand, some professionals and workers may be part of an association without necessarily belonging to a professional corporation. Some of these associations have thousands of members. For example, the Association des courtiers d'assurance de la province de QuĂ©bec has 8,000 members and the Association des professionnels en gestion des ressources humaines has 2,500 members.The type of classification which has been selected provides a schematic representation of employers' organizations and professional movements in the province of Quebec. It shows that both employers' and workers' associations share similar goals, that is to defend their members' interests in a context where a correlation between the parties involved is essential to the development of society.However, this classification is not hermetic. There are some grey areas surrounding the boundaries of each category and one must not be surprised to find the same entity in more than one association. This can be explained by the extent of their mission.The diversity among the associations is also apparent in this classification and their importance varies. Because of the difference in their nature and membership, some employers' associations have much greater financial and human resources than others. They also exert variable influence on the government and the media, thanks to the means at their disposal and to their reputation. Moreover, it is not easy for the investigator or the State to evaluate these associations, particularly the economic promotion associations and the vertical or horizontal employers' associations. Indeed, since their membership is not exclusive and may result in overlapping, the influence these associations have is not always easy to evaluate either, especially when their position is quite different from one to the other

    L'apport de l'archéologie des matériaux aux problÚmes de chronologie des inondations du XXe siÚcle autour de la Méditerranée

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    Les inondations du dernier quart du XXe siĂšcle en France mĂ©diterranĂ©enne ont retenu l'attention des pouvoirs publics par leur caractĂšre catastrophique. Dans le but d'en amĂ©liorer la prĂ©vision, il est apparu nĂ©cessaire de tenter de reconstituer leur histoire rĂ©cente, en particulier au XXe siĂšcle. A cĂŽtĂ© de la mĂ©thode archĂ©ologique, de la recherche d'archives pratiquĂ©e dĂšs le XIXe siĂšcle (Champion, 1863), de la thermoluminescence et de l'O.S.L., et de l'analyse toute rĂ©cente des cosmonuclĂ©ides pour la deuxiĂšme moitiĂ© du siĂšcle (BontĂ© et al., 2001), l'utilisation des matĂ©riaux inclus dans les alluvions de dĂ©bordement paraĂźt tout aussi efficace, Ă  condition de pouvoir la coupler avec une connaissance historique de ces inondations. En effet, les matĂ©riaux mis au point ou inventĂ©s rĂ©cemment permettent de donner un Ăąge maximum aux dĂ©pĂŽts : c'est le cas de matĂ©riaux « classiques » comme la faĂŻence de Digoin (sur le Gardon), mais aussi d'autres matĂ©riaux comme le goudron (en Tunisie centrale et mĂ©ridionale) ou la matiĂšre plastique (sur l'Ognon, affluent de l'Aude ou en Tunisie centrale). Des objets caractĂ©ristiques jouent le mĂȘme rĂŽle : isolateur de ligne Ă©lectrique (sur l'Ognon), sachet de thĂ© et boĂźte de conserve de concentrĂ© de tomate (Tunisie), bouteille d'huile en plastique (Maroc septentrional). ConfrontĂ©s Ă  la chronologie connue (par enquĂȘte orale ou par recherche d'archives) des inondations, ces matĂ©riaux et objets ont permis d'attribuer des dĂ©pĂŽts alluviaux aux grandes inondations de 1929 et 1958 en Languedoc et 1969 en Tunisie.Catastrophic nature of mediterranean France floods of the XXth century last quarter have been specially watched at by authorities. To improve their prediction, it appears necessary to try to reconstitute their recent history, in particular during the XXth century. Several methods were efficiently used: archaeological method, archives research performed as soon as the XIXth century (Champion, 1863), thermoluminescence and O.S.L., and very recent cosmonuclĂ©ides analyse for the second part of the XXth century (BontĂ© et al., 2002). Nevertheless, use of material include in the overbank alluviums seems efficient as well if it is possible to joint it with an historical knowledge of those floods. In fact, recently used or invented material allow to attribute a maximum age to the alluviums: it is the case of “lassical” materials such as the Digoin earthenware in the Gardon exceptional flood plain, as well as other materials such as tar (in the wadis exceptional flood plains of central and southern Tunisia) or plastic (in the wadis flood plains in Tunisia and in the Ognon flood plain (HĂ©rault dĂ©partement)). Some characteristic things arc also used: electric insulator (Ognon river), tea bags and tomato tins (Tunisia), plastic oil bottle (wadi Ouerrha, Morocco). Combined to the known chronology of floods, those material and things allowed us to attribute some alluvial deposits to the 1929 and 1958 catastrophic floods in Languedoc and 1969 exceptional flood in Central and South Tunisia

    Géomorphosite chinois : Les Monts Flamboyants = Huo Yan Shan = Yalkun Tagh (Xinjiang, Chine)

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    Situation : Centre du Xinjiang, ouest de la Chine. Type de site : ExogĂšne. Protection : Aucune en 2018. ParticularitĂ© : Site dĂ©crit dans le Xiyou ji, roman chinois classique du XVIe siĂšcle. CoordonnĂ©es : 42°55’12.42»N, 89°32’09.53»E. Les Huo Yan Shan = Yalkun Tagh ou Monts Flamboyants ne font pas partie des cinq montagnes sacrĂ©es reconnues par la civilisation chinoise (Han) classique et qui sont localisĂ©es en Chine s.s. (Wu-Cheng’en, 1991, note p. 1028). Ils sont situĂ©s au Xinjiang, la march..

    Microenvironmental changes during differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells towards chondrocytes

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    Chondrogenesis is a process involving stem-cell differentiation through the coordinated effects of growth/differentiation factors and extracellular matrix (ECM) components. Recently, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were found within the cartilage, which constitutes a specific niche composed of ECM proteins with unique features. Therefore, we hypothesized that the induction of MSC differentiation towards chondrocytes might be induced and/or influenced by molecules from the microenvironment. Using microarray analysis, we previously identified genes that are regulated during MSC differentiation towards chondrocytes. In this study, we wanted to precisely assess the differential expression of genes associated with the microenvironment using a large-scale real-time PCR assay, according to the simultaneous detection of up to 384 mRNAs in one sample. Chondrogenesis of bone-marrow-derived human MSCs was induced by culture in micropellet for various periods of time. Total RNA was extracted and submitted to quantitative RT-PCR. We identified molecules already known to be involved in attachment and cell migration, including syndecans, glypicans, gelsolin, decorin, fibronectin, and type II, IX and XI collagens. Importantly, we detected the expression of molecules that were not previously associated with MSCs or chondrocytes, namely metalloproteases (MMP-7 and MMP-28), molecules of the connective tissue growth factor (CTGF); cef10/cyr61 and nov (CCN) family (CCN3 and CCN4), chemokines and their receptors chemokine CXC motif ligand (CXCL1), Fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (FlT3L), chemokine CC motif receptor (CCR3 and CCR4), molecules with A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase domain (ADAM8, ADAM9, ADAM19, ADAM23, A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motif ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5), cadherins (4 and 13) and integrins (α4, α7 and ÎČ5). Our data suggest that crosstalk between ECM components of the microenvironment and MSCs within the cartilage is responsible for the differentiation of MSCs into chondrocytes

    Spillway discharge capacity upgrade at Gloriettes dam

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    In many countries dams are found to have insufficient flood discharge capacity with respect to updated design floods. Upgradig of spillway discharge capacity has therefore become a significant issue for operators of hydropower plants. The Gloriettes concrete arch dam in the French Pyrenees, operated by EDF, shows a deficit of 80m3/s for the new design flood of 150m3/s. Therefore a complementary spillway on the right bank is to be implemented. The type of labyrinth weir known as the Piano Key Weir (PKW) was selected
